public void CreateVolume()
            var material = _CreateVolumeMaterial();

            Assert.IsTrue(MaterialBuilder.AreEqualByContent(material, _Schema2Roundtrip(material)));
            Assert.IsTrue(MaterialBuilder.AreEqualByContent(material, material.Clone()));
        public void CreateSpecularGlossiness()
            var material = _CreateSpecularGlossinessMaterial();

            Assert.IsTrue(MaterialBuilder.AreEqualByContent(material, _Schema2Roundtrip(material)));
            Assert.IsTrue(MaterialBuilder.AreEqualByContent(material, material.Clone()));
Beispiel #3
        public void TestMaterialBuilderEquality()
            var tex1Bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(System.IO.Path.Combine(AssetsPath, "shannon.png"));

            // create a material using our shared texture
            var material1 = new MaterialBuilder()

            var material2 = material1.Clone();

            Assert.IsTrue(MaterialBuilder.AreEqualByContent(material1, material2));

            .Extras = IO.JsonContent.Serialize(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(1, "hello"));

            var material3 = material2.Clone();

            Assert.IsFalse(MaterialBuilder.AreEqualByContent(material1, material2));
            Assert.IsTrue(MaterialBuilder.AreEqualByContent(material2, material3));

            var kvp = material3.GetChannel(KnownChannel.BaseColor)
                      .Extras.Deserialize <KeyValuePair <int, string> >();

            Assert.AreEqual(kvp.Key, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(kvp.Value, "hello");
        public void TestMaterialEquality()
            // Checking if two materials are the same or not is conceptually ambiguous.
            // The static method AreEqualByContent allows to check if two materials represent
            // the same physical material, even if they're two different references.
            // ... And we could use it for general equality checks, but then, since
            // MaterialBuilder is NOT inmutable, it can mean that two materials can be equal
            // at a given time, and non equal at another. Furthermore, it would imply having
            // a hash code that changes over time. As a consequence, it could be impossible
            // to use MaterialBuilder as a dictionary Key.

            var srcMaterial = _CreateUnlitMaterial();

            var clnMaterial = srcMaterial.Clone();

            // srcMaterial and clnMaterial are two different objects, so plain equality checks must apply to reference checks
            Assert.IsFalse(srcMaterial == clnMaterial);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(srcMaterial, clnMaterial);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(srcMaterial.GetHashCode(), clnMaterial.GetHashCode());

            // checking the materials represent the same "material" must be made with AreEqualByContent method.
            Assert.IsTrue(MaterialBuilder.AreEqualByContent(srcMaterial, clnMaterial));

            var bag = new HashSet <MaterialBuilder>();


            Assert.AreEqual(2, bag.Count);
Beispiel #5
        public void CreateMetallicRoughness()
            var assetsPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "Assets");
            var tex1       = System.IO.Path.Combine(assetsPath, "shannon.png");

            var srcMaterial = new MaterialBuilder()
                              .WithAlpha(AlphaMode.MASK, 0.6f)
                              .WithEmissive(tex1, new Vector3(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.1f))
                              .WithNormal(tex1, 0.3f)
                              .WithOcclusion(tex1, 0.4f)

                              .WithBaseColor(tex1, new Vector4(0.7f, 0, 0f, 0.8f))
                              .WithMetallicRoughness(tex1, 0.2f, 0.4f);

            // example of setting additional parameters for a given channel.
            .WithSampler(TextureWrapMode.CLAMP_TO_EDGE, TextureWrapMode.MIRRORED_REPEAT, TextureMipMapFilter.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, TextureInterpolationFilter.NEAREST)
            .WithTransform(Vector2.One * 0.2f, Vector2.One * 0.3f, 0.1f, 2);

            Assert.IsTrue(MaterialBuilder.AreEqualByContent(srcMaterial, Schema2Roundtrip(srcMaterial)));
            Assert.IsTrue(MaterialBuilder.AreEqualByContent(srcMaterial, srcMaterial.Clone()));
Beispiel #6
        public void CreateSpecularGlossinessWithFallback()
            var assetsPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "Assets");
            var tex1       = System.IO.Path.Combine(assetsPath, "shannon.webp");
            var tex2       = System.IO.Path.Combine(assetsPath, "shannon.png");

            var primary = new MaterialBuilder("primary")

                          // fallback and primary material must have exactly the same properties
                          .WithAlpha(AlphaMode.MASK, 0.75f)
                          .WithEmissive(tex1, new Vector3(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.1f))
                          .WithNormal(tex1, 0.3f)
                          .WithOcclusion(tex1, 0.4f)

                          // primary must use Specular Glossiness shader.
                          .WithDiffuse(tex1, new Vector4(0.7f, 0, 0f, 1.0f))
                          .WithSpecularGlossiness(tex1, new Vector3(0.7f, 0, 0f), 0.8f);

            // set fallback textures for engines that don't support WEBP texture format
            primary.GetChannel(KnownChannel.Normal).Texture.FallbackImage             = tex2;
            primary.GetChannel(KnownChannel.Emissive).Texture.FallbackImage           = tex2;
            primary.GetChannel(KnownChannel.Occlusion).Texture.FallbackImage          = tex2;
            primary.GetChannel(KnownChannel.Diffuse).Texture.FallbackImage            = tex2;
            primary.GetChannel(KnownChannel.SpecularGlossiness).Texture.FallbackImage = tex2;

            // set fallback material for engines that don't support Specular Glossiness shader.
            primary.WithMetallicRoughnessFallback(tex1, new Vector4(0.7f, 0, 0, 1), String.Empty, 0.6f, 0.7f);
            primary.CompatibilityFallback.GetChannel(KnownChannel.BaseColor).Texture.FallbackImage = tex2;

            // check
            Assert.IsTrue(MaterialBuilder.AreEqualByContent(primary, Schema2Roundtrip(primary)));
            Assert.IsTrue(MaterialBuilder.AreEqualByContent(primary, primary.Clone()));
Beispiel #7
        public void CreateUnlit()
            var assetsPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "Assets");
            var tex1       = System.IO.Path.Combine(assetsPath, "shannon.png");

            var srcMaterial = new MaterialBuilder()
                              .WithDoubleSide(true) // notice that DoubleSide enables double face rendering. This is an example, but it's usually NOT NECCESARY.
                              .WithAlpha(AlphaMode.MASK, 0.7f)
                              .WithBaseColor(tex1, new Vector4(0.7f, 0, 0f, 0.8f));

            Assert.IsTrue(MaterialBuilder.AreEqualByContent(srcMaterial, Schema2Roundtrip(srcMaterial)));
            Assert.IsTrue(MaterialBuilder.AreEqualByContent(srcMaterial, srcMaterial.Clone()));
Beispiel #8
        public void CreateSpecularGlossiness()
            var assetsPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "Assets");
            var tex1       = System.IO.Path.Combine(assetsPath, "shannon.png");

            var srcMaterial = new MaterialBuilder()
                              .WithAlpha(AlphaMode.MASK, 0.6f)
                              .WithEmissive(tex1, new Vector3(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.1f))
                              .WithNormal(tex1, 0.3f)
                              .WithOcclusion(tex1, 0.4f)

                              .WithDiffuse(tex1, new Vector4(0.7f, 0, 0f, 0.8f))
                              .WithSpecularGlossiness(tex1, new Vector3(0.7f, 0, 0f), 0.8f);

            Assert.IsTrue(MaterialBuilder.AreEqualByContent(srcMaterial, Schema2Roundtrip(srcMaterial)));
            Assert.IsTrue(MaterialBuilder.AreEqualByContent(srcMaterial, srcMaterial.Clone()));
Beispiel #9
        public void TestMaterialEquality()
            // Checking if two materials are the same or not is conceptually ambiguous.
            // The static method AreEqualByContent allows to check if two materials represent
            // the same physical material, even if they're two different references.
            // ... And we could use it for general equality checks, but then, since
            // MaterialBuilder is NOT inmutable, it can mean that two materials can be equal
            // at a given time, and non equal at another. Furthermore, it would imply having
            // a hash code that changes over time. As a consequence, it could be impossible
            // to use MaterialBuilder as a dictionary Key.

            var assetsPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "Assets");
            var tex1       = System.IO.Path.Combine(assetsPath, "shannon.png");

            var srcMaterial = new MaterialBuilder()
                              .WithDoubleSide(true) // notice that DoubleSide enables double face rendering. This is an example, but it's usually NOT NECCESARY.
                              .WithAlpha(AlphaMode.MASK, 0.7f)
                              .WithBaseColor(tex1, new Vector4(0.7f, 0, 0f, 0.8f));

            var clnMaterial = srcMaterial.Clone();

            // srcMaterial and clnMaterial are two different objects, so plain equality checks must apply to reference checks
            Assert.IsFalse(srcMaterial == clnMaterial);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(srcMaterial, clnMaterial);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(srcMaterial.GetHashCode(), clnMaterial.GetHashCode());

            // checking the materials represent the same "material" must be made with AreEqualByContent method.
            Assert.IsTrue(MaterialBuilder.AreEqualByContent(srcMaterial, clnMaterial));

            var bag = new HashSet <MaterialBuilder>();


            Assert.AreEqual(2, bag.Count);