public override bool Upgrade(PackageSession session, ILogger log, Package dependentPackage, PackageDependency dependency, Package dependencyPackage, IList<PackageLoadingAssetFile> assetFiles)
            // Paradox 1.1 projects didn't have their dependency properly updated (they might have been marked as 1.0).
            // We know they are 1.1 only because there is a .props file.
            // This check shouldn't be necessary from 1.2.
            var packagePath = dependentPackage.FullPath;
            var propsFilePath = UPath.Combine(packagePath.GetParent(), (UFile)(packagePath.GetFileName() + ".props"));
            if (!File.Exists(propsFilePath) && dependency.Version.MinVersion < new PackageVersion("1.1.0-beta"))
                log.Error("Can't upgrade old projects from {0} 1.0 to 1.1", dependency.Name);
                return false;

            // Nothing to do for now, most of the work is already done by individual asset upgraders
            // We can later add logic here for package-wide upgrades (i.e. GameSettingsAsset)
            if (dependency.Version.MinVersion < new PackageVersion("1.2.0-beta"))
                // UIImageGroups and SpriteGroups asset have been merged into a single SpriteSheet => rename the assets and modify the tag
                var uiImageGroups = assetFiles.Where(f => f.FilePath.GetFileExtension() == ".pdxuiimage");
                var spritesGroups = assetFiles.Where(f => f.FilePath.GetFileExtension() == ".pdxsprite");
                RenameAndChangeTag(assetFiles, uiImageGroups, "!UIImageGroup");
                RenameAndChangeTag(assetFiles, spritesGroups, "!SpriteGroup");

            if (dependency.Version.MinVersion < new PackageVersion("1.3.0-alpha01"))
                // Create GameSettingsAsset
                GameSettingsAsset.UpgraderVersion130.Upgrade(session, log, dependentPackage, dependency, dependencyPackage, assetFiles);

            if (dependency.Version.MinVersion < new PackageVersion("1.3.0-alpha02"))
                // Delete EffectLogAsset
                foreach (var assetFile in assetFiles)
                    if (assetFile.FilePath.GetFileName() == EffectLogAsset.DefaultFile)
                        assetFile.Deleted = true;

            if (dependency.Version.MinVersion < new PackageVersion("1.4.0-beta"))
                // Update file extensions with Xenko prefix
                var legacyAssets = from assetFile in assetFiles
                                   where !assetFile.Deleted
                                   let extension = assetFile.FilePath.GetFileExtension()
                                   where extension.StartsWith(".pdx")
                                   select new { AssetFile = assetFile, NewExtension = ".xk" + extension.Substring(4) };

                foreach (var legacyAsset in legacyAssets.ToArray())
                    // Load asset data, so the renamed file will have it's AssetContent set
                    if (legacyAsset.AssetFile.AssetContent == null)
                        legacyAsset.AssetFile.AssetContent = File.ReadAllBytes(legacyAsset.AssetFile.FilePath);

                    // Change legacy namespaces and default effect names in all shader source files
                    // TODO: Use syntax analysis? What about shaders referenced in other assets?
                    if (legacyAsset.NewExtension == ".xksl" || legacyAsset.NewExtension == ".xkfx" || legacyAsset.NewExtension == ".xkeffectlog")
                        var sourceText = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(legacyAsset.AssetFile.AssetContent);
                        var newSourceText = sourceText.Replace("Paradox", "Xenko");

                        if (newSourceText != sourceText)
                            legacyAsset.AssetFile.AssetContent = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(newSourceText);

                    // Create asset copy with new extension
                    ChangeFileExtension(assetFiles, legacyAsset.AssetFile, legacyAsset.NewExtension);

                // Force loading of user settings with old extension
                var userSettings = dependentPackage.UserSettings;

                // Change package extension
                dependentPackage.FullPath = new UFile(dependentPackage.FullPath.GetFullPathWithoutExtension(), Package.PackageFileExtension);

                // Make sure all assets are upgraded
                RunAssetUpgradersUntilVersion(log, dependentPackage, XenkoConfig.PackageName, assetFiles, PackageVersion.Parse("1.4.0-beta"));

            if (dependency.Version.MinVersion < new PackageVersion("1.5.0-alpha01"))
                RunAssetUpgradersUntilVersion(log, dependentPackage, XenkoConfig.PackageName, assetFiles, PackageVersion.Parse("1.5.0-alpha01"));

            if (dependency.Version.MinVersion < new PackageVersion("1.5.0-alpha02"))
                // Ideally, this should be part of asset upgrader but we can't upgrade multiple assets at once yet

                var modelAssets = assetFiles.Where(f => f.FilePath.GetFileExtension() == ".xkm3d").Select(x => x.AsYamlAsset()).ToArray();
                var animAssets = assetFiles.Where(f => f.FilePath.GetFileExtension() == ".xkanim").Select(x => x.AsYamlAsset()).ToArray();
                var sceneAssets = assetFiles.Where(f => f.FilePath.GetFileExtension() == ".xkscene").Select(x => x.AsYamlAsset()).ToArray();

                // Select models with at least two nodes
                var modelAssetsWithSekeleton = modelAssets
                    .Where(model => ((IEnumerable)model.DynamicRootNode.Nodes).Cast<object>().Count() > 1).ToArray();

                var animToModelMapping = new Dictionary<PackageLoadingAssetFile.YamlAsset, PackageLoadingAssetFile.YamlAsset>();

                // Find associations in scene
                foreach (var sceneAsset in sceneAssets)
                    var hierarchy = sceneAsset.DynamicRootNode.Hierarchy;
                    foreach (dynamic entity in hierarchy.Entities)
                        var components = entity.Entity.Components;
                        var animationComponent = components["AnimationComponent.Key"];
                        var model = components["ModelComponent.Key"]?.Model;
                        if (animationComponent != null && model != null)
                            var modelReference = DynamicYamlExtensions.ConvertTo<AssetReference<Asset>>(model);
                            var modelAsset = modelAssetsWithSekeleton.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Asset.AssetPath == modelReference.Location);

                            foreach (var animation in animationComponent.Animations)
                                var animationReference = DynamicYamlExtensions.ConvertTo<AssetReference<Asset>>(animation.Value);
                                var animationAsset = animAssets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Asset.AssetPath == animationReference.Location);

                                if (modelAsset != null && animationAsset != null)
                                    animToModelMapping[animationAsset] = modelAsset;

                // Find associations when sharing same source file
                foreach (var animationAsset in animAssets)
                    // Comparing absolute path of assets
                    var modelAsset = modelAssetsWithSekeleton.FirstOrDefault(
                        x => UPath.Combine(animationAsset.Asset.AssetPath.GetParent(), new UFile((string)animationAsset.DynamicRootNode.Source))
                             == UPath.Combine(x.Asset.AssetPath.GetParent(), new UFile((string)x.DynamicRootNode.Source)));
                    if (modelAsset != null)
                        animToModelMapping[animationAsset] = modelAsset;

                var modelToSkeletonMapping = new Dictionary<PackageLoadingAssetFile.YamlAsset, PackageLoadingAssetFile.YamlAsset>();

                // For each model asset, create skeleton assets
                foreach (var modelAsset in modelAssetsWithSekeleton)
                    var skeletonAsset = new PackageLoadingAssetFile(modelAsset.Asset.FilePath.GetFullPathWithoutExtension() + " Skeleton.xkskel", modelAsset.Asset.SourceFolder)
                        AssetContent = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("!Skeleton\r\nId: " + Guid.NewGuid())

                    using (var skeletonAssetYaml = skeletonAsset.AsYamlAsset())
                        // Set source
                        skeletonAssetYaml.DynamicRootNode.Source = modelAsset.DynamicRootNode.Source;
                        skeletonAssetYaml.DynamicRootNode.SourceHash = modelAsset.DynamicRootNode.SourceHash;

                        // To be on the safe side, mark everything as preserved
                        var nodes = modelAsset.DynamicRootNode.Nodes;
                        foreach (var node in nodes)
                            node.Preserve = true;

                        skeletonAssetYaml.DynamicRootNode.Nodes = nodes;
                        skeletonAssetYaml.DynamicRootNode.ScaleImport = modelAsset.DynamicRootNode.ScaleImport;

                        // Update model to point to this skeleton
                        modelAsset.DynamicRootNode.Skeleton = new AssetReference<Asset>(Guid.Parse((string)skeletonAssetYaml.DynamicRootNode.Id), skeletonAsset.AssetPath.MakeRelative(modelAsset.Asset.AssetPath.GetParent()));
                        modelToSkeletonMapping.Add(modelAsset, skeletonAssetYaml);


                // Update animation to point to skeleton, and set preview default model
                foreach (var animToModelEntry in animToModelMapping)
                    var animationAsset = animToModelEntry.Key;
                    var modelAsset = animToModelEntry.Value;

                    var skeletonAsset = modelToSkeletonMapping[modelAsset];
                    animationAsset.DynamicRootNode.Skeleton = new AssetReference<Asset>(Guid.Parse((string)skeletonAsset.DynamicRootNode.Id), skeletonAsset.Asset.AssetPath.MakeRelative(animationAsset.Asset.AssetPath.GetParent()));
                    animationAsset.DynamicRootNode.PreviewModel = new AssetReference<Asset>(Guid.Parse((string)modelAsset.DynamicRootNode.Id), modelAsset.Asset.AssetPath.MakeRelative(animationAsset.Asset.AssetPath.GetParent()));

                // Remove Nodes from models
                foreach (var modelAsset in modelAssets)
                    modelAsset.DynamicRootNode.Nodes = DynamicYamlEmpty.Default;
                    modelAsset.DynamicRootNode["~Base"].Asset.Nodes = DynamicYamlEmpty.Default;

                // Save back
                foreach (var modelAsset in modelAssets)
                foreach (var animAsset in animAssets)

            return true;
        public static bool MigrateAssetIfNeeded(AssetMigrationContext context, PackageLoadingAssetFile loadAsset, string dependencyName, PackageVersion untilVersion = null)
            var assetFullPath = loadAsset.FilePath.FullPath;

            // Determine if asset was Yaml or not
            var assetFileExtension = Path.GetExtension(assetFullPath);
            if (assetFileExtension == null)
                return false;

            assetFileExtension = assetFileExtension.ToLowerInvariant();

            var serializer = AssetFileSerializer.FindSerializer(assetFileExtension);
            if (!(serializer is YamlAssetSerializer))
                return false;

            // We've got a Yaml asset, let's get expected and serialized versions
            var serializedVersion = PackageVersion.Zero;
            PackageVersion expectedVersion;
            Type assetType;

            // Read from Yaml file the asset version and its type (to get expected version)
            // Note: It tries to read as few as possible (SerializedVersion is expected to be right after Id, so it shouldn't try to read further than that)
            using (var assetStream = loadAsset.OpenStream())
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(assetStream))
                var yamlEventReader = new EventReader(new Parser(streamReader));

                // Skip header
                var mappingStart = yamlEventReader.Expect<MappingStart>();

                var tagTypeRegistry = AssetYamlSerializer.Default.GetSerializerSettings().TagTypeRegistry;
                bool typeAliased;
                assetType = tagTypeRegistry.TypeFromTag(mappingStart.Tag, out typeAliased);

                var expectedVersions = AssetRegistry.GetCurrentFormatVersions(assetType);
                expectedVersion = expectedVersions?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == dependencyName).Value ?? PackageVersion.Zero;

                Scalar assetKey;
                while ((assetKey = yamlEventReader.Allow<Scalar>()) != null)
                    // Only allow Id before SerializedVersion
                    if (assetKey.Value == nameof(Asset.Id))
                    else if (assetKey.Value == nameof(Asset.SerializedVersion))
                        // Check for old format: only a scalar
                        var scalarVersion = yamlEventReader.Allow<Scalar>();
                        if (scalarVersion != null)
                            serializedVersion = PackageVersion.Parse("0.0." + Convert.ToInt32(scalarVersion.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                            // Let's update to new format
                            using (var yamlAsset = loadAsset.AsYamlAsset())
                                AssetUpgraderBase.SetSerializableVersion(yamlAsset.DynamicRootNode, dependencyName, serializedVersion);

                                var baseBranch = yamlAsset.DynamicRootNode["~Base"];
                                if (baseBranch != null)
                                    var baseAsset = baseBranch["Asset"];
                                    if (baseAsset != null)
                                        AssetUpgraderBase.SetSerializableVersion(baseAsset, dependencyName, serializedVersion);
                            // New format: package => version mapping

                            while (!yamlEventReader.Accept<MappingEnd>())
                                var packageName = yamlEventReader.Expect<Scalar>().Value;
                                var packageVersion = PackageVersion.Parse(yamlEventReader.Expect<Scalar>().Value);

                                // For now, we handle only one dependency at a time
                                if (packageName == dependencyName)
                                    serializedVersion = packageVersion;

                        // If anything else than Id or SerializedVersion, let's stop

            if (serializedVersion > expectedVersion)
                // Try to open an asset newer than what we support (probably generated by a newer Xenko)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Asset of type {assetType} has been serialized with newer version {serializedVersion}, but only version {expectedVersion} is supported. Was this asset created with a newer version of Xenko?");

            if (serializedVersion < expectedVersion)
                // Perform asset upgrade
                context.Log.Verbose("{0} needs update, from version {1} to version {2}", Path.GetFullPath(assetFullPath), serializedVersion, expectedVersion);

                using (var yamlAsset = loadAsset.AsYamlAsset())
                    var yamlRootNode = yamlAsset.RootNode;

                    // Check if there is any asset updater
                    var assetUpgraders = AssetRegistry.GetAssetUpgraders(assetType, dependencyName);
                    if (assetUpgraders == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Asset of type {assetType} should be updated from version {serializedVersion} to {expectedVersion}, but no asset migration path was found");

                    // Instantiate asset updaters
                    var currentVersion = serializedVersion;
                    while (currentVersion != expectedVersion)
                        PackageVersion targetVersion;
                        // This will throw an exception if no upgrader is available for the given version, exiting the loop in case of error.
                        var upgrader = assetUpgraders.GetUpgrader(currentVersion, out targetVersion);

                        // Stop if the next version would be higher than what is expected
                        if (untilVersion != null && targetVersion > untilVersion)

                        upgrader.Upgrade(context, dependencyName, currentVersion, targetVersion, yamlRootNode, loadAsset);
                        currentVersion = targetVersion;

                    // Make sure asset is updated to latest version
                    YamlNode serializedVersionNode;
                    PackageVersion newSerializedVersion = null;
                    if (yamlRootNode.Children.TryGetValue(new YamlScalarNode(nameof(Asset.SerializedVersion)), out serializedVersionNode))
                        var newSerializedVersionForDefaultPackage = ((YamlMappingNode)serializedVersionNode).Children[new YamlScalarNode(dependencyName)];
                        newSerializedVersion = PackageVersion.Parse(((YamlScalarNode)newSerializedVersionForDefaultPackage).Value);

                    if (untilVersion == null && newSerializedVersion != expectedVersion)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Asset of type {assetType} was migrated, but still its new version {newSerializedVersion} doesn't match expected version {expectedVersion}.");

                    context.Log.Info("{0} updated from version {1} to version {2}", Path.GetFullPath(assetFullPath), serializedVersion, expectedVersion);

                return true;

            return false;
Beispiel #3
        public static bool MigrateAssetIfNeeded(AssetMigrationContext context, PackageLoadingAssetFile loadAsset, string dependencyName, PackageVersion untilVersion = null)
            var assetFullPath = loadAsset.FilePath.FullPath;

            // Determine if asset was Yaml or not
            var assetFileExtension = Path.GetExtension(assetFullPath);

            if (assetFileExtension == null)

            assetFileExtension = assetFileExtension.ToLowerInvariant();

            var serializer = AssetSerializer.FindSerializer(assetFileExtension);

            if (!(serializer is AssetYamlSerializer))

            // We've got a Yaml asset, let's get expected and serialized versions
            var            serializedVersion = PackageVersion.Zero;
            PackageVersion expectedVersion;
            Type           assetType;

            // Read from Yaml file the asset version and its type (to get expected version)
            // Note: It tries to read as few as possible (SerializedVersion is expected to be right after Id, so it shouldn't try to read further than that)
            using (var assetStream = loadAsset.OpenStream())
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(assetStream))
                    var yamlEventReader = new EventReader(new Parser(streamReader));

                    // Skip header
                    yamlEventReader.Expect <StreamStart>();
                    yamlEventReader.Expect <DocumentStart>();
                    var mappingStart = yamlEventReader.Expect <MappingStart>();

                    var  yamlSerializerSettings = YamlSerializer.GetSerializerSettings();
                    var  tagTypeRegistry        = yamlSerializerSettings.TagTypeRegistry;
                    bool typeAliased;
                    assetType = tagTypeRegistry.TypeFromTag(mappingStart.Tag, out typeAliased);

                    var expectedVersions = AssetRegistry.GetCurrentFormatVersions(assetType);
                    expectedVersion = expectedVersions?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == dependencyName).Value ?? PackageVersion.Zero;

                    Scalar assetKey;
                    while ((assetKey = yamlEventReader.Allow <Scalar>()) != null)
                        // Only allow Id before SerializedVersion
                        if (assetKey.Value == nameof(Asset.Id))
                        else if (assetKey.Value == nameof(Asset.SerializedVersion))
                            // Check for old format: only a scalar
                            var scalarVersion = yamlEventReader.Allow <Scalar>();
                            if (scalarVersion != null)
                                serializedVersion = PackageVersion.Parse("0.0." + Convert.ToInt32(scalarVersion.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                                // Let's update to new format
                                using (var yamlAsset = loadAsset.AsYamlAsset())
                                    AssetUpgraderBase.SetSerializableVersion(yamlAsset.DynamicRootNode, dependencyName, serializedVersion);

                                    var baseBranch = yamlAsset.DynamicRootNode[Asset.BaseProperty];
                                    if (baseBranch != null)
                                        var baseAsset = baseBranch["Asset"];
                                        if (baseAsset != null)
                                            AssetUpgraderBase.SetSerializableVersion(baseAsset, dependencyName, serializedVersion);
                                // New format: package => version mapping
                                yamlEventReader.Expect <MappingStart>();

                                while (!yamlEventReader.Accept <MappingEnd>())
                                    var packageName    = yamlEventReader.Expect <Scalar>().Value;
                                    var packageVersion = PackageVersion.Parse(yamlEventReader.Expect <Scalar>().Value);

                                    // For now, we handle only one dependency at a time
                                    if (packageName == dependencyName)
                                        serializedVersion = packageVersion;

                                yamlEventReader.Expect <MappingEnd>();
                            // If anything else than Id or SerializedVersion, let's stop

            if (serializedVersion > expectedVersion)
                // Try to open an asset newer than what we support (probably generated by a newer Xenko)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Asset of type {assetType} has been serialized with newer version {serializedVersion}, but only version {expectedVersion} is supported. Was this asset created with a newer version of Xenko?");

            if (serializedVersion < expectedVersion)
                // Perform asset upgrade
                context.Log.Verbose("{0} needs update, from version {1} to version {2}", Path.GetFullPath(assetFullPath), serializedVersion, expectedVersion);

                using (var yamlAsset = loadAsset.AsYamlAsset())
                    var yamlRootNode = yamlAsset.RootNode;

                    // Check if there is any asset updater
                    var assetUpgraders = AssetRegistry.GetAssetUpgraders(assetType, dependencyName);
                    if (assetUpgraders == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Asset of type {assetType} should be updated from version {serializedVersion} to {expectedVersion}, but no asset migration path was found");

                    // Instantiate asset updaters
                    var currentVersion = serializedVersion;
                    while (currentVersion != expectedVersion)
                        PackageVersion targetVersion;
                        // This will throw an exception if no upgrader is available for the given version, exiting the loop in case of error.
                        var upgrader = assetUpgraders.GetUpgrader(currentVersion, out targetVersion);

                        // Stop if the next version would be higher than what is expected
                        if (untilVersion != null && targetVersion > untilVersion)

                        upgrader.Upgrade(context, dependencyName, currentVersion, targetVersion, yamlRootNode, loadAsset);
                        currentVersion = targetVersion;

                    // Make sure asset is updated to latest version
                    YamlNode       serializedVersionNode;
                    PackageVersion newSerializedVersion = null;
                    if (yamlRootNode.Children.TryGetValue(new YamlScalarNode(nameof(Asset.SerializedVersion)), out serializedVersionNode))
                        var newSerializedVersionForDefaultPackage = ((YamlMappingNode)serializedVersionNode).Children[new YamlScalarNode(dependencyName)];
                        newSerializedVersion = PackageVersion.Parse(((YamlScalarNode)newSerializedVersionForDefaultPackage).Value);

                    if (untilVersion == null && newSerializedVersion != expectedVersion)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Asset of type {assetType} was migrated, but still its new version {newSerializedVersion} doesn't match expected version {expectedVersion}.");

                    context.Log.Info("{0} updated from version {1} to version {2}", Path.GetFullPath(assetFullPath), serializedVersion, expectedVersion);


        public override bool Upgrade(PackageSession session, ILogger log, Package dependentPackage, PackageDependency dependency, Package dependencyPackage, IList<PackageLoadingAssetFile> assetFiles)
            if (dependency.Version.MinVersion < new PackageVersion("1.5.0-alpha01"))
                RunAssetUpgradersUntilVersion(log, dependentPackage, XenkoConfig.PackageName, assetFiles, PackageVersion.Parse("1.5.0-alpha01"));

            if (dependency.Version.MinVersion < new PackageVersion("1.5.0-alpha02"))
                // Ideally, this should be part of asset upgrader but we can't upgrade multiple assets at once yet

                var modelAssets = assetFiles.Where(f => f.FilePath.GetFileExtension() == ".xkm3d").Select(x => x.AsYamlAsset()).ToArray();
                var animAssets = assetFiles.Where(f => f.FilePath.GetFileExtension() == ".xkanim").Select(x => x.AsYamlAsset()).ToArray();
                var sceneAssets = assetFiles.Where(f => f.FilePath.GetFileExtension() == ".xkscene").Select(x => x.AsYamlAsset()).ToArray();

                // Select models with at least two nodes
                var modelAssetsWithSekeleton = modelAssets
                    .Where(model => ((IEnumerable)model.DynamicRootNode.Nodes).Cast<object>().Count() > 1).ToArray();

                var animToModelMapping = new Dictionary<PackageLoadingAssetFile.YamlAsset, PackageLoadingAssetFile.YamlAsset>();

                // Find associations in scene
                foreach (var sceneAsset in sceneAssets)
                    var hierarchy = sceneAsset.DynamicRootNode.Hierarchy;
                    foreach (dynamic entity in hierarchy.Entities)
                        var components = entity.Entity.Components;
                        var animationComponent = components["AnimationComponent.Key"];
                        var model = components["ModelComponent.Key"]?.Model;
                        if (animationComponent != null && model != null)
                            var modelReference = DynamicYamlExtensions.ConvertTo<AssetReference>(model);
                            var modelAsset = modelAssetsWithSekeleton.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Asset.AssetPath == modelReference.Location);

                            foreach (var animation in animationComponent.Animations)
                                var animationReference = DynamicYamlExtensions.ConvertTo<AssetReference>(animation.Value);
                                var animationAsset = animAssets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Asset.AssetPath == animationReference.Location);

                                if (modelAsset != null && animationAsset != null)
                                    animToModelMapping[animationAsset] = modelAsset;

                // Find associations when sharing same source file
                foreach (var animationAsset in animAssets)
                    // Comparing absolute path of assets
                    var modelAsset = modelAssetsWithSekeleton.FirstOrDefault(
                        x => UPath.Combine(animationAsset.Asset.AssetPath.GetParent(), new UFile((string)animationAsset.DynamicRootNode.Source))
                             == UPath.Combine(x.Asset.AssetPath.GetParent(), new UFile((string)x.DynamicRootNode.Source)));
                    if (modelAsset != null)
                        animToModelMapping[animationAsset] = modelAsset;

                var modelToSkeletonMapping = new Dictionary<PackageLoadingAssetFile.YamlAsset, PackageLoadingAssetFile.YamlAsset>();

                // For each model asset, create skeleton assets
                foreach (var modelAsset in modelAssetsWithSekeleton)
                    var skeletonAsset = new PackageLoadingAssetFile(modelAsset.Asset.FilePath.GetFullPathWithoutExtension() + " Skeleton.xkskel", modelAsset.Asset.SourceFolder)
                        AssetContent = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("!Skeleton\r\nId: " + Guid.NewGuid())

                    using (var skeletonAssetYaml = skeletonAsset.AsYamlAsset())
                        // Set source
                        skeletonAssetYaml.DynamicRootNode.Source = modelAsset.DynamicRootNode.Source;
                        skeletonAssetYaml.DynamicRootNode.SourceHash = modelAsset.DynamicRootNode.SourceHash;

                        // To be on the safe side, mark everything as preserved
                        var nodes = modelAsset.DynamicRootNode.Nodes;
                        foreach (var node in nodes)
                            node.Preserve = true;

                        skeletonAssetYaml.DynamicRootNode.Nodes = nodes;
                        skeletonAssetYaml.DynamicRootNode.ScaleImport = modelAsset.DynamicRootNode.ScaleImport;

                        // Update model to point to this skeleton
                        modelAsset.DynamicRootNode.Skeleton = new AssetReference(AssetId.Parse((string)skeletonAssetYaml.DynamicRootNode.Id), skeletonAsset.AssetPath.MakeRelative(modelAsset.Asset.AssetPath.GetParent()));
                        modelToSkeletonMapping.Add(modelAsset, skeletonAssetYaml);


                // Update animation to point to skeleton, and set preview default model
                foreach (var animToModelEntry in animToModelMapping)
                    var animationAsset = animToModelEntry.Key;
                    var modelAsset = animToModelEntry.Value;

                    var skeletonAsset = modelToSkeletonMapping[modelAsset];
                    animationAsset.DynamicRootNode.Skeleton = new AssetReference(AssetId.Parse((string)skeletonAsset.DynamicRootNode.Id), skeletonAsset.Asset.AssetPath.MakeRelative(animationAsset.Asset.AssetPath.GetParent()));
                    animationAsset.DynamicRootNode.PreviewModel = new AssetReference(AssetId.Parse((string)modelAsset.DynamicRootNode.Id), modelAsset.Asset.AssetPath.MakeRelative(animationAsset.Asset.AssetPath.GetParent()));

                // Remove Nodes from models
                foreach (var modelAsset in modelAssets)
                    modelAsset.DynamicRootNode.Nodes = DynamicYamlEmpty.Default;
                    modelAsset.DynamicRootNode["~Base"].Asset.Nodes = DynamicYamlEmpty.Default;

                // Save back
                foreach (var modelAsset in modelAssets)
                foreach (var animAsset in animAssets)

            if (dependency.Version.MinVersion < new PackageVersion("1.6.0-beta"))
                // Delete EffectLogAsset
                foreach (var assetFile in assetFiles)
                    if (assetFile.FilePath.GetFileName() == EffectLogAsset.DefaultFile)
                        assetFile.Deleted = true;

            if (dependency.Version.MinVersion < new PackageVersion("1.7.0-alpha02"))
                foreach (var assetFile in assetFiles)
                    if (!IsYamlAsset(assetFile))

                    using (var assetYaml = assetFile.AsYamlAsset())
                        if (assetYaml == null)

                        var sourceNode = assetYaml.DynamicRootNode.Source;
                        var sourceHashNode = assetYaml.DynamicRootNode.SourceHash;
                        if (sourceHashNode != null)
                            var source = DynamicYamlExtensions.ConvertTo<UFile>(sourceNode);
                            var sourceHash = DynamicYamlExtensions.ConvertTo<ObjectId>(sourceHashNode);
                            var dictionary = new Dictionary<UFile, ObjectId> { { source, sourceHash } };
                            var yamlDic = DynamicYamlExtensions.ConvertFrom(dictionary);
                            yamlDic.Node.Tag = null;
                            assetYaml.DynamicRootNode["~SourceHashes"] = yamlDic;
                            assetYaml.DynamicRootNode.SourceHash = DynamicYamlEmpty.Default;
                        assetYaml.DynamicRootNode.ImporterId = DynamicYamlEmpty.Default;
                        assetYaml.DynamicRootNode.SourceKeepSideBySide = DynamicYamlEmpty.Default;

                        var assetBase = assetYaml.DynamicRootNode["~Base"];
                        if (assetBase != null)
                            if (assetBase.Location == "--import--")
                                assetYaml.DynamicRootNode["~Base"] = DynamicYamlEmpty.Default;

            //Audio refactor
            if (dependency.Version.MinVersion < new PackageVersion("1.7.0-alpha03"))
                var audioAssets = assetFiles.Where(f => f.FilePath.GetFileExtension() == ".xksnd").Select(x => x.AsYamlAsset()).ToArray();
                foreach (var assetFile in audioAssets)
                    //dispose will save back
                    using (var assetYaml = assetFile)
                        if (assetYaml == null)

                        if (assetYaml.RootNode.Tag == "!SoundMusic")
                            assetYaml.RootNode.Tag = "!Sound";
                            assetYaml.DynamicRootNode.Spatialized = false;
                            assetYaml.DynamicRootNode.StreamFromDisk = true;  
                            assetYaml.RootNode.Tag = "!Sound";
                            assetYaml.DynamicRootNode.Spatialized = true;
                            assetYaml.DynamicRootNode.StreamFromDisk = false;

            if (dependency.Version.MinVersion < new PackageVersion("1.7.0-alpha03"))
                // Delete EffectLogAsset (now, most of it is auto generated automatically by drawing one frame of the game)
                foreach (var assetFile in assetFiles)
                    if (assetFile.FilePath.GetFileName() == EffectLogAsset.DefaultFile)
                        assetFile.Deleted = true;

            if (dependency.Version.MinVersion < new PackageVersion("1.8.4-beta"))
                // Add new generic parameter of MaterialSurfaceNormalMap to effect logs
                var regex = new Regex(@"(?<=ClassName:\s+MaterialSurfaceNormalMap\s+GenericArguments:\s+\[[^\]]*)(?=\])");
                foreach (var assetFile in assetFiles.Where(f => f.FilePath.GetFileExtension() == ".xkeffectlog"))
                    var filePath = assetFile.FilePath;

                    // Load asset data, so the renamed file will have it's AssetContent set
                    if (assetFile.AssetContent == null)
                        assetFile.AssetContent = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);

                    var sourceText = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(assetFile.AssetContent);
                    var newSourceText = regex.Replace(sourceText, ", true");
                    var newAssetContent = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(newSourceText);

                    if (newSourceText != sourceText)
                        assetFile.AssetContent = newAssetContent;

                    //File.WriteAllBytes(newFileName, newAssetContent);

            if (dependency.Version.MinVersion < new PackageVersion("1.9.0-beta"))
                foreach (var assetFile in assetFiles)
                    if (!IsYamlAsset(assetFile))

                    // This upgrader will also mark every yaml asset as dirty. We want to re-save everything with the new serialization system
                    using (var assetYaml = assetFile.AsYamlAsset())
                        if (assetYaml == null)

                            if (assetYaml.DynamicRootNode["~Base"] != null)
                                var location = ((YamlScalarNode)assetYaml.DynamicRootNode["~Base"].Location.Node).Value;
                                if (location != "--import--")
                                    var id = ((YamlScalarNode)assetYaml.DynamicRootNode["~Base"].Asset.Id.Node).Value;
                                    var assetUrl = $"{id}:{location}";
                                    assetYaml.DynamicRootNode["Archetype"] = assetUrl;
                                assetYaml.DynamicRootNode["~Base"] = DynamicYamlEmpty.Default;
                            (Exception e)

            return true;