/// <summary>
        /// Refreshes the experiment cache. THIS IS VERY EXPENSIVE.
        /// CB: Actually doesn't seem much worse than UpdateExperiments()
        /// </summary>
        public void RefreshExperimentCache( )
            // Init
            var StartTime = DateTime.Now;
            //			_logger.Info( "RefreshExperimentCache" );

            // Quick check for things we depend on
                if( ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance == null )
                    _logger.Debug( "ResearchAndDevelopment not instantiated." );
                    AllExperiments = new List<Experiment>( );
                    UpdateFilter( );

                if (PartLoader.Instance == null)
                    _logger.Debug( "PartLoader not instantiated." );
                    AllExperiments = new List<Experiment>( );
                    UpdateFilter( );

            // Temporary experiment list
                var exps = new List<Experiment>( );

            /*foreach( var P in PartLoader.Instance.parts )
            var Modules = P.partPrefab.FindModulesImplementing<ModuleScienceExperiment>( );
            if( Modules.Count > 0 )
            foreach( var M in Modules )
            _logger.Debug( "PART " + P.name + " HAS EXPERIMENT " + M.experimentID );
            // Find all experiments - These should be in an object
                var experiments = PartLoader.Instance.parts
                    .SelectMany( x => x.partPrefab.FindModulesImplementing<ModuleScienceExperiment>( ) )
                    .Select( x => new {
                        Module = x,
                        Experiment = ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperiment( x.experimentID ),
                    .Where( x => x.Experiment != null )
                    .GroupBy( x => x.Experiment )
                    .ToDictionary( x => x.Key, x => x.First( ).Module );
                experiments.Remove( ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperiment( "evaReport" ) );
                experiments.Remove( ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperiment( "surfaceSample" ) );
            /*			_logger.Debug( "Found " + experiments.Count + " experimnents" );
            foreach( var XX in experiments )
                if( XX.Value != null )
                    _logger.Debug( "EXPERIMENT " + XX.Key.experimentTitle );

            // Find all celestial bodies
                var bodies = new AllBodies( );

            // Find all situations
                var situations = Enum.GetValues( typeof( ExperimentSituations ) ).Cast<ExperimentSituations>( );

            // Find the KSC baby biomes /* MOVE THIS ELSE WHERE */
                _kscBiomes = new List<string>( );
                _kscBiomes = _kscBiomes.Any () ? _kscBiomes : UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<Collider>( )
                    .Where(x => x.gameObject.layer == 15)
                    .Select(x => x.gameObject.tag)
                    .Where(x => x != "Untagged")
                    .Where(x => !x.Contains("KSC_Runway_Light"))
                    .Where(x => !x.Contains("KSC_Pad_Flag_Pole"))
                    .Where(x => !x.Contains("Ladder"))
                    .Select(x => Vessel.GetLandedAtString(x))
                    .Select(x => x.Replace(" ", ""))

            // Unlocked experiment list - Maybe merge with "var experiments" above
                AvailableExperiments.Clear( );

            // Grab the list of science experiments
                var SciDict = GetScienceSubjects( );

            // Find the science stored in vessels
                var onboardScience = GameHelper.GetOnboardScience( Config.CheckDebris );

            // We need the level of the RnD facility in career mode
                float RnDLevel = ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities.GetFacilityLevel( SpaceCenterFacility.ResearchAndDevelopment );

            // Loop around all experiments
                foreach( var experiment in experiments.Keys )
                    // Examine each experiment in turn
                        if( experiment.requiredExperimentLevel > RnDLevel )
                            continue; // Need to upgrade the RnD facility in career mode.

                        var sitMask = experiment.situationMask;
                        var biomeMask = experiment.biomeMask;

                        // OrbitalScience support
                        if( sitMask == 0 && experiments[ experiment ] != null )
                            var sitMaskField = experiments[ experiment ].GetType( ).GetField( "sitMask" );
                            if( sitMaskField != null )
                                sitMask = (uint)(int)sitMaskField.GetValue( experiments[ experiment ] );
                                _logger.Debug( "Setting sitMask to " + sitMask + " for " + experiment.experimentTitle );

                            if( biomeMask == 0 )
                                var biomeMaskField = experiments[ experiment ].GetType( ).GetField( "bioMask" );
                                if( biomeMaskField != null )
                                    biomeMask = (uint)(int)biomeMaskField.GetValue( experiments[ experiment ] );
                                    _logger.Debug( "Setting biomeMask to " + biomeMask + " for " + experiment.experimentTitle );

                    // Check this experiment in all biomes on all bodies
                        foreach( var b in bodies.List )
                            var body = b.Value;
                            if( experiment.requireAtmosphere && !body.HasAtmosphere )
                                continue; // If the whole planet doesn't have an atmosphere, then there's not much point continuing.
                            foreach( var situation in situations )
                                if( situation == ExperimentSituations.SrfSplashed && !body.HasOcean )
                                    continue; // Some planets don't have an ocean for us to be splashed down in.

                                if( situation == ExperimentSituations.SrfLanded && !body.HasSurface )
                                    continue; // Jool and the Sun don't have a surface.

                                if( ( situation == ExperimentSituations.FlyingHigh || situation == ExperimentSituations.FlyingLow ) && !body.HasAtmosphere )
                                    continue; // Some planets don't have an atmosphere for us to fly in.

                                if( ( sitMask & (uint)situation ) == 0 )
                                    continue; // This experiment isn't valid for our current situation.

                                if( body.Biomes.Any( ) && ( biomeMask & (uint)situation ) != 0 )
                                    foreach( var biome in body.Biomes )
                                        exps.Add( new Experiment( experiment, new Situation( body.CelestialBody, situation, biome ), onboardScience, SciDict, AvailableExperiments ) );

                                    /* MOVE THIS OUT OF THE LOOP - HANDLE IT SEPERATLY */
                                    // Can't really avoid magic constants here - Kerbin and Shores
                                    if( ( body.Name == "Kerbin" ) && situation == ExperimentSituations.SrfLanded )
                                        foreach( var kscBiome in _kscBiomes ) // Ew.
                                            exps.Add( new Experiment( experiment, new Situation( body.CelestialBody, situation, "Shores", kscBiome ), onboardScience, SciDict, AvailableExperiments ) );
                                    exps.Add( new Experiment( experiment, new Situation( body.CelestialBody, situation ), onboardScience, SciDict, AvailableExperiments ) );

            // Done replace the old list with the new one
                AllExperiments = exps;

            // We need to redo the filter
                UpdateFilter( );

            var Elapsed = DateTime.Now - StartTime;
            _logger.Trace( "RefreshExperimentCache Done - " + Elapsed.ToString( ) + "ms" );
        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes the experiment cache. THIS IS VERY EXPENSIVE.
        /// CB: Actually doesn't seem much worse than UpdateExperiments()
        /// </summary>
        public void RefreshExperimentCache( )
            // Init
            var StartTime = DateTime.Now;

//			_logger.Info( "RefreshExperimentCache" );

            // Quick check for things we depend on
            if (ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance == null)
                _logger.Debug("ResearchAndDevelopment not instantiated.");
                AllExperiments = new List <Experiment>( );
                UpdateFilter( );

            if (PartLoader.Instance == null)
                _logger.Debug("PartLoader not instantiated.");
                AllExperiments = new List <Experiment>( );
                UpdateFilter( );

            // Temporary experiment list
            var exps = new List <Experiment>( );

/*foreach( var P in PartLoader.Instance.parts )
 * {
 *      var Modules = P.partPrefab.FindModulesImplementing<ModuleScienceExperiment>( );
 *      if( Modules.Count > 0 )
 *      {
 *              foreach( var M in Modules )
 *              {
 *                      _logger.Debug( "PART " + P.name + " HAS EXPERIMENT " + M.experimentID );
 *              }
 *      }
 * }*/
            // Find all experiments - These should be in an object
            var experiments = PartLoader.Instance.parts
                              .SelectMany(x => x.partPrefab.FindModulesImplementing <ModuleScienceExperiment>( ))
                              .Select(x => new {
                Module     = x,
                Experiment = ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperiment(x.experimentID),
                              .Where(x => x.Experiment != null)
                              .GroupBy(x => x.Experiment)
                              .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.First( ).Module);


/*			_logger.Debug( "Found " + experiments.Count + " experimnents" );
 *                      foreach( var XX in experiments )
 *                      {
 *                              if( XX.Value != null )
 *                                      _logger.Debug( "EXPERIMENT " + XX.Key.experimentTitle );
 *                      }*/

            // Find all celestial bodies
            var bodies = new AllBodies( );

            // Find all situations
            var situations = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ExperimentSituations)).Cast <ExperimentSituations>( );

            // Find the KSC baby biomes /* MOVE THIS ELSE WHERE */
            _kscBiomes = new List <string>( );
            _kscBiomes = _kscBiomes.Any() ? _kscBiomes : UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType <Collider>( )
                         .Where(x => x.gameObject.layer == 15)
                         .Select(x => x.gameObject.tag)
                         .Where(x => x != "Untagged")
                         .Where(x => !x.Contains("KSC_Runway_Light"))
                         .Where(x => !x.Contains("KSC_Pad_Flag_Pole"))
                         .Where(x => !x.Contains("Ladder"))
                         .Select(x => Vessel.GetLandedAtString(x))
                         .Select(x => x.Replace(" ", ""))

            // Unlocked experiment list - Maybe merge with "var experiments" above
            AvailableExperiments.Clear( );

            // Grab the list of science experiments
            var SciDict = GetScienceSubjects( );

            // Find the science stored in vessels
            var onboardScience = GameHelper.GetOnboardScience(Config.CheckDebris);

            // We need the level of the RnD facility in career mode
            float RnDLevel = ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities.GetFacilityLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.ResearchAndDevelopment);

            // Loop around all experiments
            foreach (var experiment in experiments.Keys)
                // Examine each experiment in turn
                if (experiment.requiredExperimentLevel > RnDLevel)
                    continue;                                     // Need to upgrade the RnD facility in career mode.
                var sitMask   = experiment.situationMask;
                var biomeMask = experiment.biomeMask;

                // OrbitalScience support
                if (sitMask == 0 && experiments[experiment] != null)
                    var sitMaskField = experiments[experiment].GetType( ).GetField("sitMask");
                    if (sitMaskField != null)
                        sitMask = (uint)(int)sitMaskField.GetValue(experiments[experiment]);
                        _logger.Debug("Setting sitMask to " + sitMask + " for " + experiment.experimentTitle);

                    if (biomeMask == 0)
                        var biomeMaskField = experiments[experiment].GetType( ).GetField("bioMask");
                        if (biomeMaskField != null)
                            biomeMask = (uint)(int)biomeMaskField.GetValue(experiments[experiment]);
                            _logger.Debug("Setting biomeMask to " + biomeMask + " for " + experiment.experimentTitle);

                // Check this experiment in all biomes on all bodies
                foreach (var b in bodies.List)
                    var body = b.Value;
                    if (experiment.requireAtmosphere && !body.HasAtmosphere)
                        continue;                                         // If the whole planet doesn't have an atmosphere, then there's not much point continuing.
                    foreach (var situation in situations)
                        if (situation == ExperimentSituations.SrfSplashed && !body.HasOcean)
                            continue;                                             // Some planets don't have an ocean for us to be splashed down in.
                        if (situation == ExperimentSituations.SrfLanded && !body.HasSurface)
                            continue;                                             // Jool and the Sun don't have a surface.
                        if ((situation == ExperimentSituations.FlyingHigh || situation == ExperimentSituations.FlyingLow) && !body.HasAtmosphere)
                            continue;                                             // Some planets don't have an atmosphere for us to fly in.
                        if ((sitMask & (uint)situation) == 0)
                            continue;                                             // This experiment isn't valid for our current situation.
                        if (body.Biomes.Any( ) && (biomeMask & (uint)situation) != 0)
                            foreach (var biome in body.Biomes)
                                exps.Add(new Experiment(experiment, new Situation(body.CelestialBody, situation, biome), onboardScience, SciDict, AvailableExperiments));

                            /* MOVE THIS OUT OF THE LOOP - HANDLE IT SEPERATLY */
                            // Can't really avoid magic constants here - Kerbin and Shores
                            if ((body.Name == "Kerbin") && situation == ExperimentSituations.SrfLanded)
                                foreach (var kscBiome in _kscBiomes)                                                  // Ew.
                                    exps.Add(new Experiment(experiment, new Situation(body.CelestialBody, situation, "Shores", kscBiome), onboardScience, SciDict, AvailableExperiments));
                            exps.Add(new Experiment(experiment, new Situation(body.CelestialBody, situation), onboardScience, SciDict, AvailableExperiments));

            // Done replace the old list with the new one
            AllExperiments = exps;

            // We need to redo the filter
            UpdateFilter( );

            var Elapsed = DateTime.Now - StartTime;

            _logger.Trace("RefreshExperimentCache Done - " + Elapsed.ToString( ) + "ms");