public void SpawnPlayerCar(Player pl)
     int model = 415; //cheetah
     Vehicle v = World.CreateVehicle(model, pl.Pos, pl.ZAngle, 0, 0, 600); // spawn the vehicle
     pl.Vehicle = v; // put player in the vehicle
     pl.ClientMessage(0, "{00FF00}Spawning vehicle."); // send the player a message
 public void SpawnVehicle(Player pl, int listitem)
     int model = Vehicles[listitem].Model;
     Vehicle v = World.CreateVehicle(model, pl.Pos, pl.ZAngle, 0, 0, 600); // spawn the vehicle
     pl.Vehicle = v; // put player in the vehicle
     pl.ClientMessage(0, "{00FF00}Spawning vehicle."); // send the player a message