public virtual PluginInfo GetInfo(string pluginFileName)
            AppDomain domain = null;

            domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("PluginLoaderBase.Probe");
            Type             t      = this.GetType();
            PluginLoaderBase loader = (PluginLoaderBase)domain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(t.Assembly.Location, t.FullName);
            PluginInfo       info   = loader.OnGetInfoWrapper(pluginFileName);


        public virtual PluginInfoList Probe(string pluginFolderPath, SearchOption scanDeapth)
            AppDomain      domain   = null;
            PluginInfoList infoList = new PluginInfoList();

            domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("PluginLoaderBase.Probe");
            Type             t      = this.GetType();
            PluginLoaderBase loader = (PluginLoaderBase)domain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(t.Assembly.Location, t.FullName);

            infoList = loader.OnProbeWrapper(pluginFolderPath, scanDeapth);


            ProbeCompleteEventArgs probeCompleteArgs = new ProbeCompleteEventArgs(infoList);


        public virtual void Load(string pluginFileName, PluginParameters args)
            if (args == null)
                args = new PluginParameters();

            AppDomainSetup domainSetup = new AppDomainSetup();
            Assembly       entryAsm    = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();

            AssemblyProductAttribute[] atts = ((AssemblyProductAttribute[])entryAsm.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyProductAttribute), false));
            string productName = null;

            if (atts != null)
                if (atts.Length > 0)
                    productName = atts[0].Product;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(productName))
                domainSetup.ApplicationName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(entryAsm.Location);
                domainSetup.ApplicationName = productName;

            domainSetup.ConfigurationFile = Path.GetFileName(pluginFileName) + ".config";
            domainSetup.ApplicationBase   = Path.GetDirectoryName(pluginFileName);
            domainSetup.PrivateBinPath    = "bin";

            if (this.ShadowCopyEnabled)
                domainSetup.ShadowCopyFiles       = "true";
                domainSetup.ShadowCopyDirectories = domainSetup.ApplicationBase + ";" + Path.Combine(domainSetup.ApplicationBase, "bin");

            PluginLoadingEventArgs loadingArgs = new PluginLoadingEventArgs(pluginFileName, domainSetup);


            if (!loadingArgs.Cancel)
                AppDomain domain = null;

                domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(loadingArgs.DomainSetup.ApplicationName, null, loadingArgs.DomainSetup);
                Type             t      = this.GetType();
                PluginLoaderBase loader = (PluginLoaderBase)domain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(t.Assembly.Location, t.FullName);

                loader.AssemblyResolutionPaths = this.AssemblyResolutionPaths;
                PluginInfo info = loader.OnLoadWrapper(pluginFileName);

                if (info == null)
                    if (loader.IsPluginLoaded)
                        info.Domain = domain;

                        PluginLoadedEventArgs pluginLoadedArgs = new PluginLoadedEventArgs(info);

                        PluginBase.ExecutionModes execMode = info.ExecutionMode;
                        bool canExecute = false;

                        if (!this.UseDefaultExecutionValidation)
                            canExecute = true;
                        else if (execMode == PluginBase.ExecutionModes.MultiInstance)
                            canExecute = true;
                        else if (execMode == PluginBase.ExecutionModes.Exclusive)
                            if (this._currentInfoList.Count == 1)
                                canExecute = true;
                        else if (execMode == PluginBase.ExecutionModes.Singleton)
                            if (this.GetLoadedInstances(info.PluginFileName).Count == 1)
                                canExecute = true;
                        else if (execMode == PluginBase.ExecutionModes.Custom)
                            canExecute = true;

                        if (canExecute)
                            info.Parameters = args;
                            PluginExecutingEventArgs exeArgs = new PluginExecutingEventArgs(info);

                            if (exeArgs.Cancel)
                                this.Unload(info, args, true, exeArgs.CancelReason);
                                info.Loader = loader;

                                Thread pluginThread = new Thread(this.Execute);
                                pluginThread.IsBackground = true;
                            this.Unload(info, args, true, null);
Beispiel #4
 void PluginLoader_ProbeComplete(object sender, PluginLoaderBase.ProbeCompleteEventArgs e)
     Console.WriteInfo("Plugin probe completed with '" + Convert.ToString(e.InfoList.Count) + "' detections.");
Beispiel #5
        void PluginLoader_PluginUnloaded(object sender, PluginLoaderBase.PluginUnloadedEventArgs e)
            if (e.ExecutionCancelled)
                //Plugins can be denied execution by the PluginLoader object according to the specified value in PluginBase.ExecutionMode property if PluginLoaderBase.UseDefaultExecutionValidation is set to true.
                //This checks which execution modes prevented the plugin from being executed.
                if (e.Info.ExecutionMode == PluginBase.ExecutionModes.Exclusive)
                    Console.WriteInfo("The plugin '" + e.Info.ToString() + "' was unloaded since it is intended to be executed exclusively. Please make sure no other plugin is executing and try again.");
                else if (e.Info.ExecutionMode == PluginBase.ExecutionModes.Singleton)
                    Console.WriteInfo("The plugin '" + e.Info.ToString() + "' was unloaded since only one instance of it is intended to be executed at a time. Please make sure no other instance of the same plugin is executing and try again.");
                else if(e.ExecutionCancelledReason != null)
                    Console.WriteInfo("The plugin '" + e.Info.ToString() + "' was unloaded due to the following reason: " + Convert.ToString(e.ExecutionCancelledReason));
                    Console.WriteInfo("The plugin '" + e.Info.ToString() + "' was unloaded.");

                //If PluginLoaderBase.UseDefaultExecutionValidation is false, plugin execution validation and authorization can be handled via the PluginLoaderBase.PluginExecuting event.
                //The PluginLoaderBase.PluginExecutingEventArgs.Cancel property can be set to true to cancel execution of a plugin.
                //The PluginLoaderBase.PluginExecutingEventArgs.CancelReason property can be set to an object representing the reson for the cancellation.
                //The value set to PluginLoaderBase.PluginExecutingEventArgs.CancelReason in the PluginLoaderBase.PluginExecuting event handler can be accessed here using the e.ExecutionCancelledReason property
                //Check if the plugin was unloaded due to an exception
                //The PluginException class wraps any unhandled plugin exception in a serializable wrapper.
                //The PluginException class also exposes all InnerExceptions of the actual exception through PluginException.InnerException as well
                //This makes sure that unhandled non-serializable exceptions do not cause unexpected AppDomain leaks in the main application.
                if (e.PluginException != null)
                    Console.WriteException("The plugin '" + e.Info.ToString() + "' was unloaded due to unhandled exception: " + e.PluginException.ToString());
                    //Each plugin may return results in the form of a PluginParameters object exposed by the PluginLoaderBase.PluginUnloadedEventArgs.Results property
                    //This object can be checked for values returned by the plugin like so,
                    if (e.Results.Contains("ReturnValue"))
                        Console.WriteInfo("The plugin '" + e.Info.ToString() + "' was unloaded successfully with the return value: " + Convert.ToString(e.Results.Get("ReturnValue")));
                        Console.WriteInfo("The plugin '" + e.Info.ToString() + "' was unloaded successfully");
Beispiel #6
        void PluginLoader_PluginLoading(object sender, PluginLoaderBase.PluginLoadingEventArgs e)
            //You may make changes to the domain setup used to load the current plugin here i.e e.DomainSetup.ApplicationName, e.DomainSetup.CachePath, etc.
            //Or you can cancel the loading by setting e.Cancel = true

            Console.WriteInfo("Loading plugin from file '" + e.PluginFileName + "'...");
Beispiel #7
 void PluginLoader_PluginLoaded(object sender, PluginLoaderBase.PluginLoadedEventArgs e)
     Console.WriteInfo("Plugin '" + e.Info.ToString() + "' loaded successfully.");
Beispiel #8
        void PluginLoader_PluginExecuting(object sender, PluginLoaderBase.PluginExecutingEventArgs e)
            //You can cancel the execution by setting e.Cancel = true
            //An object representing the reason for cancelling can be passed to the PluginLoaderBase.PluginUnloaded event by setting the e.CancelReason property

            if (e.Info.ExecutionMode == PluginBase.ExecutionModes.Custom)
                e.Cancel = true;
                e.CancelReason = "Plugins with PluginBase.ExecutionMode set to Custom are not allowed";
                Console.WriteInfo("Executing plugin '" + e.Info.ToString() + "'...");