Beispiel #1
        public static void LoadGlobalShares(SharesList dstList)
            // There are multiple ways actually:
            // 1. Lounch the "net share" command
            // 2. Read shares from registry
            // 3. Call native methods from mpr.dll
            // 4. System.Management

            // Side note: actually there's something like Win32_ShareToDirectory in Windows,
            // but I already have all the nice abstraction around having a share list...

            using (ManagementClass exportedShares = new ManagementClass("Win32_Share")) {
                ManagementObjectCollection shares = exportedShares.GetInstances();

                List <Share> addWithHigherPriority = new List <Share>(shares.Count);
                List <Share> addWithLowerPriority  = new List <Share>(shares.Count);

                foreach (ManagementObject share in shares)
                    // Reference:
                    ShareType type = (ShareType)Convert.ToUInt32(share["Type"]);

                    string shareName = share["Name"].ToString();
                    string localPath = share["Path"].ToString();

                    if (type == ShareType.DiskDrive || type == ShareType.Device)
                        addWithHigherPriority.Add(new Share(shareName, new TokenizedLocalPath(localPath, '\\')));
                    else if (type == ShareType.DiskDriveAdmin || type == ShareType.DeviceAdmin)
                        // Take it, but add it with a lower priority.
                        // This way the explicit shares take priority, as these are usually
                        // the ones the user wants to be used and often have lesser
                        // access restrictions.
                        addWithLowerPriority.Add(new Share(shareName, new TokenizedLocalPath(localPath, '\\')));
                        // skip everything else

                // First add the shares that should take lower priority.
                foreach (Share share in addWithLowerPriority)

                // Then add the ones with higher priority, overwriting eventual shares.
                foreach (Share share in addWithHigherPriority)
        public static void ParseSmbConfShareList(SharesList dstList, string smbConfContent)
            // note: some smb.conffeatures are not handled. Like special variables and includes.
            // TODO special case for [homes] share

            var parser = new IniDataParser();

            parser.Configuration.CommentRegex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"^[#;](.*)");
            var iniData = parser.Parse(smbConfContent);

            foreach (var shareIniSection in iniData.Sections)
                string shareName = shareIniSection.SectionName;
                if (shareName == "global")

                if (!shareIniSection.Keys.ContainsKey("path"))
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("share {0} doesn't have local path specified", shareName));

                string shareLocalPath = shareIniSection.Keys["path"];

                dstList.AddOrReplace(new Share(shareName, new TokenizedLocalPath(shareLocalPath, '/')));
        public static void ParseNetUserShareList(SharesList dstList, string shareListIniContent)
            var parser  = new IniDataParser();
            var iniData = parser.Parse(shareListIniContent);

            foreach (var shareIniSection in iniData.Sections)
                string shareName = shareIniSection.SectionName;
                if (!shareIniSection.Keys.ContainsKey("path"))
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("share {0} doesn't have local path specified", shareName));

                string shareLocalPath = shareIniSection.Keys["path"];
                dstList.AddOrReplace(new Share(shareName, new TokenizedLocalPath(shareLocalPath, '/')));