Beispiel #1
        public void WFCProcedure()
            int y;

            for (int x = 4; x >= 0; x--)
            NetworkStream tempstream = null;
            Int32         port       = 3005;
            LoginData     User       = new LoginData();

            listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, port);
            object temp = null;

                while (true)
                    connection         = listener.AcceptSocket();       // blocking call
                    CheckConnect.Image = IconList.Images[1];            //change the icon on server form
                    tempstream         = new NetworkStream(connection); //temporary Networkstream
                    temp = formatter.Deserialize(tempstream);

                    if (temp is CPacket.LoginPacket)
                        User.user_id = ((CPacket.LoginPacket)temp).user_id;
                        User.user_ip = ((IPEndPoint)connection.RemoteEndPoint).Address;

                    if (openLocation.Count == 0)
                        CPacket.LogOut LogOut = new CPacket.LogOut();
                        formatter.Serialize(tempstream, LogOut);
                        AllSockets[NextLocation]            = new LoginData();
                        AllSockets[NextLocation].TheSocket  = connection;
                        AllSockets[NextLocation].ConnStream = tempstream;
                        AllSockets[NextLocation].Connected  = true;
                        AllSockets[NextLocation].user_id    = User.user_id;
                        AllSockets[NextLocation].user_ip    = User.user_ip;
                        //MessageBox.Show(User.user_id + " is connected");
                        AllSockets[NextLocation].position = NextLocation;;

                        CheckConnect.Image = IconList.Images[1];

                        CPacket.LoginPacket UserConnected = new CPacket.LoginPacket();

                        if (UserBox.InvokeRequired)
                            BeginInvoke(new kdelegate(AddToList), User.user_id);

                        for (int x = 0; x < NextLocation; x++)
                            if (AllSockets[x] != null && AllSockets[x].user_id != User.user_id)
                                UserConnected.user_id = AllSockets[x].user_id;
                                formatter.Serialize(AllSockets[x].ConnStream, temp); //send old users new user
                                formatter.Serialize(tempstream, UserConnected);      // send new user old users
                        AllThreads[NextLocation] = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(AreYouTalkingtome));

            catch (SocketException e) { MessageBox.Show("Server Shutting down!"); }
        }//Wait for connection
Beispiel #2
        }//Wait for connection

        public void AreYouTalkingtome(object obj)
        {//Are You Talking to me
            LoginData who = null;
            object    temp;

            CPacket.RequestGame TempPacket;
            if (obj is LoginData)
                who = (LoginData)obj;
            //.Items[i].BackColor = Color.Green;
                while (true)
                    temp = formatter.Deserialize(who.ConnStream); //Waiting for one of the client to takl
                    if (temp is CPacket.RequestGame)              //What i'm Getting
                            TempPacket = temp as CPacket.RequestGame;
                            TempPacket.requestedusers = ((CPacket.RequestGame)temp).requestedusers;
                            //MessageBox.Show("Requeste Received");

                            for (int x = 0; x <= NextLocation; x++)
                                if (AllSockets[x] != null && TempPacket.requestedusers == AllSockets[x].user_id)
                                    //MessageBox.Show("User Found");
                                    CPacket.RequestGame NewTempPacket = new CPacket.RequestGame();
                                    NewTempPacket.requestedusers    = who.user_id;
                                    NewTempPacket.requestedusers_ip = who.user_ip;

                                    formatter.Serialize(AllSockets[x].ConnStream, NewTempPacket);
                        catch (System.IO.IOException e)
                    if (temp is CPacket.AcceptRequestGame)
                        CPacket.AcceptRequestGame ServerRequestAccepted = new CPacket.AcceptRequestGame();
                        ServerRequestAccepted = temp as CPacket.AcceptRequestGame;
                        if (ServerRequestAccepted.Response == true)
                            //MessageBox.Show(ServerRequestAccepted.requester_ID + " is asking " + ServerRequestAccepted.requested_ID);
                            CPacket.StartGame StartGame = new CPacket.StartGame();

                            StartGame.Client_ID = ServerRequestAccepted.requested_ID;
                            StartGame.Host_ID   = ServerRequestAccepted.requester_ID;
                            StartGame.Client_IP = ServerRequestAccepted.requested_IP;
                            StartGame.Host_IP   = ServerRequestAccepted.requester_IP;
                            // StartGame.session = who.position;
                            //Send to Host
                            for (int x = 0; x < NextLocation; x++)
                                if (AllSockets[x] != null && StartGame.Host_ID == AllSockets[x].user_id)
                                    StartGame.Which = true;
                                    //MessageBox.Show(StartGame.Host_ID + " is the Host ");
                                    formatter.Serialize(AllSockets[x].ConnStream, StartGame);
                            //Send To Client
                            for (int x = 0; x < NextLocation; x++)
                                if (AllSockets[x] != null && StartGame.Client_ID == AllSockets[x].user_id)
                                    StartGame.Which = false;
                                    //MessageBox.Show(StartGame.Client_ID + " is the client ");
                                    formatter.Serialize(AllSockets[x].ConnStream, StartGame);

                            if (UserBox.InvokeRequired)
                                BeginInvoke(new kdelegate(AddToList), ServerRequestAccepted);
                        if (ServerRequestAccepted.Response == false)
                            MessageBox.Show(" Don't Create a peer to peer ");

                    if (temp is CPacket.LogOut)
                            CPacket.LogOutUser UsersLogedOutList = new CPacket.LogOutUser();
                            //UsersLogedOutList = temp as CPacket.LogOutUser;
                            UsersLogedOutList.UsersDisconnected = who.user_id;
                            for (int x = 0; x < NextLocation; x++)
                                if (AllSockets[x] != null)
                                    formatter.Serialize(AllSockets[x].ConnStream, UsersLogedOutList);
                            if (UserBox.InvokeRequired)
                                BeginInvoke(new kdelegate(AddToList), UsersLogedOutList);


                            AllSockets[who.position].ConnStream = null;

                            AllSockets[who.position] = null;
                        catch (System.IO.IOException e)

                        if (temp is CPacket.WatchingRequest)
                            CPacket.WatchingRequest SessionRequested = new CPacket.WatchingRequest();
                            SessionRequested = temp as CPacket.WatchingRequest;
            catch (System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException e) { MessageBox.Show("Client is OFF"); }
        }//Are You Talking to ME