protected override void Save()
            var ContentTemplate = this.ContentTemplate as DialogTemplate;

            // Update the payload
                ContentTemplate.JsonPayload = ToJson();

            catch (Exception exception)
                MessageBox.Show("There was a problem saving the dialog. It was not saved. Aborting...");

            using (var db = new GameDatabaseContext())

                var repository = new DialogRepository(db);
                repository.Update(ContentTemplate, ContentTemplate.Id);

        public void ProcessContent(IContentPersister persister)
            using (var db = new GameDatabaseContext())
                var repo = new SkillRepository(db);
                var skills = repo.GetAll();

                foreach (var skill in skills)

                    // Save out properties we want to a new object and then persist
                    dynamic persistable = new ExpandoObject();

                    Console.WriteLine("Processing skill with ID {0}", skill.Id);

           = skill.Id;
           = skill.Name;
                    persistable.castTime = skill.CastTime;
                    persistable.cooldownTime = skill.CooldownTime;
                    persistable.description = skill.Description;
                    persistable.damage = skill.Damage;
                    persistable.type = skill.SkillType;
                    persistable.iconId = skill.IconId;

                    persister.Persist(persistable, "\\skills\\{0}.json".FormatWith(skill.Id));


        public static void OnCharacterCreate(GameClient client, ClientHeroCreatePacket packet)
            Logger.Instance.Info("Attempting to create hero with name {0}", packet.Name);
            bool heroExists;

            using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())
                // We try to load a hero with a similar name to see if they exist
                heroExists = context.Characters.Any(x => x.Name.ToUpper() == packet.Name.ToUpper());

            if (heroExists)
                client.Send(new ServerHeroCreateResponsePacket(HeroStatus.Invalid));

            // Create a hero and attach it if it dosen't exist yet

            var hero = new UserHero(client.Account, 0, 0, 0, packet.Name);

            // Save our hero into the database
            using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())
                context.Entry(client.Account).Collection(a => a.Heroes).Load();

            client.Send(new ServerHeroCreateResponsePacket(HeroStatus.OK));

Beispiel #4
        public static void Logout(GameClient client)
            if (client.Account == null)

            var account = client.Account;

            using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())

                account.IsOnline = false;


            client.Account = null;

            if (client.Zone == null)

            if (client.Hero == null)

        public void ProcessContent(IContentPersister persister)
            using (var db = new GameDatabaseContext())
                var repo = new ItemRepository(db);
                var items = repo.GetAll();

                foreach (var item in items)

                    // Save out properties we want to a new object and then persist
                    dynamic persistable = new ExpandoObject();

                    Console.WriteLine("Processing item with ID {0}", item.Id);

           = item.Id;
           = item.Name;
                    persistable.type = item.Type;
                    persistable.equipSlot = item.EquipmentSlot;
                    persistable.description = item.Description;
                    persistable.restoreHp = item.RestoreHp;
                    persistable.iconId = item.IconId;

                    persister.Persist(persistable, "\\items\\{0}.json".FormatWith(item.Id));


        public void ProcessContent(IContentPersister persister)
            using (var db = new GameDatabaseContext())
                var repo = new QuestRepository(db);
                var items = repo.GetAll();

                foreach (var item in items)

                    // Save out properties we want to a new object and then persist
                    dynamic persistable = new ExpandoObject();

                    Console.WriteLine("Processing quest with ID {0}", item.Id);

           = item.Id;
           = item.Name;
                    persistable.description = item.Description;

                    persister.Persist(persistable, "\\quests\\{0}.json".FormatWith(item.Id));


Beispiel #7
 public IEnumerable<ItemTemplate> GetItemsWithNameStartingWith()
     using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())
         return context.ItemTemplates.ToList();
        public void ProcessContent(IContentPersister persister)
            using (var db = new GameDatabaseContext())
                var repo = new DialogRepository(db);
                var dialogs = repo.GetAll();

                foreach (var dialog in dialogs)

                    // Save out properties we want to a new object and then persist
                    var dialogTemplate = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DialogNode>(dialog.JsonPayload, jsonSerializerSettings);

                    dynamic persistable = new ExpandoObject();

                    Console.WriteLine("Processing dialog with ID {0}", dialog.Id);

                    // TODO: Scrub conditions here so users cannot access them, as this would reveal information we do not desire

                    persistable = dialogTemplate;

                    persister.Persist(persistable, "\\dialogs\\{0}.json".FormatWith(dialog.Id));


        public static Npc CreateNpc(long id)
            using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())
                var template = context.Npcs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);

                if (template == null)
                    throw new Exception("Creating an NPC with the given Id is invalid.");

                // Load up the quests this NPC will have
                context.Entry(template).Collection(x => x.Quests).Load();
                context.Entry(template).Reference(x => x.ConversationAvailableTemplate).Load();

                foreach (var quest in template.Quests)

                    context.Entry(quest).Collection(x => x.QuestSteps).Load();
                    context.Entry(quest).Collection(x => x.Rewards).Load();

                    // Load up our set of requirements from the table
                    foreach (var x in quest.QuestSteps)
                        context.Entry(x).Collection(a => a.Requirements).Load();


                var npc = new Npc(template);

                return npc;

Beispiel #10
        public static void Logout(GameClient client)
            if (client.Account == null)

            UserAccount account = client.Account;

            using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())

                account.IsOnline = false;


            client.Account = null;

            if (client.HeroEntity == null)


        public void ProcessContent(IContentPersister persister)
            using (var db = new GameDatabaseContext())
                var repo = new MonsterRepository(db);
                var monsters = repo.GetAll();

                foreach (var monster in monsters)

                    // Save out properties we want to a new object and then persist
                    dynamic persistable = new ExpandoObject();

                    Console.WriteLine("Processing monster with ID {0}", monster.Id);

           = monster.Id;
           = monster.Name;
                    persistable.maxHp = monster.Hitpoints;
                    persistable.category = monster.VirtualCategory;
                    persistable.sprite = monster.Sprite;

                    persister.Persist(persistable, "\\monsters\\{0}.json".FormatWith(monster.Id));


Beispiel #12
 public ItemTemplate GetItemById(int id)
     using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())
         return context.ItemTemplates.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
 public SkillTemplate GetSkillById(int id)
     using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())
         var repo = new SkillRepository(context);
         return repo.Get(id);
 public IEnumerable<SkillTemplate> GetSkills()
     using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())
         var repo = new SkillRepository(context);
         return repo.GetAll();
 protected override void Save()
     using (var db = new GameDatabaseContext())
         var ContentTemplate = this.ContentTemplate as SkillTemplate;
         var repository = new SkillRepository(db);
         repository.Update(ContentTemplate, ContentTemplate.Id);
        public bool Authenticate(string username, string password, out UserAccount account)
            using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())
                account = context.Accounts.FirstOrDefault((a) => a.Username == username);

                if (account == null)
                    return false;
                return account.Password == password;
        public IHttpActionResult NewItem()
            using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())

                var repo = new ItemRepository(context);
                var item = repo.Add(new ItemTemplate(0, "New Item", "", ItemType.FieldItem , 0, true, 0));

                return Ok(item);
        public IHttpActionResult SaveSkill(SkillTemplate skillTemplate, int id)
            using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())

                var repo = new SkillRepository(context);
                repo.Update(skillTemplate, id);

                return Ok();
        public IHttpActionResult SaveItem(ItemTemplate item, int id)
            using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())

                var repo = new ItemRepository(context);
                repo.Update(item, id);

                return Ok();
        public IHttpActionResult NewSkill()
            using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())

                var repo = new SkillRepository(context);
                var skill =
                    repo.Add(new SkillTemplate(SkillType.Elemental, SkillTargetType.Enemy, SkillActivationType.Immediate, 0,
                        0, "", 0, "New Skill"));

                return Ok(skill);
Beispiel #21
        public void Run()
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;

            // This intial query is needed to warm up the database
            using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())
                List<UserAccount> accounts = context.Accounts.Where(x => x.IsOnline).ToList();
                accounts.ForEach(x => x.IsOnline = false);


            List<IManager> managers = new List<IManager>();
            managers.Add(new ChatManager());
            managers.Add(new ZoneManager());
            managers.Add(new ContentManager(root: PathHelper.AssetBasePath));

            managers.Add(new NetworkManager(port: 1234));

            managers.Add(new PowerManager());

            managers.Add(new AttributeRepository());

            foreach (IManager manager in managers)

            NetworkManager.Current.Connected += OnConnection;
            NetworkManager.Current.PacketRecieved += OnPacketRecieved;
            NetworkManager.Current.Disconnected += OnDisconnected;

            // Test data only
            var testZone = new Zone();
            testZone.Name = "Island";

            testZone.World.GameObjects.Add(GameObjectFactory.CreateMap(testZone, "Maps/Island.json"));
            testZone.World.GameObjects.Add(GameObjectFactory.CreateSkeleton(testZone, new Utils.Math.Vector2(6 * 32, 3 * 32)));

            // Start our stopwatch

            while (true)
                Thread.Sleep(100); // sleep until we have proper game loop
Beispiel #22
        public Player(string sprite, GameClient client, UserHero userHero)
            : base(sprite)
            Client = client;
            Backpack = new ItemStorage();
            Bank = new ItemStorage();
            QuestInfo = new List<UserQuestInfo>();

            using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())
                // Add the skills this player knows
                foreach (var skillEntry in userHero.Skills)
                    var skillTemplate = context.SkillTemplates.First(x => x.Id == skillEntry.SkillId);
                    var skill = new Skill(skillTemplate);

                // Add the inventory stuff...
                foreach (var inventoryItem in userHero.Inventory)
                    var itemTemplate = context.ItemTemplates.First(x => x.Id == inventoryItem.ItemId);
                    var item = ItemFactory.CreateItem(itemTemplate);
                    Backpack.TryAddItemAt(item, inventoryItem.ItemAmount, inventoryItem.SlotId);

                // Add the state of the quest world to the user
                foreach (var questEntry in userHero.QuestInfo)

                foreach (var eq in userHero.Equipment)
                    var itemTemplate = context.ItemTemplates.First(x => x.Id == eq.ItemId);
                    var equipment = ItemFactory.CreateItem(itemTemplate) as Equipment;
                    Equipment[(int)equipment.Slot] = equipment;

                UserId = userHero.UserHeroId;
                Experience = userHero.Experience;
                Level = userHero.Level;


            // Store the user hero internally
            _hero = userHero;
        protected override void Save()
            var ContentTemplate = this.ContentTemplate as QuestTemplate;

            // Persist rewards
            ContentTemplate.Rewards = questRewardEditor1.Rewards;
            ContentTemplate.QuestSteps = questStepEditor1.Steps;

            using (var db = new GameDatabaseContext())

                var repository = new QuestRepository(db);
                repository.Update(ContentTemplate, ContentTemplate.Id);

Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a quest that has been created
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public QuestTemplate GetQuest(long id)
            using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())

                var quest = context.Quests.First(x => x.Id == id);

                context.Entry(quest).Collection(x => x.Rewards).Load();
                context.Entry(quest).Collection(x => x.QuestSteps).Load();

                // Load up our set of requirements from the table
                foreach (var x in quest.QuestSteps)
                    context.Entry(x).Collection(a => a.Requirements).Load();

                return quest;
Beispiel #25
        public IHttpActionResult DeleteItem(int id)
            using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())
                var item = context.ItemTemplates.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);

                if (item != null)
                    var entry = context.Entry(item);
                    entry.State = EntityState.Deleted;
                    return Ok();

                return NotFound();
Beispiel #26
        public Player(string sprite, GameClient client, UserHero userHero)
            : base(sprite)
            Client = client;
            Backpack = new ItemStorage();
            Bank = new ItemStorage();

            // Allow extraction of the quest information
            QuestLog = new QuestLog(userHero.QuestInfo);

            using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())
                // Add the skills this player knows
                foreach (var skillEntry in userHero.Skills)
                    var skillTemplate = context.SkillTemplates.First(x => x.Id == skillEntry.SkillId);
                    var skill = new Skill(skillTemplate);

                // Add the inventory stuff...
                foreach (var inventoryItem in userHero.Inventory)
                    var itemTemplate = context.ItemTemplates.First(x => x.Id == inventoryItem.ItemId);
                    var item = ItemFactory.CreateItem(itemTemplate);
                    Backpack.TryAddItemAt(item, inventoryItem.ItemAmount, inventoryItem.SlotId);

                foreach (var eq in userHero.Equipment)
                    var itemTemplate = context.ItemTemplates.First(x => x.Id == eq.ItemId);
                    var equipment = ItemFactory.CreateItem(itemTemplate) as Equipment;
                    Equipment[(int)equipment.Slot] = equipment;

                UserId = userHero.UserHeroId;
                Experience = userHero.Experience;
                Level = userHero.Level;

                Backpack.StorageChanged += BackpackOnStorageChanged;
                QuestLog.QuestAccepted += QuestLogOnQuestAccepted;

            // Store the user hero internally
            _hero = userHero;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a monster given a reference ID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The ID of the monster to fetch the template for</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Monster CreateMonster(long id)
            using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())
                var template = context.MonsterTemplates.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);

                // Setup actual object
                var monster = new Monster(template);

                // Copy stats into
                CopyStatsFromTemplateToCharacter(template, monster);

                monster.CurrentAi = new WanderAi(monster);
                monster.Skills.Add(new Skill(context.SkillTemplates.First(x => x.Id == 1)));

                return monster;
Beispiel #28
        protected override void Save()
            // (:: It might be a good idea to move some of the NPC update logic into the repo, but for now this works)
            using (var db = new GameDatabaseContext())
                var ContentTemplate = this.ContentTemplate as NpcTemplate;

                var originalJob = db.Npcs.Include(j => j.ConversationAvailableTemplate).Include(x => x.Quests)
                    .Single(j => j.Id == ContentTemplate.Id);

                // Update scalar/complex properties

                if (ContentTemplate.ConversationAvailableTemplate != null)
                    var originalDialog =
                    db.DialogTemplates.Single(x => x.Id == ContentTemplate.ConversationAvailableTemplate.Id);
                    originalJob.ConversationAvailableTemplate = originalDialog;

                if (ContentTemplate.Quests != null)

                    List<QuestTemplate> templates = new List<QuestTemplate>();

                    foreach (var quest in ContentTemplate.Quests)
                        // For each quest we now have, try and find the new, opposing quest
                        var originalQuest = db.Quests.First(x => x.Id == quest.Id);

                    originalJob.Quests = templates;


Beispiel #29
        public override void UseItemOn(Character character, Character user)
            var player = character as Player;

            if (player != null)

                using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())
                    var skillRepo = new SkillRepository(context);
                    var skillTemplate = skillRepo.Get(ItemTemplate.LearntSkillId);

                    player.AddSkill(new Skill(skillTemplate));


                Logger.Instance.Warn("You cannot use a skillbook on a non-player target.");
Beispiel #30
        public static void OnLoginRequest(GameClient client, ClientLoginRequestPacket packet)
            Logger.Instance.Info("LoginHandler.OnLoginRequest", client, packet);

            UserAccount account;

            bool loginSuccessful = AuthenticationProvider.Authenticate(packet.Username, packet.Password, out account);

            if (!loginSuccessful)
                client.Send(new ServerLoginResponsePacket(LoginStatus.InvalidCredentials));

            if (account.IsOnline)
                client.Send(new ServerLoginResponsePacket(LoginStatus.AlreadyLoggedIn));

            client.Account = account;

            using (var context = new GameDatabaseContext())

                account.IsOnline = true;


                // Load heroes
                context.Entry(account).Collection(a => a.Heroes).Load();

            client.Send(new ServerLoginResponsePacket(LoginStatus.OK));
