protected void dataGrid_UpdateCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
        using (SamplePortal.Data.Templates templates = new SamplePortal.Data.Templates())
            string fileName    = ViewState["editf"].ToString();
            string title       = ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[3].Controls[0]).Text;
            string description = ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[4].Controls[0]).Text;

            templates.UpdateTemplate(fileName, title, description, null);
        dataGrid.EditItemIndex = -1;
    protected void btnContinue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        using (SamplePortal.Data.Templates templates = new SamplePortal.Data.Templates())
            foreach (UploadItem i in ConflictUploadItems)
                templates.UpdateTemplate(i);         // Overwrite the existing entry with the new one and delete the old package.
                SuccessfulUploadItems.Add(i);        // Add the item to the list of successfully uploaded packages.
            ConflictUploadItems.Clear();             // Remove all conflict items.

    protected void dataGrid_UpdateCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
        using (SamplePortal.Data.Templates templates = new SamplePortal.Data.Templates())
            string fileName = ViewState["editf"].ToString();
            string title = ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[3].Controls[0]).Text;
            string description = ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[4].Controls[0]).Text;

            templates.UpdateTemplate(fileName, title, description, null);
        dataGrid.EditItemIndex = -1;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Request.QueryString.HasKeys())
            string numTemplates = Request.QueryString["HD_NumberTemplates"];
            // Get the number of templates that remain to be uploaded.
            int.TryParse(numTemplates, out RemainingTemplates);

            // If this is the first time at the page, the number of remaining templates is the same as the total number of templates.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TotalTemplateCount.Value))
                TotalTemplateCount.Value = RemainingTemplates.ToString();
            TotalNumTemplates = int.Parse(TotalTemplateCount.Value);


        if (RemainingTemplates > 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < GridSize; i++)
                System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableRow tr = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableRow();
                System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell tc;

                // Template Title
                tc = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell();
                tc.Width = "30%";
                TextBox templateTitle = new TextBox();
                templateTitle.ID = string.Format("HD_Template_Title{0}", i.ToString());
                templateTitle.Rows = 3;
                templateTitle.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;

                // Template Description
                tc = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell();
                tc.Width = "70%";
                TextBox templateDescription = new TextBox();
                templateDescription.ID = string.Format("HD_Template_Description{0}", i.ToString());
                templateDescription.Rows = 3;
                templateDescription.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;

                // Hidden controls
                tc = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell();
                tc.Style.Add("display", "none");

                // The upload item type can be a template, a file, or a URL. This field is utilized by HotDocs 11 (and later). The
                // Upload plugin for HotDocs 10 does not set this field.
                HiddenField uploadItemType = new HiddenField();
                uploadItemType.ID = "HD_Template_UploadItemType" + i;

                // Main Template File Name
                HiddenField templateMain = new HiddenField();
                templateMain.ID = "HD_Template_FileName" + i;

                HiddenField libraryPath = new HiddenField();
                libraryPath.ID = "HD_Template_Library_Path" + i;

                HiddenField expirationDate = new HiddenField();
                expirationDate.ID = "HD_Template_Expiration_Date" + i;

                HiddenField expirationWarningDays = new HiddenField();
                expirationWarningDays.ID = "HD_Template_Warning_Days" + i;

                HiddenField expirationExtensionDays = new HiddenField();
                expirationExtensionDays.ID = "HD_Template_Extension_Days" + i;

                HiddenField commandLineSwitches = new HiddenField();
                commandLineSwitches.ID = "HD_Template_CommandLineSwitches" + i;

                // Template package file upload control
                FileUpload ulCtrl = new FileUpload();
                ulCtrl.ID = string.Format("HD_Upload{0}", i.ToString());

                // Template manifest file upload control
                FileUpload ulPackageManifestXML = new FileUpload();
                ulPackageManifestXML.ID = string.Format("HD_Package_Manifest{0}", i.ToString());



            if (GridSize > 1)
                submitBtn.Text = string.Format("Upload Templates {0}-{1} of {2}", (TotalNumTemplates - RemainingTemplates) + 1, GridSize, TotalNumTemplates);
                submitBtn.Text = string.Format("Upload Template {0} of {1}", (TotalNumTemplates - RemainingTemplates) + 1, TotalNumTemplates);

        if (Request.Files.Count > 0)
            int templateIndex = 0;
            int fileIndex = 0;
            while (fileIndex < Request.Files.Count)
                HttpPostedFile postedFile = Request.Files[fileIndex];

                if (postedFile.ContentLength > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(postedFile.FileName))
                    FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(postedFile.FileName);
                    if (finfo.Extension.ToLower() != ".xml")
                        string ext = Path.GetExtension(postedFile.FileName).ToLower();
                        string baseFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(postedFile.FileName);
                        // note: there are three possibilities here:
                        // 1) The fileName is a template package, formatted <guid>.pkg
                        // 2) The fileName is a url, formatted <guid>.url
                        // 3) The filename is a raw file, formatted with the a non-guid base file name and extension:
                        // Note: Here in this sample portal we ignore 2) and 3) because we are only concerned
                        // with uploading templates:
                        if (!IsGuid(baseFileName) || ext == ".url")
                        string packageID = baseFileName;
                        string packagePath = PackageCache.GetLocalPackagePath(packageID);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageID))
                            FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(packagePath);

                            UploadItem infoItem = new UploadItem
                                Title = Request.Form["HD_Template_Title" + templateIndex],
                                Description = Request.Form["HD_Template_Description" + templateIndex],
                                MainTemplateFileName = Request.Form["HD_Template_FileName" + templateIndex],

                                /// LibraryPath is an optional field that is intended to give this portal an indication
                                /// of where the current template was stored in the user's HotDocs library on the desktop.
                                /// This Sample Portal application does not save this value, and it is included
                                /// here as sample code.
                                LibraryPath = Request.Form["HD_Library_Path" + templateIndex],

                                /// CommandLineSwitches is an optional field that contains any command line parameters
                                /// that were used for the current template with the desktop HotDocs software. This
                                /// Sample Portal application does not save this value, and it is included here
                                /// as sample code because these command line parameters may be of use.
                                CommandLineSwitches = Request.Form["HD_Template_CommandLineSwitches" + templateIndex],

                                /// ItemType can be an HD11+ template, a file, or a URL. HotDocs 11 (and later)
                                /// sets this field, and HotDocs 10 does not set this field.  The current
                                /// Asp.Net web app could distinguish between HotDocs 11 templates and HotDocs 10
                                /// templates by examining this field to be non-empty for HotDocs 11 and empty
                                /// for HotDocs 10. This Sample Portal application does not save this value,
                                /// and it is included here as sample code.
                                ItemType = Request.Form["HD_Template_UploadItemType" + templateIndex],

                                /// ExpirationDate is an optional field that gives publishers the option of specifying
                                /// a date when the current template will expire. This Sample Portal application
                                /// does not save this value, and it is included here as sample code.
                                ExpirationDate = Request.Form["HD_Template_Expiration_Date" + templateIndex],

                                /// ExpirationWarningDays is an optional field used in conjunction with ExpirationDate
                                /// that allows the user to be warned that the current template will expire the given
                                /// number of days before the expireation date. This Sample Portal application
                                /// does not save this value, and it is included here as sample code.
                                ExpirationWarningDays = Request.Form["HD_Template_Warning_Days" + templateIndex],

                                /// ExpirationExtensionDays is an optional field used in conjunction with ExpirationDate
                                /// that allows the user to continue using the current template after the given
                                /// expiration date has passed. This Sample Portal application does not save this
                                /// value, and it is included here as sample code.
                                ExpirationExtensionDays = Request.Form["HD_Template_Extension_Days" + templateIndex],
                                PackageID = packageID,
                                FullFilePath = packagePath

                            using (SamplePortal.Data.Templates templates = new SamplePortal.Data.Templates())
                                if (templates.TemplateExists(infoItem.MainTemplateFileName, infoItem.Title))
                        string filename = Path.Combine(Settings.TemplatePath, finfo.Name);
                        FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(filename);
                    panelHDError.Visible = true;
    protected void btnContinue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        using (SamplePortal.Data.Templates templates = new SamplePortal.Data.Templates())
            foreach (UploadItem i in ConflictUploadItems)
                templates.UpdateTemplate(i);	// Overwrite the existing entry with the new one and delete the old package.
                SuccessfulUploadItems.Add(i); // Add the item to the list of successfully uploaded packages.
            ConflictUploadItems.Clear(); // Remove all conflict items.

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Request.QueryString.HasKeys())
            string numTemplates = Request.QueryString["HD_NumberTemplates"];
            // Get the number of templates that remain to be uploaded.
            int.TryParse(numTemplates, out RemainingTemplates);

            // If this is the first time at the page, the number of remaining templates is the same as the total number of templates.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TotalTemplateCount.Value))
                TotalTemplateCount.Value = RemainingTemplates.ToString();
            TotalNumTemplates = int.Parse(TotalTemplateCount.Value);


        if (RemainingTemplates > 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < GridSize; i++)
                System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableRow  tr = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableRow();
                System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell tc;

                // Template Title
                tc       = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell();
                tc.Width = "30%";
                TextBox templateTitle = new TextBox();
                templateTitle.ID       = string.Format("HD_Template_Title{0}", i.ToString());
                templateTitle.Rows     = 3;
                templateTitle.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;

                // Template Description
                tc       = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell();
                tc.Width = "70%";
                TextBox templateDescription = new TextBox();
                templateDescription.ID       = string.Format("HD_Template_Description{0}", i.ToString());
                templateDescription.Rows     = 3;
                templateDescription.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;

                // Hidden controls
                tc = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell();
                tc.Style.Add("display", "none");

                // The upload item type can be a template, a file, or a URL. This field is utilized by HotDocs 11 (and later). The
                // Upload plugin for HotDocs 10 does not set this field.
                HiddenField uploadItemType = new HiddenField();
                uploadItemType.ID = "HD_Template_UploadItemType" + i;

                // Main Template File Name
                HiddenField templateMain = new HiddenField();
                templateMain.ID = "HD_Template_FileName" + i;

                HiddenField libraryPath = new HiddenField();
                libraryPath.ID = "HD_Template_Library_Path" + i;

                HiddenField expirationDate = new HiddenField();
                expirationDate.ID = "HD_Template_Expiration_Date" + i;

                HiddenField expirationWarningDays = new HiddenField();
                expirationWarningDays.ID = "HD_Template_Warning_Days" + i;

                HiddenField expirationExtensionDays = new HiddenField();
                expirationExtensionDays.ID = "HD_Template_Extension_Days" + i;

                HiddenField commandLineSwitches = new HiddenField();
                commandLineSwitches.ID = "HD_Template_CommandLineSwitches" + i;

                // Template package file upload control
                FileUpload ulCtrl = new FileUpload();
                ulCtrl.ID = string.Format("HD_Upload{0}", i.ToString());

                // Template manifest file upload control
                FileUpload ulPackageManifestXML = new FileUpload();
                ulPackageManifestXML.ID = string.Format("HD_Package_Manifest{0}", i.ToString());



            if (GridSize > 1)
                submitBtn.Text = string.Format("Upload Templates {0}-{1} of {2}", (TotalNumTemplates - RemainingTemplates) + 1, GridSize, TotalNumTemplates);
                submitBtn.Text = string.Format("Upload Template {0} of {1}", (TotalNumTemplates - RemainingTemplates) + 1, TotalNumTemplates);

        if (Request.Files.Count > 0)
            int templateIndex = 0;
            int fileIndex     = 0;
            while (fileIndex < Request.Files.Count)
                HttpPostedFile postedFile = Request.Files[fileIndex];

                if (postedFile.ContentLength > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(postedFile.FileName))
                    FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(postedFile.FileName);
                    if (finfo.Extension.ToLower() != ".xml")
                        string ext          = Path.GetExtension(postedFile.FileName).ToLower();
                        string baseFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(postedFile.FileName);
                        // note: there are three possibilities here:
                        // 1) The fileName is a template package, formatted <guid>.pkg
                        // 2) The fileName is a url, formatted <guid>.url
                        // 3) The filename is a raw file, formatted with the a non-guid base file name and extension:
                        // Note: Here in this sample portal we ignore 2) and 3) because we are only concerned
                        // with uploading templates:
                        if (!IsGuid(baseFileName) || ext == ".url")
                        string packageID   = baseFileName;
                        string packagePath = PackageCache.GetLocalPackagePath(packageID);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageID))
                            FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(packagePath);

                            UploadItem infoItem = new UploadItem
                                Title                = Request.Form["HD_Template_Title" + templateIndex],
                                Description          = Request.Form["HD_Template_Description" + templateIndex],
                                MainTemplateFileName = Request.Form["HD_Template_FileName" + templateIndex],

                                /// LibraryPath is an optional field that is intended to give this portal an indication
                                /// of where the current template was stored in the user's HotDocs library on the desktop.
                                /// This Sample Portal application does not save this value, and it is included
                                /// here as sample code.
                                LibraryPath = Request.Form["HD_Library_Path" + templateIndex],

                                /// CommandLineSwitches is an optional field that contains any command line parameters
                                /// that were used for the current template with the desktop HotDocs software. This
                                /// Sample Portal application does not save this value, and it is included here
                                /// as sample code because these command line parameters may be of use.
                                CommandLineSwitches = Request.Form["HD_Template_CommandLineSwitches" + templateIndex],

                                /// ItemType can be an HD11+ template, a file, or a URL. HotDocs 11 (and later)
                                /// sets this field, and HotDocs 10 does not set this field.  The current
                                /// Asp.Net web app could distinguish between HotDocs 11 templates and HotDocs 10
                                /// templates by examining this field to be non-empty for HotDocs 11 and empty
                                /// for HotDocs 10. This Sample Portal application does not save this value,
                                /// and it is included here as sample code.
                                ItemType = Request.Form["HD_Template_UploadItemType" + templateIndex],

                                /// ExpirationDate is an optional field that gives publishers the option of specifying
                                /// a date when the current template will expire. This Sample Portal application
                                /// does not save this value, and it is included here as sample code.
                                ExpirationDate = Request.Form["HD_Template_Expiration_Date" + templateIndex],

                                /// ExpirationWarningDays is an optional field used in conjunction with ExpirationDate
                                /// that allows the user to be warned that the current template will expire the given
                                /// number of days before the expireation date. This Sample Portal application
                                /// does not save this value, and it is included here as sample code.
                                ExpirationWarningDays = Request.Form["HD_Template_Warning_Days" + templateIndex],

                                /// ExpirationExtensionDays is an optional field used in conjunction with ExpirationDate
                                /// that allows the user to continue using the current template after the given
                                /// expiration date has passed. This Sample Portal application does not save this
                                /// value, and it is included here as sample code.
                                ExpirationExtensionDays = Request.Form["HD_Template_Extension_Days" + templateIndex],
                                PackageID    = packageID,
                                FullFilePath = packagePath

                            using (SamplePortal.Data.Templates templates = new SamplePortal.Data.Templates())
                                if (templates.TemplateExists(infoItem.MainTemplateFileName, infoItem.Title))
                        string     filename = Path.Combine(Settings.TemplatePath, finfo.Name);
                        FileStream fs       = File.OpenWrite(filename);
                    panelHDError.Visible = true;