Beispiel #1

        /// <summary>
        /// This is used to get information from token, content layout, and site map files open in editors
        /// so that current information is displayed for them in the entity references control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender of the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">The event arguments</param>
        private void ucEntityReferences_FileContentNeeded(object sender, FileContentNeededEventArgs e)
            ContentLayoutWindow contentLayoutWindow;
            SiteMapEditorWindow siteMapEditorWindow;
            TokenEditorWindow tokenEditorWindow;

            foreach(IDockContent content in this.DockPanel.Documents)
                contentLayoutWindow = content as ContentLayoutWindow;

                if(contentLayoutWindow != null)
                    e.ContentLayoutFiles.Add(contentLayoutWindow.Filename, contentLayoutWindow.Topics);
                    siteMapEditorWindow = content as SiteMapEditorWindow;

                    if(siteMapEditorWindow != null)
                        e.SiteMapFiles.Add(siteMapEditorWindow.Filename, siteMapEditorWindow.Topics);
                        tokenEditorWindow = content as TokenEditorWindow;

                        if(tokenEditorWindow != null)
                            e.TokenFiles.Add(tokenEditorWindow.Filename, tokenEditorWindow.Tokens);

        /// <summary>
        /// This loads the tree view with table of contents file entries from the project
        /// </summary>
        private List<EntityReference> LoadTableOfContentsInfo()
            List<ITableOfContents> tocFiles;
            TopicCollection contentLayout;
            TocEntryCollection siteMap, mergedToc;
            EntityReference er;
            bool hasSelectedItem = false;

            if(tableOfContents != null)
                return tableOfContents;

            tableOfContents = new List<EntityReference>();

            // Get content from open file editors
            var args = new FileContentNeededEventArgs(FileContentNeededEvent, this);

                tocFiles = new List<ITableOfContents>();

                // Load all content layout files and add them to the list
                foreach(var contentFile in currentProject.ContentFiles(BuildAction.ContentLayout))
                    // If open in an editor, use the edited values
                    if(!args.ContentLayoutFiles.TryGetValue(contentFile.FullPath, out contentLayout))
                        contentLayout = new TopicCollection(contentFile);


                // Load all site maps and add them to the list
                foreach(var contentFile in currentProject.ContentFiles(BuildAction.SiteMap))
                    // If open in an editor, use the edited values
                    if(!args.SiteMapFiles.TryGetValue(contentFile.FullPath, out siteMap))
                        siteMap = new TocEntryCollection(contentFile);


                tocFiles.Sort((x, y) =>
                    ContentFile fx = x.ContentLayoutFile, fy = y.ContentLayoutFile;

                    if(fx.SortOrder < fy.SortOrder)
                        return -1;

                    if(fx.SortOrder > fy.SortOrder)
                        return 1;

                    return String.Compare(fx.Filename, fy.Filename, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                // Create the merged TOC.  For the purpose of adding links, we'll include everything even topics
                // marked as invisible.
                mergedToc = new TocEntryCollection();

                foreach(ITableOfContents file in tocFiles)
                    file.GenerateTableOfContents(mergedToc, true);

                // Convert the TOC info to entity references
                foreach(var t in mergedToc)
                    er = new EntityReference
                        EntityType = EntityType.TocEntry,
                        Id = t.Id,
                        Label = (t.Title ?? t.Id ?? "(No title)"),
                        ToolTip = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "ID: {0}\nFile: {1}",
                            (t.Id ?? t.Title ?? "(No ID)"), t.SourceFile),
                        Tag = t,
                        IsExpanded = t.IsExpanded,
                        IsSelected = (t.IsSelected && !hasSelectedItem)

                    // Only use the first selected item
                        hasSelectedItem = true;


                    if(t.Children.Count != 0)
                        hasSelectedItem = this.AddChildTocEntries(t, er, hasSelectedItem);
            catch(Exception ex)
                tableOfContents.Add(new EntityReference
                    EntityType = EntityType.File,
                    Label = "Unable to load TOC info: " + ex.Message,
                    ToolTip = "Error"

            if(!hasSelectedItem && tableOfContents.Count != 0)
                tableOfContents[0].IsSelected = true;

            return tableOfContents;
        /// <summary>
        /// This loads the tree view with table of contents file entries from the project
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Token information is also loaded here and passed on to the converter.</remarks>
        private void LoadTableOfContentsInfo()
            List<ITableOfContents> tocFiles;
            TopicCollection contentLayout;
            TokenCollection tokens;

            tvContent.ItemsSource = null;
            tableOfContents = null;
            lblCurrentProject.Text = null;
            historyLocation = -1;

            if(currentProject == null)
                lblCurrentProject.Text = "None - Select a help file builder project in the Solution Explorer";

            // Make sure the base path is set for imported code blocks

            // Get content from open file editors
            var args = new FileContentNeededEventArgs(FileContentNeededEvent, this);

            lblCurrentProject.Text = currentProject.Filename;
            historyLocation = -1;
            tableOfContents = new TocEntryCollection();


                // Get the image files.  This information is used to resolve media link elements in the
                // topic files.
                foreach(var file in currentProject.ImagesReferences)
                    converter.MediaFiles[file.Id] = new KeyValuePair<string, string>(file.FullPath, file.AlternateText);
            catch(Exception ex)
                tableOfContents.Add(new TocEntry(currentProject)
                    Title = "ERROR: Unable to load media info: " + ex.Message


                // Get the token files.  This information is used to resolve token elements in the topic files.
                foreach(var file in currentProject.ContentFiles(BuildAction.Tokens).OrderBy(f => f.LinkPath))
                    // If open in an editor, use the edited values
                    if(!args.TokenFiles.TryGetValue(file.FullPath, out tokens))
                        tokens = new TokenCollection(file.FullPath);

                    // Store the tokens as XElements so that they can be parsed inline with the topic
                    foreach(var t in tokens)
                        converter.Tokens.Add(t.TokenName, XElement.Parse("<token>" + t.TokenValue +
            catch(Exception ex)
                tableOfContents.Add(new TocEntry(currentProject)
                    Title = "ERROR: Unable to load token info: " + ex.Message


                // Load the content layout files.  Site maps are ignored as we don't support rendering them.
                tocFiles = new List<ITableOfContents>();

                foreach(var contentFile in currentProject.ContentFiles(BuildAction.ContentLayout))
                    // If open in an editor, use the edited values
                    if(!args.ContentLayoutFiles.TryGetValue(contentFile.FullPath, out contentLayout))
                        contentLayout = new TopicCollection(contentFile);


                tocFiles.Sort((x, y) =>
                    ContentFile fx = x.ContentLayoutFile, fy = y.ContentLayoutFile;

                    if(fx.SortOrder < fy.SortOrder)
                        return -1;

                    if(fx.SortOrder > fy.SortOrder)
                        return 1;

                    return String.Compare(fx.Filename, fy.Filename, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                // Create the merged TOC.  For the purpose of adding links, we'll include everything even topics
                // marked as invisible.
                foreach(ITableOfContents file in tocFiles)
                    file.GenerateTableOfContents(tableOfContents, true);

                // Pass the topic IDs and titles on to the converter for use in hyperlinks
                foreach(var t in tableOfContents.All())
                        converter.TopicTitles[t.Id] = t.LinkText;
            catch(Exception ex)
                tableOfContents.Add(new TocEntry(currentProject)
                    Title = "ERROR: Unable to load TOC info: " + ex.Message

            if(tableOfContents.Count != 0)
                foreach(var t in tableOfContents.All())
                    t.IsSelected = false;

                tableOfContents[0].IsSelected = true;

            tvContent.ItemsSource = tableOfContents;

        /// <summary>
        /// This loads the tree view with token file entries from the project
        /// </summary>
        private List<EntityReference> LoadTokenInfo()
            EntityReference tokenFileEntity = null;
            TokenCollection tokenColl;

            if(tokens != null)
                return tokens;

            tokens = new List<EntityReference>();

            // Get content from open file editors
            var args = new FileContentNeededEventArgs(FileContentNeededEvent, this);

            foreach(var tokenFile in currentProject.ContentFiles(BuildAction.Tokens).OrderBy(f => f.LinkPath))
                        tokenFileEntity = new EntityReference
                            EntityType = EntityType.File,
                            Id = tokenFile.FullPath,
                            Label = Path.GetFileName(tokenFile.FullPath),
                            ToolTip = tokenFile.FullPath


                        // If open in an editor, use the edited values
                        if(!args.TokenFiles.TryGetValue(tokenFile.FullPath, out tokenColl))
                            tokenColl = new TokenCollection(tokenFile.FullPath);

                        foreach(Token t in tokenColl)
                            tokenFileEntity.SubEntities.Add(new EntityReference
                                EntityType = EntityType.Token,
                                Id = t.TokenName,
                                Label = t.TokenName,
                                ToolTip = t.TokenName,
                                Tag = t

                    tokenFileEntity = null;
                catch(Exception ex)
                    if(tokenFileEntity == null)
                        tokens.Add(new EntityReference
                            EntityType = EntityType.File,
                            Label = "Unable to load file '" + tokenFile.FullPath +
                                "'.  Reason: " + ex.Message,
                            ToolTip = "Error"
                        tokens.Add(new EntityReference
                            EntityType = EntityType.File,
                            Label = "Unable to load file: " + ex.Message,
                            ToolTip = "Error"

            if(tokens.Count != 0)
                tokens[0].IsSelected = true;

                if(tokens[0].SubEntities.Count != 0)
                    tokens[0].IsExpanded = true;

            return tokens;

        /// <summary>
        /// This loads the tree view with table of contents file entries from the project
        /// </summary>
        private List <EntityReference> LoadTableOfContentsInfo()
            List <ITableOfContents> tocFiles;
            TopicCollection         contentLayout;
            TocEntryCollection      siteMap, mergedToc;
            EntityReference         er;
            bool hasSelectedItem = false;

            if (tableOfContents != null)

            tableOfContents = new List <EntityReference>();

            // Get content from open file editors
            var args = new FileContentNeededEventArgs(FileContentNeededEvent, this);


                tocFiles = new List <ITableOfContents>();

                // Load all content layout files and add them to the list
                foreach (var contentFile in currentProject.ContentFiles(BuildAction.ContentLayout))
                    // If open in an editor, use the edited values
                    if (!args.ContentLayoutFiles.TryGetValue(contentFile.FullPath, out contentLayout))
                        contentLayout = new TopicCollection(contentFile);


                // Load all site maps and add them to the list
                foreach (var contentFile in currentProject.ContentFiles(BuildAction.SiteMap))
                    // If open in an editor, use the edited values
                    if (!args.SiteMapFiles.TryGetValue(contentFile.FullPath, out siteMap))
                        siteMap = new TocEntryCollection(contentFile);


                tocFiles.Sort((x, y) =>
                    ContentFile fx = x.ContentLayoutFile, fy = y.ContentLayoutFile;

                    if (fx.SortOrder < fy.SortOrder)

                    if (fx.SortOrder > fy.SortOrder)

                    return(String.Compare(fx.Filename, fy.Filename, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                // Create the merged TOC.  For the purpose of adding links, we'll include everything even topics
                // marked as invisible.
                mergedToc = new TocEntryCollection();

                foreach (ITableOfContents file in tocFiles)
                    file.GenerateTableOfContents(mergedToc, true);

                // Convert the TOC info to entity references
                foreach (var t in mergedToc)
                    er = new EntityReference
                        EntityType = EntityType.TocEntry,
                        Id         = t.Id,
                        Label      = (t.Title ?? t.Id ?? "(No title)"),
                        ToolTip    = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "ID: {0}\nFile: {1}",
                                                   (t.Id ?? t.Title ?? "(No ID)"), t.SourceFile),
                        Tag        = t,
                        IsExpanded = t.IsExpanded,
                        IsSelected = (t.IsSelected && !hasSelectedItem)

                    // Only use the first selected item
                    if (er.IsSelected)
                        hasSelectedItem = true;


                    if (t.Children.Count != 0)
                        hasSelectedItem = this.AddChildTocEntries(t, er, hasSelectedItem);
            catch (Exception ex)
                tableOfContents.Add(new EntityReference
                    EntityType = EntityType.File,
                    Label      = "Unable to load TOC info: " + ex.Message,
                    ToolTip    = "Error"

            if (!hasSelectedItem && tableOfContents.Count != 0)
                tableOfContents[0].IsSelected = true;


        /// <summary>
        /// This loads the tree view with token file entries from the project
        /// </summary>
        private List <EntityReference> LoadTokenInfo()
            EntityReference tokenFileEntity = null;
            TokenCollection tokenColl;

            if (tokens != null)

            tokens = new List <EntityReference>();

            // Get content from open file editors
            var args = new FileContentNeededEventArgs(FileContentNeededEvent, this);


            foreach (var tokenFile in currentProject.ContentFiles(BuildAction.Tokens).OrderBy(f => f.LinkPath))
                    if (File.Exists(tokenFile.FullPath))
                        tokenFileEntity = new EntityReference
                            EntityType = EntityType.File,
                            Id         = tokenFile.FullPath,
                            Label      = Path.GetFileName(tokenFile.FullPath),
                            ToolTip    = tokenFile.FullPath


                        // If open in an editor, use the edited values
                        if (!args.TokenFiles.TryGetValue(tokenFile.FullPath, out tokenColl))
                            tokenColl = new TokenCollection(tokenFile.FullPath);

                        foreach (Token t in tokenColl)
                            tokenFileEntity.SubEntities.Add(new EntityReference
                                EntityType = EntityType.Token,
                                Id         = t.TokenName,
                                Label      = t.TokenName,
                                ToolTip    = t.TokenName,
                                Tag        = t

                    tokenFileEntity = null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (tokenFileEntity == null)
                        tokens.Add(new EntityReference
                            EntityType = EntityType.File,
                            Label      = "Unable to load file '" + tokenFile.FullPath +
                                         "'.  Reason: " + ex.Message,
                            ToolTip = "Error"
                        tokens.Add(new EntityReference
                            EntityType = EntityType.File,
                            Label      = "Unable to load file: " + ex.Message,
                            ToolTip    = "Error"

            if (tokens.Count != 0)
                tokens[0].IsSelected = true;

                if (tokens[0].SubEntities.Count != 0)
                    tokens[0].IsExpanded = true;

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This loads the tree view with table of contents file entries from the project
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Token information is also loaded here and passed on to the converter.</remarks>
        private void LoadTableOfContentsInfo()
            FileItemCollection      imageFiles, tokenFiles, contentLayoutFiles;
            List <ITableOfContents> tocFiles;
            TopicCollection         contentLayout;
            TokenCollection         tokens;

            tvContent.ItemsSource  = null;
            tableOfContents        = null;
            lblCurrentProject.Text = null;
            historyLocation = -1;

            if (currentProject == null)
                lblCurrentProject.Text = "None - Select a help file builder project in the Solution Explorer";

            // Make sure the base path is set for imported code blocks

            // Get content from open file editors
            var args = new FileContentNeededEventArgs(FileContentNeededEvent, this);


            lblCurrentProject.Text = currentProject.Filename;
            historyLocation = -1;
            tableOfContents = new TocEntryCollection();


                // Get the image files.  This information is used to resolve media link elements in the
                // topic files.
                imageFiles = new FileItemCollection(currentProject, BuildAction.Image);

                foreach (FileItem file in imageFiles)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(file.ImageId))
                        converter.MediaFiles[file.ImageId] = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(file.FullPath,
            catch (Exception ex)
                tableOfContents.Add(new TocEntry(currentProject)
                    Title = "ERROR: Unable to load media info: " + ex.Message


                // Get the token files.  This information is used to resolve token elements in the
                // topic files.
                tokenFiles = new FileItemCollection(currentProject, BuildAction.Tokens);

                foreach (FileItem file in tokenFiles)
                    // If open in an editor, use the edited values
                    if (!args.TokenFiles.TryGetValue(file.FullPath, out tokens))
                        tokens = new TokenCollection(file.FullPath);

                    // Store the tokens as XElements so that they can be parsed inline with the topic
                    foreach (var t in tokens)
                        converter.Tokens.Add(t.TokenName, XElement.Parse("<token>" + t.TokenValue +
            catch (Exception ex)
                tableOfContents.Add(new TocEntry(currentProject)
                    Title = "ERROR: Unable to load token info: " + ex.Message


                // Get the content layout files.  Site maps are ignored.  We don't support rendering them.
                contentLayoutFiles = new FileItemCollection(currentProject, BuildAction.ContentLayout);
                tocFiles           = new List <ITableOfContents>();

                // Add the conceptual content layout files
                foreach (FileItem file in contentLayoutFiles)
                    // If open in an editor, use the edited values
                    if (!args.ContentLayoutFiles.TryGetValue(file.FullPath, out contentLayout))
                        contentLayout = new TopicCollection(file);


                // Sort the files
                tocFiles.Sort((x, y) =>
                    FileItem fx = x.ContentLayoutFile, fy = y.ContentLayoutFile;

                    if (fx.SortOrder < fy.SortOrder)

                    if (fx.SortOrder > fy.SortOrder)

                    return(String.Compare(fx.Name, fy.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                // Create the merged TOC.  For the purpose of adding links, we'll include everything
                // even topics marked as invisible.
                foreach (ITableOfContents file in tocFiles)
                    file.GenerateTableOfContents(tableOfContents, currentProject, true);

                // Pass the topic IDs and titles on to the converter for use in hyperlinks
                foreach (var t in tableOfContents.All())
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Id))
                        converter.TopicTitles[t.Id] = t.LinkText;
            catch (Exception ex)
                tableOfContents.Add(new TocEntry(currentProject)
                    Title = "ERROR: Unable to load TOC info: " + ex.Message

            if (tableOfContents.Count != 0)
                foreach (var t in tableOfContents.All())
                    t.IsSelected = false;

                tableOfContents[0].IsSelected = true;

            tvContent.ItemsSource = tableOfContents;

        /// <summary>
        /// This is used to get information from token and content layout files open in editors so that current
        /// information is displayed for them in the topic previewer control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender of the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">The event arguments</param>
        private void ucTopicPreviewer_FileContentNeeded(object sender, FileContentNeededEventArgs e)
            IVsUIShell uiShell = Utility.GetServiceFromPackage<IVsUIShell, SVsUIShell>(true);
            IEnumWindowFrames enumFrames;
            IVsWindowFrame[] frames = new IVsWindowFrame[1];
            object docView;
            uint frameCount;
            ContentLayoutEditorPane contentLayoutPane;
            TokenEditorPane tokenFilePane;

            if(uiShell.GetDocumentWindowEnum(out enumFrames) == VSConstants.S_OK)
                while(enumFrames.Next(1, frames, out frameCount) == VSConstants.S_OK && frameCount == 1)
                    if(frames[0].GetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_DocView, out docView) == VSConstants.S_OK)
                        contentLayoutPane = docView as ContentLayoutEditorPane;

                        if(contentLayoutPane != null)
                            e.ContentLayoutFiles.Add(contentLayoutPane.Filename, contentLayoutPane.Topics);
                            tokenFilePane = docView as TokenEditorPane;

                            if(tokenFilePane != null)
                                e.TokenFiles.Add(tokenFilePane.Filename, tokenFilePane.Tokens);
Beispiel #9

        /// <summary>
        /// This is used to get information from token and content layoutfiles open in editors
        /// so that current information is displayed for them in the topic previewer control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender of the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">The event arguments</param>
        /// <remarks>Site maps are ignored as they aren't supported by the topic previewer</remarks>
        private void ucTopicPreviewer_FileContentNeeded(object sender, FileContentNeededEventArgs e)
            ContentLayoutWindow contentLayoutWindow;
            TokenEditorWindow tokenEditorWindow;

            foreach(IDockContent content in this.DockPanel.Documents)
                contentLayoutWindow = content as ContentLayoutWindow;

                if(contentLayoutWindow != null)
                    e.ContentLayoutFiles.Add(contentLayoutWindow.Filename, contentLayoutWindow.Topics);
                    tokenEditorWindow = content as TokenEditorWindow;

                    if(tokenEditorWindow != null)
                        e.TokenFiles.Add(tokenEditorWindow.Filename, tokenEditorWindow.Tokens);