public static void Target( Mobile from, object target, ACreedJinBori jinbori )
			if ( from == null || jinbori.Parent != from )

			Mobile to = target as Mobile;

			if ( to == null )

			int delay = 11;
			delay -= (from.Dex / 30);

			if ( delay < 6 )
				delay = 6;

			jinbori.ThrowDelay = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds( delay );

			from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( to );
			from.Animate( 31, 5, 1, true, false, 0 );
			// SendMovingEffect( IEntity from, IEntity to, int itemID, int speed, int duration, bool fixedDirection, bool explodes )
			Effects.SendMovingEffect( from, to, 0xF51, 10, 1, false, false );

			Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1 ), new TimerStateCallback( jinbori.ACreedDaggerDamage_CallBack ), to );
Beispiel #2
        public override void Abrir( Mobile from )
            PlagueBeastLord m = RootParent as PlagueBeastLord;
            if ( m == null ) return;

            from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( m );
            if ( Abierto )
                from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Emote, 0x66B, false, Plague_Texts.Line[21] );
                from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Emote, 0x66B, false, Plague_Texts.Line[22] );
                from.PlaySound( 0x248 );
                from.PlaySound( 0x2AC );
                Agujero.Visible = true;

                base.Abrir( from );
                //Si no hay cerebro, la herida empieza a sangrar directamente
                if ( HoldBrain == BrainTypes.Brain_None )
                    PlagueBrain pb = Mybrain as PlagueBrain;
                    pb.Sangrar( from );
Beispiel #3
 public static string GetDirection(Mobile from, Point3D p)
     Direction d = from.GetDirectionTo(p);
     string direction = "... You can't tell in what direction it lies.";
     switch (d)
         case Direction.Down:
             direction = "South East";
         case Direction.East:
             direction = "East";
         case Direction.Left:
             direction = "South West";
         case Direction.North:
             direction = "North";
         case Direction.Right:
             direction = "North East";
         case Direction.South:
             direction = "South";
         case Direction.Up:
             direction = "North West";
         case Direction.West:
             direction = "West";
     return direction;
Beispiel #4
        public static void FireWall( Mobile from, Mobile target )
            Effects.SendPacket( from.Location, from.Map, new FlashEffect( FlashType.LightFlash ) );
            Effects.PlaySound( from.Location, from.Map, 0x44B );

            Direction d = from.GetDirectionTo( target );

            int dx, dy;
            bool diagonal;

            GetDirectionOffset( d, out dx, out dy, out diagonal );

            int length = 1 + (int) Math.Min( from.GetDistanceToSqrt( target ), 10 );

            for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
                int x = from.Location.X + ( dx * i );
                int y = from.Location.Y + ( dy * i );

                Point3D loc = new Point3D( x, y, from.Location.Z );

                TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 100.0 - ( i * 9.0 ) );

                if ( d == Direction.West || d == Direction.East || diagonal )
                    new FireFieldItem( from, loc, from.Map, 0x398C, duration );

                if ( d == Direction.North || d == Direction.South || diagonal )
                    new FireFieldItem( from, loc, from.Map, 0x3996, duration );
        public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from )
            Direction dir;
            if ( from.Location != this.Location )
                dir = from.GetDirectionTo( this );
            else if ( this.East )
                dir = Direction.West;
                dir = Direction.North;

            from.Direction = dir;

            bool canThrow = true;

            if ( !from.InRange( this, 4 ) || !from.InLOS( this ) )
                canThrow = false;
            else if ( this.East )
                canThrow = ( dir == Direction.Left || dir == Direction.West || dir == Direction.Up );
                canThrow = ( dir == Direction.Up || dir == Direction.North || dir == Direction.Right );

            if ( canThrow )
                Throw( from );
                from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1019045 ); // I can't reach that.
		public void Use( Mobile from, BaseWeapon weapon )

			from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( GetWorldLocation() );
			weapon.PlaySwingAnimation( from );

			from.CheckSkill( weapon.Skill, m_MinSkill, m_MaxSkill );
Beispiel #7
        public void OnMine(Mobile from, Item tool)
            if (tool is IUsesRemaining && ((IUsesRemaining)tool).UsesRemaining < 1)

            from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo(this.Location);
            from.Animate(11, 5, 1, true, false, 0);

            Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), new TimerStateCallback(DoMine), new object[] { from, tool });
			protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object obj )
				if ( m_BaseThrowingItem.Deleted || m_BaseThrowingItem.Map == Map.Internal)

				if ( obj is Mobile )
					Mobile to = (Mobile)obj;

					if ( !from.CanBeHarmful( to ) )
					{	from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( to );
						from.Animate( 11, 5, 1, true, false, 0 );
						from.MovingEffect( to, m_BaseThrowingItem.ItemID, 10, 0, false, false );

						Timer.DelayCall<ThrowInfo>( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.5 ), new TimerStateCallback<ThrowInfo>( FinishThrow ), new ThrowInfo( from, to, m_DamageMin, m_DamageMax, m_Break, m_BaseThrowingItem ) );

						if ( m_DeleteOnThrow || m_Break )
					IPoint3D p = obj as IPoint3D;

					if ( p == null )

					Map map = from.Map;

					if ( map == null )

					IEntity to;

					to = new Entity( Serial.Zero, new Point3D( p ), map );

					from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( to );
					Effects.SendMovingEffect( from, to, m_BaseThrowingItem.ItemID & 0x3FFF, 7, 0, false, false, m_BaseThrowingItem.Hue, 0 );
					from.Animate( 11, 5, 1, true, false, 0 );

					if ( m_DeleteOnThrow )
						from.SendMessage( "You miss the target and the {0} is wasted", m_BaseThrowingItem.Name );
						Timer.DelayCall<object[]>( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.5 ), new TimerStateCallback<object[]>( FinishMiss ), new object[]{ to, map, m_BaseThrowingItem } );
						from.SendMessage( "You miss the target" );
Beispiel #9
		public virtual void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from, bool createWeedsAndDelete )
			if( !from.CanSee( this ) )
				from.SendMessage( "You cannot see that." );
			else if( !(this is HarvestableTree) && !from.InRange( this, 1 ) )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( CommonLocs.YouTooFar );
			else if( this is HarvestableTree && !from.InRange( this, 2 ) )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( CommonLocs.YouTooFar );
			else if( (Sower != null && from != m_Sower) && !(this is HarvestableTree) )
				from.SendMessage( "You cannot harvest any of this crop." );
			else if( from.Mounted )
				from.SendMessage( "You cannot do this while riding a mount." );
				int calcYield = CalculateYield( from );
				Item crop = null;

				try { crop = CreateCrop( calcYield ); }
				catch( Exception e ) { Server.Utilities.ExceptionManager.LogException( "BaseGrownCrop.cs", e ); }

				if( crop == null )
					from.SendMessage( "You are unable to harvest any of this crop!" );
					from.AddToBackpack( crop );

					from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( this );
					from.Animate( AnimationFrame, 5, 1, true, false, 0 );
					from.PlaySound( 0x133 );
					from.SendMessage( "You successfully harvest the crop!" );

				if( createWeedsAndDelete )
					new Weeds().MoveToWorld( this.Location, this.Map );
					OnHarvest( from );
Beispiel #10
			protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object targeted )

                IEntity entity = targeted as IEntity;
                if (XmlScript.HasTrigger(entity, TriggerName.onTargeted) && UberScriptTriggers.Trigger(entity, from, TriggerName.onTargeted, null, null, null, 0, null, SkillName.Begging, from.Skills[SkillName.Begging].Value))

				int number = -1;

				if ( targeted is Mobile )
					Mobile targ = (Mobile)targeted;

					if ( targ.Player ) // We can't beg from players
						number = 500398; // Perhaps just asking would work better.
					else if ( !targ.Body.IsHuman ) // Make sure the NPC is human
						number = 500399; // There is little chance of getting money from that!
					else if ( !from.InRange( targ, 2 ) )
						if ( !(targ is IBegged) )
							number = 500403; // That's too far away.  You couldn't beg from it anyway.
						else if ( targ.Female )
							number = 500402; // You are too far away to beg from her.
							number = 500401; // You are too far away to beg from him.
					else if ( from.Mounted ) // If we're on a mount, who would give us money?
						number = 500404; // They seem unwilling to give you any money.
					else if ( targ is IBegged )
						// Face eachother
						from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( targ );
						targ.Direction = targ.GetDirectionTo( from );

						from.Animate( 32, 5, 1, true, false, 0 ); // Bow

						new InternalTimer( from, (IBegged)targ ).Start();

						m_SetSkillTime = false;
						number = 500404; // They seem unwilling to give you any money.

				else // Not a Mobile
					number = 500399; // There is little chance of getting money from that!

				if ( number != -1 )
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( number );
Beispiel #11
			protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object targeted )

				int number = -1;

				if ( targeted is Mobile )
					Mobile targ = (Mobile)targeted;

					if ( targ.Player ) // We can't beg from players
						number = 500398; // Perhaps just asking would work better.
					else if ( !targ.Body.IsHuman ) // Make sure the NPC is human
						number = 500399; // There is little chance of getting money from that!
					else if ( !from.InRange( targ, 2 ) )
						if ( !targ.Female )
							number = 500401; // You are too far away to beg from him.
							number = 500402; // You are too far away to beg from her.
					else if ( !Core.ML && from.Mounted ) // If we're on a mount, who would give us money? TODO: guessed it's removed since ML
						number = 500404; // They seem unwilling to give you any money.
						// Face eachother
						from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( targ );
						targ.Direction = targ.GetDirectionTo( from );

						from.Animate( 32, 5, 1, true, false, 0 ); // Bow

						new InternalTimer( from, targ ).Start();

						m_SetSkillTime = false;
				else // Not a Mobile
					number = 500399; // There is little chance of getting money from that!

				if ( number != -1 )
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( number );
		public override void OnHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, double damageBonus )
			if ( attacker.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Arms ) is ACreedBoneArms )
				if ( defender.Hits < (defender.HitsMax/10) )
					damageBonus += 1.5; // +150%

			// Back Attack
			if ( attacker.GetDirectionTo( defender.Location ) == defender.Direction )
				damageBonus += 1.0; // +100%

			base.OnHit( attacker, defender, damageBonus );
Beispiel #13
            protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object targeted )

                int number = -1;

                if ( targeted is Mobile )
                    Mobile targ = (Mobile)targeted;

                    if ( targ.Player )
                        number = 500398; // Perhaps just asking would work better.
                    else if ( !targ.Body.IsHuman )
                        number = 500399; // There is little chance of getting money from that!
                    else if ( !from.InRange( targ, 2 ) )
                        if ( !targ.Female )
                            number = 500401; // You are too far away to beg from him.
                            number = 500402; // You are too far away to beg from her.
                        // Face eachother
                        from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( targ );
                        targ.Direction = targ.GetDirectionTo( from );

                        from.Animate( 32, 5, 1, true, false, 0 ); // Bow

                        new InternalTimer( from, targ ).Start();

                        m_SetSkillTime = false;
                else // Not a Mobile
                    number = 500399; // There is little chance of getting money from that!

                if ( number != -1 )
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage( number );
Beispiel #14
         * Verifica se o observador esta no arco de visão do alvo.
        public bool estaNoArcoDeVisao(Mobile observador, Mobile alvo)
            Direction direcaoObservador = observador.Direction;
            Direction direcaoNecessaria = observador.GetDirectionTo(alvo.Location);

            int intDirObervador = (int)direcaoObservador;
            int intDirNecessaria = (int)direcaoNecessaria;

            if (intDirNecessaria == intDirObervador
                || intDirNecessaria == intDirObervador + 1
                || intDirNecessaria == intDirObervador - 1)
                return true;

            return false;
Beispiel #15
        public override void Abrir( Mobile from )
            PlagueBeastLord m = RootParent as PlagueBeastLord;
            if ( m == null ) return;

            from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( m );
            if ( Abierto )
                from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Emote, 0x66B, false, Plague_Texts.Line[21] );
                from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Emote, 0x66B, false, Plague_Texts.Line[22] );
                from.PlaySound( 0x248 );
                from.PlaySound( 0x2AC );
                Gland_Recpt.Visible = true;
                Glandula.Visible = true;
		public void Use( Mobile from )
			from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( GetWorldLocation() );

			Effects.PlaySound( GetWorldLocation(), Map, 0x4F );

			if ( from.CheckSkill( SkillName.Stealing, m_MinSkill, m_MaxSkill ) )
				SendLocalizedMessageTo( from, 501834 ); // You successfully avoid disturbing the dip while searching it.
				Effects.PlaySound( GetWorldLocation(), Map, 0x390 );

				SendLocalizedMessageTo( from, 501831 ); // You carelessly bump the dip and start it swinging.
Beispiel #17
        public override bool CheckItemUse( Mobile from, Item item )
            PlagueBeastLord m = RootParent as PlagueBeastLord;
            if ( m == null ) return false;

            from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( m );
            if ( Abierto )
                from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Emote, 0x66B, false, Plague_Texts.Line[21] );
                ItemID = 4682;
                base.Abrir( from );
                from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Emote, 0x66B, false, Plague_Texts.Line[22] );
                from.PlaySound( 0x2AC );
            return true;
Beispiel #18
        public static string GetDirection(Mobile from, Point3D p)
            Direction d         = from.GetDirectionTo(p);
            string    direction = "... You can't tell in what direction it lies.";

            switch (d)
            case Direction.Down:
                direction = "South East";

            case Direction.East:
                direction = "East";

            case Direction.Left:
                direction = "South West";

            case Direction.North:
                direction = "North";

            case Direction.Right:
                direction = "North East";

            case Direction.South:
                direction = "South";

            case Direction.Up:
                direction = "North West";

            case Direction.West:
                direction = "West";
		public void Shoot( Mobile from, Mobile target )
			if ( from == target )

			if ( m_UsesRemaining < 1 )
				// You have no shuriken in your ninja belt!
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063297 );
			else if ( m_Using )
				// You cannot throw another shuriken yet.
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063298 );
			else if ( !BasePotion.HasFreeHand( from ) )
				// You must have a free hand to throw shuriken.
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063299 );
			else if ( from.InRange( target, 2 ) )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063303 ); // Your target is too close!
			else if ( from.CanBeHarmful( target ) )
				m_Using = true;

				from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( target );


				if ( from.Body.IsHuman )
					from.Animate( from.Mounted ? 26 : 9, 7, 1, true, false, 0 );

				from.PlaySound( 0x23A );
				from.MovingEffect( target, 0x27AC, 1, 0, false, false );

				if ( from.CheckSkill( SkillName.Ninjitsu, -10.0, 65.0 ) )
					Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ), new TimerStateCallback( OnShurikenHit ), new object[]{ from, target } );

				Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 2.5 ), new TimerCallback( ResetUsing ) );
        public static void DrunkardThrowBottle(Mobile from)
            if (from == null)

            Point3D location = from.Location;
            Map     map      = from.Map;

            int throwSound = 0x5D3;
            int itemId     = Utility.RandomList(2459, 2463, 2503);
            int itemHue    = 0;
            int hitSound   = Utility.RandomList(0x38D, 0x38E, 0x38F, 0x390);

            bool    foundLocation  = false;
            Point3D targetLocation = new Point3D();

            List <Point3D> m_ValidLocations = SpecialAbilities.GetSpawnableTiles(from.Location, true, false, from.Location, from.Map, 1, 25, 2, 8, true);

            if (m_ValidLocations.Count > 0)
                targetLocation = m_ValidLocations[Utility.RandomMinMax(0, m_ValidLocations.Count - 1)];
                foundLocation  = true;

                from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo(targetLocation);

                Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(.25), delegate
                    if (from == null)
                    if (!from.Alive)

                    from.Animate(31, 7, 1, true, false, 0); //Throw Bottle
                    from.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0, false, "*drunkenly throws bottle*");

            if (!foundLocation)
                from.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0, false, "*drops bottle*");

                TimedStatic bottle = new TimedStatic(Utility.RandomList(0x38D, 0x38E, 0x38F, 0x390), 1);
                bottle.Name = "a drunkard's bottle";
                bottle.MoveToWorld(from.Location, from.Map);

                Effects.PlaySound(targetLocation, map, hitSound);


            Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(.75), delegate
                if (from == null)
                if (!from.Alive)

                if (foundLocation)
                    Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, throwSound);

                    IEntity startLocation = new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.Location.X, from.Location.Y, from.Location.Z + 10), from.Map);
                    IEntity endLocation   = new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(targetLocation.X, targetLocation.Y, targetLocation.Z + 5), from.Map);

                    Direction direction = from.GetDirectionTo(targetLocation);

                    double speedModifier = .66;

                    Effects.SendMovingEffect(startLocation, endLocation, itemId, (int)(15 * speedModifier), 0, true, false, itemHue, 0);

                    double distance         = from.GetDistanceToSqrt(targetLocation);
                    double destinationDelay = (double)distance * .08 * (.5 / speedModifier);

                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(destinationDelay), delegate
                        Effects.PlaySound(targetLocation, map, hitSound);
Beispiel #21
        public void Fire( Mobile from )
            BaseRanged bow = from.Weapon as BaseRanged;

            if ( bow == null )
                from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Regular, 0, 3, "", "You must practice with ranged weapons on this."));
                //from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, "You must practice with ranged weapons on this.");
                //SendLocalizedMessageTo( from, 500593 ); // You must practice with ranged weapons on this.

            if ( DateTime.Now < (m_LastUse + UseDelay) )

            Point3D worldLoc = GetWorldLocation();

            if ( FacingEast ? from.X <= worldLoc.X : from.Y <= worldLoc.Y )
                from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, "You would do better to stand in front of the archery butte." ); // You would do better to stand in front of the archery butte.

            if ( FacingEast ? from.Y != worldLoc.Y : from.X != worldLoc.X )
                from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, "You aren't properly lined up with the archery butte to get an accurate shot." ); // You aren't properly lined up with the archery butte to get an accurate shot.

            if ( !from.InRange( worldLoc, 6 ) )
                from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, "You are too far away from the archery butte to get an accurate shot." ); // You are too far away from the archery butte to get an accurate shot.
            else if ( from.InRange( worldLoc, 4 ) )
                from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, "You are too close to the target." ); // You are too close to the target.

            Container pack = from.Backpack;
            Type ammoType = bow.AmmoType;

            bool isArrow = ( ammoType == typeof( Arrow ) );
            bool isBolt = ( ammoType == typeof( Bolt ) );
            bool isKnown = ( isArrow || isBolt );

            if ( pack == null || !pack.ConsumeTotal( ammoType, 1 ) )
                if ( isArrow )
                    from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, "You do not have any arrows with which to practice." ); // You do not have any arrows with which to practice.
                else if ( isBolt )
                    from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, "You do not have any crossbow bolts with which to practice." ); // You do not have any crossbow bolts with which to practice.
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Regular, 0, 3, "", "You must practice with ranged weapons on this."));
                    //SendLocalizedMessageTo( from, 500593 ); // You must practice with ranged weapons on this.


            m_LastUse = DateTime.Now;

            from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( GetWorldLocation() );
            bow.PlaySwingAnimation( from );
            from.MovingEffect( this, bow.EffectID, 18, 1, false, false );

            ScoreEntry se = GetEntryFor( from );

            if ( !from.CheckSkill( bow.Skill, m_MinSkill, m_MaxSkill ) )
                from.PlaySound( bow.MissSound );

                PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} misses the target altogether.", from.Name));
                //PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500604, from.Name ); // You miss the target altogether.

                se.Record( 0 );

                if ( se.Count == 1 )
                    PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("Score: {0} after the first shot.",se.Total.ToString() ));
                    PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("Score: {0} after {1} shots.", se.Total, se.Count));//1042683, String.Format( "{0}\t{1}", se.Total, se.Count ) );

                if (0.4 >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                    if (isArrow)
                        Item Ammo = new Arrow();
                        Ammo.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(-1, 1), this.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(-1, 1), this.Z), this.Map);
                    else if (isBolt)
                        Item Ammo = new Bolt();
                        Ammo.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(-1, 1), this.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(-1, 1), this.Z), this.Map);

            Effects.PlaySound( Location, Map, /*0x2B1*/ 564 );

            double rand = Utility.RandomDouble();

            int area, score, splitScore;

            if ( 0.10 > rand )
                area = 0; // bullseye
                score = 50;
                splitScore = 100;
            else if ( 0.25 > rand )
                area = 1; // inner ring
                score = 10;
                splitScore = 20;
            else if ( 0.50 > rand )
                area = 2; // middle ring
                score = 5;
                splitScore = 15;
                area = 3; // outer ring
                score = 2;
                splitScore = 5;

            bool split = ( isKnown && ((m_Arrows + m_Bolts) * 0.02) > Utility.RandomDouble() );

            if ( split )
                if (isArrow)
                    switch (area)
                        case 0: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} robinhoods another arrow in the bullseye!", from.Name)); break;
                        case 1: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} robinhoods another arrow in the inner ring!", from.Name)); break;
                        case 2: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} robinhoods another arrow in the middle ring.", from.Name)); break;
                        case 3: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} robinhoods another arrow in the outer ring.", from.Name)); break;
                    switch (area)
                        case 0: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} robinhoods another bolt in the bullseye!", from.Name)); break;
                        case 1: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} robinhoods another bolt in the inner ring!", from.Name)); break;
                        case 2: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} robinhoods another bolt in the middle ring.", from.Name)); break;
                        case 3: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} robinhoods another bolt in the outer ring.", from.Name)); break;
                //PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1010027 + (isArrow ? 0 : 4) + area, from.Name );
                switch (area)
                    case 0: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} hits the bullseye!", from.Name)); break;
                    case 1: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} hits the inner ring!", from.Name)); break;
                    case 2: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} hits the middle ring.", from.Name)); break;
                    case 3: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} hits the outer ring.", from.Name)); break;
                //PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1010035 + area, from.Name );

                if ( isArrow )
                else if ( isBolt )

            se.Record( split ? splitScore : score );

            /*if ( se.Count == 1 )
                PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1062719, se.Total.ToString() );
                PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1042683, String.Format( "{0}\t{1}", se.Total, se.Count ) );*/
            if (se.Count == 1)
                PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("Score: {0} after the first shot.", se.Total.ToString()));
                PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("Score: {0} after {1} shots.", se.Total, se.Count));//1042683, String.Format( "{0}\t{1}", se.Total, se.Count ) );
Beispiel #22
         *  Walk at range distance from mobile
         *	iSteps : Number of steps
         *	bRun   : Do we run
         *	iWantDistMin : The minimum distance we want to be
         *  iWantDistMax : The maximum distance we want to be
        public virtual bool WalkMobileRange( Mobile m, int iSteps, bool bRun, int iWantDistMin, int iWantDistMax )
            if( m_Mobile.Deleted || m_Mobile.DisallowAllMoves )
                return false;

            if( m != null )
                for( int i=0; i<iSteps; i++ )
                    // Get the curent distance
                    int iCurrDist = (int)m_Mobile.GetDistanceToSqrt( m );

                    if( iCurrDist < iWantDistMin || iCurrDist > iWantDistMax )
                        bool needCloser = (iCurrDist > iWantDistMax);
                        bool needFurther = !needCloser;

                        if( needCloser && m_Path != null && m_Path.Goal == m )
                            if( m_Path.Follow( bRun, 1 ) )
                                m_Path = null;
                            Direction dirTo;

                            if( iCurrDist > iWantDistMax )
                                dirTo = m_Mobile.GetDirectionTo( m );
                                dirTo = m.GetDirectionTo( m_Mobile );

                            // Add the run flag
                            if( bRun )
                                dirTo = dirTo | Direction.Running;

                            if( !DoMove( dirTo, true ) && needCloser )
                                m_Path = new PathFollower( m_Mobile, m );
                                m_Path.Mover = new MoveMethod( DoMoveImpl );

                                if( m_Path.Follow( bRun, 1 ) )
                                    m_Path = null;
                                m_Path = null;
                        return true;

                // Get the curent distance
                int iNewDist = (int)m_Mobile.GetDistanceToSqrt( m );

                if( iNewDist >= iWantDistMin && iNewDist <= iWantDistMax )
                    return true;
                    return false;

            return false;
Beispiel #23
        public static void TossBola(Mobile from)
            if (from == null)

            var target = from.Combatant;

            if (target == null)
            if (!target.Mounted)

            from.NonlocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Emote, 0x3B2, 1049633, from.Name);
                // ~1_NAME~ begins to menacingly swing a bola...
            from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo(target);
            from.Animate(11, 5, 1, true, false, 0);
            from.MovingEffect(target, 0x26AC, 10, 0, false, false);

            var mt = target.Mount;

            if (mt != null)
                mt.Rider = null;
                target.SendLocalizedMessage(1040023); // You have been knocked off of your mount!
                BaseMount.SetMountPrevention(target, BlockMountType.Dazed, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3.0));
Beispiel #24
        public bool Follow(bool run, int range)
            Point3D   goal = GetGoalLocation();
            Direction d;

            if (Check(m_From.Location, goal, range))

            bool repathed = CheckPath();

            if (!Enabled || !m_Path.Success)
                d = m_From.GetDirectionTo(goal);

                if (run)
                    d |= Direction.Running;


                return(Check(m_From.Location, goal, range));

            d = m_From.GetDirectionTo(m_Next);

            if (run)
                d |= Direction.Running;


            MoveResult res = Move(d);

            if (res == MoveResult.Blocked)
                if (repathed)

                m_Path = null;

                if (!m_Path.Success)
                    d = m_From.GetDirectionTo(goal);

                    if (run)
                        d |= Direction.Running;


                    return(Check(m_From.Location, goal, range));

                d = m_From.GetDirectionTo(m_Next);

                if (run)
                    d |= Direction.Running;


                res = Move(d);

                if (res == MoveResult.Blocked)

            if (m_From.X == m_Next.X && m_From.Y == m_Next.Y)
                if (m_From.Z == m_Next.Z)
                    Advance(ref m_Next, m_Index);
                    m_Path = null;

            return(Check(m_From.Location, goal, range));
        public static void Honor(Mobile from, object targeted)
            if (!from.CheckAlive())

            Mobile targ = targeted as Mobile;

            if (targ == null)

            VirtueLevel level = VirtueHelper.GetLevel(from, VirtueName.Honor);

            if (targ == from)
                if (CantEmbrace(from))
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1063230);                       // You must wait awhile before you can embrace honor again.


                if (level < VirtueLevel.Seeker)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1063234);                       // You do not have enough honor to do that


                Timer t = (Timer)m_Table[from];

                if (t != null)

                Timer t2 = (Timer)m_Table2[from];

                if (t2 != null)

                double delay = 0;

                switch (level)
                case VirtueLevel.Seeker:
                    delay = 60.0;

                case VirtueLevel.Follower:
                    delay = 90.0;

                case VirtueLevel.Knight:
                    delay = 120.0;

                m_Table[from] = t = Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(delay), new TimerStateCallback(Expire_Callback), from);

                m_Table2[from] = t2 = Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0), new TimerStateCallback(Expire_Callback2), from);

                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1063235);                   // You embrace your honor

                if (VirtueHelper.Atrophy(from, VirtueName.Honor))
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1063227);                       // You have lost some Honor.
                if (targ is BaseCreature)
                    BaseCreature cr = targ as BaseCreature;

                    if (cr.HonorOpponent != null && cr.HonorOpponent != from)
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(1063233);                           // Somebody else is honoring this opponent


                if (targ is PlayerMobile)
                    PlayerMobile pm = targ as PlayerMobile;

                    if (pm.HonorOpponent != null && pm.HonorOpponent != from)
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(1063233);                           // Somebody else is honoring this opponent


                if (VirtueHelper.IsHighestPath(from, VirtueName.Honor))
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1063228);                       // You cannot gain more Honor.


                if (!from.InRange(targ.Location, 5))
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1063232);                       // You are too far away to honor your opponent


                if (((targ.Hits * 100) / Math.Max(targ.HitsMax, 1)) < 85)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1063166);                       // You cannot honor this monster because it is too damaged.


                if (!NotorietyHandlers.Mobile_AllowHarmful(from, targ))

                if (!from.CanSee(targ) || !from.InLOS(targ))

                from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo(targ.Location);

                from.Animate(32, 5, 1, true, false, 0);

                from.Say(1063231);                   // I honor you

                PlayerMobile player = from as PlayerMobile;

                player.HonorOpponent = targ;

                if (targ is BaseCreature)
                    ((BaseCreature)targ).HonorOpponent = player;

                if (targ is PlayerMobile)
                    ((PlayerMobile)targ).HonorOpponent = player;

                player.SpotHonor = player.Location;

                player.Perfection = 0;
Beispiel #26
		public void Shoot( Mobile from, Mobile target )
			if ( from == target )

			if ( m_UsesRemaining < 1 )
				// You have no fukiya darts!
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063325 );
			else if ( m_Using )
				// You are already using that fukiya.
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063326 );
			else if ( !BasePotion.HasFreeHand( from ) )
				// You must have a free hand to use a fukiya.
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063327 );
			else if ( from.CanBeHarmful( target ) )
				m_Using = true;

				from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( target );


				if ( from.Body.IsHuman && !from.Mounted )
					from.Animate( 33, 2, 1, true, true, 0 );

				from.PlaySound( 0x223 );
				from.MovingEffect( target, 0x2804, 5, 0, false, false );

				if ( from.CheckSkill( SkillName.Ninjitsu, -10.0, 50.0 ) )
					Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ), new TimerStateCallback( OnDartHit ), new object[]{ from, target } );

				Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 2.5 ), new TimerCallback( ResetUsing ) );
Beispiel #27
		public static void Turn( Mobile from, object to )
			IPoint3D target = to as IPoint3D;

			if( target == null )

			if( target is Item )
				Item item = (Item)target;

				if( item.RootParent != from )
					from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( item.GetWorldLocation() );
			else if( from != target )
				from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( target );
			public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) 
				if ( from.Mounted && !CropHelper.CanWorkMounted )
					from.SendMessage( "You cannot pull up a weed while mounted." ); 

				if ( from.InRange( this.GetWorldLocation(), 1 ) ) 
					if (( from == m_sower ) || ( DateTime.Now >= planted.AddDays(3) ))
						from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( this );

						from.Animate( from.Mounted ? 29:32, 5, 1, true, false, 0 ); 

						from.SendMessage("You pull up the weed."); 
					else from.SendMessage("The weed is still too tough to pull."); 
					from.SendMessage( "You are too far away to harvest anything." ); 
Beispiel #29
			protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object obj )
				if ( m_Bola.Deleted )

				if ( obj is Mobile )
					Mobile to = (Mobile)obj;

					if ( !m_Bola.IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1040019 ); // The bola must be in your pack to use it.
					else if ( !Core.AOS && (from.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.OneHanded ) != null || from.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded ) != null) )
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1040015 ); // Your hands must be free to use this
					else if ( from.Mounted )
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1040016 ); // You cannot use this while riding a mount
					else if ( Server.Spells.Ninjitsu.AnimalForm.UnderTransformation( from ) )
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1070902 ); // You can't use this while in an animal form!
					else if ( !to.Mounted )
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1049628 ); // You have no reason to throw a bola at that.
					else if ( !from.CanBeHarmful( to ) )
					else if ( from.BeginAction( typeof( Bola ) ) )
						EtherealMount.StopMounting( from );

						Item one = from.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.OneHanded );
						Item two = from.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded );

						if ( one != null )
							from.AddToBackpack( one );

						if ( two != null )
							from.AddToBackpack( two );

						from.DoHarmful( to );

						if ( Core.AOS )
							BaseMount.SetMountPrevention( from, BlockMountType.BolaRecovery, TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 3.0 ) );


						from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( to );
						from.Animate( 11, 5, 1, true, false, 0 );
						from.MovingEffect( to, 0x26AC, 10, 0, false, false );

						Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.5 ), new TimerStateCallback( FinishThrow ), new object[]{ from, to } );
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1049624 ); // You have to wait a few moments before you can use another bola!
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1049629 ); // You cannot throw a bola at that.
Beispiel #30
        public PathFollowerResult Follow(bool run, int range)
            Point3D   goal = GetGoalLocation();
            Direction d;

            if (Check(m_From.Location, goal, range))

            bool repathed = CheckPath();

            if (!Enabled || !m_Path.Success)
                d = m_From.GetDirectionTo(goal);

                if (run)
                    d |= Direction.Running;


                if (Check(m_From.Location, goal, range))

            d = m_From.GetDirectionTo(m_Next);

            if (run)
                d |= Direction.Running;


            MoveResult res = Move(d);

            if (m_From is PathTester)
                m_From.Say("Move attempt: " + res);

            // If blocked or change direction because blocked then need to repath
            if (res == MoveResult.Blocked || res == MoveResult.SuccessAutoTurn)
                if (repathed)

                m_Path = null;

                if (!m_Path.Success)
                    d = m_From.GetDirectionTo(goal);

                    if (run)
                        d |= Direction.Running;


                    if (Check(m_From.Location, goal, range))

                d = m_From.GetDirectionTo(m_Next);

                if (run)
                    d |= Direction.Running;


                res = Move(d);

                if (res == MoveResult.Blocked)

            if (m_From.X == m_Next.X && m_From.Y == m_Next.Y)
                if (m_From.Z == m_Next.Z)
                    Advance(ref m_Next, m_Index);

                    if (Check(m_From.Location, goal, range))
                    m_Path = null;

                    if (Check(m_From.Location, goal, range))

            if (Check(m_From.Location, goal, range))
        public static void FocusTo( Mobile who, Mobile to )
            if ( Utility.RandomBool() )
                who.Animate( 17, 7, 1, true, false, 0 );
                switch ( Utility.Random( 3 ) )
                    case 0: who.Animate( 32, 7, 1, true, false, 0 ); break;
                    case 1: who.Animate( 33, 7, 1, true, false, 0 ); break;
                    case 2: who.Animate( 34, 7, 1, true, false, 0 ); break;

            who.Direction = who.GetDirectionTo( to );
Beispiel #32
        public bool OnSpeech( Mobile mob, Mobile speaker, string text )
            if ( ( m_Flags & IHSFlags.OnSpeech ) == 0 || m_Keywords == null || m_Responses == null || m_KeywordHash == null )
                return false; // not enabled

            if ( !speaker.Alive )
                return false;

            if ( !speaker.InRange( mob, 3 ) )
                return false;

            if ( ( speaker.Direction & Direction.Mask ) != speaker.GetDirectionTo( mob ) )
                return false;

            if ( ( mob.Direction & Direction.Mask ) != mob.GetDirectionTo( speaker ) )
                return false;

            string[] split = text.Split( ' ' );
            List<string> keywordsFound = new List<string>();

            for ( int i = 0; i < split.Length; ++i )
                string keyword;
                m_KeywordHash.TryGetValue( split[i], out keyword );

                if ( keyword != null )
                    keywordsFound.Add( keyword );

            if ( keywordsFound.Count > 0 )
                string responseWord;

                if ( Utility.RandomBool() )
                    responseWord = GetRandomResponseWord( keywordsFound );
                    responseWord = keywordsFound[Utility.Random( keywordsFound.Count )];

                string secondResponseWord = GetRandomResponseWord( keywordsFound );

                StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();

                switch ( Utility.Random( 6 ) )
                    case 0:
                            response.Append( "Me " ).Append( responseWord ).Append( '?' );
                    case 1:
                            response.Append( responseWord ).Append( " thee!" );
                            response.Replace( responseWord[0], Char.ToUpper( responseWord[0] ), 0, 1 );
                    case 2:
                            response.Append( responseWord ).Append( '?' );
                            response.Replace( responseWord[0], Char.ToUpper( responseWord[0] ), 0, 1 );
                    case 3:
                            response.Append( responseWord ).Append( "! " ).Append( secondResponseWord ).Append( '.' );
                            response.Replace( responseWord[0], Char.ToUpper( responseWord[0] ), 0, 1 );
                            response.Replace( secondResponseWord[0], Char.ToUpper( secondResponseWord[0] ), responseWord.Length + 2, 1 );
                    case 4:
                            response.Append( responseWord ).Append( '.' );
                            response.Replace( responseWord[0], Char.ToUpper( responseWord[0] ), 0, 1 );
                    case 5:
                            response.Append( responseWord ).Append( "? " ).Append( secondResponseWord ).Append( '.' );
                            response.Replace( responseWord[0], Char.ToUpper( responseWord[0] ), 0, 1 );
                            response.Replace( secondResponseWord[0], Char.ToUpper( secondResponseWord[0] ), responseWord.Length + 2, 1 );

                int maxWords = ( split.Length / 2 ) + 1;

                if ( maxWords < 2 )
                    maxWords = 2;
                else if ( maxWords > 6 )
                    maxWords = 6;

                SaySentance( mob, Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, maxWords ) );
                mob.Say( response.ToString() );

                return true;

            return false;
        public void Fire( Mobile from )
            BaseRanged bow = from.Weapon as BaseRanged;

            if ( bow == null )
                SendLocalizedMessageTo( from, 500593 ); // You must practice with ranged weapons on this.

            if ( Core.Now < (m_LastUse + UseDelay) )

            Point3D worldLoc = GetWorldLocation();

            if ( FacingEast ? from.X <= worldLoc.X : from.Y <= worldLoc.Y )
                from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500596 ); // You would do better to stand in front of the archery butte.

            if ( FacingEast ? from.Y != worldLoc.Y : from.X != worldLoc.X )
                from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500597 ); // You aren't properly lined up with the archery butte to get an accurate shot.

            if ( !from.InRange( worldLoc, 6 ) )
                from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500598 ); // You are too far away from the archery butte to get an accurate shot.
            else if ( from.InRange( worldLoc, 4 ) )
                from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500599 ); // You are too close to the target.

            Container pack = from.Backpack;
            Type ammoType = bow.AmmoType;

            bool isArrow = ( ammoType == typeof( Arrow ) );
            bool isBolt = ( ammoType == typeof( Bolt ) );
            bool isKnown = ( isArrow || isBolt );

            if ( pack == null || !pack.ConsumeTotal( ammoType, 1 ) )
                if ( isArrow )
                    from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500594 ); // You do not have any arrows with which to practice.
                else if ( isBolt )
                    from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500595 ); // You do not have any crossbow bolts with which to practice.
                    SendLocalizedMessageTo( from, 500593 ); // You must practice with ranged weapons on this.


            m_LastUse = Core.Now;

            from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( GetWorldLocation() );
            bow.PlaySwingAnimation( from );
            from.MovingEffect( this, bow.EffectID, 18, 1, false, false );

            ScoreEntry se = GetEntryFor( from );

            if ( !from.CheckSkill( bow.Skill, m_MinSkill, m_MaxSkill ) )
                from.PlaySound( bow.MissSound );

                PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500604, from.Name ); // You miss the target altogether.

                se.Record( 0 );

                if ( se.Count == 1 )
                    PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1062719, se.Total.ToString() );
                    PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1042683, String.Format( "{0}\t{1}", se.Total, se.Count ) );


            Effects.PlaySound( Location, Map, 0x2B1 );

            double rand = Utility.RandomDouble();

            int area, score, splitScore;

            if ( 0.10 > rand )
                area = 0; // bullseye
                score = 50;
                splitScore = 100;
            else if ( 0.25 > rand )
                area = 1; // inner ring
                score = 10;
                splitScore = 20;
            else if ( 0.50 > rand )
                area = 2; // middle ring
                score = 5;
                splitScore = 15;
                area = 3; // outer ring
                score = 2;
                splitScore = 5;

            bool split = ( isKnown && ((m_Arrows + m_Bolts) * 0.02) > Utility.RandomDouble() );

            if ( split )
                PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1010027 + (isArrow ? 0 : 4) + area, from.Name );
                PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1010035 + area, from.Name );

                if ( isArrow )
                else if ( isBolt )

            se.Record( split ? splitScore : score );

            if ( se.Count == 1 )
                PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1062719, se.Total.ToString() );
                PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1042683, String.Format( "{0}\t{1}", se.Total, se.Count ) );
		public virtual void EndSummon( Mobile from )
			if ( m_Chyloth != null && !m_Chyloth.Deleted )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1050010 ); // The ferry man has already been summoned.  There is no need to ring for him again.
			else if ( m_Dragon != null && !m_Dragon.Deleted )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1050017 ); // The ferryman has recently been summoned already.  You decide against ringing the bell again so soon.
			else if ( m_Summoning )
				m_Summoning = false;

				Point3D loc = GetWorldLocation();

				loc.Z -= 16;

				Effects.SendLocationParticles( EffectItem.Create( loc, Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration ), 0x3728, 10, 10, 0, 0, 2023, 0 );
				Effects.PlaySound( loc, Map, 0x1FE );

				m_Chyloth = new Chyloth();

				m_Chyloth.Direction = (Direction)(7 & (4 + (int)from.GetDirectionTo( loc )));
				m_Chyloth.MoveToWorld( loc, Map );

				m_Chyloth.Bell = this;
				m_Chyloth.AngryAt = from;
				m_Chyloth.BeginRemove( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 40.0 ) );
Beispiel #35
		public virtual void DoHarvestingEffect( Mobile from, Item tool, HarvestDefinition def, Map map, Point3D loc )
			from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( loc );

			if ( !from.Mounted )
				from.Animate( Utility.RandomList( def.EffectActions ), 5, 1, true, false, 0 );
Beispiel #36
        public void Update()
            int xOffset = 0;
            int yOffset = 0;
            int zOffset = (int)System.Math.Round((double)m_Target.Z / 10);

            if (zOffset > 0)
                zOffset -= 1;
            else if (zOffset < 0)
                zOffset += 1;

            Point2D fakeTarget = new Point2D(m_Target.X - zOffset, m_Target.Y - zOffset);

            Direction direction = m_Mobile.GetDirectionTo(m_Target.X - zOffset, m_Target.Y - zOffset);

            if (m_Mobile.InRange(fakeTarget, 2))
                direction = Direction.Up;

            switch (direction)
            case Direction.North:
                xOffset = 0;
                yOffset = 1;

            case Direction.Right:
                xOffset = -1;
                yOffset = 1;

            case Direction.East:
                xOffset = -1;
                yOffset = 0;

            case Direction.Down:
                xOffset = -1;
                yOffset = -1;

            case Direction.South:
                xOffset = 0;
                yOffset = -1;

            case Direction.Left:
                xOffset = 1;
                yOffset = -1;

            case Direction.West:
                xOffset = 1;
                yOffset = 0;

            case Direction.Up:
                xOffset = 1;
                yOffset = 1;


            xOffset -= zOffset + 1;
            yOffset -= zOffset + 1;
            Update(m_Target.X + xOffset, m_Target.Y + yOffset);