/* public int Add(object text)
             * {
             *   TabPage tp = new TabPage();
             *   tp.Text = (string)text;
             *   Add(tp);
             *   return getIndex(tp);
             * }*/

            public void Add(TabPage value)

                __TabControl tc = (__TabControl)(Owner);
                __TabPage    tp = (__TabPage)value;

                var bg = this.Owner.GetHTMLTargetContainer();

                if (bg.firstChild == null)
                    bg.insertBefore(value.GetHTMLTarget(), bg.firstChild);

                var c = (__TabPage)value;


                ((__TabControl)this.Owner).OnControlAdded(new ControlEventArgs(value));

                if (!firstSelected)
                    firstSelected = true;
 protected void OnFontChanged(object o, EventArgs e)
     foreach (var c in Controls)
         if (c is TabPage)
             __TabPage p = (__TabPage)c;
        void onBackColorChanged(object o, EventArgs e)
            __Control c    = (__Control)o;
            int       argb = 0;

            try  // use 'try' in case typecast below fails
                __TabPage _tp = (__TabPage)c;
            catch { }
        void onSizeChanged(object o, EventArgs e)
            __Control c = (__Control)o;

            try  // use 'try' in case typecast below fails
                __TabPage _tp = (__TabPage)c;

                int w = _tp.Size.Width;
                this.__childWidth = w;
            catch { }

        void onLocationChanged(object o, EventArgs e)
            __Control c = (__Control)o;

            try  // use 'try' in case typecast below fails
                __TabPage _tp = (__TabPage)c;

                int x = _tp.Location.X;
                this.__childX = x;

                this.__tabs.GetHTMLTarget().style.SetLocation(x, 0);
            catch { }
        public void AddToUL(TabPage tp)
            __TabPage _tp = (__TabPage)tp;



            Shared.Drawing.Rectangle r = _tp.getBounds();

            // TODO:
            // Calculates filler space between last tab and the end of the panel
            // this same calculation can be used to add an arrow tab to allow tabs to overflow right or left.
            // Tab overflow is not currently supported.

             * int calc = this.__ul.offsetWidth - _tp.Li.offsetLeft - _tp.Li.offsetWidth;
             * this.__tabFiller.style.width = ""+calc+"px";
             * this.__tabFiller.style.overflow = DOM.IStyle.OverflowEnum.auto;
             * __ul.appendChild(this.__tabFiller);
             * int intervalId = -1;
             * Action a = delegate
             * {
             *   Console.WriteLine("Calculate filler width=> this.__ul.offsetWidth=" + this.__ul.offsetWidth + "   this.__ul.offsetLeft=" + this.__ul.offsetLeft + "   _tp.Li. offsetLeft=" + _tp.Li.offsetLeft + "   offsetWidth=" + _tp.Li.offsetWidth);
             *   calc = this.__ul.offsetLeft - this.__ul.offsetWidth - _tp.Li.offsetLeft - _tp.Li.offsetWidth;
             *   Console.WriteLine("Using width: " + calc);
             *   this.__tabFiller.style.width = "" + calc + "px";
             *   Native.Window.clearInterval(intervalId);
             * };
             * intervalId = Native.Window.setInterval(a, 1500);