Beispiel #1
        //change cells in row to textboxes so user can edit fields and save change to database then update contactsGridview
        protected void contactGridView_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
            //get AddressID of selected row
            int id = (int)contactGridView.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value;

            //get row object
            GridViewRow editingRow = contactGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex];

            TextBox firstNameTextBox = (TextBox)editingRow.Cells[2].Controls[0]; //convert FirstName cell to textbox object
            TextBox lastNameTextBox  = (TextBox)editingRow.Cells[3].Controls[0]; //convert LastName cell to textbox object
            TextBox phoneTextBox     = (TextBox)editingRow.Cells[4].Controls[0]; //convert Phone cell to textbox object
            TextBox emailTextBox     = (TextBox)editingRow.Cells[5].Controls[0]; //convert Email cell to textbox object

            contactGridView.EditIndex = -1;                                      //set edit index to default value

            //get contact that has the same AddressID of the selected row
            Models.Address updatedAddress = (from contact in dbContext.Addresses
                                             where contact.AddressID == id
                                             select contact).Single();

            //if textboxes aren't null assign contact fields to values of textboxes
            if (firstNameTextBox.Text != String.Empty)
                updatedAddress.FirstName = firstNameTextBox.Text;

            if (lastNameTextBox.Text != String.Empty)
                updatedAddress.LastName = lastNameTextBox.Text;

            if (phoneTextBox.Text != String.Empty)
                updatedAddress.Phone = phoneTextBox.Text;

            if (emailTextBox.Text != String.Empty)
                updatedAddress.Email = emailTextBox.Text;

            dbContext.SaveChanges(); //save changes to database

            LoadAllContacts();       //update contactsGridView
Beispiel #2
        protected void submitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //validate server controls

            //if page is valid create new Address object and assign text values from text boxes to Address object properites
            if (IsValid)
                //create new Address object
                Models.Address address = new Models.Address();

                address.FirstName = firstNameTextBox.Text;
                address.LastName  = lastNameTextBox.Text;
                address.Phone     = phoneTextBox.Text;
                address.Email     = emailTextBox.Text;

                dbContext.Addresses.Add(address);      //add new row to database
                dbContext.SaveChanges();               //save changeds to database

                Response.Redirect("AddressBook.aspx"); //redirect to AddressBook page
Beispiel #3
        protected void submitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //validate server controls

            //if page is valid create new Address object and assign text values from text boxes to Address object properites
            if (IsValid)
                //create new Address object
                Models.Address address = new Models.Address();

                address.FirstName = firstNameTextBox.Text;
                address.LastName = lastNameTextBox.Text;
                address.Phone = phoneTextBox.Text;
                address.Email = emailTextBox.Text;

                dbContext.Addresses.Add(address); //add new row to database
                dbContext.SaveChanges();//save changeds to database

                Response.Redirect("AddressBook.aspx"); //redirect to AddressBook page
Beispiel #4
        //delete a contact from gridview
        protected void contactGridView_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            //get AddressID for selected row
            int id = (int)contactGridView.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value;

            //get Address object from selected from selected row
            Models.Address address = (from a in dbContext.Addresses
                                      where a.AddressID == id
                                      select a).First();

            //delete contact from gridview and database

            //save changes to database

            //set EditIndext to default value
            contactGridView.EditIndex = -1;

            //show updated contactGridView