public void Update()
                String Sql = String.Format("Update OrderDetail  Set  Seq=\"{0}\", ProductID='{1}', Quantity='{2}', Tax='{3}', QuantityInvoiced='{4}', Reserved='0', OrderID={5}" + " Where CompanyID=\"" + this.CompanyID + "\"" + " And CustomerID=\"" + this.CustomerID + "\"" + " And OrderID=\"" + this.OrderID + "\"" + " And ProductID=\"" + this.ProductID + "\"",
                                           this.Seq, this.ProductID, this.Quantity, this.Tax, this.No_Invoiced, this.OrderID);

            public void Insert()
                String Sql = String.Format("Insert into ReceiveDetail (CompanyID, ReceiveID, PurchaseID, ProductID, Quantity)  Values (\"{0}\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\",'{3}','{4}')",
                                           this.CompanyID, this.ReceiveID, this.PurchaseID, this.ProductID, this.Received);

            public void Insert()
                String Sql = String.Format("Insert into PurchaseDetail (CompanyID, PurchaseID, ProductID, Cases, Units, Note)  Values (\"{0}\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\",'{3}','{4}',\"{5}\")",
                                           this.CompanyID, this.PurchaseID, this.ProductID, this.Cases, this.Units, this.Note);

            public void Insert()
                String Sql = String.Format("Insert into PrizeDetail (CompanyID, PrizeID, ProductID, BreakLevel, BreakLevelDollars, Quantity)  Values (\"{0}\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\",'{3}','{4}','{5}')",
                                           this.CompanyID, this.PrizeID, this.ProductID, this.BreakLevel, this.Amount, this.Quantity);
