public string[] getMonthSchedule()
            MonthDays month = new MonthDays();

            string[] monthsWeekDays = month.getNextMonthDays();
            string[] schedule       = new string[monthsWeekDays.Length];

            int i = 0;

            foreach (var day in monthsWeekDays)
                if (DateSystem.IsPublicHoliday(new DateTime(month.nextMonth.Year, month.nextMonth.Month, i + 1), CountryCode.LT))
                    schedule[i] = "S";
                    switch (day)
                    case "Monday":
                        schedule[i] = WorkingHours.Monday;

                    case "Tuesday":
                        schedule[i] = WorkingHours.Tuesday;

                    case "Wednesday":
                        schedule[i] = WorkingHours.Wednesday;

                    case "Thursday":
                        schedule[i] = WorkingHours.Thursday;

                    case "Friday":
                        schedule[i] = WorkingHours.Friday;

                        schedule[i] = "P";
        public string MonthNameInLT()
            MonthDays month = new MonthDays();

            string[] namesInLT = new string[]
            return(namesInLT[month.nextMonth.Month - 1]);
        public void generateWord()
            EmployeesList employeesList = new EmployeesList();
            MonthDays     month         = new MonthDays();

            string[] monthsWeekDays = month.getNextMonthDays();

            //---Creates a document and sets orientation to landscape---//
            var wordApp = new _Word.Application();

            wordApp.Visible = false;

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            //-------------------Adding header text in page one-------------------------//

            _Word.Paragraph text1;

            text1                 = oDoc.Content.Paragraphs.Add();
            text1.Range.Text      = "UAB G. " + employeesList.Employees[0].Name.Substring(7) + "s odontologijos klinika \t\t\t\tTvirtinu: G. " + employeesList.Employees[0].Name.Substring(7);
            text1.Range.Font.Bold = 1;
            text1.Range.Font.Size = 14;
            text1.Range.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";

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            _Word.Paragraph text2;

            text2                   = oDoc.Content.Paragraphs.Add();
            text2.Range.Text        = "\t\t\t Darbo grafikas Nr. " + month.nextMonth.Month + "\t\t\t\t" + DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
            text2.Range.Font.Bold   = 0;
            text2.Format.SpaceAfter = 1;

            _Word.Paragraph text3;

            text3                   = oDoc.Content.Paragraphs.Add();
            text3.Range.Text        = "\t\t\t " + month.nextMonth.Year + "m. " + MonthNameInLT() + " men.";
            text3.Range.Font.Size   = 12;
            text3.Format.SpaceAfter = 6;


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            object end   = oDoc.Content.End;

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            Table table1;

            table1 = oDoc.Tables.Add(rng, employeesList.Employees.Count + 1, 20);

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            end   = oDoc.Content.End;
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            Table table2;

            table2 = oDoc.Tables.Add(rng, employeesList.Employees.Count + 1, monthsWeekDays.Length - 12);

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            //---------------------Adding text after table in page two------------//

            _Word.Paragraph text4;

            text4                    = oDoc.Content.Paragraphs.Add();
            text4.Range.Text         = "Suderinta: darbuotoju atstove " + employeesList.Employees[5].Name;
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            text4.Format.SpaceBefore = 24;
            text4.Format.SpaceAfter  = 6;

            _Word.Paragraph text5;

            text5                    = oDoc.Content.Paragraphs.Add();
            text5.Range.Text         = "Sudare: " + employeesList.Employees[0].Position.ToLower() + " " + employeesList.Employees[0].Name;
            text5.Range.Font.Size    = 12;
            text5.Format.SpaceBefore = 0;
            text5.Format.SpaceAfter  = 6;

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                table1.Columns[i].PreferredWidth = wordApp.CentimetersToPoints(1.15f);

            table1.Rows[1].Height = wordApp.CentimetersToPoints(1.8f);
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            table2.Columns[4].PreferredWidth = wordApp.CentimetersToPoints(1.6f);
            for (int i = 5; i <= monthsWeekDays.Length - 12; i++)
                table2.Columns[i].PreferredWidth = wordApp.CentimetersToPoints(1.15f);

            table2.Rows[1].Height = wordApp.CentimetersToPoints(1.8f);
            for (int i = 2; i <= employeesList.Employees.Count + 1; i++)
                table2.Rows[i].Height = wordApp.CentimetersToPoints(1.15f);

            table2.Range.Font.Size = 10;

            //-----------------Populates the table----------------------------//

            //----------------First page------------------------------//

            //--------Default values-------------------//
            table1.Cell(1, 1).Range.Text = "Eil. Nr.";
            table2.Cell(1, 1).Range.Text = "Eil. Nr.";
            table1.Cell(1, 2).Range.Text = "Vardas, Pavarde";
            table2.Cell(1, 2).Range.Text = "Vardas, Pavarde";
            table1.Cell(1, 3).Range.Text = "Pareigos";
            table2.Cell(1, 3).Range.Text = "Pareigos";
            table1.Cell(1, 4).Range.Text = "Nustat. Darbo val. sk.";
            table2.Cell(1, 4).Range.Text = "Nustat. Darbo val. sk.";
            int d = 5;

            foreach (var day in monthsWeekDays)
                if (d < 21)
                    table1.Cell(1, d).Range.Text = (d - 4).ToString();
                    table2.Cell(1, d - 16).Range.Text = (d - 4).ToString();

            //------------Data from EmployeesList-----------------//
            int row = 2;

            foreach (var employee in employeesList.Employees)
                table1.Cell(row, 1).Range.Text      = (row - 1).ToString();
                table1.Cell(row, 2).Range.Text      = employee.Name;
                table1.Cell(row, 3).Range.Text      = employee.Position;
                table1.Cell(row, 4).Range.Text      = employee.SetHours;
                table1.Cell(row, 4).Range.Font.Size = 8;
                table2.Cell(row, 1).Range.Text      = (row - 1).ToString();
                table2.Cell(row, 2).Range.Text      = employee.Name;
                table2.Cell(row, 3).Range.Text      = employee.Position;
                table2.Cell(row, 4).Range.Text      = employee.SetHours;
                table2.Cell(row, 4).Range.Font.Size = 8;
                string[] employeeSchedule = employee.getMonthSchedule();
                int      col = 5;
                foreach (var dayHours in employeeSchedule)
                    if (col <= 20)
                        table1.Cell(row, col).Range.Text = dayHours;
                        table2.Cell(row, col - 16).Range.Text = dayHours;

            //----------------Saves the document and opens it-----------------//
            wordApp.ActiveDocument.SaveAs2("Grafikas_" + MonthNameInLT());
            wordApp.Visible = true;
            oDoc.ActiveWindow.View.ShowParagraphs = false;