Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve a list of Object Definitions
        /// TODO: Add examples for GetObjectProperties, and GetPropertyRelations
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shouldGetProperties">Defines whether or not to get a list of properties associated with each object</param>
        /// <param name="shouldGetRelations">Defines whether or not to get a list of relations with each object such as foreign keys</param>
        /// <returns>List of Object Defintions</returns>
        public IEnumerable <IObjectDefinition> RetrieveObjectDefinitions(
            bool shouldGetProperties = false, bool shouldGetRelations = false)
            //create a new list of object definitions to return the list a tables in
            List <IObjectDefinition> objectDefinitions = new List <IObjectDefinition>();

            using (new LogMethodExecution(
                       Globals.ConnectorName, "GetObjectList"))
                //get the list of tables
                DataTable tableDefinitions = _metadataAccess.GetTableList();

                //add each table to the object definition list
                foreach (DataRow table in tableDefinitions.Rows)
                    //create a new object defining the name of the table and
                    //description using the information returned from metadata
                    var objectDefinition = new ObjectDefinition
                        Name        = table["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(),
                        FullName    = table["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(),
                        Description = GetTableDescription(table["TABLE_NAME"].ToString())
                    //add the newly created object definition to the definition list

                    //Set the hidden attribute to true if this is the change history table.
                    //Note: this is how to set items to not recommended for replication in the UI
                    objectDefinition.Hidden = objectDefinition.Name == Globals.ChangeHistoryTableName;
            //send back the object definition list
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the list of 'Object' names or in this case
        /// table names from the data source
        /// include the primary key or identifyer in the each of the objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>MethodResult to be return in a readable state</returns>
        public MethodResult GetObjectDefinitionList()
            //Create a new instance of the method result to fill with
            //meta data information
            MethodResult result = new MethodResult();

            // Create a new instance of the metadata access class and pass
            // the data access instance along with it
            OleDbMetadataAccess metadataAccess =
                new OleDbMetadataAccess(_dataAccess);

            // Use LogMethodExecution to add entry and exit tracing to a method.
            // When wrapped in a using statement, the exit point
            // is written during garbage collection.
            using (new LogMethodExecution(
                       Globals.ConnectorName, "GetObjectDefinitionList"))
                //Get a list of indexes for each table
                DataTable tableList = metadataAccess.GetTableList();

                //check that valid data has been return from the schema
                if (tableList != null && tableList.Rows.Count != 0)
                    //Create a list of generic Data Entities
                    //***This is a Key piece of the replication process***
                    //This is where the table list will be stored in a
                    //generic fashion and return in the result.
                    List <DataEntity> dataEntityList = new List <DataEntity>();

                    //Parse the list of rows that contain the table
                    //information and stuff them into generic data entities.
                    //Add them to the list that will be returned in the result.
                    foreach (DataRow tableRow in tableList.Rows)
                        var tableName = tableRow["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();

                        var dataEntity = new DataEntity("Object");
                        dataEntity.Properties.Add("Name", tableName);
                            "PrimaryKeyName", PrimaryKeyFieldName);
                            "Description", GetTableDescription(tableName));
                        //Check if the table has the ModifiedOn column
                                tableName, metadataAccess)
                                ? LastModifiedFieldName : string.Empty);

                        dataEntity.Properties.Add("Hidden", tableName == Globals.ChangeHistoryTableName);


                    //Set the success of the result to true since the
                    //list of entities has been filled.
                    result.Success = true;

                    //Create a new instance of the return result set
                    //with the name of the returned items.
                    result.Return = new DataEntity("ObjectList");

                    //Add the entity list to the result.
                    result.Return.Properties.Add("Result", dataEntityList);
                    //Set the proper error information in the event that
                    //incorrect schema information is returned from the database.
                    result = SetErrorMethodResult(
                        ErrorCodes.GetObjectList.Number, ErrorCodes.GetObjectList.Description);

            //Return the method result containing the object definition list.