/// <summary>
        /// Deletes user using its context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Boolean DeleteUser(TaskInfo pContext)
            Boolean Error = true;

            if (pContext != null && pContext.State != null && pContext.State.Clients != null)
                lock (pContext.State.Clients)
                    // If client is registered
                    if (pContext.State.Clients.ContainsValue(pContext) == true)
                        String Key = null;

                        // Finds it
                        foreach (var Entry in pContext.State.Clients)
                            if (Entry.Value == pContext)
                                Key = Entry.Key;
                                Error = false;

                        // Removes it
                            SmartDebug.DWL("Deleted user " + Key);
                        catch (Exception catchedException)
                Error = true;

            return Error;
        private void CleanClient(TaskInfo pClient)
            if (pClient == null)

            Routines.WriteLocking(pClient.ChatControl, MessageCodes.LOGOUT_RESPONSE_OK);

            if (pClient.ChatControl != null)
                pClient.ChatControl = null;

            if (pClient.Clipboard != null)
                pClient.Clipboard = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Routine executed by spawner thread:
        /// + accepts connection on port
        /// + submits connection/task to queue of working task threads
        /// </summary>
        private void SpawnerRoutine()
            while (Interlocked.Equals(this._state.WorkEnd, false))
                    // If port is open and clients count is less than MAX_CLIENTS
                    while (this._state.MainPort != null )

                            // Accepts a new client
                            TcpClient Client = this._state.MainPort.AcceptTcpClient();
                            if (this._state.Clients.Count < MAX_CLIENTS)
                            SmartDebug.DWL("New connection");

                            // Creates thread context
                            TaskInfo Context = new TaskInfo(Client, this._state);

                            // Submits task to a pool of NCLIENTS threads
                            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(TaskRoutine), Context);
                            SmartDebug.DWL("Closing connection");
                catch (Exception catchedException)
            SmartDebug.DWL("Spawner thread exiting");
        /// <summary>
        /// Dispatch received message:
        /// + login
        /// + message
        /// - status
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pCommand"></param>
        /// <param name="pContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Boolean Dispatch(String[] pCommand, TaskInfo pContext)
            Boolean End = false;

            // Checks command length
            // TODO : split + check numero comandi
            if (pCommand.Length > 0)
                // Login request
                if (pCommand[0].Equals(MessageCodes.LOGIN_REQUEST))
                    String[] LoginInfo = pCommand[1].Split(":".ToCharArray());
                    if (LoginInfo.Length != MessageCodes.LOGIN_REQUEST_FIELDS - 1)
                        SmartDebug.DWL("Invalid login request");
                        End = true;
                        Routines.WriteLocking(pContext.ChatControl, MessageCodes.LOGOUT_RESPONSE_ERROR);
                        SmartDebug.DWL("Received login request -> Nick:" + LoginInfo[1] + " Pass:"******" ClipboardPort:" + LoginInfo[2] + " VideoPort:" + LoginInfo[3]);
                        End = Login(LoginInfo[0], LoginInfo[1], LoginInfo[2], LoginInfo[3], pContext);
                        if (End == false)
                            this.Invoke(this._state.dUpdateHistory, pContext.Name + " connected");
                            foreach (var Client in this._state.Clients)
                                Routines.WriteLocking(Client.Value.ChatControl, MessageCodes.STATUS_USER_CONNECTED + ":" + pContext.Name);
                // Broadcast message from client
                else if (pCommand[0].Equals(MessageCodes.MSG_CLIENT2SERVER_BROADCAST) && pContext.Name != String.Empty)
                    SmartDebug.DWL("Received broadcast message");
                    End = NewBroadcastMessage(pCommand[1], pContext);
                // Private message from client
                else if (pCommand[0].Equals(MessageCodes.MSG_CLIENT2SERVER_PRIVATE) && pContext.Name != String.Empty)
                    SmartDebug.DWL("Received private message");
                    End = NewPrivateMessage(pCommand[1], pContext);
                // Logout request
                else if (pCommand[0].Equals(MessageCodes.LOGOUT_REQUEST) && pContext.Name != String.Empty)
                    SmartDebug.DWL("Received logout request");

                    // Calling stack has to terminate
                    End = true;
                // Add new functionalities here
                    SmartDebug.DWL("Invalid request");
                    //End = true;
                    //TODO: informare client
                SmartDebug.DWL("Fields count not positive");
                End = true;
            return End;
 private Boolean NewPrivateMessage(String pCommand, TaskInfo pContext)
     Boolean Error = false;
     // TODO
     return Error;
        /// <summary>
        /// Server task thread handles a new message received from its client
        /// + sends message to server chat window
        /// + sends message to all clients
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pCommand"></param>
        /// <param name="pContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Boolean NewBroadcastMessage(String pMessage, TaskInfo pContext)
            Boolean Error = false;

            this.Invoke(this._state.dUpdateHistory, (pContext.Name + ": " + pMessage));
            foreach (var Client in pContext.State.Clients)
                Routines.WriteLocking(Client.Value.ChatControl, MessageCodes.MSG_SERVER2CLIENT + ":" + pContext.Name + ":" + pMessage);

            return Error;
        /// <summary>
        /// Logouts client using its context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pContext"></param>
        private void Logout(TaskInfo pContext)
            // If user has been deleted correctly
            if (DeleteUser(pContext) == false)
                // Let server user know about it
                this.Invoke(this._state.dUpdateHistory, pContext.Name + " disconnected");

                // Let other users know about it
                foreach (var Client in this._state.Clients)
                    Routines.WriteLocking(Client.Value.ChatControl, MessageCodes.STATUS_USER_DISCONNECTED + ":" + pContext.Name);
                SmartDebug.DWL("Unable to delete user");
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles Login request
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pLoginInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="pContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Boolean Login(String pPassword, String pName, String pClipboardPort, String pVideoPort, TaskInfo pContext)
            Boolean Error = false;

            // If password is correct
            if (Routines.ValidPassword(pPassword) && pPassword == pContext.State.Password)
                // If username can be inserted
                if (pName.Length > 0 && pName.Length <= Constants.MAX_NICKNAME_LENGTH && InsertUser(pName, pClipboardPort, pVideoPort, pContext) == false)
                    Error = Routines.WriteLocking(pContext.ChatControl, MessageCodes.LOGIN_RESPONSE_OK);
                    pContext.Name = pName;
                    SmartDebug.DWL("Correctly inserted user " + pName);
                    // Read timeout is now set to infinite because client is now
                    // registered on database
                    pContext.ChatControl.ReceiveTimeout = 0;
                // If username cannot be inserted
                    Routines.WriteLocking(pContext.ChatControl, MessageCodes.LOGIN_RESPONSE_CHANGE_NAME);
                    Error = true;
                    SmartDebug.DWL("Invalid name, cannot establish clipboard connection or there are not free slots");
            // If password is not correct
                Routines.WriteLocking(pContext.ChatControl, MessageCodes.LOGIN_RESPONSE_CHANGE_PASSWORD);
                Error = true;
                SmartDebug.DWL("Invalid password");

            return Error;
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts user in database and creates clipboard connection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pNickname"></param>
        /// <param name="pContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Boolean InsertUser(String pNickname, String pClipboardPort, String pVideoPort, TaskInfo pContext)
            Boolean Error = false;

            if (pContext != null && pContext.State != null && pContext.State.Clients != null && pNickname.Equals("admin") == false)
                TaskInfo Client = null;

                // Is client name already in database?
                pContext.State.Clients.TryGetValue(pNickname, out Client);

                // No clients registered with this name
                if (Client == null)
                        String lClientAddress = pContext.ChatControl.Client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString().Split(":".ToCharArray())[0];
                        pContext.Clipboard = new TcpClient(lClientAddress, UInt16.Parse(pClipboardPort));
                        pContext.Video = new TcpClient(lClientAddress, UInt16.Parse(pVideoPort));

                        lock (pContext.State.Clients)
                            // There is a free slot for it
                            if (pContext.State.Clients.Count <= MAX_CLIENTS)
                                pContext.State.Clients[pNickname] = pContext;
                            // Client cannot be inserted: no free slots
                                Error = true;
                    catch (Exception catchedException)
                        Error = true;

                // Client name already present
                    Error = true;
                Error = true;

            return Error;