Beispiel #1
         * Realises the specifier of the noun phrase.
         * @param phrase
         *            the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this noun phrase.
         * @param parent
         *            the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
         *            realisation of the complementiser.
         * @param realisedElement
         *            the current realisation of the noun phrase.

        private static void realiseSpecifier(PhraseElement phrase,
                                             SyntaxProcessor parent, ListElement realisedElement)
            INLGElement specifierElement = phrase

            if (specifierElement != null &&
                !phrase.getFeatureAsBoolean(InternalFeature.RAISED.ToString()) &&
                if (!specifierElement.isA(LexicalCategoryEnum.PRONOUN) &&
                    specifierElement.getCategory().enumType != (int)PhraseCategoryEnum.NOUN_PHRASE)
                    specifierElement.setFeature(Feature.NUMBER.ToString(), phrase

                var currentElement = parent.realise(specifierElement);

                if (currentElement != null)
Beispiel #2
         * Realises the cue phrase for the clause if it exists.
         * @param phrase
         *            the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
         * @param parent
         *            the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
         *            realisation of the complementiser.
         * @param realisedElement
         *            the current realisation of the clause.

        private static void addCuePhrase(PhraseElement phrase, SyntaxProcessor parent, ListElement realisedElement)
            var currentElement = parent.realise(phrase.getFeatureAsElement(Feature.CUE_PHRASE.ToString()));

            if (currentElement != null)
                currentElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION.ToString(), DiscourseFunction.CUE_PHRASE);
Beispiel #3
         * Checks to see if this clause is a subordinate clause. If it is then the
         * complementiser is added as a component to the realised element
         * <b>unless</b> the complementiser has been suppressed.
         * @param phrase
         *            the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
         * @param parent
         *            the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
         *            realisation of the complementiser.
         * @param realisedElement
         *            the current realisation of the clause.

        private static void addComplementiser(PhraseElement phrase, SyntaxProcessor parent, ListElement realisedElement)
            INLGElement currentElement;

            if (ClauseStatus.SUBORDINATE.Equals(phrase.getFeature(InternalFeature.CLAUSE_STATUS.ToString())) &&
                currentElement = parent.realise(phrase.getFeatureAsElement(Feature.COMPLEMENTISER.ToString()));

                if (currentElement != null)
Beispiel #4
         * The main method for controlling the syntax realisation of clauses.
         * @param parent
         *            the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that called this
         *            method.
         * @param phrase
         *            the <code>PhraseElement</code> representation of the clause.
         * @return the <code>NLGElement</code> representing the realised clause.

        public static INLGElement realise(SyntaxProcessor parent, PhraseElement phrase)
            ListElement realisedElement = null;
            var         phraseFactory   = phrase.getFactory();
            INLGElement splitVerb       = null;
            var         interrogObj     = false;

            if (phrase != null)
                realisedElement = new ListElement();
                var verbElement = phrase.getFeatureAsElement(InternalFeature.VERB_PHRASE.ToString());

                if (verbElement == null)
                    verbElement = phrase.getHead();

                checkSubjectNumberPerson(phrase, verbElement);
                copyFrontModifiers(phrase, verbElement);
                addComplementiser(phrase, parent, realisedElement);
                addCuePhrase(phrase, parent, realisedElement);

                if (phrase.hasFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE.ToString()))
                    var inter = phrase.getFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE.ToString());
                    interrogObj = (InterrogativeType.WHAT_OBJECT.Equals(inter) ||
                                   InterrogativeType.WHO_OBJECT.Equals(inter) ||
                                   InterrogativeType.HOW_PREDICATE.Equals(inter) ||
                                   InterrogativeType.HOW.Equals(inter) ||
                                   InterrogativeType.WHY.Equals(inter) || InterrogativeType.WHERE.Equals(inter));
                    splitVerb = realiseInterrogative(phrase, parent, realisedElement, phraseFactory, verbElement);

                addSubjectsToFront(phrase, parent, realisedElement, splitVerb);

                var passiveSplitVerb = addPassiveComplementsNumberPerson(phrase,

                if (passiveSplitVerb != null)
                    splitVerb = passiveSplitVerb;

                // realise verb needs to know if clause is object interrogative
                realiseVerb(phrase, parent, realisedElement, splitVerb, verbElement, interrogObj);
                addPassiveSubjects(phrase, parent, realisedElement, phraseFactory);
                addInterrogativeFrontModifiers(phrase, parent, realisedElement);
                addEndingTo(phrase, parent, realisedElement, phraseFactory);
Beispiel #5
         * Realises the complements of passive clauses; also sets number, person for
         * passive
         * @param phrase
         *            the <code>PhraseElement</code> representing this clause.
         * @param parent
         *            the parent <code>SyntaxProcessor</code> that will do the
         *            realisation of the complementiser.
         * @param realisedElement
         *            the current realisation of the clause.
         * @param verbElement
         *            the <code>NLGElement</code> representing the verb phrase for
         *            this clause.

        private static INLGElement addPassiveComplementsNumberPerson(PhraseElement phrase,
                                                                     SyntaxProcessor parent,
                                                                     ListElement realisedElement,
                                                                     INLGElement verbElement)
            object      passiveNumber  = null;
            object      passivePerson  = null;
            INLGElement currentElement = null;
            INLGElement splitVerb      = null;
            var         verbPhrase     = phrase.getFeatureAsElement(InternalFeature.VERB_PHRASE.ToString());

            // count complements to set plural feature if more than one
            var numComps  = 0;
            var coordSubj = false;

            if (phrase.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.PASSIVE.ToString()) && verbPhrase != null &&
                // complements of a clause are stored in the VPPhraseSpec
                foreach (var subject in verbPhrase.getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.COMPLEMENTS.ToString()))
                    // AG: complement needn't be an NP
                    // subject.isA(PhraseCategory.NOUN_PHRASE) &&
                    if (DiscourseFunction.OBJECT.Equals(subject.getFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION.ToString())))
                        subject.setFeature(Feature.PASSIVE.ToString(), true);
                        currentElement = parent.realise(subject);

                        if (currentElement != null)
                            currentElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION.ToString(), DiscourseFunction.OBJECT);

                            if (phrase.hasFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE.ToString()))
                                splitVerb = currentElement;

                        // flag if passive subject is coordinated with an "and"
                        if (!coordSubj && subject is CoordinatedPhraseElement)
                            var conj = ((CoordinatedPhraseElement)subject).getConjunction();
                            coordSubj = (conj != null && conj.Equals("and"));

                        if (passiveNumber == null)
                            passiveNumber = subject.getFeature(Feature.NUMBER.ToString());
                            passiveNumber = NumberAgreement.PLURAL;

                        if (Person.FIRST.Equals(subject.getFeature(Feature.PERSON.ToString())))
                            passivePerson = Person.FIRST;
                        else if (Person.SECOND.Equals(subject.getFeature(Feature.PERSON.ToString())) &&
                            passivePerson = Person.SECOND;
                        else if (passivePerson == null)
                            passivePerson = Person.THIRD;

                        if (Form.GERUND.Equals(phrase.getFeature(Feature.FORM.ToString())) &&
                            subject.setFeature(Feature.POSSESSIVE.ToString(), true);

            if (verbElement != null)
                if (passivePerson != null)
                    verbElement.setFeature(Feature.PERSON.ToString(), passivePerson);
                    // below commented out. for non-passive, number and person set
                    // by checkSubjectNumberPerson
                    // } else {
                    // verbElement.setFeature(Feature.PERSON, phrase
                    // .getFeature(Feature.PERSON));

                if (numComps > 1 || coordSubj)
                    verbElement.setFeature(Feature.NUMBER.ToString(), NumberAgreement.PLURAL);
                else if (passiveNumber != null)
                    verbElement.setFeature(Feature.NUMBER.ToString(), passiveNumber);