Beispiel #1
        private int ProcessBracesState(CodeEditor editor, Region c, int endPos)
            // get the lexer type of the body
            string type = null;
            switch (c[-1])
                case '(':
                    // get preceding word from brace position
                    var wordStart = editor.WordStartPosition(c.Pos - 1, false);
                    type = editor.GetWordFromPosition(wordStart);

                    if (type != "layout")
                        type = "functionheader";
                case '{':
                    // get preceding non-whitespace position from brace position
                    var bracePos = c.Pos - 2;
                    while (bracePos >= 0
                        && (char)editor.GetCharAt(bracePos) != ';'
                        && char.IsWhiteSpace((char)editor.GetCharAt(bracePos)))

                    // if the preceding char is a closing brace, we have to lex a function body
                    var braceChar = (char)editor.GetCharAt(bracePos);
                    type = braceChar == ')' ? "function" : "struct";
                case '}':
                    return -1;
                    return ProcessDefaultState(editor, c);

            // find lexer that can lex this code block
            var lex = lexer.Where(x => x.IsLexerForType(type)).FirstOr(null);

            // re-lex body of the uniform block, struct, layout or function
            c.Pos = lex?.Style(editor, c.Pos, endPos) ?? c.Pos;

            // continue styling from the last position
            return ProcessDefaultState(editor, c);
Beispiel #2
        public void Fold(CodeEditor editor, int pos, int endPos)
            // setup state machine
            var line = editor.LineFromPosition(pos);
            var lastLine = -1;
            var lastCharPos = line;
            var foldLevel = editor.Lines[line].FoldLevel;
            var textLength = editor.TextLength;
            const int DEFAULT_FOLD_LEVEL = 1024;

            // for each character
            for (var state = FoldState.Unknown;
                state == FoldState.Unknown ? pos < endPos : pos < textLength;
                var c = (char)editor.GetCharAt(pos);

                switch (c)
                    // open folding
                    case '{':
                        state = FoldState.StartFolding;
                    // close folding
                    case '}':
                        state = FoldState.EndFolding;
                    // next line
                    case '\n':
                    // remember last character to place
                    // fold icon in the last character line
                        if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(c))
                            lastCharPos = pos;

                switch (state)
                    // STATE: open folding
                    case FoldState.StartFolding:
                        var lastCharLine = editor.LineFromPosition(lastCharPos);
                        // start folding at last character containing line
                        editor.Lines[lastCharLine].FoldLevelFlags = FoldLevelFlags.Header;
                        editor.Lines[lastCharLine].FoldLevel = foldLevel++;
                        // for all other lines up to the current position also add folding
                        for (int i = lastCharLine + 1; i <= line; i++)
                            editor.Lines[i].FoldLevelFlags = FoldLevelFlags.White;
                            editor.Lines[i].FoldLevel = foldLevel;
                        lastLine = line;
                        // switch to folding state
                        state = FoldState.Foldable;
                    // STATE: close folding
                    case FoldState.EndFolding:
                        // end folding
                        editor.Lines[line].FoldLevel = foldLevel;
                        // decrease fold level
                        foldLevel = Math.Max(--foldLevel, DEFAULT_FOLD_LEVEL);
                        lastLine = line;
                        // switch to folding state (which will
                        // switch to unknown state if the most
                        // outer fold level is reached)
                        state = FoldState.Foldable;
                    // STATE: folding
                    case FoldState.Foldable:
                        // still in folding state
                        if (foldLevel > DEFAULT_FOLD_LEVEL)
                            if (line != lastLine)
                                // set fold level for line
                                editor.Lines[line].FoldLevel = foldLevel;
                                lastLine = line;
                        // end folding state
                            state = FoldState.Unknown;
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Default process new line state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="editor"></param>
 /// <param name="c"></param>
 /// <returns>The new state after processing the current state.</returns>
 protected int DefaultProcessNewLine(CodeEditor editor, Region c)
     // exit lexer if line does not end with "..."
     int i = c.Pos - 1;
     var C = (char)editor.GetCharAt(i);
     while (i > 0 && C != '\n' && char.IsWhiteSpace(C))
         C = (char)editor.GetCharAt(--i);
     return editor.GetTextRange(i - 2, 3) != "..." ? -1 : (int)BaseState.Default;
Beispiel #4
        private int ProcessBraceState(CodeEditor editor, Region c)
            // is a closing brace
            if (c[-1] == '}')
                int i, count, style;

                // find matching brace position
                for (i = c.Pos - 1, count = 0; i >= 0; i--)
                    switch (editor.GetCharAt(i))
                        case '{': count--; break;
                        case '}': count++; break;
                    if (count == 0) break;

                // if no matching brace found, exit
                if (count != 0 || i < 0)
                    return -1;

                // go to first non base state before the matching brace position
                for (style = editor.GetStyleAt(--i);
                    i >= 0 && firstBaseStyle <= style && style <= lastBaseStyle;
                    style = editor.GetStyleAt(--i))
                    var C = editor.GetCharAt(i);
                    if (C == '{' || C == '}')

                // if no function lexer state found, exit
                if ((i < 0 || style < firstStyle || lastStyle < style) && style != BraceStyle)
                    return -1;

            return ProcessDefaultState(editor, c);