Beispiel #1
        private void playerTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            CourseTimer ct = sender as CourseTimer;

            Draw(ct.GroupName, dicCurrent[ct.GroupName], dicForceRefresh[ct.GroupName], dicDS[ct.GroupName]);
            dicCurrent[ct.GroupName] = dicCurrent[ct.GroupName] + 1;
Beispiel #2
 //public void SendDraw(string drawObject, string sessionId, string groupName, string name)
 //    Clients.Group(groupName).HandleDraw(drawObject, sessionId, name);
 //public void SendDraw(string groupName, string x, string y, string drawtype)
 //    //Clients.Group(groupName).broadcastDraw(x, y, drawtype);
 //    // exclude self
 //    Clients.Others.broadcastDraw(x, y, drawtype);
 public void Play(string group, string second)
     int currenttime = Convert.ToInt32(second);
     //Draw(group, 7070, true, new COLDataSource());
     CourseTimer playerTimer = new CourseTimer(group);
     playerTimer.Elapsed += playerTimer_Elapsed;
     playerTimer.Interval = 1000;             // Timer will tick every 1 seconds
     playerTimer.Enabled = true;                       // Enable the timer
     if (!dicTimer.ContainsKey(group))
         dicTimer.Add(group, playerTimer);
         dicCurrent.Add(group, currenttime);
         dicForceRefresh.Add(group, false);
         dicDS.Add(group, new COLDataSource());
Beispiel #3
        //public void SendDraw(string drawObject, string sessionId, string groupName, string name)
        //    Clients.Group(groupName).HandleDraw(drawObject, sessionId, name);

        //public void SendDraw(string groupName, string x, string y, string drawtype)
        //    //Clients.Group(groupName).broadcastDraw(x, y, drawtype);
        //    // exclude self
        //    Clients.Others.broadcastDraw(x, y, drawtype);

        public void Play(string group, string second)
            int currenttime = Convert.ToInt32(second);
            //Draw(group, 7070, true, new COLDataSource());
            CourseTimer playerTimer = new CourseTimer(group);

            playerTimer.Elapsed += playerTimer_Elapsed;
            playerTimer.Interval = 1000;             // Timer will tick every 1 seconds
            playerTimer.Enabled  = true;             // Enable the timer
            if (!dicTimer.ContainsKey(group))
                dicTimer.Add(group, playerTimer);
                dicCurrent.Add(group, currenttime);
                dicForceRefresh.Add(group, false);
                dicDS.Add(group, new COLDataSource());