Beispiel #1
        public static IEnumerator LineSurface(Emplacement place, OptionEffect options)
            Vector3i    shape         = options.OptionShape.shape; /// (avancée, hauteur, largeur)
            Vector3i    above         = Vectors.Up;
            Vector3i    pos           = place.ipos;
            Vector3i    offsetSurface = new Vector3i(0, options.OptionShape.offsetSurface, 0);
            bool        reverse       = options.OptionShape.reverse != "";
            float       pace          = options.OptionShape.pace;
            bool        collapse_once = options.OptionShape.reverse == "once";
            Block       air           = Block.GetBlockByName("air", false);
            Block       blk           = options.OptionBlock.block;
            BlockSetter setter        = new BlockSetter(options.OptionBlock);

            /// IntLine traj = new IntLine(place.ipos, Vectors.Float.UnitX);
            IntLine traj = new IntLine(place.ipos, Emplacement.Truncate(place.direction, true, true));

            for (int avance = 0; avance < shape.x; avance++)
                Vector3i where = traj.Get(avance);
                Debug.Log("LineSurface " + avance.ToString());
                IntLine orth = new IntLine(Vectors.ToFloat(where), Vectors.Float.UnitZ);
                foreach (int ligne in LR(shape.z))
                    Vector3i at = orth.Get(ligne);
                    //Debug.Log("Line Surface inner " + p.ToString());
                    at = Geo3D.Surface(at); // I don't need surface before orthogonal ... surface made after
                    setter.Apply(at + above + offsetSurface);
                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());
Beispiel #2
        public Emplacement(Entity target, OptionEffect options)
            // Debug.Log("Emplacement 'at' = " +;
            // position = Vectors.ToInt(target.position);
            position = target.position;
            EntityPlayer player = target as EntityPlayer;

            // case of Z : get their target (player or direction or focus)
            if (player == null)
            if ( == "ray")
                position = Geo3D.intersectLook(player);
            direction = Geo3D.directionLook(player);

            if ( == "true")
                int h = (int), ipos.z);
                Debug.Log(string.Format("GetTerrainHeight {0} => {1}", position, h));
                position.y = h;
Beispiel #3
        public static IEnumerator SmokeGhost(EntityPlayer player, Emplacement place, OptionEffect options)
            // onFire p_onFire
            Entity Requested = Spawn(place.position, "zombieMoeGhost"); // invisibleGhost zombieBoe
            int    eid       = Requested.entityId;

            yield return(WaitEntity(Requested));

            Entity ent = GameManager.Instance.World.GetEntity(eid);

            if (ent == null)
                Debug.Log(String.Format("SmokeGhost failed entity {0} {1}", eid, Requested));
                yield break;
            EntityAlive entity   = ent as EntityAlive;
            string      buffname = "buffInfiniteSmoke0";

            if (entity != null)
                if (!entity.Buffs.HasBuff(buffname))
Beispiel #4
 public static IEnumerator CactusGrowth(Entity player, Emplacement place, OptionEffect options)
     Vector3i where = Geo3D.Surface(place.ipos) + Vectors.Up;
     string[] cactuses = new String[] { "treeCactus04", "treeCactus05", "treeCactus06", "treeCactus03", "treeCactus02", "treeCactus01" };
     foreach (string blk in cactuses)
         BlockSetter.SetBlockAt(where, Block.GetBlockByName(blk, false), options);
         yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));
Beispiel #5
        public OptionEffect Copy()
            OptionEffect copied = this.MemberwiseClone() as OptionEffect;

            copied.OptionBlock  = this.OptionBlock.Copy() as BlockSetter.Options;
            copied.OptionItem   = this.OptionItem.Copy() as EffectsItem.Options;
            copied.OptionEntity = this.OptionEntity.Copy() as EntityCreation.Options;
            copied.OptionShape  = this.OptionShape.Copy() as EffectsGround.Options;
Beispiel #6
        public static void DynamicSizeVis(EntityPlayer player, Emplacement place, OptionEffect options)
            // TODO: use size option
            List <Entity> entitiesInBounds = GameManager.Instance.World.GetEntitiesInBounds(typeof(EntityZombie),
                                                                                            new Bounds(place.position, * 2f * 10f),
                                                                                            new List <Entity>());

            foreach (Entity entity in entitiesInBounds)
Beispiel #7
        public static void Explosion(EntityPlayer player, Emplacement place, OptionEffect options)
            /// effet graphique seul (mm si molo contient des degats, ils concernent le onImpact, pas l'explosion elle meme)
            ItemClass itemClass = ItemClass.GetItemClass("thrownAmmoMolotovCocktail", false);

            Debug.Log(String.Format("Explosion --> {0}", itemClass));
            // GameManager.Instance.ExplosionServer(0, place.position, place.position, Quaternion.identity, new ExplosionData(itemClass.Properties), player.entityId, 0.1f, false, null); // try -1
            GameManager.Instance.ExplosionServer(0, place.position, place.ipos, Quaternion.identity, new ExplosionData(itemClass.Properties), -1, 0.1f, false, null);
            // try in the air
            // altérer particule pour toutes les essayer
Beispiel #8
        public static IEnumerator TrapLine(Entity player, Emplacement place, OptionEffect options)
            /// TODO: recoder ca avec rift
            Vector3i offsetSurface = new Vector3i(0, options.OptionShape.offsetSurface, 0);

            Vector3i pos = place.ipos;
            // size = E/W=largeur, hauteur, N/S profondeur (portee)
            Vector3i size           = options.OptionShape.shape;
            Vector3  base_direction = Emplacement.Truncate(place.direction, true, true);

            float pace = 0.1f;                               // TODO pace in option
            Block air  = Block.GetBlockByName("air", false); // The air instance could prolly be shared ...
            // Block blk = options.OptionBlock.block;

            int portee = 100;

            BlockSetter setter    = new BlockSetter(options.OptionBlock);
            BlockSetter setterAir = new BlockSetter(options.OptionBlock.Copy());

            setterAir.options.block = air;

            Vector3 posf = Vectors.ToFloat(pos + offsetSurface);
            // string[] random_blocks = new string[]{"trapSpikesWoodDmg0", "trapSpikesWoodDmg1", "trapSpikesWoodDmg2"};
            // Block[] random_blocks = options.OptionBlock.blocks;
            Vector3i start = Geo3D.Surface(place.ipos);

            for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++)
                Vector3 direction = base_direction + Vectors.Float.Randomize(GameManager.Instance.World.GetGameRandom(), 0.1f);
                direction.y = 0;
                direction   = direction.normalized;
                // IntLine traj = new IntLine(start, direction); //east
                IEnumerable <Vector3i> segment = IntLine.Segment(Vectors.ToFloat(start), direction, 1, 10); // skip 0 intersecting with the previous
                foreach (Vector3i where in segment)
                    Vector3i Swhere = Geo3D.Surface(where);
                    // randomisation : "trapSpikesWoodDmg0-2"
                    // string rdm = random_blocks[(int) Math.Floor(GameManager.Instance.World.GetGameRandom().RandomFloat*3)];
                    // setter.options.block = Block.GetBlockByName(rdm, false);
                    // Block rdm =

                    setter.Apply(Swhere + Vectors.Up);
                    start = Swhere;
                    yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));
Beispiel #9
        public static IEnumerator SpawnAndbuff(EntityPlayer player, Emplacement place,
                                               OptionEffect options, Entity[] track = null)
            /** Spawn and wait for callback before applying buff
             * NB: waiting extra dt before applying buff is important
             * - Some entities just die, I don't know why. There is nothing at the spawn point,
             * they are not too far away from player (terrain heigth is known, althoug it happens more for distant ghosts)
             * - Waiting may or may not decrease the failure rate, but it helps the ghost activity to count them and
             * avoid many additionnal creations
             * - Because Ghost activity yield the waiter, this spread out creation and may help (too many spawn at once ?).
             * But is is also costly to wait (more hanging coroutines)
             * NB2) the problem is NOT caused by : MyAddParticle, ghost type, ghost small buf, invisibility, GetTerrainHeight check
            Entity Requested = Spawn(place.position, options.OptionEntity.entity);
            int    eid       = Requested.entityId;

            yield return(WaitEntity(Requested, 2f, track));

            Entity ent = GameManager.Instance.World.GetEntity(eid);

            if (ent == null)
                Debug.Log(String.Format("SpawnAndbuff failed entity {0} {1}", eid, Requested));
                yield break;
            EntityAlive entity = ent as EntityAlive;

            if (ent == null)
                Printer.Print("Entity is not alive !");
                yield break;
            string buffname = options.OptionEntity.buff;

            if (entity != null)
                if (entity.Buffs == null)
                    Printer.Print("Entity.buff == null !");
                else if (!entity.Buffs.HasBuff(buffname))
Beispiel #10
        public static IEnumerator Wave(Entity _player, Emplacement place, OptionEffect options)
            /*  NB: position ou ray peuvent etre ds le vide. Il faut partir une case dessous et not erase ?
            Vector3i offsetSurface = new Vector3i(0, options.OptionShape.offsetSurface, 0);

            Vector3i pos = place.ipos;
            // size = E/W=largeur, hauteur, N/S profondeur (portee)
            Vector3i size      = options.OptionShape.shape;
            Vector3  direction = Emplacement.Truncate(place.direction, true, true);

            float pace = 0.1f;                               // TODO pace in option
            Block air  = Block.GetBlockByName("air", false); // The air instance could prolly be shared ...
            Block blk  = options.OptionBlock.block;

            int portee = 10; // [!]

            BlockSetter setter    = new BlockSetter(options.OptionBlock);
            BlockSetter setterAir = new BlockSetter(options.OptionBlock.Copy());

            setterAir.options.block = air;

            Vector3 posf = Vectors.ToFloat(pos + offsetSurface);

            for (int forward = 1; forward <= portee; forward++)
                foreach (int width in LR(size.x))
                    setter.Apply(Vectors.Toward(posf, direction, forward)); // avant de la vague
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(pace));

                    setter.Apply(Vectors.Toward(posf, direction, forward - 1));
                    setter.Apply(Vectors.Toward(posf, direction, forward - 1) + Vectors.Up); // if not exist material to speed up?
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(pace));

                    if (forward > 3) // TODO: test existing ?
                        setterAir.Apply(Vectors.Toward(posf, direction, forward - 1 - 2));
                        setterAir.Apply(Vectors.Toward(posf, direction, forward - 1 - 2) + Vectors.Up);
                // __BUG(); // FIXME test
Beispiel #11
         * Options:
         * - ground (water, traps)
         * - recursion
         * - size / depth (puis avant)
         * - other content : Z, animal, torch, lights ...

        public static IEnumerator Rift(EntityPlayer player, Emplacement place, OptionEffect options)
             * Laisse des blocks tomber au dessus ? just changed  erase="yes"
             * (longueur 1, hauteur (profonfeur), replicats)
            EntityPlayerLocal epl = player as EntityPlayerLocal;

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));

            BlockSetter setter    = new BlockSetter(options.OptionBlock);
            Vector3     direction = Vectors.Copy(place.direction);

            direction.y = 0;
            direction   = direction.normalized;

            Vector3i start = Geo3D.Surface(place.ipos);

            for (int k = 0; k < options.OptionShape.shape.z; k++)
                Vector3 kdirection = direction + Vectors.Float.Randomize(GameManager.Instance.World.GetGameRandom(), 0.2f);
                // IntLine traj = new IntLine(start, direction); //east
                IEnumerable <Vector3i> segment = IntLine.Segment(Vectors.ToFloat(start), kdirection, 0, options.OptionShape.shape.x);
                Vector3i prev    = new Vector3i();
                bool     hasprev = false;
                foreach (Vector3i where in segment)
                    Vector3i Swhere = Geo3D.Surface(where);
                    if (hasprev)
                        for (int creuse = 1; creuse < options.OptionShape.shape.y; creuse++)
                            setter.Apply(prev + creuse * Vectors.Down);
                    start = Swhere;
                    yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

                    hasprev = true; prev = Swhere;
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));
Beispiel #12
        public static IEnumerator Puit(EntityPlayer player, Emplacement place, OptionEffect options)
            /// crache des rochers
            yield return(Cave(player, place, options));

            // EffectsItem.SpawnParticle(place.position, "big_smoke");// warning !!
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));

            string item = options.OptionItem.item;

            for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                Vector3 motion = Vectors.Float.Randomize(, 1f, 3 * Vectors.Float.UnitY);
                motion = motion.normalized * 5f;
                yield return(EffectsItem.spawnItemGhost(item, place.position + 3.5f * Vectors.Float.UnitY, motion));

                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f));
Beispiel #13
        public static IEnumerator Chaos(Entity _player, Emplacement place, OptionEffect options)
            // ca fait rien pr l'instant. essayer de yield les sous call plutot que de les startcoroutine ??
            Vector3i inipos = place.ipos;

            for (int repeat = 0; repeat < 5; repeat++)
                for (int clone = 0; clone < 10; clone++)
                    OptionEffect copy = options.Copy();
                    // FIXME: copy Place too ()
                    Vector3i rdm = new Vector3i(Random.Next(-20, 20), 0, Random.Next(-20, 20));
                    place.ipos             = inipos + rdm; // [!}] in-place with past coroutine, should be ok (get pos at start, we reassign)
                    copy.OptionShape.shape = new Vector3i(Random.Next(0, 3), Random.Next(2, 8), Random.Next(0, 3));
                    // copy["size"] = String.Format("{0},{1},{2}", Random.Next(0,3), Random.Next(2,8), Random.Next(0,3));
                    Zombiome.Routines.Start(Peak(_player, place, copy), "Chaos--Peak");
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f));
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(4.0f));
Beispiel #14
        public static IEnumerator Rift(EntityPlayer player, Emplacement place, OptionEffect options)
             * Laisse des blocks tomber au dessus ? just changed  erase="yes"
            Vector3i offsetSurface = new Vector3i(0, options.OptionShape.offsetSurface, 0);

            EntityPlayerLocal epl = player as EntityPlayerLocal;

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));

            // Vector3i shape = options.OptionShape.shape; /// (longueur, hauteur, largeur)
            BlockSetter setter = new BlockSetter(options.OptionBlock);
            Vector3i    start  = Geo3D.Surface(place.ipos);

            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                // Vector3 direction = Vectors.Float.UnitX + Vectors.Float.Randomize(GameManager.Instance.World.GetGameRandom(), 0.1f);
                Vector3 direction = place.direction + Vectors.Float.Randomize(GameManager.Instance.World.GetGameRandom(), 0.1f);
                direction.y = 0;
                direction   = direction.normalized;
                // IntLine traj = new IntLine(start, direction); //east
                IEnumerable <Vector3i> segment = IntLine.Segment(Vectors.ToFloat(start), direction, 1, 5); // skip 0 intersecting with the previous
                foreach (Vector3i where in segment)
                    Vector3i Swhere = Geo3D.Surface(where) + offsetSurface;
                    setter.Apply(Swhere + Vectors.Up);
                    setter.Apply(Swhere + 2 * Vectors.Up);
                    start = Swhere;
                    yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));
Beispiel #15
        public static IEnumerator Cave(EntityPlayer player, Emplacement place, OptionEffect options)
            /// TODO: enumérer les colonnes et s'arreter à surface
            BlockSetter setter = new BlockSetter(options.OptionBlock);
            Vector3i    shape  = options.OptionShape.shape;
            Vector3i    start  = Geo3D.Surface(place.ipos);

            int     depth     = shape.y;
            Vector3 direction = Vectors.Float.UnitY; // cannot use negative, so positive and get(_k) !
            IntLine colonne   = new IntLine(Vectors.ToFloat(start), direction);

            // Debug.Log(String.Format("Cave: pos={0} start={1} dir={2} ground={3}", place.position, start, direction, ground));

            for (int d = 0; d < depth; d++)
                // Debug.Log(String.Format("cave {0} {1}", d, setter));
                if (options.OptionShape.ground != "" && d == depth - 1)
                    setter.options.block = Block.GetBlockByName(options.OptionShape.ground, false);
                Vector3i where = colonne.Get(-d);
                Vector3i dxy = new Vector3i(0, 0, 0);
                foreach (int p in SdtdUtils.EffectsGround.LR(shape.x))
                    foreach (int q in SdtdUtils.EffectsGround.LR(shape.z))
                        dxy.x = p; dxy.z = q;
                        Printer.Log(20, "Cave Apply (d,p) =", d, p, "where, dxy=", where, dxy);
                        setter.Apply(where + dxy);
                Printer.FLog(20, "cave Push {0} {1}", d, where);
            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());
Beispiel #16
 public static IEnumerator RadiatedGhost(EntityPlayer player, Emplacement place, OptionEffect options)
     options.OptionEntity.entity = "zombieMoeGhost";
     options.OptionEntity.buff   = "buffZBRadiating";
     yield return(SpawnAndbuff(player, place, options));
Beispiel #17
 public static IEnumerator FireGhost(EntityPlayer player, Emplacement place, OptionEffect options)
     options.OptionEntity.entity = "animalChickenGhostV2";
     options.OptionEntity.buff   = "buffZbesRFireEst";
     yield return(SpawnAndbuff(player, place, options));
Beispiel #18
 *  public static string Get(IDictionary<string, string> dico, string key, string def) { // UTILS
 *      if (dico.ContainsKey(key)) return dico[key];
 *      return def;
 *  } */
        public static IEnumerator Peak(Entity player, Emplacement place, OptionEffect options)
            Vector3i offsetSurface = new Vector3i(0, options.OptionShape.offsetSurface, 0);
            Vector3i pos           = Geo3D.Surface(place.ipos) + Vectors.Up + offsetSurface;

            Vector3i shape = options.OptionShape.shape;

            float       pace   = options.OptionShape.pace;
            Block       air    = Block.GetBlockByName("air", false); // The air instance could prolly be shared ...
            Block       blk    = options.OptionBlock.block;
            BlockSetter setter = new BlockSetter(options.OptionBlock);

            Printer.Log(20, "Peak (position/pos=Surface+Up):", place.ipos, pos);
            Printer.Log(20, "              (blk/pace/shape)", options.OptionBlock.block, options.OptionShape.pace, options.OptionShape.shape);
            Printer.Log(20, "    setter   (avB/avE,elastic):", options.OptionBlock.avoidBlock, options.OptionBlock.avoidEntity, options.OptionBlock.elastic);
            // Start at -1 only if air below
            for (int h = 0; h < shape.y; h++)
                foreach (int e in LR(shape.x))
                    foreach (int n in LR(shape.z))
                        Vector3i where = new Vector3i(pos.x + e, pos.y + h, pos.z + n);
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(pace));
            if (options.OptionShape.reverse == "")
                yield break;
            // unset if exists
            options.OptionBlock.block      = air;
            options.OptionBlock.avoidBlock = false; // protected by testing blk.blockID, and preventing us from actually deleting !
            setter = new BlockSetter(options.OptionBlock);
            // IEnumerable<int> heights = Enumerable.Range(0, shape.y-1);
            IEnumerable <int> heights = Enumerable.Range(0, shape.y);

            if (options.OptionShape.reverse.Contains('U'))
                heights = Enumerable.Reverse(heights);
            foreach (int h in heights) // when destroyed from below, collapse => destroy top to bottom
                foreach (int e in LR(shape.x))
                    foreach (int n in LR(shape.z))
                        Vector3i where = new Vector3i(pos.x + e, pos.y + h, pos.z + n);
                        BlockValue existing = GameManager.Instance.World.GetBlock(where);
                        if (existing.type == blk.blockID) // only erase the type I just inserted
                            // TODO: reverse once option
                            // yield return new WaitForSeconds(sleep);
                if (!options.OptionShape.reverse.Contains('O')) /// not once: update progressively
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(pace));