Beispiel #1
        protected TabGroupLeaf RecursiveFindLeafInSequence(TabGroupSequence tgs, TabGroupBase tgb, bool forwards)
            int count = tgs.Count;
            int index = tgs.IndexOf(tgb);

            // Are we look for entries after the provided one?
            if (forwards)
                for(int i=index+1; i<count; i++)
                    // Is this the needed leaf node?
                    if (tgs[i].IsLeaf)
                        return tgs[i] as TabGroupLeaf;
                        TabGroupLeaf leaf = RecursiveFindLeafInSequence(tgs[i] as TabGroupSequence, forwards);

                        if (leaf != null)
                            return leaf;
                // Now try each entry before that given
                for(int i=index-1; i>=0; i--)
                    // Is this the needed leaf node?
                    if (tgs[i].IsLeaf)
                        return tgs[i] as TabGroupLeaf;
                        TabGroupLeaf leaf = RecursiveFindLeafInSequence(tgs[i] as TabGroupSequence, forwards);

                        if (leaf != null)
                            return leaf;

            // Still no luck, try our own parent
            if (tgs.Parent != null)
                return RecursiveFindLeafInSequence(tgs.Parent as TabGroupSequence, tgs, forwards);
                return null;
Beispiel #2
        protected void AddGroupToSequence(TabGroupSequence tgs, TabGroupLeaf sourceLeaf, bool before)
            // Remember original auto compact mode
            bool autoCompact = _tabbedGroups.AutoCompact;

            // Turn mode off as it interferes with reorganisation
            _tabbedGroups.AutoCompact = false;

            // Find our index into parent collection
            int pos = tgs.IndexOf(this);

            TabGroupLeaf newGroup = null;

            // New group inserted before existing one?
            if (before)
                newGroup = tgs.InsertNewLeaf(pos);
                // No, are we at the end of the collection?
                if (pos == (tgs.Count - 1))
                    newGroup = tgs.AddNewLeaf();
                    newGroup = tgs.InsertNewLeaf(pos + 1);

            // Get tab control for source leaf
            Controls.TabControl tc = sourceLeaf.GroupControl as Controls.TabControl;

            TabPage tp = tc.SelectedTab;

            // Remove page from ourself

            // Add into the new leaf

            // Reset compacting mode as we have updated the structure
            _tabbedGroups.AutoCompact = autoCompact;

            // Do we need to compact?
            if (_tabbedGroups.AutoCompact)
Beispiel #3
        //        public byte[] SaveConfigToArray()
        //        {
        //            return SaveConfigToArray(Encoding.Unicode);
        //        }
        //        public byte[] SaveConfigToArray(Encoding encoding)
        //        {
        //            // Create a memory based stream
        //            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
        //            // Save into the file stream
        //            SaveConfigToStream(ms, encoding);
        //            // Must remember to close
        //            ms.Close();
        //            // Return an array of bytes that contain the streamed XML
        //            return ms.GetBuffer();
        //        }
        //        public void SaveConfigToFile(string filename)
        //        {
        //            SaveConfigToFile(filename, Encoding.Unicode);
        //        }
        //        public void SaveConfigToFile(string filename, Encoding encoding)
        //        {
        //            // Create/Overwrite existing file
        //            FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create);
        //            // Save into the file stream
        //            SaveConfigToStream(fs, encoding);
        //            // Must remember to close
        //            fs.Close();
        //        }
        //        public void SaveConfigToStream(Stream stream, Encoding encoding)
        //        {
        //            XmlTextWriter xmlOut = new XmlTextWriter(stream, encoding);
        //            // Use indenting for readability
        //            xmlOut.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
        //            // Always begin file with identification and warning
        //            xmlOut.WriteStartDocument();
        //            xmlOut.WriteComment(" SharpClient.UI, The User Interface library for .NET ( ");
        //            xmlOut.WriteComment(" Modifying this generated file will probably render it invalid ");
        //            // Associate a version number with the root element so that future version of the code
        //            // will be able to be backwards compatible or at least recognise out of date versions
        //            xmlOut.WriteStartElement("TabbedGroups");
        //            xmlOut.WriteAttributeString("FormatVersion", "1");
        //            if (_activeLeaf != null)
        //                xmlOut.WriteAttributeString("ActiveLeaf", _activeLeaf.Unique.ToString());
        //            else
        //                xmlOut.WriteAttributeString("ActiveLeaf", "-1");
        //            // Give handlers chance to embed custom data
        //            xmlOut.WriteStartElement("CustomGlobalData");
        //            OnGlobalSaving(xmlOut);
        //            xmlOut.WriteEndElement();
        //            // Save the root sequence
        //            _root.SaveToXml(xmlOut);
        //            // Terminate the root element and document
        //            xmlOut.WriteEndElement();
        //            xmlOut.WriteEndDocument();
        //            // This should flush all actions and close the file
        //            xmlOut.Close();
        //            // Saved, so cannot be dirty any more
        //            if (_autoCalculateDirty)
        //                _dirty = false;
        //        }
        //        public void LoadConfigFromArray(byte[] buffer)
        //        {
        //            // Create a memory based stream
        //            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(buffer);
        //            // Save into the file stream
        //            LoadConfigFromStream(ms);
        //            // Must remember to close
        //            ms.Close();
        //        }
        //        public void LoadConfigFromFile(string filename)
        //        {
        //            // Open existing file
        //            FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);
        //            // Load from the file stream
        //            LoadConfigFromStream(fs);
        //            // Must remember to close
        //            fs.Close();
        //        }
        //        public void LoadConfigFromStream(Stream stream)
        //        {
        //            XmlTextReader xmlIn = new XmlTextReader(stream);
        //            // Ignore whitespace, not interested
        //            xmlIn.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None;
        //            // Moves the reader to the root element.
        //            xmlIn.MoveToContent();
        //            // Double check this has the correct element name
        //            if (xmlIn.Name != "TabbedGroups")
        //                throw new ArgumentException("Root element must be 'TabbedGroups'");
        //            // Load the format version number
        //            string version = xmlIn.GetAttribute(0);
        //            string rawActiveLeaf = xmlIn.GetAttribute(1);
        //            // Convert format version from string to double
        //            int formatVersion = (int)Convert.ToDouble(version);
        //            int activeLeaf = Convert.ToInt32(rawActiveLeaf);
        //            // We can only load 1 upward version formats
        //            if (formatVersion < 1)
        //                throw new ArgumentException("Can only load Version 1 and upwards TabbedGroups Configuration files");
        //            try
        //            {
        //                // Prevent compacting and reposition of children
        //                BeginInit();
        //                // Remove all existing contents
        //                _root.Clear();
        //                // Read to custom data element
        //                if (!xmlIn.Read())
        //                    throw new ArgumentException("An element was expected but could not be read in");
        //                if (xmlIn.Name != "CustomGlobalData")
        //                    throw new ArgumentException("Expected 'CustomData' element was not found");
        //                bool finished = xmlIn.IsEmptyElement;
        //                // Give handlers chance to reload custom saved data
        //                OnGlobalLoading(xmlIn);
        //                // Read everything until we get the end of custom data marker
        //                while(!finished)
        //                {
        //                    // Check it has the expected name
        //                    if (xmlIn.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
        //                        finished = (xmlIn.Name == "CustomGlobalData");
        //                    if (!finished)
        //                    {
        //                        if (!xmlIn.Read())
        //                            throw new ArgumentException("An element was expected but could not be read in");
        //                    }
        //                }
        //                // Read the next well known lement
        //                if (!xmlIn.Read())
        //                    throw new ArgumentException("An element was expected but could not be read in");
        //                // Is it the expected element?
        //                if (xmlIn.Name != "Sequence")
        //                    throw new ArgumentException("Element 'Sequence' was expected but not found");
        //                // Reload the root sequence
        //                _root.LoadFromXml(xmlIn);
        //                // Move past the end element
        //                if (!xmlIn.Read())
        //                    throw new ArgumentException("Could not read in next expected node");
        //                // Check it has the expected name
        //                if (xmlIn.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement)
        //                    throw new ArgumentException("EndElement expected but not found");
        //            }
        //            finally
        //            {
        //                TabGroupLeaf newActive = null;
        //                // Reset the active leaf correctly
        //                TabGroupLeaf current = FirstLeaf();
        //                while(current != null)
        //                {
        //                    // Default to the first leaf if we cannot find a match
        //                    if (newActive == null)
        //                        newActive = current;
        //                    // Find an exact match?
        //                    if (current.Unique == activeLeaf)
        //                    {
        //                        newActive = current;
        //                        break;
        //                    }
        //                    current = NextLeaf(current);
        //                }
        //                // Reinstate the active leaf indication
        //                if (newActive != null)
        //                    ActiveLeaf = newActive;
        //                // Allow normal operation
        //                EndInit();
        //            }
        //            xmlIn.Close();
        //            // Just loaded, so cannot be dirty
        //            if (_autoCalculateDirty)
        //                _dirty = false;
        //        }
        protected TabGroupLeaf RecursiveFindLeafInSequence(TabGroupSequence tgs, bool forwards)
            int count = tgs.Count;

            for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
                // Index depends on which direction we are processing
                int index = (forwards == true) ? i : (tgs.Count - i - 1);

                // Is this the needed leaf node?
                if (tgs[index].IsLeaf)
                    return tgs[index] as TabGroupLeaf;
                    // Need to make a recursive check inside group
                    TabGroupLeaf leaf = RecursiveFindLeafInSequence(tgs[index] as TabGroupSequence, forwards);

                    if (leaf != null)
                        return leaf;

            // Still no luck
            return null;
Beispiel #4
        protected bool RecursiveActiveInSequence(TabGroupSequence tgs, bool forwards)
            int count = tgs.Count;

            for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
                // Index depends on which direction we are processing
                int index = (forwards == true) ? i : (tgs.Count - i - 1);

                // Is this the needed leaf node?
                if (tgs[index].IsLeaf)
                    // Make it active, and finish
                    ActiveLeaf = tgs[index] as TabGroupLeaf;
                    return true;
                    // Need to make a recursive check inside group
                    if (RecursiveActiveInSequence(tgs[index] as TabGroupSequence, forwards))
                        return true;

            // Still no luck
            return false;
Beispiel #5
        protected void MoveActiveInSequence(TabGroupSequence tgs, TabGroupBase child)
            int count = tgs.Count;
            int index = tgs.IndexOf(child);

            // First try each entry after that given
            for(int i=index+1; i<count; i++)
                // Is this the needed leaf node?
                if (tgs[i].IsLeaf)
                    // Make it active, and finish
                    ActiveLeaf = tgs[i] as TabGroupLeaf;
                    // Need to make a recursive check inside group
                    if (RecursiveActiveInSequence(tgs[i] as TabGroupSequence, true))

            // Now try each entry before that given
            for(int i=index-1; i>=0; i--)
                // Is this the needed leaf node?
                if (tgs[i].IsLeaf)
                    // Make it active, and finish
                    ActiveLeaf = tgs[i] as TabGroupLeaf;
                    // Need to make a recursive check inside group
                    if (RecursiveActiveInSequence(tgs[i] as TabGroupSequence, false))

            // Still no luck, try our own parent
            if (tgs.Parent != null)
                MoveActiveInSequence(tgs.Parent as TabGroupSequence, tgs);
Beispiel #6
        protected void InternalConstruct(VisualStyle style)
            // Prevent flicker with double buffering and all painting inside WM_PAINT
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);

            // We want to act as a drop target
            this.AllowDrop = true;

            // Remember parameters
            _style = style;

            // Define initial state
            _numLeafs = 0;
            _compacting = false;
            _initializing = false;

            // Create the root sequence that always exists
            _root = new TabGroupSequence(this);

            // Define default settings

            // Add ourself to the application filtering list
            // (to snoop for shortcut combinations)
Beispiel #7
        internal void MoveActiveToNearestFromSequence(TabGroupSequence tgs)
            // Is active leaf being moved from root sequence
            if (_root == tgs)
                // Then make nothing active
                ActiveLeaf = null;
                // Find the parent sequence of given sequence
                TabGroupSequence tgsParent = tgs.Parent as TabGroupSequence;

                // Must be valid, but had better check anyway
                if (tgs != null)
                    // Move relative to given base in the sequence
                    MoveActiveInSequence(tgsParent, tgs);