public void setupSprites(SInstancedSpriteData instanceData)
            var numElements = Math.Max(_rects.Length, _scales.Length);

            _spriteSlotIdxs = instanceData.requestSlots(numElements);

            for (int i = 0; i < _rects.Length; ++i)
                instanceData.writeRect(_spriteSlotIdxs[i], _rects [i]);
            for (int i = 0; i < _scales.Length; ++i)
                instanceData.writeMasterScale(_spriteSlotIdxs [i], _scales [i]);
        public void updateSprites(SInstancedSpriteData instanceData, ref RectangleF screenClientRect,
                                  ref Vector3 cameraPos, ref Matrix4 camera3dView, ref Matrix4 camera3dProj)
            float occDiskScreenAreaUsed = (float)_occDiskObj.OcclusionQueueryResult;

            if (occDiskScreenAreaUsed <= 0f)
                // hide all sprites
                var nanVec = new Vector2(float.NaN);
                instanceData.writePosition(_backgroundSpriteIdx, nanVec);
                instanceData.writePosition(_overlaySpriteIdx, nanVec);

            var   laserParams   = _laser.parameters;
            var   beam          = _laser.beam(_beamId);
            float beamIntensity = _laser.envelopeIntensity * beam.periodicIntensity;

            // position sprites at the beam start in screen space
            Matrix4 camera3dViewProjMat = camera3dView * camera3dProj;
            var     beamStartScreen     = OpenTKHelper.WorldToScreen(beam.startPosWorld,
                                                                     ref camera3dViewProjMat, ref screenClientRect);

            instanceData.writePosition(_backgroundSpriteIdx, beamStartScreen);
            instanceData.writePosition(_overlaySpriteIdx, beamStartScreen);

            // compute screen space needed to occupy the area where the start of the middle's crossbeam
            // would be displayed
            Matrix4 viewInverted   = camera3dView.Inverted();
            Vector3 viewRight      = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.UnitX, viewInverted).Normalized();
            Vector3 occRightMost   = _occDiskObj.Pos + viewRight * laserParams.middleBackgroundWidth;
            Vector2 occRightMostPt = OpenTKHelper.WorldToScreen(occRightMost,
                                                                ref camera3dViewProjMat, ref screenClientRect);
            Vector2 occCenterPt = OpenTKHelper.WorldToScreen(_occDiskObj.Pos,
                                                             ref camera3dViewProjMat, ref screenClientRect);
            float crossBeamRadiusScreenPx = Math.Abs(occRightMostPt.X - occCenterPt.X);

            // write sprite size big enough to cover up the starting section of the cross beam (middle)
            float scale = Math.Max(laserParams.emissionFlareScreenSizeMin, crossBeamRadiusScreenPx * 2.5f)
                          * beamIntensity;

            instanceData.writeMasterScale(_backgroundSpriteIdx, scale * 1.2f);
            instanceData.writeMasterScale(_overlaySpriteIdx, scale * 1f);

            // add some variety to orientation to make the sprites look less static
            instanceData.writeOrientationZ(_backgroundSpriteIdx, beamIntensity * 1f * (float)Math.PI);
            instanceData.writeOrientationZ(_overlaySpriteIdx, beamIntensity * 1f * (float)Math.PI);

            // color intensity: depends on the dot product between to-camera vector and beam direction;
            // also depends on how of the occlusion disk area is visible
            float maxScreenArea = (float)Math.PI
                                  * laserParams.emissionOccDiskRadiusPx * laserParams.emissionOccDiskRadiusPx;
            float occDiskAreaRatio = occDiskScreenAreaUsed / maxScreenArea;
            //System.Console.WriteLine("occDiskAreaRatio = " + occDiskAreaRatio);

            Vector3 toCamera = (cameraPos - beam.startPosWorld).Normalized();
            float   dot      = Math.Max(0f, Vector3.Dot(toCamera, beam.directionWorld()));
            //System.Console.WriteLine("dot = " + dot);

            var alpha = occDiskAreaRatio * 1.2f * (float)Math.Pow(beamIntensity, 0.1) * (float)Math.Pow(dot, 0.1);

            alpha = Math.Min(alpha, 1f);

            // finish background color
            var backgroundColor = laserParams.backgroundColor;

            backgroundColor.A = alpha;
            instanceData.writeColor(_backgroundSpriteIdx, backgroundColor);

            // finish overlay color
            var overlayColor = laserParams.overlayColor;

            overlayColor.A = alpha;
            instanceData.writeColor(_overlaySpriteIdx, overlayColor);