Beispiel #1
        private void TicketCarting()
                int TotalAmt = 0;
                bool InvalidTicket = false;

                List<TicketSeatModel> _LticketSeatModel = new List<TicketSeatModel>();
                //List<TicketSeatModel> _LticketSeatModel = new List<TicketSeatModel>();

                foreach (RepeaterItem item in rptTicketDetails.Items)
                    switch (item.ItemType)
                        case ListItemType.Item:
                                DropDownList chk = (DropDownList)item.FindControl("dd");
                                Label lbl = (Label)item.FindControl("lblEventPrice");
                                Label lblseat = (Label)item.FindControl("lblSeatLeft");
                                Label lblTicketDetails = (Label)item.FindControl("lblEventDetails");

                                //string d = chk.Text;
                                //string f = lbl.Text;
                                if (Convert.ToInt32(chk.Text) > Convert.ToInt32(lblseat.Text))
                                    if (lblseat.Text == "0")
                                        InvalidTicket = true;
                                        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Error", "javascript:alert('The event you are trying to book for has been sold out. We regret the incovenience.');", true);
                                        InvalidTicket = true; //

                                        System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                                        sb.Append(@"<script language='javascript'>");

                                        if (Convert.ToInt32(lblseat.Text) == 1)
                                            sb.Append(@"alert('Only  " + lblseat.Text + " seat is avaliable.')");
                                            sb.Append(@"alert('Only  " + lblseat.Text + " seats are avaliable.')");

                                        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Transaction Decline", sb.ToString(), false);

                                if (chk.Text != "0")
                                    if (InvalidTicket == false)
                                        TotalAmt += Convert.ToInt32(chk.Text) * Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text);

                                        _LticketSeatModel.Add(new TicketSeatModel
                                            CUSTID = Session["UserName"].ToString(),
                                            EventSPID = EID,
                                            SeatesBooked = Convert.ToInt32(chk.Text),
                                            FullName = Session["FullName"].ToString(),
                                            TicketType = lblTicketDetails.Text

                                    //proxy.SetTicketTemporyRegistration(_ticketSeatModel, "ShowLine#$5how!in3", "5how$*L!n3");
                        case ListItemType.AlternatingItem:
                                DropDownList chk = (DropDownList)item.FindControl("dd");
                                Label lbl = (Label)item.FindControl("lblEventPrice");
                                Label lblseat = (Label)item.FindControl("lblSeatLeft");
                                Label lblTicketDetails = (Label)item.FindControl("lblEventDetails");

                                if (Convert.ToInt32(chk.Text) > Convert.ToInt32(lblseat.Text))
                                    if (lblseat.Text == "0")
                                        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Error", "javascript:alert('The event you are trying to book for has been sold out. We regret the incovenience.');", true);
                                        System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                                        sb.Append(@"<script language='javascript'>");

                                        if (Convert.ToInt32(lblseat.Text) == 1)
                                            sb.Append(@"alert('Only  " + lblseat.Text + " seat is avaliable.')");
                                            sb.Append(@"alert('Only  " + lblseat.Text + " seats are avaliable.')");

                                        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Transaction Decline", sb.ToString(), false);

                                //string d = chk.Text;
                                //string f = lbl.Text;
                                if (chk.Text != "0")
                                    if (InvalidTicket == false)
                                        TotalAmt += Convert.ToInt32(chk.Text) * Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text);

                                        _LticketSeatModel.Add(new TicketSeatModel
                                            CUSTID = Session["UserName"].ToString(),
                                            EventSPID = EID,
                                            SeatesBooked = Convert.ToInt32(chk.Text),
                                            FullName = Session["FullName"].ToString(),
                                            TicketType = lblTicketDetails.Text

                                    //proxy.SetTicketTemporyRegistration(_ticketSeatModel, "ShowLine#$5how!in3", "5how$*L!n3");


                if (_LticketSeatModel.Count > 0)
                    using (ShowLineVer3.ShowLineServiceReference.Service1Client proxy = new ShowLineVer3.ShowLineServiceReference.Service1Client())
                        //proxy.SetTicketTemporyRegistration(_LticketSeatModel, "ShowLine#$5how!in3", "5how$*L!n3");
                        string retval = proxy.SetTicketTemporyRegistration(_LticketSeatModel.ToArray(), "ShowLine#$5how!in3", "5how$*L!n3");

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(retval))
                            EncryptDecrypt _EncryptDecrypt = new EncryptDecrypt();

                            EID = _EncryptDecrypt.Encrypt_QueryString(EID);
                            retval = _EncryptDecrypt.Encrypt_QueryString(retval);
                            string dd = _EncryptDecrypt.Encrypt_QueryString(DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"));

                            _EncryptDecrypt = null;

                            string urlVal = @"" + (EID) + "&TID=" + retval + "&PID=" + dd;
                            //string urlVal = @"" + (EID) + "&TID=" + retval + "&PID=" + dd;

                            this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "myUniqueKey", "self.parent.location='" + urlVal + "'", true);

                            //MEsage Server Busy
                //Session["PD"] = TotalAmt;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Beispiel #2
        protected void btnSubmit_ServerClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (ValidatePage() == true)

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(EID) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(TID))
                        //PAYMENT PROCEDURE

                        //UPDATE TICKET STATUS
                        //***************+kk payment

                        // By default, this sample code is designed to post to our test server for
                        // developer accounts:
                        // for real accounts (even in test mode), please make sure that you are
                        // posting to:

                        Dictionary<string, string> post_values = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                        //String post_url = "";
                        //post_values.Add("x_login", "5bpPR895DF");
                        //post_values.Add("x_tran_key", "67Rg3v72XqkZk6aL");

                        //the API Login ID and Transaction Key must be replaced with valid values

                        String post_url = "";  //live
                        post_values.Add("x_login", "5S2n9j3uBaR");
                        post_values.Add("x_tran_key", "5g94d9E3wwGUnC6E");

                        post_values.Add("x_delim_data", "TRUE");
                        post_values.Add("x_delim_char", "|");
                        post_values.Add("x_relay_response", "FALSE");

                        post_values.Add("x_type", "AUTH_CAPTURE");
                        post_values.Add("x_method", "CC");
                        post_values.Add("x_card_num", txtCardNumber.Text);//6011000000000012
                        post_values.Add("x_exp_date", ccMonth.Text + ccYear.Value);//"0515");
                        post_values.Add("x_card_code", txtCVV.Text);//+kk CCV

                        post_values.Add("x_amount", totval.Value);//"15.00");
                        post_values.Add("x_description", "SHOWSLINE WEB");

                        //+kk required only id addr verification is doing
                        /*post_values.Add("x_first_name", "John");
                        post_values.Add("x_last_name", "Doe");
                        post_values.Add("x_address", "1234 Street");
                        post_values.Add("x_state", "WA");
                        post_values.Add("x_zip", "98004");*/
                        // Additional fields can be added here as outlined in the AIM integration
                        // guide at:

                        // This section takes the input fields and converts them to the proper format
                        // for an http post.  For example: "x_login=username&x_tran_key=a1B2c3D4"
                        String post_string = "";

                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> post_value in post_values)
                            post_string += post_value.Key + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(post_value.Value) + "&";
                        post_string = post_string.TrimEnd('&');

                        // The following section provides an example of how to add line item details to
                        // the post string.  Because line items may consist of multiple values with the
                        // same key/name, they cannot be simply added into the above array.
                        // This section is commented out by default.
                        string[] line_items = {
                            "item1<|>golf balls<|><|>2<|>18.95<|>Y",
                            "item2<|>golf bag<|>Wilson golf carry bag, red<|>1<|>39.99<|>Y",
                            "item3<|>book<|>Golf for Dummies<|>1<|>21.99<|>Y"};

                        foreach( string value in line_items )
                            post_string += "&x_line_item=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(value);

                        // create an HttpWebRequest object to communicate with
                        HttpWebRequest objRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(post_url);
                        objRequest.Method = "POST";
                        objRequest.ContentLength = post_string.Length;
                        objRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

                        // post data is sent as a stream
                        StreamWriter myWriter = null;
                        myWriter = new StreamWriter(objRequest.GetRequestStream());

                        // returned values are returned as a stream, then read into a string
                        String post_response;
                        HttpWebResponse objResponse = (HttpWebResponse)objRequest.GetResponse();
                        using (StreamReader responseStream = new StreamReader(objResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                            post_response = responseStream.ReadToEnd();

                        string[] response_array = post_response.Split('|');

                        // the response string is broken into an array
                        // The split character specified here must match the delimiting character specified above

                        // individual elements of the array could be accessed to read certain response
                        // fields.  For example, response_array[0] would return the Response Code,
                        // response_array[2] would return the Response Reason Code.
                        // for a list of response fields, please review the AIM Implementation Guide

                        if (response_array[0] == "1")
                            EventTicketDetailsViewModel _eventTicketDetailsViewModel = new EventTicketDetailsViewModel();
                            // _eventTicketDetailsViewModel.UpdateTicketStatus(TID, EID, result.CTR, result.EXact_Resp_Code, result.Bank_Resp_Code + " MSG :  " + result.EXact_Message, result.Bank_Message);//-kk
                            _eventTicketDetailsViewModel.UpdateTicketStatus(TID, EID, response_array[4], response_array[0], response_array[2] + " MSG :  " + response_array[3], response_array[3]);//+kk
                            _eventTicketDetailsViewModel = null;

                            EncryptDecrypt _EncryptDecrypt = new EncryptDecrypt();
                            EID = _EncryptDecrypt.Encrypt_QueryString(EID);
                            TID = _EncryptDecrypt.Encrypt_QueryString(TID);
                            _EncryptDecrypt = null;

                            txtCardNumber.Text = "";
                            txtCVV.Text = "";
                            txtCard.Text = "";

                            Session["ssSessVal"] = "0";
                            Response.Redirect("" + EID + "&TID=" + TID, false);
                            System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                            sb.Append(@"<script language='javascript'>");
                            sb.Append(@"alert('Transaction Declined : " + response_array[3] + "')");

                            //ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Error", "javascript:alert('Transaction Decline : '" + result.EXact_Message + "' );", true);
                            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Transaction Decline", sb.ToString(), false);

                            //Response.Redirect("~/WebSite/Decline.aspx?EID=" + EID + "&TID=" + TID); //for test, To be replaced with Decline page, put "result.EXact_Message" message in the decline page.


                        txtCardNumber.Text = "";
                        txtCVV.Text = "";
                        txtCard.Text = "";

                        //Response.Redirect("~/WebSite/Confirmation.aspx?EID=" + EID + "&TID=" + TID);
                            E4.ServiceSoapClient ws = new E4.ServiceSoapClient();
                            E4.Transaction txn = new E4.Transaction();
                            // set correct credential values, to be replaced with "live" values
                            txn.ExactID = "AD3533-06";
                            txn.Password = "******";

                            txn.Transaction_Type = "00";
                            txn.Card_Number = txtCardNumber.Text;// "4111111111111111";  //visa 4111111111111111
                            //txn.Card_Number = "5500000000000004"; //master card
                            //txn.Card_Number = "6011000000000004"; //Discover card
                            //txn.Card_Number = "3566002020140006"; //JCB card
                            txn.CardHoldersName = txtCard.Text;// "test name 1";
                            //txn.DollarAmount =  "10.00";
                            //txn.Expiry_Date = "1114"; //mmyy
                            txn.DollarAmount = totval.Value; //"10.00";
                            txn.Expiry_Date = ccMonth.Text + ccYear.Value; //"1114"; //mmyy

                            txn.VerificationStr2 = txtCVV.Text;// "123";  //CVV
                            txn.CVD_Presence_Ind = "1";

                            E4.TransactionResult result = ws.SendAndCommit(txn);

                            Console.WriteLine("e4 resp code: " + result.EXact_Resp_Code);
                            Console.WriteLine("e4 message: " + result.EXact_Message);
                            Console.WriteLine("e4 CVV Result: " + result.CVV2);
                            Console.WriteLine("bank resp code: " + result.Bank_Resp_Code);
                            Console.WriteLine("bank message: " + result.Bank_Message);

                            if (result.EXact_Resp_Code == "00") //Approved
                                EventTicketDetailsViewModel _eventTicketDetailsViewModel = new EventTicketDetailsViewModel();
                                _eventTicketDetailsViewModel.UpdateTicketStatus(TID, EID, result.CTR, result.EXact_Resp_Code, result.Bank_Resp_Code + " MSG :  " + result.EXact_Message, result.Bank_Message);
                                _eventTicketDetailsViewModel = null;

                                Response.Redirect("~/WebSite/Confirmation.aspx?EID=" + EID + "&TID=" + TID, false);
                            //Response.Redirect("~/WebSite/Confirmation.aspx?EID=" + EID + "&TID=" + TID);
                                System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                                sb.Append(@"<script language='javascript'>");
                                sb.Append(@"alert('Transaction Declined : " + result.EXact_Message + "')");

                                //ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Error", "javascript:alert('Transaction Decline : '" + result.EXact_Message + "' );", true);
                                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Transaction Decline", sb.ToString(), false);

                                //Response.Redirect("~/WebSite/Decline.aspx?EID=" + EID + "&TID=" + TID); //for test, To be replaced with Decline page, put "result.EXact_Message" message in the decline page.
                        catch (Exception ex1)

                            if (ex1.Message.ToUpper().Contains("TOO BUSY"))
                                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Error", "javascript:alert('Service Not responding.Please try after sometime.');", true);
                                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Error", "javascript:alert('Unexpected error occur please try after sometime.');", true);
                            Response.Redirect("/WebSite/events-List?ID=" + EID + "&EN=" + "");
            catch (Exception ex)