public AutoScrolling()
            chart = new SFChart();
            SFNumericalAxis primaryAxis = new SFNumericalAxis();

            primaryAxis.AutoScrollingDelta = 10;
            chart.PrimaryAxis = primaryAxis;
            SFNumericalAxis secondaryAxis = new SFNumericalAxis();

            secondaryAxis.Minimum = NSObject.FromObject(0);
            secondaryAxis.Maximum = NSObject.FromObject(9);
            chart.SecondaryAxis   = secondaryAxis;
            dataModel             = new AutoScrollingDataSource();
            chart.DataSource      = dataModel as SFChartDataSource;

            label                 = new UILabel();
            label.Text            = "In this demo, a data point is being added for every 500 milliseconds. The Chart is then automatically scrolled to display the fixed range of data points at the end. You can also pan to view previous data points. In this sample the delta value is 10";
            label.Font            = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 12f);
            label.TextAlignment   = UITextAlignment.Center;
            label.LineBreakMode   = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap;
            label.Lines           = 6;
            label.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Black.ColorWithAlpha(0.7f);
            label.TextColor       = UIColor.White;

            chart.AddChartBehavior(new SFChartZoomPanBehavior());

            this.control = this;
            random       = new Random();
		public AutoScrolling ()

			chart 							= new SFChart ();
			SFNumericalAxis primaryAxis 	= new SFNumericalAxis ();
			primaryAxis.AutoScrollingDelta 	= 10;
			chart.PrimaryAxis				= primaryAxis;
			SFNumericalAxis secondaryAxis 	= new SFNumericalAxis ();
			secondaryAxis.Minimum 			= NSObject.FromObject(0);
			secondaryAxis.Maximum 			= NSObject.FromObject(9);
			chart.SecondaryAxis				= secondaryAxis;
			dataModel 						= new AutoScrollingDataSource ();
			chart.DataSource 				= dataModel as SFChartDataSource;

			label 							= new UILabel ();
			label.Text 						= "In this demo, a data point is being added for every 500 milliseconds. The Chart is then automatically scrolled to display the fixed range of data points at the end. You can also pan to view previous data points. In this sample the delta value is 10";
			label.Font						= UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 12f);
			label.TextAlignment 			= UITextAlignment.Center;
			label.LineBreakMode 			= UILineBreakMode.WordWrap;
			label.Lines 					= 6; 
			label.BackgroundColor   		= UIColor.Black.ColorWithAlpha (0.7f);
			label.TextColor 				= UIColor.White;

			chart.AddChartBehavior (new SFChartZoomPanBehavior());

			this.AddSubview (chart);
			this.AddSubview (label);
			this.control = this;
			random = new Random ();
			UpdateData ();