// This method tests if an expected match is found for a given ticket and data set
        public bool ContainsMatch(ICompressible testTicket, ICompressible expectedMatch, ICompressible[] dataSet)
            // Similarity object to use for FindSimilarEntities
            Similarity simTest = new Similarity();

            // Get the ordered results and return if the match is present
            ICompressible[] results = simTest.FindSimilarEntities(testTicket, dataSet);

                return true;
                return false;
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Timer to record search time
            Stopwatch timer;

            //Similarity object to use for the FindSimilarEntities function
            Similarity simObject = new Similarity();
            simObject.Threshold = 0.45;

            //The ID of the ticket that you want to find similar tickets for
            string searchID;

            //List of tickets and their NCD values that match the search ticket
            List<Tuple<double, StringCompressible>> results = new List<Tuple<double, StringCompressible>>();

            //Create the data set as a list of StringCompressible objects
            List<StringCompressible> DataSet = new List<StringCompressible>();

            //Open the CSV to read in the data set
            string currentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            var CSVReader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(currentDirectory, "IncidentRequest_Gold5k.csv")));

            //Read in the "golden set" and add the entities to DataSet
            while (!CSVReader.EndOfStream)
                var row = CSVReader.ReadLine();
                DataSet.Add(new StringCompressible(row.Substring(0, row.IndexOf(',')), row.Substring(row.IndexOf(',') + 1)));
                //Console.WriteLine("itemID: {0}, summary: {1}", row.Substring(0, row.IndexOf(',')), row.Substring(row.IndexOf(',')+1));

            while (true)
                //Get the item ID to search for and store it in searchID
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the itemID of the search ticket ('q' to quit): ");
                searchID = Console.ReadLine();

                //REPL control
                if (searchID.Equals("q"))

                //Start the timer before searching
                timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                // Find the itemID matching the requested ticket and populate the results List with similar tickets
                foreach (StringCompressible ticket in DataSet)
                    if (ticket.ItemID.Equals(searchID))
                        results = simObject.FindSimilarValAndEntities(ticket, DataSet.ToArray());

                int counter = 1;   // Counter for the number of tickets to return

                // Print output formatting
                Console.WriteLine("-----Similar Ticket List-----");

                // Print the similar tickets with their ID and NCD/MCD value
                foreach (Tuple<double, StringCompressible> ticket in results)
                    //if (counter > 20)
                    //    break;
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}.\tTicket ID: {1}\tConfidence Rating: {2}", counter, ticket.Item2.ItemID, ticket.Item1);

                timer.Stop();  // Stop the timer

                // Output the time it took to return the results
                Console.WriteLine("Searched 5,000 tickets and produced results in {0} ms", timer.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Beispiel #3
        public void TestDetection()
            //Create the data set as a list of StringCompressible objects
            List<StringCompressible> DataSet = new List<StringCompressible>();

            //Open the CSV to read in the data set
            string currentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            var CSVReader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(currentDirectory, "IncidentRequest_Gold.csv")));

            //Read in the "golden set" and add the entities to DataSet
            while (!CSVReader.EndOfStream)
                var row = CSVReader.ReadLine();
                var data = row.Split(',');
                DataSet.Add(new StringCompressible(data[0], data[1]));

            //Open log file for writing
            var logFile = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(currentDirectory, "TestDetection_Log.txt"));

            //Create the expected outcome 2D list
            List<List<string>> expectedLists = new List<List<string>>();

            //Read the expected outcomes json file into a string
            StreamReader fileReader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(currentDirectory, "expectedOutcomes.json")));
            string jsonText = fileReader.ReadToEnd();
            JsonTextReader JReader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(jsonText));

            //Populate the expectedLists 2D list with the expected outcomes
            while (JReader.Read())
                List<string> expectedMatches = new List<string>();
                if (JReader.TokenType.ToString() == "PropertyName" && JReader.Value.ToString() != "expectedOutcomes")
                    while (JReader.TokenType.ToString() != "EndArray")

            //Similarity object to use for FindSimilarEntities
            Similarity simTest = new Similarity();

            int currentList = 0;

            //Get the ordered results and return if the match is present
            foreach(StringCompressible ticket in DataSet)
               ICompressible[] results = simTest.FindSimilarEntities(ticket, DataSet.ToArray());
               logFile.Write("{0} Matches: ", expectedLists[currentList][0]);
               foreach (StringCompressible expectedMatch in results)
                   logFile.Write("{0} ", expectedMatch.ItemID);
                   logFile.Write("({0}), ", expectedLists[currentList].Contains(expectedMatch.ItemID));

            //Read the log file and assert that there are no false positives
            var logReader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(currentDirectory, "TestDetection_Log.txt")));
            string log = logReader.ReadToEnd();
Beispiel #4
        public void TestSymmetry()
            byte[] xData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,");
            byte[] yData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(" consectetur adipiscing elit.");

            ICompressible forward = new MockEntity(xData.Concat(yData).ToArray());
            ICompressible backward = new MockEntity(yData.Concat(xData).ToArray());

            ISimilarity simTest = new Similarity();

            Assert.IsTrue(simTest.GetComplexity(forward) == simTest.GetComplexity(backward));
Beispiel #5
        public void TestMonotonicity()
            byte[] xData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Lorem Ipsum Dolor");
            byte[] appendingData = xData.Concat(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit")).ToArray();

            ICompressible xy = new MockEntity(appendingData);
            ICompressible x = new MockEntity(xData);

            ISimilarity simTest = new Similarity();

            Assert.IsTrue(simTest.GetComplexity(xy) >= simTest.GetComplexity(x));
Beispiel #6
        public void TestIdempotency()
            ICompressible x = new MockEntity(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Lorem Ipsum Dolor"));

            byte[] doubleArray = x.ToByteArray().Concat(x.ToByteArray()).ToArray();
            byte[] emptyArray = new byte[0];
            ICompressible xx = new MockEntity(doubleArray);
            ICompressible e = new MockEntity(emptyArray);

            ISimilarity simTest = new Similarity();

            Assert.IsTrue(simTest.GetComplexity(x) == simTest.GetComplexity(xx));
            Assert.IsTrue(simTest.GetComplexity(e) == 0);
Beispiel #7
        public void TestDistributivity()
            byte[] xData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,");
            byte[] yData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(" consectetur adipiscing elit.");
            byte[] zData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Suspendisse porttitor lectus");

            ICompressible xy = new MockEntity(xData.Concat(yData).ToArray());
            ICompressible xz = new MockEntity(xData.Concat(zData).ToArray());
            ICompressible z = new MockEntity(zData);
            ICompressible yz = new MockEntity(yData.Concat(zData).ToArray());

            ISimilarity simTest = new Similarity();

            Assert.IsTrue(simTest.GetComplexity(xy) + simTest.GetComplexity(z) <= simTest.GetComplexity(xz) + simTest.GetComplexity(yz));