Beispiel #1
        private Meter trkMeter = null; // tracked object's bearing

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public SubPanel(SubCam owner)
            : base()
            // Store the camera ship for callbacks etc.
            this.owner = owner;

            // Create the backdrop and widgets
            widgetList.Add(new Widget("SubPanel", false, 1024, 768, 0, 0));						// top panel
            //widgetList.Add(new Widget("SubBot", true, 1024, 168, 0, 768 - 168));				// bottom panel (and radar)
            //widgetList.Add(new Widget("SubLeft", false, 128, 500, 0, 100));						// left panel
            //widgetList.Add(new Widget("SubRight", false, 50, 500, 1024 - 50, 100));				// right panel

            // Spotlight switch
            Switch switch1 = new Switch("toggleswitch", 48, 67, 860, 30, Keys.L);
            switch1.OnChange += new ChangeEventHandler(owner.Switch1Changed);

            // Depth meter
            depthMeter = new Meter("LabNeedle", 8, 48, 90, 58, (float)Math.PI * 0.75f, 4, 40, -4, 4, false);

            // Compass bearing
            hdgMeter = new Meter("CompassRose", 104, 104, 42, 646, (float)Math.PI, 52, 52, 0, 0, false); // no shadow; don't slew, or it'll spin when wrapping

            // Bearing to tracked object
            trkMeter = new Meter("LabNeedle", 8, 48, 90, 674, (float)Math.PI, 4, 40, -4, 4, false);

            // Bearing to lab ship
            labMeter = new Meter("SmallNeedle", 8, 32, 90, 682, (float)Math.PI, 4, 25, -4, 4, false);

            bouyancy = new Knob("KnobMedium", 64, 75, 950, 170, 32F, 32F, Keys.PageUp, Keys.PageDown, (float)(Math.PI * 0.5));
            bouyancy.Value = 0.5f;
            bouyancy.OnChange += new ChangeEventHandler(bouyancy_OnChange);

            hatch = new SafetyButton("SafetySwitch", 80, 92, 940, 265, Keys.None, 0.3f);
            hatch.OnChange += new ChangeEventHandler(hatch_OnChange);

            // Set up the Display widget for the navigation display
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the list of camera ships, once the Device has been set up
        /// </summary>
        public static void OnDeviceCreated()
            // Create the organisms that will act as camera platforms
            cameraShip = new CameraShip[2];													// EXTEND THIS when more platforms are added
            cameraShip[0] = new SubCam();
            cameraShip[1] = new Lab();
            //cameraShip[2] = new SurveyCam();

            SwitchCameraShip(0);															// start with camera on the sub
Beispiel #3
        SubCam owner = null; // The camera ship that owns me

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public SubPanel2(SubCam owner)
            : base()
            // Store the camera ship for callbacks etc.
            this.owner = owner;