/// <summary>
        /// @Author: Patrick Tseng
        /// Grabs all the threads given a subforum ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">subforum ID</param>
        /// <returns>View</returns>
        public ActionResult Thread(int id)
                loginTimer = new HeartbeatMonitor(SessionHandler.UID, HttpContext);

            Subforum sf = _db.Subforums.SingleOrDefault(i => i.id == id);
            if (sf == null)
                return View("Error", new ArgumentException("Subforum does not exist!"));

            if (sf.user_access == "admin" && SessionHandler.Role != "admin")
                return View("Error", new ArgumentException("You do not have sufficient credentials to view this page."));

            ViewBag.SubforumName = _db.Subforums.Single(i => i.id == id).title;     //gets the subforum name according to the id
            ViewBag.SubforumID = id;
            ViewBag.UserID = SessionHandler.UID;
            var threads    = from d in _db.ForumThreads
                             where d.subforum_id == id
                             select d;
            int userID;

            //required because the author ID isn't a foreign key to the User table, D'oh!
            Hashtable postAuthors = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable lastPost = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable replies = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable users = new Hashtable();

            //gets all required information for threads
            foreach (var thread in threads)
                postAuthors.Add(thread.id, _db.Users.Single(i => i.id == thread.author_id).username);
                var posts = from p in _db.ForumPosts
                            where p.thread_id == thread.id
                            orderby p.datetime_posted descending
                            select p;
                lastPost.Add(thread.id, posts.FirstOrDefault());

                if (posts.FirstOrDefault() != null)
                    userID = posts.FirstOrDefault().author_id;
                    if (!users.ContainsKey(userID))
                        users.Add(userID, _db.Users.SingleOrDefault(j => j.id == userID).username);

                replies.Add(thread.id, posts.Count() - 1);

            ViewBag.PostAuthors = postAuthors;
            ViewBag.LastPost = lastPost;
            ViewBag.Replies = replies;
            ViewBag.Users = users;

            return View(threads.ToList());
        /// <summary>
        ///  @Author: Patrick Tseng
        /// Returns all the posts from a thread
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="threadID">ID of thread</param>
        /// <returns>View</returns>
        public ActionResult Index(int threadID)
            if (SessionHandler.Logon)
                loginTimer = new HeartbeatMonitor(SessionHandler.UID, HttpContext);

            ForumPost test = _db.ForumPosts.FirstOrDefault(i => i.thread_id == threadID);
            if (test == null)
                return View("Error", new ArgumentException("Thread does not exist!"));

            //gets the thread title and all the posts
            ViewBag.ThreadID = threadID;
            ViewBag.ThreadTitle = _db.ForumThreads.First(i => i.id == threadID).title;
            var posts = _db.ForumPosts.Where(i => i.thread_id == threadID);

            //post author and post author's avatar
            //here because the author_id isn't a foreign key to the users table, oops
            Hashtable postAuthors = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable postAuthorsAvatar = new Hashtable();

            //grabs the author's name and avatar given the ID
            foreach (var post in posts)
                postAuthors.Add(post.id, _db.Users.Single(i => i.id == post.author_id).username);
                postAuthorsAvatar.Add(post.id, _db.Users.Single(i => i.id == post.author_id).image_url);

            var subforumID = _db.ForumThreads.Single(i => i.id == threadID);
            var parentSubforum = _db.Subforums.First(j => j.id == subforumID.subforum_id);

            //sets view parameters
            ViewBag.SubforumName = parentSubforum.title;
            ViewBag.SubforumID = parentSubforum.id;
            ViewBag.PostAuthors = postAuthors;
            ViewBag.PostAuthorsAvatar = postAuthorsAvatar;
            ViewBag.HeadPost = posts.FirstOrDefault().id;

            _db.ForumThreads.SingleOrDefault(i => i.id == threadID).num_hits += 1;


            return View(posts.ToList());