Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the project.json file with the specified version.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="version">The version to inject.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the file has actually been modified. False if they are the same or the project file can not be updated.</returns>
        public bool UpdateProjectJSONFile(string version)
            string text = File.ReadAllText(_projectFile);

            if (_frameworks == null)
                _frameworks = JSONFrameworksFinder.GetFrameworks(text);
            ProjectFileContent content = new ProjectFileContent(text, _ctx.ContainsProject);

            if (content.Version == null)
                _ctx.Logger.Warn("Unable to update version in: " + _projectFile);
            else if (content.Version == version)
                _ctx.Logger.Trace("(File is up to date.)");
                string modified = content.GetReplacedText(version);
                if (_projectFileCache == null)
                    _projectFileCache = text;
                    string fLock = _projectDir + "project.lock.json";
                    if (File.Exists(fLock))
                        _projectLockFileCache = File.ReadAllText(fLock);
                File.WriteAllText(_projectFile, modified);
Beispiel #2
 private SimpleRepositoryInfo GetRepositoryInfo(ILogger logger, Action <IWorkingFolderModifiedFile, ProjectFileContent> hook)
     return(SimpleRepositoryInfo.LoadFromPath(logger, _solutionDir, (log, hasRepoXml, options) =>
         options.IgnoreModifiedFileFullProcess = true;
         options.IgnoreModifiedFilePredicate = m =>
             if (m.Path.EndsWith("project.json", StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                 _projects.FirstOrDefault(p => PathComparer.Default.Equals(p.RelativeProjectFilePath, m.Path)) != null)
                 var local = new ProjectFileContent(File.ReadAllText(m.FullPath), ContainsProject);
                 var committed = new ProjectFileContent(m.CommittedText, ContainsProject);
                 if (local.EqualsWithoutVersion(committed))
                     if (hook != null)
                         hook(m, committed);
                     return true;
             return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether the two files are equal regardless of the "version: "" property.
        /// Line endings must be normalized (or be the same) for this to work correctly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">The other.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if files are the same or differ only by their version, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        public bool EqualsWithoutVersion(ProjectFileContent other)
            // This ensures that ExtractVersion has been called.
            if ((Version != null) != (other.Version != null))
            if (_thisVersion == null)
                return(_text == other._text);
            if (_allVersions.Count != other._allVersions.Count)
            int last = 0, oLast = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < _allVersions.Count; ++i)
                VersionOccurrence o  = _allVersions[i];
                VersionOccurrence oo = other._allVersions[i];
                int lenBefore        = o.Start - last;
                if (lenBefore != (oo.Start - oLast) ||
                    string.Compare(_text, last, other._text, oLast, lenBefore, StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0)
                last  = o.End;
                oLast = oo.End;
            int lenAfter = _text.Length - last;

            if (lenAfter != (other._text.Length - oLast) ||
                string.Compare(_text, last, other._text, oLast, lenAfter, StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0)
Beispiel #4
 private SimpleRepositoryInfo GetRepositoryInfo( ILogger logger, Action<IWorkingFolderModifiedFile,ProjectFileContent> hook )
     return SimpleRepositoryInfo.LoadFromPath( logger, _solutionDir, ( log, hasRepoXml, options ) =>
         options.IgnoreModifiedFileFullProcess = true;
         options.IgnoreModifiedFilePredicate = m =>
             if( m.Path.EndsWith( "project.json", StringComparison.Ordinal )
                 && _projects.FirstOrDefault( p => PathComparer.Default.Equals( p.RelativeProjectFilePath, m.Path ) ) != null )
                 var local = new ProjectFileContent( File.ReadAllText( m.FullPath ), ContainsProject );
                 var committed = new ProjectFileContent( m.CommittedText, ContainsProject );
                 if( local.EqualsWithoutVersion( committed ) )
                     if( hook != null ) hook( m, committed );
                     return true;
             return false;
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the project.json file with the specified version.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="version">The version to inject.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the file has actually been modified. False if they are the same or the project file can not be updated.</returns>
 public bool UpdateProjectJSONFile( string version )
     string text = File.ReadAllText( _projectFile );
     if( _frameworks == null ) _frameworks = JSONFrameworksFinder.GetFrameworks( text );
     ProjectFileContent content = new ProjectFileContent( text, _ctx.ContainsProject );
     if( content.Version == null ) _ctx.Logger.Warn( "Unable to update version in: " + _projectFile );
     else if( content.Version == version )
         _ctx.Logger.Trace( "(File is up to date.)" );
         string modified = content.GetReplacedText( version );
         if( _projectFileCache == null )
             _projectFileCache = text;
             string fLock = _projectDir + "project.lock.json";
             if( File.Exists( fLock ) ) _projectLockFileCache = File.ReadAllText( fLock );
         File.WriteAllText( _projectFile, modified );
         return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks whether the two files are equal regardless of the "version: "" property.
 /// Line endings must be normalized (or be the same) for this to work correctly.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">The other.</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if files are the same or differ only by their version, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
 public bool EqualsWithoutVersion( ProjectFileContent other )
     // This ensures that ExtractVersion has been called.
     if( (Version != null) != (other.Version != null) ) return false;
     if( _thisVersion == null ) return _text == other._text;
     if( _allVersions.Count != other._allVersions.Count ) return false;
     int last = 0, oLast = 0;
     for( int i = 0; i < _allVersions.Count; ++i )
         VersionOccurrence o = _allVersions[i];
         VersionOccurrence oo = other._allVersions[i];
         int lenBefore = o.Start - last;
         if( lenBefore != (oo.Start - oLast)
             || string.Compare( _text, last, other._text, oLast, lenBefore, StringComparison.Ordinal ) != 0 )
             return false;
         last = o.End;
         oLast = oo.End;
     int lenAfter = _text.Length - last;
     if( lenAfter != (other._text.Length - oLast)
         || string.Compare( _text, last, other._text, oLast, lenAfter, StringComparison.Ordinal ) != 0 )
         return false;
     return true;