Beispiel #1
        public void Parse(CompileContext context, Stack<Token> stream)
            Token token = stream.Pop();
            if (token.TokenId != TokenId.LeftBracket)
                throw new ParseException("Expected '(' to begin vector.");

            // We parse first scalar.
            ASTScalar scalar1 = new ASTScalar(), scalar2 = new ASTScalar();
            scalar1.Parse(context, stream);

            // We expect comma.
            token = stream.Pop();
            if (token.TokenId != TokenId.Comma)
                throw new ParseException("Expected ',' seperating two scalars.");

            // We parse the second.
            scalar2.Parse(context, stream);

            // We need right bracket.
            token = stream.Pop();
            if (token.TokenId != TokenId.RightBracket)
                throw new ParseException("Expecting ')' to end vector.");

            // We apply them.
            data = new GuiVector2(scalar1.Scalar, scalar2.Scalar);
Beispiel #2
        public override string ToString()
            ASTScalar s1 = new ASTScalar(), s2 = new ASTScalar();
            s1.Scalar = data.X;
            s2.Scalar = data.Y;

            return string.Format("new SharpMedia.Graphics.GUI.Metrics.GuiVector2({0}, {1})", s1, s2);
Beispiel #3
        public void Test()
            ASTScalar scalar = new ASTScalar();

            scalar.Parse(null, Token.StackForm(Token.Tokenize("10.0c+5px+2%")));

            Assert.AreEqual(5.0f, scalar.Scalar.PixelCoordinate);
            Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, scalar.Scalar.CanvasCoordinate);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.02f, scalar.Scalar.ParentCoordinate);
Beispiel #4
        public void Parse(CompileContext context, System.Xml.XmlNode node)
            if (node.Attributes["Value"] != null)
                ASTScalar scalar = new ASTScalar();
                scalar.Parse(context, Token.StackForm(Token.Tokenize(node.Attributes["Value"].InnerText)));

                data = scalar.Scalar;
                throw new ParseException("Value of scalar not present in 'Value' attribute.");
Beispiel #5
        public void Parse(CompileContext context, System.Xml.XmlNode node)
            ASTScalar width = null, height = null;

            if (node.Attributes["Width"] != null)
                width = new ASTScalar();
                width.Parse(context, Token.StackForm(Token.Tokenize(node.Attributes["Width"].InnerText)));

            if (node.Attributes["X"] != null)
                if (width != null)
                    throw new ParseException("Could not combine X and Width, same meaning in terms of vector.");
                width = new ASTScalar();
                width.Parse(context, Token.StackForm(Token.Tokenize(node.Attributes["X"].InnerText)));

            if (node.Attributes["Height"] != null)
                height = new ASTScalar();
                height.Parse(context, Token.StackForm(Token.Tokenize(node.Attributes["Height"].InnerText)));

            if (node.Attributes["Y"] != null)
                if (height != null)
                    throw new ParseException("Could not combine Y and Height, same meaning in terms of vector.");
                height = new ASTScalar();
                height.Parse(context, Token.StackForm(Token.Tokenize(node.Attributes["Y"].InnerText)));

            // Default to zero
            if (width == null) { width = new ASTScalar(); width.Scalar = new GuiScalar(0.0f); }
            if (height == null) { height = new ASTScalar(); height.Scalar = new GuiScalar(0.0f); }

            data = new GuiVector2(width.Scalar, height.Scalar);
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// We parse value as text.
        /// </summary>
        public static IEmittable ParseValue(CompileContext context, Type changeType, string property, string value)
            // We find the name in changeType.
            PropertyInfo info = changeType.GetProperty(property);

            if (info == null || !info.CanWrite)
                throw new ParseException(string.Format("The property '{0}' for class '{1}' either does not exist" +
                                                       " or it is not writable.", property, changeType.Name));

            Type type = info.PropertyType;

            if (type == typeof(GuiScalar))
                ASTScalar scalar = new ASTScalar();
                scalar.Parse(context, Token.StackForm(Token.Tokenize(value)));
            else if (type == typeof(GuiRect))
                ASTRect rect = new ASTRect();

                rect.Parse(context, Token.StackForm(Token.Tokenize(value)));
            else if (type == typeof(GuiVector2))
                ASTVector2 v = new ASTVector2();

                v.Parse(context, Token.StackForm(Token.Tokenize(value)));
            else if (type == typeof(string))
                ASTString s = new ASTString();

                s.Value = value;
            else if (type == typeof(int))
                ASTInt s = new ASTInt();

                s.Value = int.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
            else if (type == typeof(uint))
                ASTUInt s = new ASTUInt();

                s.Value = uint.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
            else if (type == typeof(bool))
                ASTBool s = new ASTBool();

                s.Value = bool.Parse(value);
            else if (type.BaseType == typeof(Enum))
                ASTEnum e = new ASTEnum(type, value);
            else if (type == typeof(Colour))
                ASTColour c = new ASTColour();
                c.Parse(context, Token.StackForm(Token.Tokenize(value)));

            else if (type.GetMethod("Parse", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, null,
                                    new Type[] { typeof(string) }, null) != null)
                // We try with "Parse" method.
                ASTStringParsable p = new ASTStringParsable(value, type);

                throw new ParseException(string.Format("The property {0} is not supported because it is not built-in or does not" +
                                                       " implement a static Parse(string) method.", property));
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// We parse the value as XmlNode.
        /// </summary>
        public static IEmittable ParseValue(CompileContext context, Type changeType, XmlNode node)
            // We find the name in changeType.
            PropertyInfo info = changeType.GetProperty(node.LocalName);

            if (info == null || !info.CanWrite)
                throw new ParseException(string.Format("The property '{0}' for class '{1}' either does not exist" +
                                                       " or it is not writable.", node.Name, changeType));

            Type type = info.PropertyType;

            // A property defines a bucket, where internal is of different type.
            if (node.Prefix == StandardPrefixes.Property)
                ASTXmlParsableProperty prop = new ASTXmlParsableProperty(type);
                prop.Parse(context, node);


            // A normal, direct initialization.
            if (type == typeof(GuiScalar))
                ASTScalar scalar = new ASTScalar();
                scalar.Parse(context, node);
            else if (type == typeof(GuiRect))
                ASTRect rect = new ASTRect();
                rect.Parse(context, node);
            else if (type == typeof(GuiVector2))
                ASTVector2 v = new ASTVector2();
                v.Parse(context, node);
            else if (type == typeof(string))
                ASTString s = new ASTString();
                s.Value = node.InnerText;
                // If there is only a 'Value' tag with no children, we consider using normal parsing.
                if (node.Attributes.Count == 1 && node.Attributes["Value"] != null && node.ChildNodes.Count == 0)
                    return(ParseValue(context, changeType, node.LocalName, node.Value));

                // If no alternative, we use generic XMLParseable.
                ASTXmlParsable parseable = new ASTXmlParsable(type);
                parseable.Parse(context, node);
Beispiel #8
        public void Parse(CompileContext context, System.Xml.XmlNode node)
            XmlAttributeCollection attr = node.Attributes;

            ASTScalar left = null, right = null, top = null, bottom = null, width = null, height = null;

            if (attr["Left"] != null)
                left = new ASTScalar();
                left.Parse(context, Token.StackForm(Token.Tokenize(attr["Left"].InnerText)));

            if (attr["Right"] != null)
                right = new ASTScalar();
                right.Parse(context, Token.StackForm(Token.Tokenize(attr["Right"].InnerText)));

            if (attr["Top"] != null)
                top = new ASTScalar();
                top.Parse(context, Token.StackForm(Token.Tokenize(attr["Top"].InnerText)));

            if (attr["Bottom"] != null)
                bottom = new ASTScalar();
                bottom.Parse(context, Token.StackForm(Token.Tokenize(attr["Bottom"].InnerText)));

            if (attr["Width"] != null)
                width = new ASTScalar();
                width.Parse(context, Token.StackForm(Token.Tokenize(attr["Width"].InnerText)));

            if (attr["Height"] != null)
                height = new ASTScalar();
                height.Parse(context, Token.StackForm(Token.Tokenize(attr["Height"].InnerText)));

            // We now try combinations, must be defined somehow. We check four corners.
            if (left != null && right != null && top != null && bottom != null && height == null && width == null)
                this.rectangle = new GuiRect(RectangleMode.MinMax, new GuiVector2(left.Scalar, bottom.Scalar),
                                             new GuiVector2(right.Scalar, top.Scalar));

            // We default width/height.
            if (width == null)
                width        = new ASTScalar();
                width.Scalar = new GuiScalar(0.0f);
            if (height == null)
                height        = new ASTScalar();
                height.Scalar = new GuiScalar(0.0f);

            // Now we check combinations.
            if (left != null && right == null && top == null && bottom != null)
                this.rectangle = new GuiRect(RectangleMode.LeftBottomAndSize,
                                             new GuiVector2(left.Scalar, bottom.Scalar), new GuiVector2(width.Scalar, height.Scalar));

            if (left != null && right == null && top != null && bottom == null)
                this.rectangle = new GuiRect(RectangleMode.LeftTopAndSize,
                                             new GuiVector2(left.Scalar, top.Scalar), new GuiVector2(width.Scalar, height.Scalar));

            if (left == null && right != null && top != null && bottom == null)
                this.rectangle = new GuiRect(RectangleMode.RightTopAndSize,
                                             new GuiVector2(right.Scalar, top.Scalar), new GuiVector2(width.Scalar, height.Scalar));

            if (left == null && right != null && top == null && bottom != null)
                this.rectangle = new GuiRect(RectangleMode.RightBottomAndSize,
                                             new GuiVector2(right.Scalar, bottom.Scalar), new GuiVector2(width.Scalar, height.Scalar));

            throw new ParseException("The rectangle is malformed.");