Beispiel #1
        //Change waypoint if we have passed the waypoint we were heading towards
        void TryChangeWaypoint()
            //Should always be measured from the rear wheels because that's what is used when generating the path
            //But in the final version we are moving the waypoints forward, so it depends on if we are reversing or not
            //bool isReversing = wayPoints[currentWayPointIndex].isReversing;

            bool isReversing = false;

            Vector3 wp2 = GetWaypointPos(currentWayPointIndex, isReversing);
            Vector3 wp1 = GetWaypointPos(currentWayPointIndex - 1, isReversing);

            Vector3 frontAxle = isReversing ? carDataController.MirroredFrontWheelPos(transform) : carDataController.FrontWheelPos(transform);

            //If we have reached the waypoint we are aiming for
            if (CalculateProgress(frontAxle, wp1, wp2) > 1f)
                currentWayPointIndex += 1;

                //Clamp when we have reached the last waypoint so we start all over again
                if (currentWayPointIndex > wayPoints.Count - 1 && isCircular)
                    currentWayPointIndex = 0;
                //The path in not circular so we should stop following it
                else if (currentWayPointIndex > wayPoints.Count - 1)
                    wayPoints = null;

                    //Stop the car when we have reached the end of the path
