Beispiel #1
 static void printDecodedMessage(Decoded message)
         Console.WriteLine("\tType is " + message["messagetype"]);
         foreach (string key in message["decodedmessage"].Keys)
             Console.WriteLine('\t' + key + " -> " + message["decodedmessage"][key]);
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Parses a mesage sent by the Receiver -- for example, a detection or status message. Enqueues the decoded message.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="unparsedMessage">The unparsed message event generated by the Receiver class.</param>
 public void Decode(UnparsedMessage unparsedMessage)
     Dictionary<String, String> payload = new Dictionary<String, String>();
     string message = unparsedMessage["unparsedmessage"];
     dynamic config = unparsedMessage["configuration"];
     string messageType  = getMessageType(message, config);
     if (messageType == "unknown")
     Match matches;
     foreach(string word in config.decoder.sentences[messageType].word_order)
         String wordRegex = ((String)config.decoder.words[word]);
         matches = Regex.Match(message, wordRegex);
         if (matches.Success)
             payload.Add(word, matches.Groups[1].ToString());
             payload.Add(word, "NULL");
     Decoded d = new Decoded(payload, unparsedMessage, message, messageType);
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Makes an insertion into the receiver_status table of the databse for a status event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="status">The RealTimeEvent object containing all necessary information from the status event.</param>
 /// <returns>The number of rows affected by the insertion.</returns>
 private int statusInsert(Decoded status)
     string receiver_model_id = status["model"] + '-' + status["serialnumber"];
     string date = status["decodedmessage"]["date"];
     string time = status["decodedmessage"]["time"];
     string dc = status["decodedmessage"]["dc"];
     string pc = status["decodedmessage"]["pc"];
     string lv = status["decodedmessage"]["lv"];
     string bv = status["decodedmessage"]["bv"];
     string bu = status["decodedmessage"]["bu"];
     string i = status["decodedmessage"]["i"];
     string t = status["decodedmessage"]["t"];
     string du = status["decodedmessage"]["du"];
     string ru = status["decodedmessage"]["ru"];
     string xyz = status["decodedmessage"]["xyz"];
     if (xyz != "NULL")
         xyz = '\'' + xyz + '\'';
     string statement = "INSERT INTO receiver_status (id, date, time, detection_count, ping_count, line_voltage, battery_voltage, battery_used, current, temperature, detection_memory, raw_memory, xyz_orientation) VALUES ('" +
                 receiver_model_id + "', '" + date + "', '" + time + "', " + dc + ", " + pc + ", " + lv + ", " + bv + ", " + bu + ", " + i + ", " + t + ", " + du + ", " + ru + ", " + xyz + ");";
     int response = doInsert(statement);
     dispatcher.enqueueEvent(new DatabaseResponse(statement, response, status));
     return response;
Beispiel #4
 // We are no longer responsible for populating the receivers table in the database with new receivers.
 //private void receiverInsert(ReceiverSlice.RealTimeEvents.NewReceiver newReceiver)
 //    string statement = "INSERT INTO receivers (id) VALUES ('" + newReceiver["serialnumber"] + "');";
 //    int response = doInsert(statement);
 //    dispatcher.enqueueEvent(new Databases.RealTimeEvents.DatabaseResponse(statement, response, newReceiver));
 /// <summary>
 /// Makes an insertion into the vue table of the database for a detection event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="detection">The RealTimeEvent object containing all necessary information from the detection.</param>
 /// <returns>The number of rows affected by the insertion.</returns>
 private int detectionInsert(Decoded detection)
     string date = detection["decodedmessage"]["date"];
     string time = detection["decodedmessage"]["time"];
     string frequency_codespace = detection["decodedmessage"]["frequency_codespace"];
     string transmitter_id = detection["decodedmessage"]["transmitter_id"];
     string receiver_model_id = detection["model"] + '-' + detection["serialnumber"];
     string sensor_value = detection["decodedmessage"]["sensor_value"];
     string sensor_type = "NULL";
     string transmitter_codespace_id = frequency_codespace + '-' + transmitter_id;
     if (sensor_value != "NULL")
         if (sensor_calibrations.ContainsKey(transmitter_codespace_id))
             sensor_type = '\'' + sensor_calibrations[transmitter_codespace_id][0] + '\'';
             sensor_value = getCalibratedSensorValue(sensor_type, double.Parse(sensor_value), double.Parse(sensor_calibrations[transmitter_codespace_id][1]), double.Parse(sensor_calibrations[transmitter_codespace_id][2])).ToString();
             sensor_type = "'A2D'";
     string statement = "INSERT INTO vue (date, time, frequency_codespace, transmitter_id, sensor_value, sensor_unit, receivers_id) VALUES ('" +
             date + "', '" + time + "', '" + frequency_codespace + "', " + transmitter_id + ", " + sensor_value + ", " + sensor_type + ", '" + receiver_model_id + "');";
     int response = doInsert(statement);
     dispatcher.enqueueEvent(new DatabaseResponse(statement, response, detection));
     return response;