// Check if times overlap any existing appointments
        public static bool checkForOverlap(DateTime start, DateTime end)
            // Bool returned to show if overlap exists
            bool overlap = false;
            // Create DataTable containing appointments
            DataTable appointments = DataInterface.getAppointments(DataInterface.getCurrentUserName());

            // Iterate through DataTable
            foreach (DataRow row in appointments.Rows)
                // Obtain start and end times
                DateTime appointmentStart = DateTime.Parse(row["start"].ToString()).ToLocalTime();
                DateTime appointmentEnd   = DateTime.Parse(row["end"].ToString()).ToLocalTime();
                // Lambda expression to check if provided time is within start and end times of appointment being evaluated
                overlaps = (time) => { return(time <= appointmentEnd && time >= appointmentStart); };

                // Use lambda to check if the provided start and end times in the form overlap appointment being evaluated
                if (overlaps(start) || overlaps(end))
                    // if either start or end are within an existing appointment, set overlap to true to indicate overlap
                    overlap = true;

            // return state of overlap -- true indicates overlap, false indicates no overlap
        // Obtain data and append text into TextBox
        private void generateReport()
            // Obtain datatable from getAppointments
            DataTable appointments = DataInterface.getAppointments();
            // Create DataView to query
            DataView view = new DataView(appointments);
            // Create new distinct DataTable for customers
            DataTable customers = view.ToTable(true, "customerId");

            // Iterate through customers
            foreach (DataRow customer in customers.Rows)
                // Add Customer ID to textbox
                reportTextBox.AppendText($"Customer ID: {customer["customerId"].ToString()}\n\n");
                // Create array of DataRows for appointments associated with customer
                DataRow[] appointmentArray = appointments.Select($"customerId = '{customer["customerId"].ToString()}'");
                // Iterate through appointments
                foreach (DataRow row in appointmentArray)
                    // Append data for each appointment to TextBox
                    reportTextBox.AppendText($"    ID: {row["appointmentId"]}");
                    reportTextBox.AppendText($"    Title: {row["title"]}");
                    reportTextBox.AppendText($"    Start: {row["start"]}");
                    reportTextBox.AppendText($"    End: {row["end"]}\n\n");
Beispiel #3
        // Obtain and populate textbox with data
        private void generateReport()
            // Obtain DataTable returned by getAppointments()
            DataTable appointments = DataInterface.getAppointments();
            // Create view to query
            DataView view = new DataView(appointments);
            // Create distinct table of consultants
            DataTable consultants = view.ToTable(true, "createdBy");

            // Iterate through consultants
            foreach (DataRow consultant in consultants.Rows)
                // Add Consultant Name to text box
                reportTextBox.AppendText($"Consultant: {consultant["createdBy"].ToString()}\n\n");

                // Create array of DataRows containing appointments for consultant being iterated
                DataRow[] appointmentArray = appointments.Select($"createdBy = '{consultant["createdBy"].ToString()}'");
                // Iterate through appointments associated with this consultant
                foreach (DataRow row in appointmentArray)
                    // Append text detailing information about appointments
                    reportTextBox.AppendText($"    ID: {row["appointmentId"]}");
                    reportTextBox.AppendText($"    Title: {row["title"]}");
                    reportTextBox.AppendText($"    CustomerID: {row["customerId"]}");
                    reportTextBox.AppendText($"    Start: {row["start"]}");
                    reportTextBox.AppendText($"    End: {row["end"]}\n\n");