/// <summary>
 /// This is where we actually deal with the notification. The Growl client will call this method
 /// when a notification is received that is configured to use this display.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void HandleNotification(Notification notification, string displayName)
     // 1. create your notification window
     // 2. call SetNotification to set the title, description, image, etc
     // 3. set any other custom settings
     // 4. call this.Show(win) - NOTE: you should always call the display's Show method
     //    rather than calling win.Show() directly. this ensures that all necessary events
     //    for click callbacks and layout management.
     SampleVisualWindow win = new SampleVisualWindow();
     win.BackColor = GetColorFromSetting(SETTING_BGCOLOR, BGCOLOR);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is where we actually deal with the notification. The Growl client will call this method
        /// when a notification is received that is configured to use this display.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void HandleNotification(Notification notification, string displayName)
            // 1. create your notification window
            // 2. call SetNotification to set the title, description, image, etc
            // 3. set any other custom settings
            // 4. call this.Show(win) - NOTE: you should always call the display's Show method
            //    rather than calling win.Show() directly. this ensures that all necessary events
            //    for click callbacks and layout management.
            SampleVisualWindow win = new SampleVisualWindow();

            win.BackColor = GetColorFromSetting(SETTING_BGCOLOR, BGCOLOR);