Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrun the list of navigation links in the View context
        /// </summary>
        public List <NavigationLink> GetNavigationLinks(ReportView view)
            var result = new List <NavigationLink>();

            foreach (var link in Links)
                if (link.Type == NavigationType.Drill && !view.IsDrillEnabled)
                if (link.Type == NavigationType.SubReport && !view.IsSubReportsEnabled)

                var newLink = new NavigationLink()
                    Cell = link.Cell, Href = link.Href, Parameters = link.Parameters, Report = link.Report, Tag = link.Tag, Text = link.Text, Type = link.Type
                Helper.CopyProperties(link, newLink);
                if (newLink.Type == NavigationType.Drill)
                    //Add the navigation if exists
                    var modelView      = view.ModelView;
                    var navigationView = modelView.GetValue(Parameter.NavigationView);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(navigationView))
                        newLink.Href += string.Format("&view={0}", modelView.GetValue(Parameter.NavigationView));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a navigation link from this cell to download a file. The file will be loaded in the Navigation Script of the model.
        /// </summary>
        public void AddNavigationFileDownload(string text, string linkTag = "")
            var guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var link = new NavigationLink()
                Type = NavigationType.FileDownload, Href = guid, Text = text, Cell = this, Report = Element != null ? Element.Report : null, Tag = linkTag

            ContextModel.Report.NavigationLinks.Add(guid, link);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a navigation link from this cell to download a file. The file will be loaded in the Navigation Script of the model.
        /// </summary>
        public void AddNavigationFileDownload(string text)
            var guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var link = new NavigationLink()
                Type = NavigationType.FileDownload, Href = guid, Text = text, Cell = this

            ContextModel.Report.NavigationLinks.Add(guid, link);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a navigation link from this cell to execute another report within the current navigation context
        /// </summary>
        public void AddNavigationReportNavigation(string path, string menuText, string titleText = "")
            var link = new NavigationLink()
                Type = NavigationType.SubReport, Href = string.Format("rpa={0}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(path)), Text = menuText

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(titleText))
                link.Href += string.Format("&dis={0}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(titleText));
Beispiel #5
        void initNavigationLinks()
            //exe : execution guid of the source report
            //src : guid element source for drill
            //dst : guid element destination for drill
            //val : value of the restriction
            //res : guid element for a restriction
            //rpa : report path for sub-report
            //dis : display value for sub-report
            if (_links == null)
                _links = new List <NavigationLink>();
                if (!IsTitle && !IsTotal && !IsTotalTotal && Element != null)
                    var report = Element.Source.Report;
                    if (Element.PivotPosition != PivotPosition.Data)
                        //Get Drill child links
                        var metaData = Element.Source.MetaData;
                        foreach (string childGUID in Element.MetaColumn.DrillChildren)
                            //Check that the element is not already in the model
                            if (Element.Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.MetaColumnGUID == childGUID && i.PivotPosition == Element.PivotPosition))

                            var child = metaData.GetColumnFromGUID(childGUID);
                            if (child != null)
                                NavigationLink link = new NavigationLink();
                                link.Type = NavigationType.Drill;
                                link.Href = string.Format("exe={0}&src={1}&dst={2}&val={3}", report.ExecutionGUID, Element.MetaColumnGUID, childGUID, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(NavigationValue));
                                link.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(report.Translate("Drill >") + " " + report.Repository.RepositoryTranslate("Element", child.Category + '.' + child.DisplayName, child.DisplayName));


                        //Get drill parent link
                        foreach (MetaTable table in Element.Source.MetaData.AllTables)
                            foreach (MetaColumn parentColumn in table.Columns.Where(i => i.DrillChildren.Contains(Element.MetaColumnGUID)))
                                //Check that the element is not already in the model
                                if (Element.Model.Elements.Exists(i => i.MetaColumnGUID == parentColumn.GUID && i.PivotPosition == Element.PivotPosition))

                                if (Element.MetaColumn.DrillUpOnlyIfDD)
                                    //check that the drill down occured
                                    if (!report.DrillParents.Contains(parentColumn.GUID))

                                NavigationLink link = new NavigationLink();
                                link.Type = NavigationType.Drill;
                                link.Href = string.Format("exe={0}&src={1}&dst={2}", report.ExecutionGUID, Element.MetaColumnGUID, parentColumn.GUID);
                                link.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(report.Translate("Drill <") + " " + report.Repository.RepositoryTranslate("Element", parentColumn.Category + '.' + parentColumn.DisplayName, parentColumn.DisplayName));

                    //Get sub reports links
                    if (Element.PivotPosition != PivotPosition.Data)
                        foreach (var subreport in Element.MetaColumn.SubReports.Where(i => i.Restrictions.Count > 0))
                            string subReportRestrictions = "";
                            int    index = 1;
                            foreach (var guid in subreport.Restrictions)
                                var cellValue = SubReportValues.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Element.MetaColumnGUID == guid);
                                if (cellValue != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cellValue.NavigationValue))
                                    subReportRestrictions += string.Format("&res{0}={1}&val{0}={2}", index, guid, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(cellValue.NavigationValue));
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subReportRestrictions))
                                NavigationLink link = new NavigationLink();
                                link.Type = NavigationType.SubReport;
                                link.Href = string.Format("rpa={0}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(subreport.Path));
                                if (subreport.Restrictions.Count > 1 || !subreport.Restrictions.Contains(Element.MetaColumn.GUID))
                                    //Add the display value if necessary
                                    link.Href += string.Format("&dis={0}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(DisplayValue));
                                link.Href += subReportRestrictions;
                                link.Text  = report.Repository.RepositoryTranslate("SubReport", Element.MetaColumn.Category + '.' + Element.MetaColumn.DisplayName, subreport.Name);
        private bool processAction(string action)
            bool cancelNavigation = false;
                switch (action)
                    case ReportExecution.ActionExecuteReport:
                        cancelNavigation = true;
                        _reportDone = false;
                        if (webBrowser.Document != null)
                            if (HeaderForm != null)
                                foreach (HtmlElement element in HeaderForm.All)
                                    if (element.Id != null)
                                        _report.InputRestrictions.Add(element.Id, element.TagName.ToLower() == "option" ? element.GetAttribute("selected") : element.GetAttribute("value"));
                                        Debug.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", element.Id, element.Name, element.GetAttribute("value"), element.GetAttribute("selected"));
                        _report.IsDrilling = false;

                    case ReportExecution.ActionRefreshReport:
                        if (_report.IsExecuting)
                            cancelNavigation = true;
                            HtmlElement message = webBrowser.Document.All[ReportExecution.HtmlId_processing_message];
                            if (message != null) message.SetAttribute("innerHTML", _report.ExecutionHeader);
                            HtmlElement messages = webBrowser.Document.All[ReportExecution.HtmlId_execution_messages];
                            if (messages != null) messages.SetAttribute("innerHTML", Helper.ToHtml(_report.ExecutionMessages));
                        else if (!_reportDone)
                            //Set last drill path if any
                            if (_report.NavigationLinks.Count > 0) _report.NavigationLinks.Last().Href = _report.ResultFilePath;

                            cancelNavigation = true;
                            _reportDone = true;
                            _report.IsDrilling = false;
                            _url = "file:///" + _report.HTMLDisplayFilePath;

                    case ReportExecution.ActionCancelReport:
                        _execution.Report.LogMessage(_report.Translate("Cancelling report..."));
                        cancelNavigation = true;
                        _report.Cancel = true;

                    case ReportExecution.ActionUpdateViewParameter:
                        cancelNavigation = true;
                        _report.UpdateViewParameter(GetFormValue(ReportExecution.HtmlId_parameter_view_id), GetFormValue(ReportExecution.HtmlId_parameter_view_name), GetFormValue(ReportExecution.HtmlId_parameter_view_value));

                    case ReportExecution.ActionViewHtmlResult:
                        string resultPath = _execution.GenerateHTMLResult();
                        if (File.Exists(resultPath)) Process.Start(resultPath);
                        cancelNavigation = true;

                    case ReportExecution.ActionViewPrintResult:
                        resultPath = _execution.GeneratePrintResult();
                        if (File.Exists(resultPath)) Process.Start(resultPath);
                        cancelNavigation = true;

                    case ReportExecution.ActionViewPDFResult:
                        resultPath = _execution.GeneratePDFResult();
                        if (File.Exists(resultPath)) Process.Start(resultPath);
                        cancelNavigation = true;

                    case ReportExecution.ActionViewExcelResult:
                        resultPath = _execution.GenerateExcelResult();
                        if (File.Exists(resultPath)) Process.Start(resultPath);
                        cancelNavigation = true;

                    case ReportExecution.ActionDrillReport:
                        string nav = HeaderForm.GetAttribute(ReportExecution.HtmlId_navigation_attribute_name);
                        string src = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(nav).Get("src");
                        string dst = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(nav).Get("dst");
                        string val = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(nav).Get("val");

                        string destLabel = "", srcRestriction = "";
                        bool drillDone = false;
                        foreach (var model in _report.Models)
                            ReportElement element = model.Elements.FirstOrDefault(i => i.MetaColumnGUID == src);
                            if (element != null)
                                drillDone = true;
                                destLabel = element.DisplayNameElTranslated;
                                if (val != null)
                                    destLabel = "> " + destLabel;
                                    //Add restriction
                                    ReportRestriction restriction = ReportRestriction.CreateReportRestriction();
                                    restriction.Source = model.Source;
                                    restriction.Model = model;
                                    restriction.MetaColumnGUID = src;
                                    restriction.Operator = Operator.Equal;
                                    if (restriction.IsEnum) restriction.EnumValues.Add(val);
                                    else restriction.Value1 = val;
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Restriction)) model.Restriction = string.Format("({0}) AND ", model.Restriction);
                                    model.Restriction += ReportRestriction.kStartRestrictionChar + restriction.GUID + ReportRestriction.kStopRestrictionChar;

                                    srcRestriction = restriction.DisplayText;
                                    destLabel = "< " + destLabel;
                                    var restrictions = model.Restrictions.Where(i => i.MetaColumnGUID == dst).ToList();
                                    foreach (var restr in restrictions)
                                        model.Restriction = model.Restriction.Replace(ReportRestriction.kStartRestrictionChar + restr.GUID + ReportRestriction.kStopRestrictionChar, "1=1");

                        if (drillDone)
                            NavigationLink lastLink = null;
                            if (_report.NavigationLinks.Count == 0)
                                lastLink = new NavigationLink();
                            else lastLink = _report.NavigationLinks.Last();

                            //create HTML result for navigation -> NavigationLinks must have one link to activate the button
                            _report.IsDrilling = true;
                            string htmlPath = _execution.GenerateHTMLResult();
                            lastLink.Href = htmlPath;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastLink.Text)) lastLink.Text = _report.ExecutionName;

                            string linkText = string.Format("{0} {1}", _report.ExecutionName, destLabel);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(srcRestriction)) linkText += string.Format(" [{0}]", srcRestriction);
                            _report.NavigationLinks.Add(new NavigationLink() { Href = "#", Text = linkText });

                        cancelNavigation = true;
                        _reportDone = false;

                    case ReportExecution.ActionGetNavigationLinks:
                        cancelNavigation = true;
                        HtmlElement navMenu = webBrowser.Document.All[ReportExecution.HtmlId_navigation_menu];
                        if (navMenu != null)
                            string links = "";
                            foreach (var link in _report.NavigationLinks)
                                links += string.Format("<li><a href='{0}'>{1}</a></li>", link.Href, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(link.Text));
                            navMenu.SetAttribute("innerHTML", links);
            catch (Exception ex)
                cancelNavigation = true;
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            return cancelNavigation;