Beispiel #1
         * Creates a list item for adding to a list element. The list item has the
         * given component.
         * @return a <code>DocumentElement</code> representing the list item.
        public virtual DocumentElement createListItem(NLGElement component)
            DocumentElement listItem = new DocumentElement(new DocumentCategory(DocumentCategory.DocumentCategoryEnum.LIST_ITEM), null);

         * <p>
         * Adds a new complement to the phrase element. Complements will be realised
         * in the syntax after the head element of the phrase. Complements differ
         * from post-modifiers in that complements are crucial to the understanding
         * of a phrase whereas post-modifiers are optional.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * If the new complement being added is a <em>clause</em> or a
         * <code>CoordinatedPhraseElement</code> then its clause status feature is
         * set to <code>ClauseStatus.SUBORDINATE</code> and it's discourse function
         * is set to <code>DiscourseFunction.OBJECT</code> by default unless an
         * existing discourse function exists on the complement.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * Complements can have different functions. For example, the phrase <I>John
         * gave Mary a flower</I> has two complements, one a direct object and one
         * indirect. If a complement is not specified for its discourse function,
         * then this is automatically set to <code>DiscourseFunction.OBJECT</code>.
         * </p>
         * @param newComplement
         *            the new complement as an <code>NLGElement</code>.
        public virtual void addComplement(NLGElement newComplement)
            IList <NLGElement> complements = getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.COMPLEMENTS);

            if (complements == null)
                complements = new List <NLGElement>();

            // check if the new complement has a discourse function; if not, assume object
            if (!newComplement.hasFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION))
                newComplement.setFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION, DiscourseFunction.OBJECT);

            setFeature(InternalFeature.COMPLEMENTS, complements);
            if (newComplement.isA(new PhraseCategory(PhraseCategory.PhraseCategoryEnum.CLAUSE)) || newComplement is CoordinatedPhraseElement)
                newComplement.setFeature(InternalFeature.CLAUSE_STATUS, ClauseStatus.SUBORDINATE);

                if (!newComplement.hasFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION))
                    newComplement.setFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION, DiscourseFunction.OBJECT);
Beispiel #3
         * Creates a new element representing a word. If the word passed is already
         * an <code>NLGElement</code> then that is returned unchanged. If a
         * <code>String</code> is passed as the word then the factory will look up
         * the <code>Lexicon</code> if one exists and use the details found to
         * create a new <code>WordElement</code>.
         * @param word
         *            the base word for the new element. This can be a
         *            <code>NLGElement</code>, which is returned unchanged, or a
         *            <code>String</code>, which is used to construct a new
         *            <code>WordElement</code>.
         * @param category
         *            the <code>LexicalCategory</code> for the word.
         * @return an <code>NLGElement</code> representing the word.
        public virtual NLGElement createWord(object word, LexicalCategory category)
            NLGElement wordElement = null;

            if (word is NLGElement)
                wordElement = (NLGElement)word;
            else if (word is string && lexicon != null)
                // AG: change: should create a WordElement, not an
                // InflectedWordElement
                // wordElement = new InflectedWordElement(
                // (String) word, category);
                // if (this.lexicon != null) {
                // doLexiconLookUp(category, (String) word, wordElement);
                // }
                // wordElement = lexicon.getWord((String) word, category);
                wordElement = lexicon.lookupWord((string)word, category);
                if (PRONOUNS.Contains((string)word))
                    setPronounFeatures(wordElement, (string)word);

Beispiel #4
         * Creates a new sentence element
         * @param components
         *            an <code>NLGElement</code> that becomes the first component of
         *            this document element.
         * @return a <code>DocumentElement</code> representing this sentence
        public virtual DocumentElement createSentence(NLGElement components)
            DocumentElement sentence = new DocumentElement(new DocumentCategory(DocumentCategory.DocumentCategoryEnum.SENTENCE), null);

Beispiel #5
         * Create an inflected word element. InflectedWordElement represents a word
         * that already specifies the morphological and other features that it
         * should exhibit in a realisation. While normally, phrases are constructed
         * using <code>WordElement</code>s, and features are set on phrases, it is
         * sometimes desirable to set features directly on words (for example, when
         * one wants to elide a specific word, but not its parent phrase).
         * <P>
         * If the object passed is already a <code>WordElement</code>, then a new
         * <code>InflectedWordElement<code> is returned which wraps this <code>WordElement</code>
         * . If the object is a <code>String</code>, then the
         * <code>WordElement</code> representing this <code>String</code> is looked
         * up, and a new
         * <code>InflectedWordElement<code> wrapping this is returned. If no such <code>WordElement</code>
         * is found, the element returned is an <code>InflectedWordElement</code>
         * with the supplied string as baseform and no base <code>WordElement</code>
         * . If an <code>NLGElement</code> is passed, this is returned unchanged.
         * @param word
         *            the word
         * @param category
         *            the category
         * @return an <code>InflectedWordElement</code>, or the original supplied
         *         object if it is an <code>NLGElement</code>.
        public virtual NLGElement createInflectedWord(object word, LexicalCategory category)
            // first get the word element
            NLGElement inflElement = null;

            if (word is WordElement)
                inflElement = new InflectedWordElement((WordElement)word);
            else if (word is string)
                NLGElement baseword = createWord((string)word, category);

                if (baseword != null && baseword is WordElement)
                    inflElement = new InflectedWordElement((WordElement)baseword);
                    inflElement = new InflectedWordElement((string)word, category);
            else if (word is NLGElement)
                inflElement = (NLGElement)word;

        /** promote an NLGElement so that it is at the right level to be added to a DocumentElement/
         * Promotion means adding surrounding nodes at higher doc levels
         * @param element
         * @return
        private NLGElement promote(NLGElement element)
            // check if promotion needed
            if (((DocumentCategory)Category).hasSubPart(element.Category))
            // if element is not a DocumentElement, embed it in a sentence and recurse
            if (!(element is DocumentElement))
                DocumentElement sentence = new DocumentElement(new DocumentCategory(DocumentCategory.DocumentCategoryEnum.SENTENCE), null);

            // if element is a Sentence, promote it to a paragraph
            if (element.Category.Equals(DocumentCategory.DocumentCategoryEnum.SENTENCE))
                DocumentElement paragraph = new DocumentElement(new DocumentCategory(DocumentCategory.DocumentCategoryEnum.PARAGRAPH), null);

            // otherwise can't do anything
  * <p>
  * Add a single child component to the current list of child components. If
  * there are no existing child components a new list is created.
  * </p>
  * <p>
  * Note that there are restrictions on which child types can be added to
  * which parent types.  Intermediate nodes are added if necessary; eg,
  * if a sentence is added to a document, the sentence will be embedded
  * in a paragraph before it is added
  * See <code>
  * DocumentCategory</code> for further information.
  * </p>
  * @param element
  *            the <code>NLGElement</code> to be added. If this is
  *            <code>NULL</code> the method does nothing.
 public virtual void addComponent(NLGElement element)
     if (element != null)
         ElementCategory thisCategory = Category;
         ElementCategory category     = element.Category;
         if (category != null && thisCategory is DocumentCategory)
             if (((DocumentCategory)thisCategory).hasSubPart(category))
                 NLGElement promotedElement = promote(element);
                 if (promotedElement != null)
                 else                         // error condition - add original element so something is visible
Beispiel #8
         * Creates a new section element with the given title and adds the given
         * component.
         * @param component
         *            an <code>NLGElement</code> that becomes the first component of
         *            this document element.
         * @return a <code>DocumentElement</code> representing the section.
         * @author Rodrigo de Oliveira - Data2Text Ltd
        public virtual DocumentElement createEnumeratedList(NLGElement component)
            DocumentElement list = new DocumentElement(new DocumentCategory(DocumentCategory.DocumentCategoryEnum.ENUMERATED_LIST), null);

Beispiel #9
  * A helper method to set the head feature of the phrase.
  * @param phraseElement
  *            the phrase element.
  * @param headElement
  *            the head element.
 private void setPhraseHead(PhraseElement phraseElement, NLGElement headElement)
     if (headElement != null)
         headElement.Parent = phraseElement;
        /** add an element to a components list
         * @param element
        private void addElementToComponents(NLGElement element)
            IList <NLGElement> components = Components;

            element.Parent = this;
            Components     = components;
Beispiel #11
         * Creates an adverb phrase wrapping the given adverb.
         * @param adverb
         *            the adverb for this phrase.
         * @return a <code>AdvPhraseSpec</code> representing this phrase.
        public virtual AdvPhraseSpec createAdverbPhrase(string adverb)
            AdvPhraseSpec phraseElement = new AdvPhraseSpec(this);

            NLGElement adverbElement = createNLGElement(adverb, new LexicalCategory(LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.ADVERB));

            setPhraseHead(phraseElement, adverbElement);
Beispiel #12
	     * Adds the given component to the list element.
	     * @param newComponent
	     *            the <code>NLGElement</code> component to be added.
		public virtual void addComponent(NLGElement newComponent)
			IList<NLGElement> components = getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.COMPONENTS);
			if (components == null)
				components = new List<NLGElement>();
			setFeature(InternalFeature.COMPONENTS, components);
Beispiel #13
         * Creates a new paragraph element and adds the given component
         * @param component
         *            an <code>NLGElement</code> that becomes the first component of
         *            this document element.
         * @return a <code>DocumentElement</code> representing this paragraph
        public virtual DocumentElement createParagraph(NLGElement component)
            DocumentElement paragraph = new DocumentElement(new DocumentCategory(DocumentCategory.DocumentCategoryEnum.PARAGRAPH), null);

            if (component != null)
Beispiel #14
         * Creates a new document element with the given title and adds the given
         * component.
         * @param title
         *            the title for this element.
         * @param component
         *            an <code>NLGElement</code> that becomes the first component of
         *            this document element.
         * @return a <code>DocumentElement</code>
        public virtual DocumentElement createDocument(string title, NLGElement component)
            DocumentElement element = new DocumentElement(new DocumentCategory(DocumentCategory.DocumentCategoryEnum.DOCUMENT), title);

            if (component != null)
Beispiel #15
         * Creates an adjective phrase wrapping the given adjective.
         * @param adjective
         *            the main adjective for this phrase.
         * @return a <code>AdjPhraseSpec</code> representing this phrase.
        public virtual AdjPhraseSpec createAdjectivePhrase(object adjective)
            AdjPhraseSpec phraseElement = new AdjPhraseSpec(this);

            NLGElement adjectiveElement = createNLGElement(adjective, new LexicalCategory(LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.ADJECTIVE));

            setPhraseHead(phraseElement, adjectiveElement);

Beispiel #16
         * Creates a new section element with the given title and adds the given
         * component.
         * @param title
         *            the title for this element.
         * @param component
         *            an <code>NLGElement</code> that becomes the first component of
         *            this document element.
         * @return a <code>DocumentElement</code> representing the section.
        public virtual DocumentElement createSection(string title, NLGElement component)
            DocumentElement section = new DocumentElement(new DocumentCategory(DocumentCategory.DocumentCategoryEnum.SECTION), title);

            if (component != null)
         * Adds a new front modifier to the phrase element.
         * @param newFrontModifier
         *            the new front modifier as an <code>NLGElement</code>.
        public virtual void addFrontModifier(NLGElement newFrontModifier)
            IList <NLGElement> frontModifiers = getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.FRONT_MODIFIERS);

            if (frontModifiers == null)
                frontModifiers = new List <NLGElement>();
            setFeature(InternalFeature.FRONT_MODIFIERS, frontModifiers);
         * Adds a new post-modifier to the phrase element. Post-modifiers will be
         * realised in the syntax after the coordinates.
         * @param newPostModifier
         *            the new post-modifier as an <code>NLGElement</code>.
        public virtual void addPostModifier(NLGElement newPostModifier)
            IList <NLGElement> postModifiers = getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.POSTMODIFIERS);

            if (postModifiers == null)
                postModifiers = new List <NLGElement>();
            setFeature(InternalFeature.POSTMODIFIERS, postModifiers);
Beispiel #19
         * An NLG element is equal to some object if the object is an NLGElement,
         * they have the same category and the same features.
        public override bool Equals(object o)
            bool eq = false;

            if (o is NLGElement)
                NLGElement element = (NLGElement)o;
                eq = category == element.category && features.Equals(element.features);

         * Adds a new post-modifier to the phrase element. Post-modifiers will be
         * realised in the syntax after the complements.
         * @param newPostModifier
         *            the new post-modifier as an <code>NLGElement</code>.
        public virtual void addPostModifier(NLGElement newPostModifier)
            IList <NLGElement> postModifiers = getFeatureAsElementList(InternalFeature.POSTMODIFIERS);

            if (postModifiers == null)
                postModifiers = new List <NLGElement>();
            newPostModifier.setFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION, DiscourseFunction.POST_MODIFIER);
            setFeature(InternalFeature.POSTMODIFIERS, postModifiers);
         * Removes the specified component from the list of child components.
         * @param textComponent
         *            the component to be removed.
         * @return <code>true</code> if the element was removed, or
         *         <code>false</code> if the element did not exist, there is no
         *         component list or the the given component to remove is
         *         <code>NULL</code>.
        public virtual bool removeComponent(NLGElement textComponent)
            bool removed = false;

            if (textComponent != null)
                IList <NLGElement> components = Components;
                if (components != null)
                    removed = components.Remove(textComponent);
Beispiel #22
         * Creates a preposition phrase with the given preposition and complement.
         * An <code>NLGElement</code> representing the preposition is added as the
         * head feature of this phrase while the complement is added as a normal
         * phrase complement.
         * @param preposition
         *            the preposition to be used.
         * @param complement
         *            the complement of the phrase.
         * @return a <code>PPPhraseSpec</code> representing this phrase.
        public virtual PPPhraseSpec createPrepositionPhrase(object preposition, object complement)
            PPPhraseSpec phraseElement = new PPPhraseSpec(this);

            NLGElement prepositionalElement = createNLGElement(preposition, new LexicalCategory(LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.PREPOSITION));

            setPhraseHead(phraseElement, prepositionalElement);

            if (complement != null)
                setComplement(phraseElement, complement);
Beispiel #23
         * Retrieves the value of the feature as a <code>NLGElement</code>. If the
         * value is a string then it is wrapped in a <code>StringElement</code>. If
         * the feature does not exist or is of any other type then <code>null</code>
         * is returned.
         * @param featureName
         *            the name of the feature.
         * @return the <code>NLGElement</code>.
        public virtual NLGElement getFeatureAsElement(string featureName)
            object     value        = getFeature(featureName);
            NLGElement elementValue = null;

            if (value is NLGElement)
                elementValue = (NLGElement)value;
            else if (value is string)
                elementValue = new StringElement((string)value);
Beispiel #24
         * Creates a noun phrase with the given specifier and subject.
         * @param specifier
         *            the specifier or determiner for the noun phrase.
         * @param noun
         *            the subject of the phrase.
         * @return a <code>NPPhraseSpec</code> representing this phrase.
        public virtual NPPhraseSpec createNounPhrase(object specifier, object noun)
            if (noun is NPPhraseSpec)

            NPPhraseSpec phraseElement = new NPPhraseSpec(this);
            NLGElement   nounElement   = createNLGElement(noun, new LexicalCategory(LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.NOUN));

            setPhraseHead(phraseElement, nounElement);

            if (specifier != null)

Beispiel #25
         * A helper method to look up the lexicon for the given word.
         * @param category
         *            the <code>LexicalCategory</code> of the word.
         * @param word
         *            the base form of the word.
         * @param wordElement
         *            the created element representing the word.
        private void doLexiconLookUp(LexicalCategory category, string word, NLGElement wordElement)
            WordElement baseWord = null;

            if (category.GetLexicalCategory() == LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.NOUN && lexicon.hasWord(word, new LexicalCategory(LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.PRONOUN)))
                baseWord = lexicon.lookupWord(word, new LexicalCategory(LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.PRONOUN));

                if (baseWord != null)
                    wordElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.BASE_WORD, baseWord);
                    wordElement.Category = new LexicalCategory(LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.PRONOUN);
                    if (!PRONOUNS.Contains(word))
                        wordElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.NON_MORPH, true);
                baseWord = lexicon.lookupWord(word, category);
                wordElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.BASE_WORD, baseWord);
Beispiel #26
         * A helper method for setting the complement of a phrase.
         * @param phraseElement
         *            the created element representing this phrase.
         * @param complement
         *            the complement to be added.
        private void setComplement(PhraseElement phraseElement, object complement)
            NLGElement complementElement = createNLGElement(complement);

Beispiel #27
         * A helper method to set the features on newly created pronoun words.
         * @param wordElement
         *            the created element representing the pronoun.
         * @param word
         *            the base word for the pronoun.
        private void setPronounFeatures(NLGElement wordElement, string word)
            wordElement.Category = new LexicalCategory(LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.PRONOUN);
            if (FIRST_PRONOUNS.Contains(word))
                wordElement.setFeature(Feature.PERSON, Person.FIRST);
            else if (SECOND_PRONOUNS.Contains(word))
                wordElement.setFeature(Feature.PERSON, Person.SECOND);

                if ("yourself".Equals(word, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                {                 //$NON-NLS-1$
                    wordElement.Plural = false;
                else if ("yourselves".Equals(word, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                {                 //$NON-NLS-1$
                    wordElement.Plural = true;
                    wordElement.setFeature(Feature.NUMBER, NumberAgreement.BOTH);
                wordElement.setFeature(Feature.PERSON, Person.THIRD);
            if (REFLEXIVE_PRONOUNS.Contains(word))
                wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.REFLEXIVE, true);
                wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.REFLEXIVE, false);
            if (MASCULINE_PRONOUNS.Contains(word))
                wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.GENDER, Gender.MASCULINE);
            else if (FEMININE_PRONOUNS.Contains(word))
                wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.GENDER, Gender.FEMININE);
                wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.GENDER, Gender.NEUTER);

            if (POSSESSIVE_PRONOUNS.Contains(word))
                wordElement.setFeature(Feature.POSSESSIVE, true);
                wordElement.setFeature(Feature.POSSESSIVE, false);

            if (PLURAL_PRONOUNS.Contains(word) && !SECOND_PRONOUNS.Contains(word))
                wordElement.Plural = true;
            else if (!EITHER_NUMBER_PRONOUNS.Contains(word))
                wordElement.Plural = false;

            if (EXPLETIVE_PRONOUNS.Contains(word))
                wordElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.NON_MORPH, true);
                wordElement.setFeature(LexicalFeature.EXPLETIVE_SUBJECT, true);
            wordElement.setFeature(Feature.IS_CAPITALIZED, false);             //added by GJdV, some default value
Beispiel #28
	     * Creates a new list element containing the given component.
	     * @param newComponent
	     *            the initial component for this list element.
		public ListElement(NLGElement newComponent) : this()
  * Set the premodifier for this phrase. This resets all previous
  * premodifiers to <code>null</code> and replaces them with the given
  * string.
  * @param newPreModifier
  *            the premodifier
 public virtual void setPreModifier(NLGElement value)
     setFeature(InternalFeature.PREMODIFIERS, null);
Beispiel #30
  * Realises the given element. This call is usually recursive as the call
  * processes the child elements of the given element.
  * @param element
  *            the <code>NLGElement</code> to be realised.
  * @return the <code>NLGElement</code> representing the realised state. This
  *         may be the initial element in a changed form or be a completely
  *         new element.
 public abstract NLGElement realise(NLGElement element);