Represents settings to be used by an instance of tox.
Beispiel #1
        public void Init()
            var options = new ToxOptions(true, true);
            _tox1 = new Tox(options);
            _tox2 = new Tox(options);

            _tox1.AddFriend(_tox2.Id, "hey");
            _tox2.AddFriend(_tox1.Id, "hey");

            while (_tox1.GetFriendConnectionStatus(0) == ToxConnectionStatus.None)
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of Tox. If no secret key is specified, toxcore will generate a new keypair.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">The options to initialize this instance of Tox with.</param>
        /// <param name="secretKey">Optionally, specify the secret key to initialize this instance of Tox with. Must be ToxConstants.SecretKeySize bytes in size.</param>
        public Tox(ToxOptions options, ToxKey secretKey = null)
            var error = ToxErrorNew.Ok;
            var optionsStruct = options.Struct;

            if (secretKey != null)
                optionsStruct.SetData(secretKey.GetBytes(), ToxSaveDataType.SecretKey);

            _tox = ToxFunctions.New(ref optionsStruct, ref error);

            if (_tox == null || _tox.IsInvalid || error != ToxErrorNew.Ok)
                throw new Exception("Could not create a new instance of tox, error: " + error.ToString());

            Options = options;
Beispiel #3
        public void TestToxFriendRequest()
            var options = new ToxOptions(true, true);
            var tox1 = new Tox(options);
            var tox2 = new Tox(options);
            var error = ToxErrorFriendAdd.Ok;
            string message = "Hey, this is a test friend request.";
            bool testFinished = false;

            tox1.AddFriend(tox2.Id, message, out error);
            if (error != ToxErrorFriendAdd.Ok)
                Assert.Fail("Failed to add friend: {0}", error);

            tox2.OnFriendRequestReceived += (sender, args) =>
                if (args.Message != message)
                    Assert.Fail("Message received in the friend request is not the same as the one that was sent");

                tox2.AddFriendNoRequest(args.PublicKey, out error);
                if (error != ToxErrorFriendAdd.Ok)
                    Assert.Fail("Failed to add friend (no request): {0}", error);

                if (!tox2.FriendExists(0))
                    Assert.Fail("Friend doesn't exist according to core");

                testFinished = true;

            while (!testFinished && tox1.GetFriendConnectionStatus(0) == ToxConnectionStatus.None)
                int time1 = tox1.Iterate();
                int time2 = tox2.Iterate();

                Thread.Sleep(Math.Min(time1, time2));

Beispiel #4
 public static extern ToxHandle New(ref ToxOptions options);
Beispiel #5
        public void TestToxProxySocks5()
            var options = new ToxOptions(true, ToxProxyType.Socks5, "", 9050);
            var tox = new Tox(options);
            var error = ToxErrorBootstrap.Ok;

            foreach (var node in Globals.TcpRelays)
                bool result = tox.AddTcpRelay(node, out error);
                if (!result || error != ToxErrorBootstrap.Ok)
                    Assert.Fail("Failed to bootstrap, error: {0}, result: {1}", error, result);

            while (!tox.IsConnected) { Thread.Sleep(10); }

            Console.WriteLine("Tox connected!");
Beispiel #6
 public static extern ToxHandle New(ref ToxOptions options);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of tox.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        public Tox(ToxOptions options)
            tox = ToxFunctions.New(ref options);

            if (tox == null || tox.IsInvalid)
                throw new Exception("Could not create a new instance of toxav.");

            Options = options;
            Invoker = new InvokeDelegate(dummyinvoker);

Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of Tox.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">The options to initialize this instance of Tox with.</param>
        /// <param name="data">A byte array containing Tox save data.</param>
        /// <param name="key">The key to decrypt the given encrypted Tox profile data. If the data is not encrypted, this should be null.</param>
        public Tox(ToxOptions options, ToxData data, ToxEncryptionKey key = null)
            if (data == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("data");

            var optionsStruct = options.Struct;

            if (key == null || !data.IsEncrypted)
                var error = ToxErrorNew.Ok;
                optionsStruct.SetData(data.Bytes, ToxSaveDataType.ToxSave);

                _tox = ToxFunctions.New(ref optionsStruct, ref error);

                if (_tox == null || _tox.IsInvalid || error != ToxErrorNew.Ok)
                    throw new Exception("Could not create a new instance of tox, error: " + error.ToString());
                var error = ToxErrorNew.Ok;
                var decryptError = ToxErrorDecryption.Ok;
                byte[] decryptedData = ToxEncryption.DecryptData(data.Bytes, key, out decryptError);
                optionsStruct.SetData(decryptedData, ToxSaveDataType.ToxSave);

                _tox = ToxFunctions.New(ref optionsStruct, ref error);

                if (_tox == null || _tox.IsInvalid || error != ToxErrorNew.Ok || decryptError != ToxErrorDecryption.Ok)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Could not create a new instance of tox, error: {0}, decrypt error: {1}" + error.ToString(), decryptError.ToString()));

            Options = options;
Beispiel #9
 public ExtendedTox(ToxOptions options)
     : base(options)
Beispiel #10
 public ExtendedTox(ToxOptions options, ToxData data = null, ToxEncryptionKey key = null) :
     base(options, data, key)
Beispiel #11
        private async void mv_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ToxOptions options;
            if (config.ProxyType != ToxProxyType.None)
                options = new ToxOptions(config.Ipv6Enabled, config.ProxyType, config.ProxyAddress, config.ProxyPort);
                options = new ToxOptions(config.Ipv6Enabled, !config.UdpDisabled);

            tox = new Tox(options);

            var data = await loadTox();
            if (data != null)
                tox = new Tox(options, data);

            tox.OnFriendNameChanged += tox_OnFriendNameChanged;
            tox.OnFriendMessageReceived += tox_OnFriendMessageReceived;
            tox.OnFriendRequestReceived += tox_OnFriendRequestReceived;
            tox.OnFriendStatusChanged += tox_OnFriendStatusChanged;
            tox.OnFriendStatusMessageChanged += tox_OnFriendStatusMessageChanged;
            tox.OnFriendTypingChanged += tox_OnFriendTypingChanged;
            tox.OnConnectionStatusChanged += tox_OnConnectionStatusChanged;
            tox.OnFriendConnectionStatusChanged += tox_OnFriendConnectionStatusChanged;
            tox.OnFileSendRequestReceived += tox_OnFileSendRequestReceived;
            tox.OnFileChunkReceived += tox_OnFileChunkReceived;
            tox.OnFileControlReceived += tox_OnFileControlReceived;
            tox.OnFileChunkRequested += tox_OnFileChunkRequested;
            tox.OnReadReceiptReceived += tox_OnReadReceiptReceived;
            tox.OnGroupTitleChanged += tox_OnGroupTitleChanged;

            tox.OnGroupInvite += tox_OnGroupInvite;
            tox.OnGroupMessage += tox_OnGroupMessage;
            tox.OnGroupAction += tox_OnGroupAction;
            tox.OnGroupNamelistChange += tox_OnGroupNamelistChange;

            toxav = new ToxAv(tox.Handle, 1);
            toxav.OnInvite += toxav_OnInvite;
            toxav.OnStart += toxav_OnStart;
            toxav.OnEnd += toxav_OnEnd;
            toxav.OnPeerTimeout += toxav_OnEnd;
            toxav.OnRequestTimeout += toxav_OnEnd;
            toxav.OnReject += toxav_OnEnd;
            toxav.OnCancel += toxav_OnEnd;
            toxav.OnReceivedAudio += toxav_OnReceivedAudio;
            toxav.OnReceivedVideo += toxav_OnReceivedVideo;
            toxav.OnPeerCodecSettingsChanged += toxav_OnPeerCodecSettingsChanged;
            toxav.OnReceivedGroupAudio += toxav_OnReceivedGroupAudio;


            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(getSelfName()))
                tox.Name = "Tox User";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(getSelfStatusMessage()))
                tox.StatusMessage = "Toxing on Toxy";

            ViewModel.MainToxyUser.Name = getSelfName();
            ViewModel.MainToxyUser.StatusMessage = getSelfStatusMessage();


            SetStatus(null, false);

            TextToSend.AddHandler(DragOverEvent, new DragEventHandler(Chat_DragOver), true);
            TextToSend.AddHandler(DropEvent, new DragEventHandler(Chat_Drop), true);

            ChatBox.AddHandler(DragOverEvent, new DragEventHandler(Chat_DragOver), true);
            ChatBox.AddHandler(DropEvent, new DragEventHandler(Chat_Drop), true);

            if (tox.Friends.Length > 0)
                ViewModel.SelectedChatObject = ViewModel.ChatCollection.OfType<IFriendObject>().FirstOrDefault();
