Beispiel #1
 public override void stamp(Circuit sim)
Beispiel #2
 public override void stamp(Circuit sim)
     sim.stampCurrentSource(lead_node[0], lead_node[1], sourceCurrent);
Beispiel #3
        public override void step(Circuit sim)
            double voltdiff = lead_volt[0] - lead_volt[1];

            sim.stampCurrentSource(nodes[0], nodes[1], curSourceValue);
Beispiel #4
        public override void step(Circuit sim)
            double[] vs = new double[3];
            vs[0] = lead_volt[0];
            vs[1] = lead_volt[1];
            vs[2] = lead_volt[2];
            if (vs[1] > lastv1 + .5)
                vs[1] = lastv1 + .5;
            if (vs[1] < lastv1 - .5)
                vs[1] = lastv1 - .5;
            if (vs[2] > lastv2 + .5)
                vs[2] = lastv2 + .5;
            if (vs[2] < lastv2 - .5)
                vs[2] = lastv2 - .5;
            int source = 1;
            int drain  = 2;

            if ((pnp ? -1 : 1) * vs[1] > (pnp ? -1 : 1) * vs[2])
                source = 2;
                drain  = 1;
            int    gate = 0;
            double vgs  = vs[gate] - vs[source];
            double vds  = vs[drain] - vs[source];

            if (Math.Abs(lastv1 - vs[1]) > .01 || Math.Abs(lastv2 - vs[2]) > .01)
                sim.converged = false;
            lastv1 = vs[1];
            lastv2 = vs[2];
            double realvgs = vgs;
            double realvds = vds;

            vgs *= (pnp ? -1 : 1);
            vds *= (pnp ? -1 : 1);
            ids  = 0;
            gm   = 0;
            double Gds  = 0;
            double beta = getBeta();

            if (vgs > .5 && this is JfetElm)
                sim.panic("JFET is reverse biased!", this);
            if (vgs < _threshold)
                // should be all zero, but that causes a singular matrix,
                // so instead we treat it as a large resistor
                Gds  = 1e-8;
                ids  = vds * Gds;
                mode = 0;
            else if (vds < vgs - _threshold)
                // linear
                ids  = beta * ((vgs - _threshold) * vds - vds * vds * .5);
                gm   = beta * vds;
                Gds  = beta * (vgs - vds - _threshold);
                mode = 1;
                // saturation; Gds = 0
                gm = beta * (vgs - _threshold);
                // use very small Gds to avoid nonconvergence
                Gds  = 1e-8;
                ids  = 0.5 * beta * (vgs - _threshold) * (vgs - _threshold) + (vds - (vgs - _threshold)) * Gds;
                mode = 2;
            double rs = -(pnp ? -1 : 1) * ids + Gds * realvds + gm * realvgs;

            sim.stampMatrix(lead_node[drain], lead_node[drain], Gds);
            sim.stampMatrix(lead_node[drain], lead_node[source], -Gds - gm);
            sim.stampMatrix(lead_node[drain], lead_node[gate], gm);
            sim.stampMatrix(lead_node[source], lead_node[drain], -Gds);
            sim.stampMatrix(lead_node[source], lead_node[source], Gds + gm);
            sim.stampMatrix(lead_node[source], lead_node[gate], -gm);
            sim.stampRightSide(lead_node[drain], rs);
            sim.stampRightSide(lead_node[source], -rs);
            if (source == 2 && (pnp ? -1 : 1) == 1 || source == 1 && (pnp ? -1 : 1) == -1)
                ids = -ids;
 public override void stamp(Circuit sim)
     sim.stampVoltageSource(0, lead_node[1], voltSource);
Beispiel #6
        /*public override double getPower() {
         *      return (lead_volt[0] - lead_volt[2]) * current;
         * }*/

        public override void step(Circuit sim)
            double[] vs = new double[3];
            vs[0] = lead_volt[0];
            vs[1] = lead_volt[1];
            vs[2] = lead_volt[2];
            if (vs[1] > lastv1 + 0.5)
                vs[1] = lastv1 + 0.5;
            if (vs[1] < lastv1 - 0.5)
                vs[1] = lastv1 - 0.5;
            if (vs[2] > lastv2 + 0.5)
                vs[2] = lastv2 + 0.5;
            if (vs[2] < lastv2 - 0.5)
                vs[2] = lastv2 - 0.5;
            int    grid  = 1;
            int    cath  = 2;
            int    plate = 0;
            double vgk   = vs[grid] - vs[cath];
            double vpk   = vs[plate] - vs[cath];

            if (Math.Abs(lastv0 - vs[0]) > 0.01 || Math.Abs(lastv1 - vs[1]) > 0.01 || Math.Abs(lastv2 - vs[2]) > 0.01)
                sim.converged = false;
            lastv0 = vs[0];
            lastv1 = vs[1];
            lastv2 = vs[2];
            double ids  = 0;
            double gm   = 0;
            double Gds  = 0;
            double ival = vgk + vpk / mu;

            currentg = 0;
            if (vgk > .01)
                sim.stampResistor(lead_node[grid], lead_node[cath], gridCurrentR);
                currentg = vgk / gridCurrentR;
            if (ival < 0)
                // should be all zero, but that causes a singular matrix,
                // so instead we treat it as a large resistor
                Gds = 1E-8;
                ids = vpk * Gds;
                ids = Math.Pow(ival, 1.5) / kg1;
                double q = 1.5 * Math.Sqrt(ival) / kg1;
                // gm = dids/dgk;
                // Gds = dids/dpk;
                Gds = q;
                gm  = q / mu;
            currentp = ids;
            currentc = ids + currentg;
            double rs = -ids + Gds * vpk + gm * vgk;

            sim.stampMatrix(lead_node[plate], lead_node[plate], Gds);
            sim.stampMatrix(lead_node[plate], lead_node[cath], -Gds - gm);
            sim.stampMatrix(lead_node[plate], lead_node[grid], gm);

            sim.stampMatrix(lead_node[cath], lead_node[plate], -Gds);
            sim.stampMatrix(lead_node[cath], lead_node[cath], Gds + gm);
            sim.stampMatrix(lead_node[cath], lead_node[grid], -gm);

            sim.stampRightSide(lead_node[plate], rs);
            sim.stampRightSide(lead_node[cath], -rs);
 public override void step(Circuit sim)
     sim.stampCurrentSource(lead_node[0], lead_node[1], curSourceValue[0]);
     sim.stampCurrentSource(lead_node[2], lead_node[3], curSourceValue[1]);
     sim.stampCurrentSource(lead_node[3], lead_node[4], curSourceValue[2]);
Beispiel #8
 public override void stamp(Circuit sim)
     sim.stampResistor(lead_node[0], lead_node[1], resistance);
Beispiel #9
 public override void execute(Circuit sim)
     pins[0].value = pins[2].value ^ pins[3].value;
     pins[1].value = pins[2].value && pins[3].value;
Beispiel #10
 public override void step(Circuit sim)
     diode.doStep(sim, lead_volt[0] - lead_volt[1]);
Beispiel #11
 public override void stamp(Circuit sim)
     diode.stamp(sim, lead_node[0], lead_node[1]);