void LocalAddHtml(string text, int x, int y, int width, int height, int color, bool background, bool scrollbar)
            if (text == null)

            // check for cliloc specification
            if (text.StartsWith("#"))
                int cliloc = 0;
                if (int.TryParse(text.Substring(1, text.Length - 1), out cliloc))
                    AddHtmlLocalized(x, y, width, height, cliloc, color, background, scrollbar);
                    string colorstring = String.Format("{0:X}", color);
                    AddHtml(x, y, width, height, XmlSimpleGump.Color(text, colorstring), background, scrollbar);
                catch { }
        public XmlQuestStatusGump(IXmlQuest questitem, string gumptitle, int X, int Y, bool solid, int screen)
            : base(X, Y)
            Closable    = true;
            Dragable    = true;
            m_X         = X;
            m_Y         = Y;
            m_solid     = solid;
            m_questitem = questitem;
            m_gumptitle = gumptitle;
            m_screen    = screen;


            if (!solid)
                AddImageTiled(54, 33, 369, 400, 2624);
                AddAlphaRegion(54, 33, 369, 400);
                AddBackground(54, 33, 369, 400, 5054);

            AddImageTiled(416, 39, 44, 389, 203);

            //			AddButton( 338, 392, 2130, 2129, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 ); // Okay button

            AddHtmlLocalized(139, 59, 200, 30, 1046026, 0x7fff, false, false); // Quest Log
            AddImage(97, 49, 9005);                                            // quest ribbon

            AddImageTiled(58, 39, 29, 390, 10460);                             // left hand border
            AddImageTiled(412, 37, 31, 389, 10460);                            // right hand border
            AddImage(430, 9, 10441);
            AddImageTiled(40, 38, 17, 391, 9263);
            AddImage(6, 25, 10421);
            AddImage(34, 12, 10420);
            AddImageTiled(94, 25, 342, 15, 10304);  // top border
            AddImageTiled(40, 414, 415, 16, 10304); // bottom border
            AddImage(-10, 314, 10402);
            AddImage(56, 150, 10411);

            AddImage(136, 84, 96);
            AddImage(372, 57, 1417);
            AddImage(381, 66, 5576);

            // add the status and journal tabs
            AddImageTiled(90, 34, 322, 5, 0x145E); // top border
            int tab1 = 0x138F;
            int tab2 = 0x138E;

            if (screen == 1)
                tab1 = 0x138E;
                tab2 = 0x138F;
            AddButton(100, 18, tab1, tab2, 900, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(115, 17, 0, "Status");
            AddButton(189, 18, tab2, tab1, 901, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(205, 17, 0, "Journal");

            if (screen == 1)
                // display the journal
                if (questitem.Journal != null && questitem.Journal.Count > 0)
                    string journaltext = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < questitem.Journal.Count; i++)
                        journaltext += "<u>";
                        journaltext += ((XmlQuest.JournalEntry)questitem.Journal[i]).EntryID;
                        journaltext += ":</u><br>";
                        journaltext += ((XmlQuest.JournalEntry)questitem.Journal[i]).EntryText;
                        journaltext += "<br><br>";
                    AddHtml(100, 90, 270, 300, journaltext, true, true);

                // add the add journal entry button
                AddButton(300, 49, 0x99C, 0x99D, 952, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                //AddButton(300, 49, 0x159E, 0x159D, 952, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                if (gumptitle != null && gumptitle.Length > 0)
                {                            // display the title if it is there
                    AddImage(146, 91, 2103); // bullet
                    AddHtml(164, 86, 200, 30, XmlSimpleGump.Color(gumptitle, "00FF42"), false, false);

                if (questitem.NoteString != null && questitem.NoteString.Length > 0)
                { // display the note string if it is there
                    AddHtml(100, 106, 270, 80, questitem.NoteString, true, true);

                DisplayQuestStatus(130, 192, questitem.Objective1, questitem.State1, questitem.Completed1, questitem.Description1);
                DisplayQuestStatus(130, 224, questitem.Objective2, questitem.State2, questitem.Completed2, questitem.Description2);
                DisplayQuestStatus(130, 256, questitem.Objective3, questitem.State3, questitem.Completed3, questitem.Description3);
                DisplayQuestStatus(130, 288, questitem.Objective4, questitem.State4, questitem.Completed4, questitem.Description4);
                DisplayQuestStatus(130, 320, questitem.Objective5, questitem.State5, questitem.Completed5, questitem.Description5);

                AddButton(100, 350, 0x2A4E, 0x2A3A, 700, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddLabel(135, 356, 0x384, "Collect");

                if ((questitem.RewardItem != null && !questitem.RewardItem.Deleted))

                    if (questitem.RewardItem.Amount > 1)
                        AddLabel(230, 356, 55, String.Format("Reward: {0} ({1})", questitem.RewardItem.GetType().Name,
                        AddLabel(230, 373, 55, String.Format("Weight: {0}", questitem.RewardItem.Weight * questitem.RewardItem.Amount));
                    if (questitem.RewardItem is Container)
                        AddLabel(230, 356, 55, String.Format("Reward: {0} ({1} items)", questitem.RewardItem.GetType().Name,
                        AddLabel(230, 373, 55, String.Format("Weight: {0}", questitem.RewardItem.TotalWeight + questitem.RewardItem.Weight));
                        AddLabel(230, 356, 55, String.Format("Reward: {0}", questitem.RewardItem.GetType().Name));
                        AddLabel(230, 373, 55, String.Format("Weight: {0}", questitem.RewardItem.Weight));
                    AddImageTiled(330, 373, 81, 40, 200);
                    AddItem(340, 376, questitem.RewardItem.ItemID);
                if (questitem.RewardAttachment != null && !questitem.RewardAttachment.Deleted)
                    AddLabel(230, 339, 55, String.Format("Bonus: {0}", questitem.RewardAttachment.GetType().Name));

                if ((questitem.RewardItem != null && !questitem.RewardItem.Deleted) || (questitem.RewardAttachment != null && !questitem.RewardAttachment.Deleted))
                    if (questitem.CanSeeReward)
                        AddButton(400, 380, 2103, 2103, 800, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                // indicate any status info
                if (questitem.Status != null)
                    AddLabel(100, 392, 33, questitem.Status);
                // indicate the expiration time
                if (questitem.IsValid)
                    //AddHtmlLocalized(150, 400, 50, 37, 1046033, 0xf0000 , false , false ); // Expires
                    AddHtml(130, 392, 200, 37, XmlSimpleGump.Color(questitem.ExpirationString, "00FF42"), false, false);
                if (questitem.AlreadyDone)
                    if (!questitem.Repeatable)
                        AddLabel(100, 392, 33, "Already done - cannot be repeated");
                        ArrayList a = XmlAttach.FindAttachments(questitem.Owner, typeof(XmlQuestAttachment), questitem.Name);
                        if (a != null && a.Count > 0)
                            AddLabel(100, 392, 33, String.Format("Repeatable in {0}", ((XmlQuestAttachment)a[0]).Expiration));
                            AddLabel(150, 392, 33, "Already done - ???");
                    //AddHtml( 150, 384, 200, 37, XmlSimpleGump.Color( "No longer valid", "00FF42" ), false, false );
                    AddLabel(150, 392, 33, "No longer valid");
                if (XmlQuest.QuestPointsEnabled)
                    AddHtml(250, 40, 200, 30, XmlSimpleGump.Color(String.Format("Difficulty Level {0}", questitem.Difficulty), "00FF42"), false, false);
                if (questitem.PartyEnabled)
                    AddHtml(250, 55, 200, 30, XmlSimpleGump.Color("Party Quest", "00FF42"), false, false);
                    if (questitem.PartyRange >= 0)
                        AddHtml(250, 70, 200, 30, XmlSimpleGump.Color(String.Format("Party Range {0}", questitem.PartyRange), "00FF42"), false, false);
                        AddHtml(250, 70, 200, 30, XmlSimpleGump.Color("No Range Limit", "00FF42"), false, false);
                    AddHtml(250, 55, 200, 30, XmlSimpleGump.Color("Solo Quest", "00FF42"), false, false);
        public void DisplayQuestStatus(int x, int y, string objectivestr, string statestr, bool status, string descriptionstr)
            if (objectivestr != null && objectivestr.Length > 0)
                // look for special keywords
                string[] arglist      = BaseXmlSpawner.ParseString(objectivestr, 5, ",");
                int      targetcount  = 1;
                bool     foundkill    = false;
                bool     foundcollect = false;
                bool     foundgive    = false;
                bool     foundescort  = false;
                string   name         = null;
                string   mobname      = null;
                string   type         = null;

                string status_str;
                string text = null;
                string typestr;
                bool   checkprop;

                if (arglist.Length > 0)
                    switch (arglist[0])
                    case "GIVE":
                        // format for the objective string will be GIVE,mobname,itemtype[,count][,proptest]
                        if (arglist.Length > 2)
                            mobname = arglist[1];
                            //name = arglist[2];
                            type = arglist[2];

                        XmlQuest.CheckArgList(arglist, 3, null, out typestr, out targetcount, out checkprop, out status_str);

                        foundgive = true;

                    case "GIVENAMED":
                        // format for the objective string will be GIVENAMED,mobname,itemname[,type][,count][,proptest]
                        if (arglist.Length > 2)
                            mobname = arglist[1];
                            name    = arglist[2];

                        XmlQuest.CheckArgList(arglist, 3, null, out typestr, out targetcount, out checkprop, out status_str);

                        if (typestr != null)
                            type = typestr;

                        foundgive = true;

                    case "KILL":
                        // format for the objective string will be KILL,mobtype[,count][,proptest]

                        if (arglist.Length > 1)
                            //name = arglist[1];
                            type = arglist[1];

                        XmlQuest.CheckArgList(arglist, 2, null, out typestr, out targetcount, out checkprop, out status_str);

                        foundkill = true;

                    case "KILLNAMED":
                        // format for the objective string KILLNAMED,mobname[,type][,count][,proptest]
                        if (arglist.Length > 1)
                            name = arglist[1];

                        XmlQuest.CheckArgList(arglist, 2, null, out typestr, out targetcount, out checkprop, out status_str);

                        if (typestr != null)
                            type = typestr;

                        foundkill = true;

                    case "COLLECT":
                        // format for the objective string will be COLLECT,itemtype[,count][,proptest]
                        if (arglist.Length > 1)
                            //name = arglist[1];
                            type = arglist[1];

                        XmlQuest.CheckArgList(arglist, 2, null, out typestr, out targetcount, out checkprop, out status_str);

                        foundcollect = true;

                    case "COLLECTNAMED":
                        // format for the objective string will be COLLECTNAMED,itemname[,itemtype][,count][,proptest]
                        if (arglist.Length > 1)
                            name = arglist[1];

                        XmlQuest.CheckArgList(arglist, 2, null, out typestr, out targetcount, out checkprop, out status_str);

                        if (typestr != null)
                            type = typestr;

                        foundcollect = true;

                    case "ESCORT":
                        // format for the objective string will be ESCORT,mobname[,proptest]
                        if (arglist.Length > 1)
                            name = arglist[1];
                        foundescort = true;

                if (foundkill)
                    // get the current kill status
                    int killed = 0;
                        killed = int.Parse(statestr);
                    catch { }

                    int remaining = targetcount - killed;

                    if (remaining < 0)
                        remaining = 0;

                    // report the kill task objective status
                    if (descriptionstr != null)
                        text = String.Format("{0} ({1} left)", descriptionstr, remaining);
                        if (name != null)
                            if (type == null)
                                type = "mob";

                            text = String.Format("Kill {0} {1}(s) named {2} ({3} left)", targetcount, type, name, remaining);
                            text = String.Format("Kill {0} {1}(s) ({2} left)", targetcount, type, remaining);
                if (foundescort)
                    // get the current escort status
                    int escorted = 0;
                        escorted = int.Parse(statestr);
                    catch { }

                    int remaining = targetcount - escorted;

                    if (remaining < 0)
                        remaining = 0;

                    // report the escort task objective status
                    if (descriptionstr != null)
                        text = descriptionstr;
                        text = String.Format("Escort {0}", name);
                if (foundcollect)
                    // get the current collection status
                    int collected = 0;
                        collected = int.Parse(statestr);
                    catch { }

                    int remaining = targetcount - collected;

                    if (remaining < 0)
                        remaining = 0;

                    // report the collect task objective status
                    if (descriptionstr != null)
                        text = String.Format("{0} ({1} left)", descriptionstr, remaining);
                        if (name != null)
                            if (type == null)
                                type = "mob";

                            text = String.Format("Collect {0} {1}(s) named {2} ({3} left)", targetcount, type, name, remaining);
                            text = String.Format("Collect {0} {1}(s) ({2} left)", targetcount, type, remaining);
                if (foundgive)
                    // get the current give status
                    int collected = 0;

                        collected = int.Parse(statestr);
                    catch { }

                    int remaining = targetcount - collected;

                    if (remaining < 0)
                        remaining = 0;

                    // report the collect task objective status
                    if (descriptionstr != null)
                        text = String.Format("{0} ({1} left)", descriptionstr, remaining);
                        if (name != null)
                            if (type == null)
                                type = "item";

                            text = String.Format("Give {0} {1}(s) named {2} to {3} ({4} left)", targetcount, type, name, mobname, remaining);
                            text = String.Format("Give {0} {1}(s) to {2} ({3} left)", targetcount, type, mobname, remaining);
                    // just report the objectivestring
                    text = objectivestr;

                AddHtml(x, y, 223, 35, XmlSimpleGump.Color(text, "EFEF5A"), false, false);

                if (status)
                    AddImage(x - 20, y + 3, 0x939);                                       // bullet
                    AddHtmlLocalized(x + 222, y, 225, 37, 1046033, 0xff42, false, false); // Complete
                    AddImage(x - 20, y + 3, 0x938);                                       // bullet
                    AddHtmlLocalized(x + 222, y, 225, 37, 1046034, 0x7fff, false, false); // Incomplete
Beispiel #4
        public QuestLogGump(Mobile from, int page, ArrayList list)
            : base(12, 24)
            if (from == null)


            XmlQuestPoints p = (XmlQuestPoints)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(from, typeof(XmlQuestPoints));

            m_From = from;
            m_Page = page;

            if (list == null)
                // make a new list based on the number of items in the book
                int nquests = 0;
                list = new ArrayList();

                // find all quest items in the players pack
                if (from.Backpack != null)
                    var packquestitems = from.Backpack.FindItemsByType(typeof(IXmlQuest));

                    if (packquestitems != null)
                        nquests += packquestitems.Length;
                        for (int i = 0; i < packquestitems.Length; ++i)
                            if (packquestitems[i] != null && !packquestitems[i].Deleted && !(packquestitems[i].Parent is XmlQuestBook))

                    // find any questbooks they might have
                    var questbookitems = from.Backpack.FindItemsByType(typeof(XmlQuestBook));

                    if (questbookitems != null)
                        for (int j = 0; j < questbookitems.Length; ++j)
                            var questitems = ((XmlQuestBook)questbookitems[j]).FindItemsByType(typeof(IXmlQuest));

                            if (questitems != null)
                                nquests += questitems.Length;

                                for (int i = 0; i < questitems.Length; ++i)

                    // find any completed quests on the XmlQuestPoints attachment

                    if (p != null && p.QuestList != null)
                        // add all completed quests
                        foreach (XmlQuestPoints.QuestEntry q in p.QuestList)

            m_List = list;

            int index = GetIndexForPage(page);
            int count = GetCountForIndex(index);

            int tableIndex = 0;

            int width = 600;

            width = 766;

            X = (824 - width) / 2;

            int xoffset = 20;


            AddBackground(10, 10, width, 439, 5054);
            AddImageTiled(18, 20, width - 17, 420, 2624);

            AddImageTiled(58 - xoffset, 64, 36, 352, 200);             // open
            AddImageTiled(96 - xoffset, 64, 163, 352, 1416);           // name
            AddImageTiled(261 - xoffset, 64, 55, 352, 200);            // type
            AddImageTiled(308 - xoffset, 64, 85, 352, 1416);           // status
            AddImageTiled(395 - xoffset, 64, 116, 352, 200);           // expires

            AddImageTiled(511 - xoffset, 64, 42, 352, 1416);           // points
            AddImageTiled(555 - xoffset, 64, 175, 352, 200);           // completed
            AddImageTiled(734 - xoffset, 64, 42, 352, 1416);           // repeated

            for (int i = index; i < (index + count) && i >= 0 && i < list.Count; ++i)
                object obj = list[i];

                AddImageTiled(24, 94 + (tableIndex * 32), 489, 2, 2624);


            AddAlphaRegion(18, 20, width - 17, 420);
            AddImage(5, 5, 10460);
            AddImage(width - 15, 5, 10460);
            AddImage(5, 424, 10460);
            AddImage(width - 15, 424, 10460);

            AddHtmlLocalized(375, 25, 200, 30, 1046026, LabelColor, false, false);             // Quest Log

            AddHtmlLocalized(63 - xoffset, 45, 200, 32, 1072837, LabelColor, false, false);    // Current Points:

            AddHtml(243 - xoffset, 45, 200, 32, XmlSimpleGump.Color("Available Credits:", "FFFFFF"), false, false);
            // Your Reward Points:

            AddHtml(453 - xoffset, 45, 200, 32, XmlSimpleGump.Color("Rank:", "FFFFFF"), false, false);             // Rank

            AddHtml(600 - xoffset, 45, 200, 32, XmlSimpleGump.Color("Quests Completed:", "FFFFFF"), false, false);
            // Quests completed

            if (p != null)
                int pcolor = 53;
                AddLabel(170 - xoffset, 45, pcolor, p.Points.ToString());
                AddLabel(350 - xoffset, 45, pcolor, p.Credits.ToString());
                AddLabel(500 - xoffset, 45, pcolor, p.Rank.ToString());
                AddLabel(720 - xoffset, 45, pcolor, p.QuestsCompleted.ToString());

            AddHtmlLocalized(63 - xoffset, 64, 200, 32, 3000362, LabelColor, false, false);                     // Open
            AddHtmlLocalized(147 - xoffset, 64, 200, 32, 3005104, LabelColor, false, false);                    // Name
            AddHtmlLocalized(270 - xoffset, 64, 200, 32, 1062213, LabelColor, false, false);                    // Type
            AddHtmlLocalized(326 - xoffset, 64, 200, 32, 3000132, LabelColor, false, false);                    // Status
            AddHtmlLocalized(429 - xoffset, 64, 200, 32, 1062465, LabelColor, false, false);                    // Expires

            AddHtml(514 - xoffset, 64, 200, 32, XmlSimpleGump.Color("Points", "FFFFFF"), false, false);         // Points
            AddHtml(610 - xoffset, 64, 200, 32, XmlSimpleGump.Color("Next Available", "FFFFFF"), false, false); // Next Available
            //AddHtmlLocalized( 610 - xoffset, 64, 200, 32,  1046033, LabelColor, false, false ); // Completed
            AddHtmlLocalized(738 - xoffset, 64, 200, 32, 3005020, LabelColor, false, false);                    // Repeat

            AddButton(675 - xoffset, 416, 4017, 4018, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtmlLocalized(710 - xoffset, 416, 120, 20, 1011441, LabelColor, false, false);             // EXIT

            AddButton(113 - xoffset, 416, 0xFA8, 0xFAA, 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtml(150 - xoffset, 416, 200, 32, XmlSimpleGump.Color("Top Players", "FFFFFF"), false, false);             // Top players gump

            tableIndex = 0;

            if (page > 0)
                AddButton(225, 416, 4014, 4016, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddHtmlLocalized(260, 416, 150, 20, 1011067, LabelColor, false, false);                 // Previous page

            if (GetIndexForPage(page + 1) < list.Count)
                AddButton(375, 416, 4005, 4007, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddHtmlLocalized(410, 416, 150, 20, 1011066, LabelColor, false, false);                 // Next page

            for (int i = index; i < (index + count) && i >= 0 && i < list.Count; ++i)
                object obj = list[i];

                if (obj is IXmlQuest)
                    IXmlQuest e = (IXmlQuest)obj;

                    int y = 96 + (tableIndex++ *32);

                    AddButton(60 - xoffset, y + 2, 0xFAB, 0xFAD, 2000 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);                     // open gump

                    int color;

                    if (!e.IsValid)
                        color = 33;
                    else if (e.IsCompleted)
                        color = 67;
                        color = 5;

                    AddLabel(100 - xoffset, y, color, e.Name);

                    //AddHtmlLocalized( 315, y, 200, 32, e.IsCompleted ? 1049071 : 1049072, htmlcolor, false, false ); // Completed/Incomplete
                    AddLabel(315 - xoffset, y, color, e.IsCompleted ? "Completed" : "In Progress");

                    // indicate the expiration time
                    if (e.IsValid)
                        // do a little parsing of the expiration string to fit it in the space
                        string substring = e.ExpirationString;
                        if (e.ExpirationString.IndexOf("Expires in") >= 0)
                            substring = e.ExpirationString.Substring(11);
                        AddLabel(400 - xoffset, y, color, substring);
                        AddLabel(400 - xoffset, y, color, "No longer valid");

                    if (e.PartyEnabled)
                        AddLabel(270 - xoffset, y, color, "Party");
                        //AddHtmlLocalized( 250, y, 200, 32, 3000332, htmlcolor, false, false ); // Party
                        AddLabel(270 - xoffset, y, color, "Solo");

                    AddLabel(515 - xoffset, y, color, e.Difficulty.ToString());
                else if (obj is XmlQuestPoints.QuestEntry)
                    XmlQuestPoints.QuestEntry e = (XmlQuestPoints.QuestEntry)obj;

                    int y     = 96 + (tableIndex++ *32);
                    int color = 67;

                    AddLabel(100 - xoffset, y, color, e.Name);

                    AddLabel(315 - xoffset, y, color, "Completed");

                    if (e.PartyEnabled)
                        AddLabel(270 - xoffset, y, color, "Party");
                        //AddHtmlLocalized( 250, y, 200, 32, 3000332, htmlcolor, false, false ); // Party
                        AddLabel(270 - xoffset, y, color, "Solo");

                    AddLabel(515 - xoffset, y, color, e.Difficulty.ToString());

                    //AddLabel( 560 - xoffset, y, color, e.WhenCompleted.ToString() );
                    // determine when the quest can be done again by looking for an xmlquestattachment with the same name
                    XmlQuestAttachment qa = (XmlQuestAttachment)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(from, typeof(XmlQuestAttachment), e.Name);
                    if (qa != null)
                        if (qa.Expiration == TimeSpan.Zero)
                            AddLabel(560 - xoffset, y, color, "Not Repeatable");
                            DateTime nexttime = DateTime.UtcNow + qa.Expiration;
                            AddLabel(560 - xoffset, y, color, nexttime.ToString());
                        // didnt find one so it can be done again
                        AddLabel(560 - xoffset, y, color, "Available Now");

                    AddLabel(741 - xoffset, y, color, e.TimesCompleted.ToString());
        public XmlSimpleGump(object invoker, string gumptext, string gumptitle, int gumptype, BaseXmlSpawner.KeywordTag tag, Mobile from, XmlGumpCallback gumpcallback) : base(0, 0)
            string maintext    = gumptext;
            int    nselections = 0;
            int    height      = 400;
            int    width       = 369;

            Closable   = false;
            Dragable   = true;
            m_gumptype = gumptype;

            m_invoker      = invoker;
            m_keywordtag   = tag;
            m_gumpcallback = gumpcallback;


            // for the multiple selection gump, parse the gumptext for selections and responses
            if (gumptype == 4)
                maintext    = ParseGumpText(gumptext);
                nselections = gumpSelections.Count;
                height      = height + nselections * 40;
            if (gumptype == 5)
                maintext    = ParseGumpText(gumptext);
                nselections = gumpSelections.Count;
                // the maintext in this case is a width,height specifier so parse it
                string [] args = maintext.Split(',');
                if (args != null && args.Length > 1)
                    int.TryParse(args[0].Trim(), out width);
                    int.TryParse(args[1].Trim(), out height);

            AddImageTiled(54, 33, width, height, 2624);
            AddAlphaRegion(54, 33, width, height);

            AddImageTiled(width + 47, 39, 44, height - 11, 203);

            AddImageTiled(58, 39, 29, height - 10, 10460);             // left hand border
            AddImageTiled(width + 43, 37, 31, height - 11, 10460);     // right hand border

            AddImageTiled(40, 38, 17, height - 9, 9263);               // leftmost border

            //AddImageTiled( 94, 25, width - 27, 15, 10304 );  // top border
            AddImageTiled(40, 25, width + 48, 15, 10304);                // top border
            AddImageTiled(40, height + 27, width + 46, 16, 10304);       // bottom border

            if (gumptype != 5)
                AddImage(width + 61, 9, 10441);                  // dragon borders
                AddImage(6, 25, 10421);
                AddImage(34, 12, 10420);
                AddImage(-10, height - 86, 10402);
                AddImage(56, 150, 10411);

                AddImage(136, 84, 96);                   // divider
                AddImage(width + 3, 57, 1417);           // quest icons
                AddImage(width + 12, 66, 5576);

                AddButton(width - 31, height - 8, 2130, 2129, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);                   // Okay button
                AddButton(width + 70, 25, 0x138b, 0x138b, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);                   // closegump button

            if (gumptitle != null && gumptitle.Length > 0 && gumptype != 5)
            {                             // display the title if it is there
                AddImage(156, 126, 2103); // bullet
                LocalAddHtml(gumptitle, 174, 121, 200, 40, 0x00FF42, false, false);

            if (gumptype == 0)
            {             // simple message gump
                LocalAddHtml(maintext, 105, 159, 299, 182, 0xEFEF5A, false, true);
            if (gumptype == 1)
            {                                                                               // Yes/no type gump
                AddRadio(101, height - 45, 9721, 9724, true, 1);                            // accept/yes radio
                AddRadio(101, height - 11, 9721, 9724, false, 2);                           // decline/no radio
                AddHtmlLocalized(137, height - 41, 200, 30, 1049016, 0x7fff, false, false); // Yes
                AddHtmlLocalized(137, height - 7, 200, 30, 1049017, 0x7fff, false, false);  // No

                LocalAddHtml(maintext, 105, 159, 299, 182, 0xEFEF5A, false, true);
            if (gumptype == 2)
            {             // reply type gump
                AddImageTiled(134, height - 7, 159, 23, 0x52);
                AddImageTiled(135, height - 6, 157, 21, 0xBBC);
                AddHtmlLocalized(105, height - 7, 200, 30, 3002006, 0x7fff, false, false);                    // Say:
                AddTextEntry(135, height - 7, 150, 21, 0, 99, null);

                LocalAddHtml(maintext, 105, 159, 299, 182, 0xEFEF5A, false, true);
            if (gumptype == 3)
            {                                                                               // Quest type gump
                AddImage(97, 49, 9005);                                                     // quest ribbon
                AddRadio(101, height - 45, 9721, 9724, true, 1);                            // accept/yes radio
                AddRadio(101, height - 11, 9721, 9724, false, 2);                           // decline/no radio
                AddHtmlLocalized(139, 59, 200, 30, 1046013, 0x7fff, false, false);          // Quest Offer
                AddHtmlLocalized(137, height - 41, 200, 30, 1049011, 0x7fff, false, false); // I accept!
                AddHtmlLocalized(137, height - 7, 200, 30, 1049012, 0x7fff, false, false);  // No thanks, I decline.

                LocalAddHtml(maintext, 105, 159, 299, 182, 0xEFEF5A, false, true);
            if (gumptype == 4)
            {             // multiple selection type gump
                // parse the gump text to get the selections and responses

                for (int i = 0; i < gumpSelections.Count; i++)
                    int y = 360 + i * 40;
                    AddRadio(101, y, 9721, 9724, i == 0 ? true: false, i);                     // accept/yes radio
                    AddHtml(137, y + 4, 250, 40, XmlSimpleGump.Color(gumpSelections[i].Selection, "FFFFFF"), false, false);

                LocalAddHtml(maintext, 105, 159, 299, 182, 0xEFEF5A, false, true);
            if (gumptype == 5)
                // parse the gump text to get the selections and responses

                for (int i = 0; i < gumpSelections.Count; i++)
                    string selection = gumpSelections[i].Selection;
                    string response  = gumpSelections[i].Response;

                    int       gx      = 0;
                    int       gy      = 0;
                    int       gwidth  = 0;
                    int       gheight = 0;
                    string    label   = null;
                    string [] args    = null;
                    int       gumpid  = 0;
                    int       color   = 0;

                    if (selection != null)
                        args = selection.Split(',');

                    // process the gumpitem specifications
                    if (args.Length > 1)
                        for (int j = 0; j < args.Length; j++)
                            args[j] = args[j].Trim();

                        if (args[0].ToLower() == "button")
                            // syntax is button,gumpid,x,y
                            if (args.Length > 3)
                                if (args[1].StartsWith("0x"))
                                    int.TryParse(args[1].Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out gumpid);
                                    int.TryParse(args[1], out gumpid);
                                int.TryParse(args[2], out gx);
                                int.TryParse(args[3], out gy);

                                int buttonid = 1000 + i;

                                // add the button
                                AddButton(gx, gy, gumpid, gumpid, buttonid, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                        if (args[0].ToLower() == "label")
                            // syntax is label,x,y,label[,color]
                            if (args.Length > 3)
                                int.TryParse(args[1], out gx);
                                int.TryParse(args[2], out gy);

                                label = args[3];
                            // set the default label color
                            color = 0x384;
                            if (args.Length > 4)
                                int.TryParse(args[4], out color);

                            // add the label
                            AddLabel(gx, gy, color, label);
                        if (args[0].ToLower() == "html")
                            // reparse the specification to allow for the possibility of commas in the html text
                            args  = selection.Split(new char[] { ',' }, 6);
                            color = 0xEFEF5A;

                            // syntax is html,x,y,width,height,text[,hue] * hue has to be in HEX format, ex: 0xFF00AA (lenght of 8 mandatory!)
                            if (args.Length > 5)
                                int.TryParse(args[1].Trim(), out gx);
                                int.TryParse(args[2].Trim(), out gy);
                                int.TryParse(args[3].Trim(), out gwidth);
                                int.TryParse(args[4].Trim(), out gheight);
                                if (args.Length > 6 && args[5].StartsWith("0x") && args[5].Trim().Length == 8)
                                    if (!int.TryParse(args[5].Trim().Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out color))
                                        color = 0xEFEF5A;
                                    label = args[6];
                                    label = args[5];

                            // add the html area
                            //AddHtml( gx, gy, gwidth, gheight, label, false, true );
                            LocalAddHtml(label, gx, gy, gwidth, gheight, color, false, true);
                        if (args[0].ToLower() == "textentry")
                            gumpSelections[i].GumpItemType = 1;

                            // syntax is textentry,x,y,width,height[,textcolor][,text]
                            if (args.Length > 4)
                                int.TryParse(args[1].Trim(), out gx);
                                int.TryParse(args[2].Trim(), out gy);
                                int.TryParse(args[3].Trim(), out gwidth);
                                int.TryParse(args[4].Trim(), out gheight);

                            if (args.Length > 5)
                                label = args[5];

                            // set the default textentry color
                            color = 0x384;
                            if (args.Length > 6)
                                int.TryParse(args[6], out color);

                            AddTextEntry(gx, gy, gwidth, gheight, color, i, label);
                        if (args[0].ToLower() == "radio")
                            int gumpid1 = 0;
                            int gumpid2 = 0;

                            // syntax is radio,gumpid1,gumpid2,x,y[,initialstate]
                            if (args.Length > 4)
                                int.TryParse(args[1].Trim(), out gumpid1);
                                int.TryParse(args[2].Trim(), out gumpid2);
                                int.TryParse(args[3].Trim(), out gx);
                                int.TryParse(args[4].Trim(), out gy);

                            bool initial = false;
                            if (args.Length > 5)
                                bool.TryParse(args[5], out initial);

                            AddRadio(gx, gy, gumpid1, gumpid2, initial, i);
                        if (args[0].ToLower() == "image")
                            // syntax is image,gumpid,x,y[,hue]
                            if (args.Length > 3)
                                if (args[1].StartsWith("0x"))
                                    int.TryParse(args[1].Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out gumpid);
                                    int.TryParse(args[1], out gumpid);
                                int.TryParse(args[2], out gx);
                                int.TryParse(args[3], out gy);

                                if (args.Length > 4)
                                    int.TryParse(args[4], out color);

                                // add the image
                                AddImage(gx, gy, gumpid, color);
                        if (args[0].ToLower() == "imagetiled")
                            // syntax is imagetiled,gumpid,x,y,width,height
                            if (args.Length > 5)
                                if (args[1].StartsWith("0x"))
                                    int.TryParse(args[1].Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out gumpid);
                                    int.TryParse(args[1], out gumpid);
                                int.TryParse(args[2], out gx);
                                int.TryParse(args[3], out gy);
                                int.TryParse(args[4], out gwidth);
                                int.TryParse(args[5], out gheight);

                                // add the image
                                AddImageTiled(gx, gy, gwidth, gheight, gumpid);
                        if (args[0].ToLower() == "item")
                            // syntax is item,itemid,x,y[,hue]
                            if (args.Length > 3)
                                if (args[1].StartsWith("0x"))
                                    int.TryParse(args[1].Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out gumpid);
                                    int.TryParse(args[1], out gumpid);
                                int.TryParse(args[2], out gx);
                                int.TryParse(args[3], out gy);

                                if (args.Length > 4)
                                    int.TryParse(args[4], out color);

                                // add the image
                                AddItem(gx, gy, gumpid, color);