Log() public static method

public static Log ( string _message, string _playerName ) : void
_message string
_playerName string
return void
Beispiel #1
        public static void Clan(ClientInfo _cInfo, string _message)
            string    _sql      = string.Format("SELECT clanname FROM Players WHERE steamid = '{0}'", _cInfo.playerId);
            DataTable _result   = SQL.TQuery(_sql);
            string    _clanname = _result.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString();

            if (_clanname != "Unknown")
                string _senderName = string.Format("{0}(Clan) {1}[-]", Private_Chat_Color, _cInfo.playerName);
                _sql = string.Format("SELECT steamid, clanname FROM Players WHERE clanname = '{0}'", _clanname);
                DataTable _result2 = SQL.TQuery(_sql);
                foreach (DataRow row in _result2.Rows)
                    string     _steamId = row.ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString();
                    ClientInfo _cInfo2  = ConsoleHelper.ParseParamIdOrName(_steamId);
                    if (_cInfo2 != null)
                        ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo2, _message, _cInfo.entityId, _senderName, EChatType.Whisper, null);
                if (ChatLog.IsEnabled)
                    ChatLog.Log(_message, _cInfo.playerName);
                ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, ChatHook.Player_Name_Color + _cInfo.playerName + " you are not in a clan" + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
        public static void Clan(ClientInfo _cInfo, string _message)
            Player            p          = PersistentContainer.Instance.Players[_cInfo.playerId, false];
            List <ClientInfo> _cInfoList = ConnectionManager.Instance.GetClients();

            for (int i = 0; i < _cInfoList.Count; i++)
                ClientInfo _cInfo1 = _cInfoList[i];
                Player     p1      = PersistentContainer.Instance.Players[_cInfo1.playerId, false];
                if (p.ClanName == p1.ClanName)
                    _cInfo1.SendPackage(new NetPackageGameMessage(EnumGameMessages.Chat, string.Format("{0}{1}[-]", Private_Chat_Color, _message), _cInfo.playerName, false, "", false));
                    if (ChatLog.IsEnabled)
                        ChatLog.Log(_message, _cInfo.playerName);
Beispiel #3
        public static void Clan(ClientInfo _cInfo, string _message)
            string    _sql      = string.Format("SELECT clanname FROM Players WHERE steamid = '{0}'", _cInfo.playerId);
            DataTable _result   = SQL.TQuery(_sql);
            string    _clanname = _result.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString();

            _sql = string.Format("SELECT steamid FROM Players WHERE clanname = '{0}'", _clanname);
            DataTable _result1 = SQL.TQuery(_sql);

            foreach (DataRow row in _result1.Rows)
                ClientInfo _cInfo1 = ConsoleHelper.ParseParamIdOrName(row[0].ToString());
                if (_cInfo1 != null)
                    ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo1, Private_Chat_Color + _message + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Global, null);
                    if (ChatLog.IsEnabled)
                        ChatLog.Log(_message, _cInfo.playerName);
 public static void CheckInv(ClientInfo _cInfo, PlayerDataFile _playerDataFile)
     if (_cInfo != null)
         AdminToolsClientInfo Admin = GameManager.Instance.adminTools.GetAdminToolsClientInfo(_cInfo.playerId);
         if (Admin.PermissionLevel > Admin_Level)
             int _bagClean = 0, _invClean = 0, _totalBagCount = 0, _totalInventoryCount = 0;
             for (int i = 0; i < _playerDataFile.inventory.Length; i++)
                 ItemStack _itemStack = new ItemStack();
                 ItemValue _itemValue = new ItemValue();
                 _itemStack = _playerDataFile.inventory[i];
                 _itemValue = _itemStack.itemValue;
                 int _count = _playerDataFile.inventory[i].count;
                 if (_count > 0 && _itemValue != null && !_itemValue.Equals(ItemValue.None) && _cInfo != null)
                     int    _maxAllowed = ItemClass.list[_itemValue.type].Stacknumber.Value;
                     string _name       = ItemClass.list[_itemValue.type].GetItemName();
                     if (Announce_Invalid_Stack && _count > _maxAllowed)
                         string _phrase3;
                         if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(3, out _phrase3))
                             _phrase3 = " you have a invalid item stack: {ItemName} {ItemCount}. Max per stack: {MaxPerStack}.";
                         _phrase3 = _phrase3.Replace("{ItemName}", _name);
                         _phrase3 = _phrase3.Replace("{ItemCount}", _count.ToString());
                         _phrase3 = _phrase3.Replace("{MaxPerStack}", _maxAllowed.ToString());
                         ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, "[FF0000]" + _cInfo.playerName + _phrase3 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
                         ChatLog.Log(_phrase3, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name);
                     if (IsEnabled && (dict.Contains(_name) || _itemValue.ItemClass.CreativeMode == EnumCreativeMode.Dev || _itemValue.ItemClass.CreativeMode == EnumCreativeMode.None))
                         if (Ban_Player)
                             string _phrase4;
                             if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(4, out _phrase4))
                                 _phrase4 = "Cheat Detected: Auto banned {PlayerName} for having a invalid item: {ItemName}.";
                             _phrase4 = _phrase4.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                             _phrase4 = _phrase4.Replace("{ItemName}", _name);
                             ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, "[FF0000]" + _phrase4 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Global, null);
                             SdtdConsole.Instance.ExecuteSync(string.Format("ban add {0} 5 years \"Invalid Item {1}\"", _cInfo.entityId, _name), (ClientInfo)null);
                             using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(_filepath, true))
                                 sw.WriteLine(string.Format("Detected {0}, Steam Id {1}, with invalid item: {2}. Banned the player.", _cInfo.playerName, _cInfo.playerId, _name));
                             if (playerflag.ContainsKey(_cInfo.entityId))
                                 int _value;
                                 if (playerflag.TryGetValue(_cInfo.entityId, out _value))
                                     if (_value == 2)
                                         SdtdConsole.Instance.ExecuteSync(string.Format("kick {0} \"Invalid Item: {1}\"", _cInfo.entityId, _name), (ClientInfo)null);
                                         string _phrase5;
                                         if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(5, out _phrase5))
                                             _phrase5 = "Cheat Detected: Auto kicked {PlayerName} for having a invalid item: {ItemName}.";
                                         _phrase5 = _phrase5.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                                         _phrase5 = _phrase5.Replace("{ItemName}", _name);
                                         ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, "[FF0000]" + _phrase5 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Global, null);
                                         using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(_filepath, true))
                                             sw.WriteLine(string.Format("Detected {0}, Steam Id {1}, with invalid item: {2}. Kicked the player.", _cInfo.playerName, _cInfo.playerId, _name));
                                         playerflag[_cInfo.entityId] = 2;
                                         string _phrase799;
                                         if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(799, out _phrase799))
                                             _phrase799 = "Cheat Detected: {PlayerName} you are holding a invalid item: {ItemName}. Final warning, drop it!";
                                         _phrase799 = _phrase799.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                                         _phrase799 = _phrase799.Replace("{ItemName}", _name);
                                         ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, "[FF0000]" + _phrase799 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Global, null);
                                 playerflag.Add(_cInfo.entityId, 1);
                                 string _phrase800;
                                 if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(800, out _phrase800))
                                     _phrase800 = "Cheat Detected: {PlayerName} you are holding a invalid item: {ItemName}. You have 30 seconds to drop it.";
                                 _phrase800 = _phrase800.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                                 _phrase800 = _phrase800.Replace("{ItemName}", _name);
                                 ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, "[FF0000]" + _phrase800 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Global, null);
                     else if (IsEnabled)
                         if (_totalInventoryCount == _count)
                             _totalInventoryCount = 0;
                             _invClean            = 1;
             for (int i = 0; i < _playerDataFile.bag.Length; i++)
                 ItemStack _intemStack = new ItemStack();
                 ItemValue _itemValue  = new ItemValue();
                 _intemStack = _playerDataFile.bag[i];
                 _itemValue  = _intemStack.itemValue;
                 int _count = _playerDataFile.bag[i].count;
                 if (_count > 0 && _itemValue != null && !_itemValue.Equals(ItemValue.None) && _cInfo != null)
                     int    _maxAllowed = ItemClass.list[_itemValue.type].Stacknumber.Value;
                     string _name       = ItemClass.list[_itemValue.type].GetItemName();
                     if (Announce_Invalid_Stack && _count > _maxAllowed)
                         string _phrase3;
                         if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(3, out _phrase3))
                             _phrase3 = " you have a invalid item stack: {ItemName} {ItemCount}. Max per stack: {MaxPerStack}.";
                         _phrase3 = _phrase3.Replace("{ItemName}", _name);
                         _phrase3 = _phrase3.Replace("{ItemCount}", _count.ToString());
                         _phrase3 = _phrase3.Replace("{MaxPerStack}", _maxAllowed.ToString());
                         ChatLog.Log(_phrase3, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name);
                         ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, "[FF0000]" + _cInfo.playerName + _phrase3 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
                     if (IsEnabled && (dict.Contains(_name) || _itemValue.ItemClass.CreativeMode == EnumCreativeMode.Dev || _itemValue.ItemClass.CreativeMode == EnumCreativeMode.None))
                         if (Ban_Player)
                             SdtdConsole.Instance.ExecuteSync(string.Format("ban add {0} 5 years \"Invalid Item {1}\"", _cInfo.entityId, _name), (ClientInfo)null);
                             string _phrase4;
                             if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(4, out _phrase4))
                                 _phrase4 = "Cheat Detected: Auto banned {PlayerName} for having a invalid item: {ItemName}.";
                             _phrase4 = _phrase4.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                             _phrase4 = _phrase4.Replace("{ItemName}", _name);
                             ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, "[FF0000]" + _phrase4 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Global, null);
                             if (playerflag.ContainsKey(_cInfo.entityId))
                                 int _value;
                                 if (playerflag.TryGetValue(_cInfo.entityId, out _value))
                                     if (_value == 2)
                                         string _phrase5;
                                         if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(5, out _phrase5))
                                             _phrase5 = "Cheat Detected: Auto kicked {PlayerName} for having a invalid item: {ItemName}.";
                                         _phrase5 = _phrase5.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                                         _phrase5 = _phrase5.Replace("{ItemName}", _name);
                                         ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, "[FF0000]" + _phrase5 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Global, null);
                                         SdtdConsole.Instance.ExecuteSync(string.Format("kick {0} \"Invalid Item: {1}\"", _cInfo.entityId, _name), (ClientInfo)null);
                                         using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(_filepath, true))
                                             sw.WriteLine(string.Format("Detected {0}, Steam Id {1}, with invalid item: {2}. Kicked the player.", _cInfo.playerName, _cInfo.playerId, _name));
                                         playerflag[_cInfo.entityId] = 2;
                                         string _phrase799;
                                         if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(799, out _phrase799))
                                             _phrase799 = "Cheat Detected: {PlayerName} you are holding a invalid item: {ItemName}. Final warning, drop it!";
                                         _phrase799 = _phrase799.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                                         _phrase799 = _phrase799.Replace("{ItemName}", _name);
                                         ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, "[FF0000]" + _phrase799 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Global, null);
                                 playerflag.Add(_cInfo.entityId, 1);
                                 string _phrase800;
                                 if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(800, out _phrase800))
                                     _phrase800 = "Cheat Detected: {PlayerName} you are holding a invalid item: {ItemName}. You have 30 seconds to drop it.";
                                 _phrase800 = _phrase800.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                                 _phrase800 = _phrase800.Replace("{ItemName}", _name);
                                 ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, "[FF0000]" + _phrase800 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Global, null);
                     else if (IsEnabled)
                         if (_totalBagCount == _count)
                             _totalBagCount = 0;
                             _bagClean      = 1;
             if (_bagClean == 1 && _invClean == 1)
                 _bagClean = 0;
                 _invClean = 0;
                 if (dropCheck.Contains(_cInfo.entityId))