 // GET: /Shows/
 public ActionResult Index()
     Show ss = new Show(1,"Rookie Blue","Could be the best of all time!!!");
     List<Show> lstShow = new List<Show>();
     return View(showslst.lstshowlistshow);
 public ActionResult Create(Show showCreate)
     int count = showslst.lstshowlistshow.Count;
     showslst.FinalList(showslst.lstshowlistshow, showCreate);
     return Redirect("Index");
        public ActionResult Details(string showName)
            //TODO: Change this to look up show from API
            var show = new Show();
            show.Name = showName;
            show.Description = "I think this should be delivered from the API, and a nicer Name for this show along with it.";

            return View(show);
 public static List<Show> FinalList(List<Show> lsShow, Show ss)
     lstshowlistshow = lsShow;
     return lsShow;
 public async Task<ActionResult> UpdateShow(Show show) {
     var resp = await _httpClient.PutAsJsonAsync<Show>("api/show", show);
     var addedShow = _serializer.Deserialize<Show>(await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
     return RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = addedShow.Id });