Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the Card class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="layout">Possible values include: 'normal', 'split',
 /// 'flip', 'transform', 'meld', 'leveler', 'saga', 'planar', 'scheme',
 /// 'vanguard', 'token', 'double_faced_token', 'emblem', 'augment',
 /// 'host'</param>
 /// <param name="rarity">Possible values include: 'common', 'uncommon',
 /// 'rare', 'mythic'</param>
 /// <param name="borderColor">Possible values include: 'black',
 /// 'borderless', 'gold', 'silver', 'white'</param>
 public Card(System.Guid?id = default(System.Guid?), System.Guid?oracleId = default(System.Guid?), IList <int?> multiverseIds = default(IList <int?>), int?mtgoId = default(int?), int?arenaId = default(int?), int?mtgoFoilId = default(int?), string uri = default(string), string scryfallUri = default(string), string printsSearchUri = default(string), string rulingsUri = default(string), string name = default(string), Layouts?layout = default(Layouts?), double?cmc = default(double?), string typeLine = default(string), string oracleText = default(string), string manaCost = default(string), string power = default(string), string toughness = default(string), string loyalty = default(string), string lifeModifier = default(string), string handModifier = default(string), IList <Colors?> colors = default(IList <Colors?>), IList <Colors?> colorIndicator = default(IList <Colors?>), IList <Colors?> colorIdentity = default(IList <Colors?>), IList <RelatedCards> allParts = default(IList <RelatedCards>), IList <CardFace> cardFaces = default(IList <CardFace>), Legality legalities = default(Legality), bool?reserved = default(bool?), int?edhrecRank = default(int?), string set = default(string), string setName = default(string), string collectorNumber = default(string), string setSearchUri = default(string), string scryfallSetUri = default(string), ImageUri imageUris = default(ImageUri), bool?highresImage = default(bool?), bool?reprint = default(bool?), bool?digital = default(bool?), Rarity?rarity = default(Rarity?), string flavorText = default(string), string artist = default(string), System.Guid?illustrationId = default(System.Guid?), string frame = default(string), bool?fullArt = default(bool?), string watermark = default(string), BorderColors?borderColor = default(BorderColors?), int?storySpotlightNumber = default(int?), string storySpotlightUri = default(string), bool?timeshifted = default(bool?), bool?colorshifted = default(bool?), bool?futureshifted = default(bool?), IDictionary <string, string> purchaseUris = default(IDictionary <string, string>), IDictionary <string, string> relatedUris = default(IDictionary <string, string>))
     Id                   = id;
     OracleId             = oracleId;
     MultiverseIds        = multiverseIds;
     MtgoId               = mtgoId;
     ArenaId              = arenaId;
     MtgoFoilId           = mtgoFoilId;
     Uri                  = uri;
     ScryfallUri          = scryfallUri;
     PrintsSearchUri      = printsSearchUri;
     RulingsUri           = rulingsUri;
     Name                 = name;
     Layout               = layout;
     Cmc                  = cmc;
     TypeLine             = typeLine;
     OracleText           = oracleText;
     ManaCost             = manaCost;
     Power                = power;
     Toughness            = toughness;
     Loyalty              = loyalty;
     LifeModifier         = lifeModifier;
     HandModifier         = handModifier;
     Colors               = colors;
     ColorIndicator       = colorIndicator;
     ColorIdentity        = colorIdentity;
     AllParts             = allParts;
     CardFaces            = cardFaces;
     Legalities           = legalities;
     Reserved             = reserved;
     EdhrecRank           = edhrecRank;
     Set                  = set;
     SetName              = setName;
     CollectorNumber      = collectorNumber;
     SetSearchUri         = setSearchUri;
     ScryfallSetUri       = scryfallSetUri;
     ImageUris            = imageUris;
     HighresImage         = highresImage;
     Reprint              = reprint;
     Digital              = digital;
     Rarity               = rarity;
     FlavorText           = flavorText;
     Artist               = artist;
     IllustrationId       = illustrationId;
     Frame                = frame;
     FullArt              = fullArt;
     Watermark            = watermark;
     BorderColor          = borderColor;
     StorySpotlightNumber = storySpotlightNumber;
     StorySpotlightUri    = storySpotlightUri;
     Timeshifted          = timeshifted;
     Colorshifted         = colorshifted;
     Futureshifted        = futureshifted;
     PurchaseUris         = purchaseUris;
     RelatedUris          = relatedUris;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the CardFace class.
 /// </summary>
 public CardFace(string name = default(string), string typeLine = default(string), string oracleText = default(string), string manaCost = default(string), IList <Colors?> colors = default(IList <Colors?>), IList <Colors?> colorIndicator = default(IList <Colors?>), string power = default(string), string toughness = default(string), string loyalty = default(string), string flavorText = default(string), System.Guid?illustrationId = default(System.Guid?), ImageUri imageUris = default(ImageUri))
     Name           = name;
     TypeLine       = typeLine;
     OracleText     = oracleText;
     ManaCost       = manaCost;
     Colors         = colors;
     ColorIndicator = colorIndicator;
     Power          = power;
     Toughness      = toughness;
     Loyalty        = loyalty;
     FlavorText     = flavorText;
     IllustrationId = illustrationId;
     ImageUris      = imageUris;