Beispiel #1
		// This method is called by ImmediateModeShapeDrawer - equivalent to OnPreRender of all cameras (except preview windows and probe cameras)
		public override void DrawShapes( Camera cam ) {
			// Draw.Command enqueues a set of draw commands to render in the given camera
			using( Draw.Command( cam ) ) { // all immediate mode drawing should happen within these using-statements
				Draw.ResetAllDrawStates(); // this makes sure no static draw states "leak" over to this scene
				Draw.Matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix; // this makes it draw in the local space of this transform
				for( int i = 0; i < discCount; i++ ) {
					float t = i / (float)discCount;
					Color color = Color.HSVToRGB( t, 1, 1 );
					Vector2 pos = GetDiscPosition( t );
					Draw.Disc( pos, discRadius, color ); // This is the actual Shapes draw command
        // This function is called by ImmediateModeShapeDrawer in the appropriate OnPreRender call of each camera
        public override void DrawShapes(Camera cam)
            // Draw.Command enqueues a set of draw commands to render in the given camera
            using (Draw.Command(cam)) {                // all immediate mode drawing should happen within these using-statements
                // Set up draw state
                Draw.ResetAllDrawStates();             // ensure everything is set to their defaults
                Draw.BlendMode          = ShapesBlendMode.Additive;
                Draw.LineThickness      = lineThickness;
                Draw.LineGeometry       = use3D ? LineGeometry.Volumetric3D : LineGeometry.Flat2D;
                Draw.LineThicknessSpace = ThicknessSpace.Meters;
                Draw.Color = lineColor;

                Random.InitState(seed);                   // initialize random state, so we get the same values every frame
                currentLineCount = 0;

                // Draw a branch at the current location. this function is recursive, so all other branches will follow
Beispiel #3
        void DrawShapes()
            Vector2 center    = position.size / 2;
            float   fitRadius = Mathf.Min(position.width, position.height) / 2 - 8;

            // set doot positions
            float t = (float)EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup / 2;

            foreach (Doot doot in doots)
                float   ang = doot.angSpeed * t * ShapesMath.TAU + doot.angOffset;
                Vector2 dir = ShapesMath.AngToDir(ang);
                doot.pos = dir * (fitRadius * doot.radialOffset);

            // mouse doot~
            Vector2 mouseRawPos    = Event.current.mousePosition - center;
            float   maxRadius      = fitRadius * DOOT_MAX_RADIUS;
            Vector2 mouseTargetPos = Vector2.ClampMagnitude(mouseRawPos, maxRadius);

            doots[0].pos = Vector2.Lerp(doots[0].pos, mouseTargetPos, mouseDootT);
            bool mouseOver = mouseOverWindow == this;

            mouseDootT = Mathf.Lerp(mouseDootT, mouseOver ? 1f : 0f, 0.05f);

            Draw.Push();             // save state

            // draw setup
            Draw.Matrix         = Matrix4x4.TRS(new Vector3(center.x, center.y, 1f), Quaternion.identity,;
            Draw.BlendMode      = ShapesBlendMode.Transparent;
            Draw.RadiusSpace    = ThicknessSpace.Meters;
            Draw.ThicknessSpace = ThicknessSpace.Meters;
            Draw.LineGeometry   = LineGeometry.Flat2D;
            Draw.LineEndCaps    = LineEndCap.Round;

            // Drawing
            Draw.Ring(, fitRadius, fitRadius * 0.1f, DiscColors.Radial(, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0)));
            Draw.Disc(, fitRadius,;

            // edge noodles
            const int noodCount = 64;

            for (int i = 0; i < noodCount; i++)
                float   tDir = i / ((float)noodCount);
                float   tAng = ShapesMath.TAU * tDir;
                Vector2 dir  = ShapesMath.AngToDir(tAng);
                if (Mathf.Abs(dir.y) > 0.75f)
                Vector2 root          = dir * fitRadius;
                float   distToNearest = float.MaxValue;
                for (int j = 0; j < doots.Length; j++)
                    distToNearest = Mathf.Min(distToNearest, Vector2.Distance(doots[j].pos, root));
                float distMod       = Mathf.InverseLerp(fitRadius * 0.5f, fitRadius * 0.1f, distToNearest);
                float noodMaxOffset = fitRadius * (1 + 0.1f * distMod);
                Draw.Line(root, dir * noodMaxOffset, fitRadius * Mathf.Lerp(0.07f, 0.04f, distMod));

            // ring
            Draw.Ring(, fitRadius, fitRadius * 0.0125f, colMain);

            // connecting lines
            for (int i = 0; i < doots.Length; i++)
                Vector2 a = doots[i].pos;
                for (int j = i; j < doots.Length; j++)
                    Vector2 b          = doots[j].pos;
                    float   dist       = Vector2.Distance(a, b);
                    float   rangeValue = Mathf.InverseLerp(fitRadius * 1f, fitRadius * 0.02f, dist);
                    if (rangeValue > 0)
                        Color col = Color.Lerp(colFade, colMain, rangeValue);
                        Draw.Line(a, b, fitRadius * 0.015f * rangeValue, LineEndCap.Round, col);

            // doots~
            foreach (Doot doot in doots)
                Draw.BlendMode = ShapesBlendMode.Transparent;
                Draw.Disc(doot.pos, fitRadius * 0.025f,;
                Draw.Disc(doot.pos, fitRadius * 0.015f, colMain);
                Draw.BlendMode = ShapesBlendMode.Additive;
                Color innerColor = colMain;
                innerColor.a = 0.25f;
                Color outerColor = Color.clear;
                Draw.Disc(doot.pos, fitRadius * 0.18f, DiscColors.Radial(innerColor, outerColor));

            Draw.BlendMode = ShapesBlendMode.Multiplicative;
            Draw.Disc(, fitRadius * 0.5f, DiscColors.Radial(, Color.clear));

            Draw.Pop();             // restore state