private void initAxisProperties(ResultPage page, List <ResultCell[]> XDimensions)
            bool hasNVD3Pie = Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.PieChart && i.PivotPosition == PivotPosition.Data);
            var  dimensions = XDimensions.FirstOrDefault();

            if (dimensions != null)
                //One value -> set the raw value, several values -> concat the display value
                if (dimensions.Length == 1)
                    if (!dimensions[0].Element.IsEnum && dimensions[0].Element.AxisUseValues && !hasNVD3Pie)
                        Model.ExecChartIsNumericAxis  = dimensions[0].Element.IsNumeric;
                        Model.ExecChartIsDateTimeAxis = dimensions[0].Element.IsDateTime;
                        Model.ExecD3XAxisFormat       = dimensions[0].Element.GetD3Format(CultureInfo, Model.ExecNVD3ChartType);
                        Model.ExecMomentJSXAxisFormat = dimensions[0].Element.GetMomentJSFormat();
 public bool InitPageChart(ResultPage page)
     if (Model != null)
             if (Model.HasSerie && !page.ChartInitDone)
         catch (Exception ex)
             _error = "Error got when generating chart:\r\n" + ex.Message;
Beispiel #3
        private void buildPages(ReportModel model)
            if (model.ResultTable == null) return;

            ResultCell[] currentPageValues = null;
            ResultPage currentPage = null;

            //Build pages
            foreach (DataRow row in model.ResultTable.Rows)
                if (Report.Cancel) break;

                ResultCell[] pageValues = GetResultCells(PivotPosition.Page, row, model);
                ResultCell[] rowValues = GetResultCells(PivotPosition.Row, row, model);
                ResultCell[] columnValues = GetResultCells(PivotPosition.Column, row, model);
                ResultCell[] dataValues = GetResultCells(PivotPosition.Data, row, model);

                bool createPage = false;
                if (currentPageValues == null)
                    createPage = true;
                    createPage = IsDifferent(currentPageValues, pageValues);
                currentPageValues = pageValues;

                if (createPage)
                    //Build new page
                    currentPage = new ResultPage() { Report = Report };
                    //Create Page table
                    currentPage.Pages = pageValues;

                //Set values in page
                if (rowValues.Length > 0)
                    int rowIndex = 0;
                    if (columnValues.Length == 0)
                        rowIndex = currentPage.Rows.Count - 1;
                        //At least a column, we have to find the current row
                        rowIndex = FindDimension(rowValues, currentPage.Rows);
                    rowValues = currentPage.Rows[rowIndex];

                int columnIndex = 0;
                if (columnValues.Length > 0)
                    columnIndex = FindDimension(columnValues, currentPage.Columns);
                    columnValues = currentPage.Columns[columnIndex];

                if (dataValues.Length > 0)
                    ResultData data = new ResultData() { Row = rowValues, Column = columnValues, Data = dataValues };
                    if (!currentPage.Datas.ContainsKey(rowValues))
                        currentPage.Datas.Add(rowValues, new List<ResultData>());
Beispiel #4
 void handleCustomScripts(ReportModel model, ResultPage page, ResultTable table)
     for (int row = 0; row < table.Lines.Count; row++)
         var line = table.Lines[row];
         for (int col = 0; col < line.Length; col++)
             var cell = line[col];
             if (cell.Element != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cell.Element.CellScript))
                 cell.ContextRow = row;
                 cell.ContextCol = col;
                 cell.ContextTable = table;
                 cell.ContextPage = page;
                 cell.ContextModel = model;
Beispiel #5
 public bool InitPageChart(ResultPage page)
     if (Model != null)
             if (Model.HasMicrosoftSerie)
                 Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = Report.ExecutionView.CultureInfo;
                 //reload it from configuration
                 _chartConfiguration = null;
                 page.Chart = ChartConfiguration;
             else if (Model.HasNVD3Serie)
         catch (Exception ex)
             _error = "Error got when generating chart:\r\n" + ex.Message;
             return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #6
 public bool GenerateMicrosoftChartImage(ResultPage page)
     if (page.Chart != null)
         CultureInfo initialCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
             Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = Report.ExecutionView.CultureInfo;
             page.ChartPath = Report.GetChartFileName();
             page.ChartFileName = Path.GetFileName(page.ChartPath);
             page.Chart.SaveImage(page.ChartPath, ChartImageFormat.Png);
         catch (Exception ex)
             _error = "Error got when generating chart:\r\n" + ex.Message;
             return false;
             Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = initialCulture;
     return true;
Beispiel #7
        private Dictionary<object, object> initXValues(ResultPage page, List<ResultCell[]> XDimensions)
            Dictionary<object, object> result = new Dictionary<object, object>();
            bool hasNVD3Pie = Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.PieChart && i.PivotPosition == PivotPosition.Data);
            foreach (var dimensions in XDimensions)
                //One value -> set the raw value, several values -> concat the display value
                if (dimensions.Length == 1)

                    if (!dimensions[0].Element.IsEnum && dimensions[0].Element.AxisUseValues && !hasNVD3Pie)
                        result.Add(dimensions, dimensions[0].Value);
                        result.Add(dimensions, dimensions[0].ValueNoHTML);
                else result.Add(dimensions, Helper.ConcatCellValues(dimensions, ","));

            return result;
Beispiel #8
 private void initChartXValues(ResultPage page)
     //Build list of X Values
     page.PrimaryXValues = initXValues(page, page.PrimaryXDimensions);
     page.SecondaryXValues = initXValues(page, page.SecondaryXDimensions);
Beispiel #9
 private void initAxisProperties(ResultPage page, List<ResultCell[]> XDimensions)
     bool hasNVD3Pie = Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.PieChart && i.PivotPosition == PivotPosition.Data);
     var dimensions = XDimensions.FirstOrDefault();
     if (dimensions != null)
         //One value -> set the raw value, several values -> concat the display value
         if (dimensions.Length == 1)
             if (!dimensions[0].Element.IsEnum && dimensions[0].Element.AxisUseValues && !hasNVD3Pie)
                 if (page.Chart != null) page.Chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.LabelStyle.Format = dimensions[0].Element.FormatEl;
                 page.NVD3IsNumericAxis = dimensions[0].Element.IsNumeric;
                 page.NVD3IsDateTimeAxis = dimensions[0].Element.IsDateTime;
                 page.NVD3XAxisFormat = dimensions[0].Element.GetNVD3Format(CultureInfo, page.NVD3ChartType);
Beispiel #10
        void checkChartIntegrity(ResultPage page)
            if (Model.HasNVD3Serie && Model.HasMicrosoftSerie) throw new Exception("Invalid chart configuration: Cannot mix HTML5 and Microsoft Series.");

            if (Model.HasNVD3Serie)
                bool hasArea = false, hasBar = false, hasLine = false;
                page.NVD3ChartType = "";

                //Check and choose the right chart
                if (Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.ScatterChart))
                    if (Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie != NVD3SerieDefinition.ScatterChart)) throw new Exception("Invalid chart configuration: Cannot mix NVD3 Point Serie with another type.");
                    page.NVD3ChartType = "scatterChart";
                else if (Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.PieChart))
                    if (Model.Elements.Count(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie) > 1) throw new Exception("Invalid chart configuration: Only one Pie Serie can be defined.");
                    page.NVD3ChartType = "pieChart";
                else if (Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.MultiBarHorizontalChart))
                    if (Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie != NVD3SerieDefinition.MultiBarHorizontalChart)) throw new Exception("Invalid chart configuration: Cannot mix NVD3 Horizontal Bar Serie with another type.");
                    page.NVD3ChartType = "multiBarHorizontalChart";
                else if (Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.LineWithFocusChart))
                    if (Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie != NVD3SerieDefinition.LineWithFocusChart)) throw new Exception("Invalid chart configuration: Cannot mix NVD3 Line with focus Serie with another type.");
                    page.NVD3ChartType = "lineWithFocusChart";
                else if (Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.DiscreteBarChart))
                    if (Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie != NVD3SerieDefinition.DiscreteBarChart)) throw new Exception("Invalid chart configuration: Cannot mix NVD3 Discrete Bar Serie with another type.");
                    page.NVD3ChartType = "discreteBarChart";
                else if (Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.CumulativeLineChart))
                    if (Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie != NVD3SerieDefinition.CumulativeLineChart)) throw new Exception("Invalid chart configuration: Cannot mix NVD3 Cumulative Line Serie with another type.");
                    page.NVD3ChartType = "cumulativeLineChart";
                else if (Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.StackedAreaChart))
                    hasArea = true;
                    if (!Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie != NVD3SerieDefinition.StackedAreaChart))
                        //if primary and secondary axis are used, keep the multi chart
                        if (!(Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.StackedAreaChart && i.YAxisType == AxisType.Primary) &&
                            Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.StackedAreaChart && i.YAxisType == AxisType.Secondary)))
                            page.NVD3ChartType = "stackedAreaChart";
                else if (Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.Line))
                    hasLine = true;
                    if (!Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie != NVD3SerieDefinition.Line))
                        //if primary and secondary axis are used, keep the multi chart
                        if (!(Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.Line && i.YAxisType == AxisType.Primary) &&
                            Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.Line && i.YAxisType == AxisType.Secondary)))
                            page.NVD3ChartType = "lineChart";
                else if (Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.MultiBarChart))
                    hasBar = true;
                    if (!Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie != NVD3SerieDefinition.MultiBarChart))
                        //if primary and secondary axis are used, keep the multi chart
                        if (!(Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.MultiBarChart && i.YAxisType == AxisType.Primary) &&
                            Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.MultiBarChart && i.YAxisType == AxisType.Secondary)))
                            page.NVD3ChartType = "multiBarChart";

                //If mix of Line, Bar and Area -> we go for multiChart
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(page.NVD3ChartType) && (hasArea || hasBar || hasLine)) page.NVD3ChartType = "multiChart";
Beispiel #11
        private void buildNVD3Series(ResultPage page)
            initAxisProperties(page, page.PrimaryXDimensions);
            //Sort series if necessary, only one serie is used for sorting...
            if (!page.NVD3IsNumericAxis && !page.NVD3IsDateTimeAxis)
                _serieForSort = page.Series.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Element.SerieSortType != SerieSortType.None);
                if (_serieForSort != null)
                    if (_serieForSort.Element.SerieSortType == SerieSortType.Y) page.PrimaryXDimensions.Sort(CompareXDimensionsWithSeries);
                    else page.PrimaryXDimensions.Sort(CompareXDimensionsWithAxis);

            page.NVD3XLabelMaxLen = 10;
            page.NVD3YPrimaryMaxLen = 6;
            page.NVD3YSecondaryMaxLen = 6;

            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
            if (!page.NVD3IsNumericAxis && !page.NVD3IsDateTimeAxis)
                //Build X labels
                foreach (var key in page.PrimaryXValues.Keys)
                    if (result.Length != 0) result.Append(",");
                    var xval = page.PrimaryXValues[key].ToString();
                    if (xval.Length > page.NVD3XLabelMaxLen) page.NVD3XLabelMaxLen = xval.Length;

                page.NVD3XLabels = result.ToString();

            foreach (ResultSerie resultSerie in page.Series)
                if (Report.Cancel) break;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(page.NVD3PrimaryYAxisFormat) && resultSerie.Element.YAxisType == AxisType.Primary)
                    page.NVD3PrimaryYAxisFormat = resultSerie.Element.GetNVD3Format(CultureInfo, page.NVD3ChartType);
                    page.NVD3PrimaryYIsDateTime = resultSerie.Element.IsDateTime;
                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(page.NVD3SecondaryYAxisFormat) && resultSerie.Element.YAxisType == AxisType.Secondary)
                    page.NVD3SecondaryYAxisFormat = resultSerie.Element.GetNVD3Format(CultureInfo, page.NVD3ChartType);
                    page.NVD3SecondaryYIsDateTime = resultSerie.Element.IsDateTime;
                //Fill Serie
                result = new StringBuilder();
                int index = 0;
                foreach (var xDimensionKey in page.PrimaryXValues.Keys)
                    string xValue = (index++).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);

                    //Find the corresponding serie value...
                    ResultSerieValue value = resultSerie.Values.FirstOrDefault(i => i.XDimensionValues == xDimensionKey);
                    object yValue = (value != null ? value.Yvalue.Value : null);
                    if (result.Length != 0) result.Append(",");
                    if (resultSerie.Element.YAxisType == AxisType.Primary && value != null && value.Yvalue.DisplayValue.Length > page.NVD3YPrimaryMaxLen) page.NVD3YPrimaryMaxLen = value.Yvalue.DisplayValue.Length;
                    if (resultSerie.Element.YAxisType == AxisType.Secondary && value != null && value.Yvalue.DisplayValue.Length > page.NVD3YSecondaryMaxLen) page.NVD3YSecondaryMaxLen = value.Yvalue.DisplayValue.Length;

                    if (page.NVD3IsNumericAxis)
                        Double db = 0;
                        if (value == null) Double.TryParse(page.PrimaryXValues[xDimensionKey].ToString(), out db);
                        else if (value.XDimensionValues[0].DoubleValue != null) db = value.XDimensionValues[0].DoubleValue.Value;
                        xValue = db.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                    else if (page.NVD3IsDateTimeAxis)
                        DateTime dt = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                        if (value == null) dt = ((DateTime)page.PrimaryXValues[xDimensionKey]);
                        else if (value.XDimensionValues[0].DateTimeValue != null) dt = value.XDimensionValues[0].DateTimeValue.Value;
                        TimeSpan diff = dt.ToUniversalTime() - (new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0));
                        xValue = string.Format("{0}000", Math.Floor(diff.TotalSeconds));

                    if (yValue is DateTime)
                        TimeSpan diff = ((DateTime)yValue).ToUniversalTime() - (new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0));
                        yValue = string.Format("{0}000", Math.Floor(diff.TotalSeconds));
                    else if (yValue is Double)
                        yValue = ((Double)yValue).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);

                    result.AppendFormat("{{x:{0},y:{1}}}", xValue, yValue == null ? "0" : yValue);
                resultSerie.NVD3SerieValues = result.ToString();
Beispiel #12
        private void buildMicrosoftSeries(ResultPage page)
            initAxisProperties(page, page.PrimaryXDimensions);
            initAxisProperties(page, page.SecondaryXDimensions);

            foreach (ResultSerie resultSerie in page.Series)
                if (Report.Cancel) break;

                Series serieConfiguration = ChartConfiguration.Series.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name.Contains(resultSerie.Element.GUID));
                if (serieConfiguration != null)
                    Series serie = Helper.CloneSeries(serieConfiguration);
                    serie.Tag = 1;
                    serie.Name = resultSerie.SerieDisplayName;

                    //Fill Serie
                    Dictionary<object, object> XValues = (resultSerie.Element.XAxisType == AxisType.Primary ? page.PrimaryXValues : page.SecondaryXValues);
                    foreach (var xDimensionKey in XValues.Keys)
                        //Find the corresponding serie value...
                        ResultSerieValue value = resultSerie.Values.FirstOrDefault(i => i.XDimensionValues == xDimensionKey);
                        object yValue = (value != null ? value.Yvalue.Value : null);
                        serie.Points.AddXY(XValues[xDimensionKey], yValue);

                    //Sort serie
                    if (resultSerie.Element.SerieSortType != SerieSortType.None) serie.Sort(resultSerie.Element.SerieSortOrder, resultSerie.Element.SerieSortType.ToString());

            //clear the series used for configurations
            int index = page.Chart.Series.Count;
            while (--index >= 0) if (page.Chart.Series[index].Tag == null) page.Chart.Series.RemoveAt(index);
Beispiel #13
        private Dictionary<object, object> initXValues(ResultPage page, List<ResultCell[]> XDimensions)
            Dictionary<object, object> result = new Dictionary<object, object>();
            bool hasNVD3Pie = Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.SerieDefinition == SerieDefinition.NVD3Serie && i.Nvd3Serie == NVD3SerieDefinition.PieChart && i.PivotPosition == PivotPosition.Data);
            bool orderAsc = true;
            foreach (var dimensions in XDimensions)
                //One value -> set the raw value, several values -> concat the display value
                if (dimensions.Length == 1)

                    if (!dimensions[0].Element.IsEnum && dimensions[0].Element.AxisUseValues && !hasNVD3Pie)
                        result.Add(dimensions, dimensions[0].Value);
                        result.Add(dimensions, dimensions[0].ValueNoHTML);
                else result.Add(dimensions, Helper.ConcatCellValues(dimensions, ","));

                if (dimensions.Length > 0 && dimensions[0].Element.SortOrder.Contains(SortOrderConverter.kAutomaticDescSortKeyword)) orderAsc = false;

            return orderAsc ? result.OrderBy(i => i.Value).ToDictionary(i => i.Key, i => i.Value) : result.OrderByDescending(i => i.Value).ToDictionary(i => i.Key, i => i.Value);
        private void buildChartSeries(ResultPage page)
            if (page.ChartInitDone)

            initAxisProperties(page, page.PrimaryXDimensions);
            //Sort series if necessary, only one serie is used for sorting...
            if (!Model.ExecChartIsNumericAxis && !Model.ExecChartIsDateTimeAxis)
                _serieForSort = page.Series.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Element.SerieSortType != SerieSortType.None);
                if (_serieForSort != null)
                    if (_serieForSort.Element.SerieSortType == SerieSortType.Y)

            page.AxisXLabelMaxLen     = 10;
            page.AxisYPrimaryMaxLen   = 6;
            page.AxisYSecondaryMaxLen = 6;

            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(), navs = new StringBuilder();

            // TOCHECK ?    if (!Model.ExecChartIsNumericAxis && !Model.ExecChartIsDateTimeAxis)
            //     {
            //Build X labels
            foreach (var key in page.PrimaryXValues.Keys)
                ResultCell[] dimensions = key as ResultCell[];
                if (result.Length != 0)
                var xval = (dimensions.Length == 1 ? dimensions[0].DisplayValue : page.PrimaryXValues[key].ToString());
                if (xval.Length > page.AxisXLabelMaxLen)
                    page.AxisXLabelMaxLen = xval.Length;

                var navigation = Model.GetNavigation(((ResultCell[])key)[0]);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(navigation))
                    if (navs.Length != 0)

            page.ChartXLabels     = result.ToString();
            page.ChartNavigations = navs.ToString();
            //   }

            foreach (ResultSerie resultSerie in page.Series)
                if (Report.Cancel)

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.ExecD3PrimaryYAxisFormat) && resultSerie.Element.YAxisType == AxisType.Primary)
                    Model.ExecD3PrimaryYAxisFormat   = resultSerie.Element.GetD3Format(CultureInfo, Model.ExecNVD3ChartType);
                    Model.ExecAxisPrimaryYIsDateTime = resultSerie.Element.IsDateTime;
                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.ExecD3SecondaryYAxisFormat) && resultSerie.Element.YAxisType == AxisType.Secondary)
                    Model.ExecD3SecondaryYAxisFormat   = resultSerie.Element.GetD3Format(CultureInfo, Model.ExecNVD3ChartType);
                    Model.ExecAxisSecondaryYIsDateTime = resultSerie.Element.IsDateTime;
                //Fill Serie
                StringBuilder chartXResult = new StringBuilder(), chartXDateTimeResult = new StringBuilder(), chartYResult = new StringBuilder();
                StringBuilder chartXYResult = new StringBuilder(), chartYDisplayResult = new StringBuilder();
                int           index = 0;
                foreach (var xDimensionKey in page.PrimaryXValues.Keys)
                    string   xValue   = (index++).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                    DateTime xValueDT = DateTime.MinValue;

                    //Find the corresponding serie value...
                    ResultSerieValue value  = resultSerie.Values.FirstOrDefault(i => i.XDimensionValues == xDimensionKey);
                    object           yValue = (value != null ? value.Yvalue.Value : null);
                    if (resultSerie.Element.YAxisType == AxisType.Primary && value != null && value.Yvalue.DisplayValue.Length > page.AxisYPrimaryMaxLen)
                        page.AxisYPrimaryMaxLen = value.Yvalue.DisplayValue.Length;
                    if (resultSerie.Element.YAxisType == AxisType.Secondary && value != null && value.Yvalue.DisplayValue.Length > page.AxisYSecondaryMaxLen)
                        page.AxisYSecondaryMaxLen = value.Yvalue.DisplayValue.Length;

                    if (Model.ExecChartIsNumericAxis)
                        Double db = 0;
                        if (value == null)
                            Double.TryParse(page.PrimaryXValues[xDimensionKey].ToString(), out db);
                        else if (value.XDimensionValues[0].DoubleValue != null)
                            db = value.XDimensionValues[0].DoubleValue.Value;
                        xValue = db.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                    else if (Model.ExecChartIsDateTimeAxis)
                        DateTime dt = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                        if (value == null)
                            dt = ((DateTime)page.PrimaryXValues[xDimensionKey]);
                        else if (value.XDimensionValues[0].DateTimeValue != null)
                            dt = value.XDimensionValues[0].DateTimeValue.Value;
                        xValueDT = dt;
                        TimeSpan diff = dt.ToUniversalTime() - (new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0));
                        xValue = string.Format("{0}000", Math.Floor(diff.TotalSeconds));

                    if (yValue is DateTime)
                        TimeSpan diff = ((DateTime)yValue).ToUniversalTime() - (new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0));
                        yValue = string.Format("{0}000", Math.Floor(diff.TotalSeconds));
                    else if (yValue is Double)
                        yValue = ((Double)yValue).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);

                    if (yValue == null && GetBoolValue(Parameter.NVD3AddNullPointParameter))
                        yValue = "0";
                    if (yValue != null)
                        if (chartXYResult.Length != 0)
                        chartXYResult.AppendFormat("{{x:{0},y:{1}}}", xValue, yValue);

                        if (chartXResult.Length != 0)
                        chartXResult.AppendFormat("{0}", xValue);

                        if (Model.ExecChartIsDateTimeAxis)
                            if (chartXDateTimeResult.Length != 0)
                            chartXDateTimeResult.AppendFormat("\"{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}\"", xValueDT);

                        if (chartYResult.Length != 0)
                        chartYResult.AppendFormat("{0}", yValue);

                        //? if (chartYDisplayResult.Length != 0) chartYDisplayResult.Append(",");
                        //? chartYDisplayResult.AppendFormat("'{0}'", Helper.ToJS(value.Yvalue.DisplayValue));
                resultSerie.ChartXYSerieValues        = chartXYResult.ToString();
                resultSerie.ChartXSerieValues         = chartXResult.ToString();
                resultSerie.ChartXDateTimeSerieValues = chartXDateTimeResult.ToString();
                resultSerie.ChartYSerieValues         = chartYResult.ToString();
                //?resultSerie.ChartYSerieDisplayValues = chartYDisplayResult.ToString();
            page.ChartInitDone = true;
 private void initChartXValues(ResultPage page)
     //Build list of X Values
     page.PrimaryXValues   = initXValues(page, page.PrimaryXDimensions);
     page.SecondaryXValues = initXValues(page, page.SecondaryXDimensions);