Beispiel #1
        protected void buttonGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            buttonGenerate.Enabled = false;
            var seasonId  = Convert.ToInt32(listSeason.SelectedItem.Value);
            var ctx       = new SailTallyDataContext();
            var generated = CentralLibrary.GetCurrentDateTime();

            var resultsMsg = string.Empty;

                // Delete the existing results
                ctx.ExecuteCommand("delete from SS_Result where seasonID = {0}", seasonId);
                // Replaced the cove below with the above line for efficency sake - it was calling a delete for each record in the result set

                 * var resultOld = from r in ctx.SS_Results
                 *              where r.SeasonID == seasonID
                 *              select r;
                 * ctx.SS_Results.DeleteAllOnSubmit(resultOld);
                 * ctx.SubmitChanges();

                // Delete the existing results summary
                ctx.ExecuteCommand("delete from SS_ResultSummary where seasonID = {0}", seasonId);
                // Replaced the cove below with the above line for efficency sake - it was calling a delete for each record in the result set

                 * var resultsSummaryOld = from rs in ctx.SS_ResultSummaries
                 *                      where rs.SeasonID == seasonID
                 *                      select rs;
                 * ctx.SS_ResultSummaries.DeleteAllOnSubmit(resultsSummaryOld);
                 * ctx.SubmitChanges();

                // LEVEL 1: Work through all fleets
                var fleets = from f in ctx.SS_Fleets
                             where f.IsActive
                             orderby f.ListOrder, f.FleetName
                select f;
                foreach (var fleet in fleets)
                    // LEVEL 2: Work through the series for a given fleet in a season
                    var fleetCopy = fleet;

                    var fleetSeries = from fs in ctx.SS_FleetSeries
                                      join s in ctx.SS_Series on fs.SeriesID equals s.SeriesID
                                      where fs.IsActive &&
                                      fs.FleetID == fleetCopy.FleetID &&
                                      fs.SeasonID == seasonId
                                      select new { fs.FleetSeriesID, fs.FleetID, fs.SeriesID, fs.ScoreMethodID, fs.ThrowoutID, s.SeriesName };

                    foreach (var fleetSery in fleetSeries)
                        // Find the boats within a series that have been scored
                        var fleetSeryCopy = fleetSery;

                        var boatsInSeries = (from b in ctx.SS_Boats
                                             join sc in ctx.SS_Scores on b.BoatID equals sc.BoatID
                                             join r in ctx.SS_Races on sc.RaceID equals r.RaceID
                                             join rs in ctx.SS_RaceSeries on r.RaceID equals rs.RaceID
                                             join fs in ctx.SS_FleetSeries on rs.FleetSeriesID equals fs.FleetSeriesID
                                             join f in ctx.SS_Fleets on b.FleetID equals f.FleetID
                                             where b.IsActive &&
                                             f.FleetID == fleetSeryCopy.FleetID &&
                                             fs.SeriesID == fleetSeryCopy.SeriesID &&
                                             fs.FleetID == f.FleetID &&
                                             fs.SeasonID == seasonId
                                             orderby b.BoatOrder, b.SailNumber, b.BoatID
                                             select new { b.BoatID, b.SailNumber, b.BoatName, b.IsRegistered, b.Skipper, b.Crew }).Distinct();

                        if (boatsInSeries.Any()) // one or more boats scored in a series
                            resultsMsg += "Fleet: <b>" + fleet.FleetName + "</b>  Series: <b>" + fleetSery.SeriesName + "</b>  Boats: ";
                            foreach (var boat in boatsInSeries)
                                resultsMsg += boat.SailNumber + "(BoatID=" + boat.BoatID + ")  ";
                            resultsMsg += "  FleetSeriesID=" + fleetSeryCopy.FleetSeriesID;
                            resultsMsg  = resultsMsg.TrimEnd() + "<br />";

                            // Find the races for the series
                            var racesInSeriesCount = 0; // number of races to count that have been completed in the series
                            var raceSeries         = from rs in ctx.SS_RaceSeries
                                                     where rs.FleetSeriesID == fleetSeryCopy.FleetSeriesID
                                                     orderby rs.RaceNumber
                                                     select rs;
                            foreach (var raceSery in raceSeries)
                                var raceSeryCopy = raceSery;

                                if (checkDetailedOutput.Checked)
                                    resultsMsg += "&nbsp;&nbsp;Race #" + raceSery.RaceNumber + "(RaceSeriesID=" + raceSery.RaceSeriesID + "): ";

                                // Determine if the race has been abandoned
                                SS_RaceFleet raceFleet = null;

                                    raceFleet = (from rf in ctx.SS_RaceFleets
                                                 where rf.RaceID == raceSeryCopy.RaceID &&
                                                 rf.FleetID == fleetCopy.FleetID
                                                 select rf).Single();
                                // ReSharper disable once EmptyGeneralCatchClause
                                    // Purposely do nothing - in the process of being scored.

                                if (raceFleet != null)                 // If races scored
                                    if (raceFleet.IsAbandoned == true) // abandoned
                                        foreach (var boat in boatsInSeries)
                                            var result = new SS_Result
                                                SeasonID      = seasonId,
                                                IsAbandoned   = true,
                                                FleetSeriesID = fleetSery.FleetSeriesID,
                                                BoatID        = boat.BoatID,
                                                SailNumber    = boat.SailNumber,
                                                RaceNumber    = raceSery.RaceNumber,
                                                Points        = 0,
                                                FinishPlace   = 0,
                                                CanThrowout   = false,
                                                IsAbsent      = false
                                    }    // abandoned
                                    else // there are scores
                                        // Get the scores from the race
                                        var scores = from s in ctx.SS_Scores
                                                     join b in ctx.SS_Boats on s.BoatID equals b.BoatID
                                                     join p in ctx.SS_Penalties on s.PenaltyID equals p.PenaltyID
                                                     join rs in ctx.SS_RaceSeries on s.RaceID equals rs.RaceID
                                                     where rs.RaceSeriesID == raceSeryCopy.RaceSeriesID &&
                                                     b.FleetID == fleetCopy.FleetID
                                                     orderby b.IsRegistered descending, s.FinishPlace // REGISTERED : Get the registered boats first, then the unregistered...  Then sort by finish place
                                            select new { s.RaceID, s.ScoreID, s.BoatID, s.PenaltyID, b.SailNumber, b.BoatName, b.Skipper, b.Crew, b.IsRegistered, s.FinishPlace, p.PenaltyName, p.IsNonPenalty, p.IsDisqualified, p.IsExcludable, p.IsLastPlusOne, p.IsLastPlusTwo, p.PenaltyRate, p.UsePlace, p.IsDoublePoints };
                                        if (scores.Any())
                                            racesInSeriesCount++;                                                                     // another race in the series found
                                        var boatsScored = new List <BoatList>();                                                      // list of boats scored (useful to find the boats not scored)

                                        var boatsWithGoodFinishes = scores.Where(p => p.UsePlace).Where(b => b.IsRegistered).Count(); // REGISTERED number of boats with proper scores and that are registered

                                        var adjustedFinishPlace = 0;                                                                  // REGISTERED This contains the adjusted finish place (in case boats are tossed and thus reordered due to not being reigstered, etc.)
                                        var doublePoints        = false;                                                              // set to true if at least one double points row encountered

                                        foreach (var score in scores)

                                            if (!doublePoints && score.IsDoublePoints)
                                                doublePoints = true;

                                            boatsScored.Add(new BoatList(score.BoatID, score.SailNumber, score.BoatName, score.Skipper, score.Crew));

                                            var result = new SS_Result
                                                SeasonID      = seasonId,
                                                IsAbandoned   = false,
                                                FleetSeriesID = fleetSery.FleetSeriesID,
                                                BoatID        = score.BoatID,
                                                SailNumber    = score.SailNumber,
                                                RaceNumber    = raceSery.RaceNumber,
                                                PenaltyID     = score.PenaltyID,
                                                PenaltyName   = score.PenaltyName,
                                                FinishPlace   = score.FinishPlace,
                                                IsAbsent      = false,
                                                IsNonPenalty  = score.IsNonPenalty,
                                                CanThrowout   = score.IsExcludable && raceSeryCopy.IsScoreExcludable

                                            if (score.IsLastPlusOne | score.IsLastPlusTwo | !score.IsRegistered)
                                                //result.Points = CentralLibrary.ScorePoints(fleetSery.ScoreMethodID, boatsWithGoodFinishes + (score.IsLastPlusTwo | !score.IsRegistered ? 2 : 1)) * (score.IsDoublePoints ? 2 : 1); // TODO: need to have a setting to know if score.IsRegistered is really IsLastPlusTwo or IsLastPlusOne - hard coded for now
                                                result.Points = CentralLibrary.ScorePoints(fleetSery.ScoreMethodID, boatsWithGoodFinishes + (score.IsLastPlusTwo | !score.IsRegistered ? 2 : 1)) * raceSeryCopy.ScorePointsFactor; // TODO: need to have a setting to know if score.IsRegistered is really IsLastPlusTwo or IsLastPlusOne - hard coded for now
                                                //result.Points = CentralLibrary.ScorePoints(fleetSery.ScoreMethodID, adjustedFinishPlace) * (score.IsDoublePoints ? 2 : 1); // REGISTERED boat
                                                result.Points = CentralLibrary.ScorePoints(fleetSery.ScoreMethodID, adjustedFinishPlace) * raceSeryCopy.ScorePointsFactor; // REGISTERED boat
                                                if (score.PenaltyRate > 0.0)
                                                    result.Points += Math.Round(boatsWithGoodFinishes * score.PenaltyRate) * (score.IsDoublePoints ? 2 : 1); // e.g. Z-Flag (ZFP) penalty

                                            if (checkDetailedOutput.Checked)
                                                resultsMsg += score.SailNumber + "(Place=" + score.FinishPlace + " Points=" + result.Points + (!score.IsNonPenalty ? " Penalty=" + score.PenaltyName.Trim() : "") + ") ";

                                        // Find the boats that have raced at least once in the series but weren't present for this race
                                        foreach (var boat in boatsInSeries)
                                            if (FindScored(boatsScored, boat.BoatID))
                                            var result = new SS_Result
                                                SeasonID      = seasonId,
                                                IsAbandoned   = false,
                                                FleetSeriesID = fleetSery.FleetSeriesID,
                                                BoatID        = boat.BoatID,
                                                SailNumber    = boat.SailNumber,
                                                RaceNumber    = raceSery.RaceNumber,
                                                //CanThrowout = true,
                                                CanThrowout = raceSeryCopy.IsScoreExcludable,
                                                //Points = CentralLibrary.ScorePoints(fleetSery.ScoreMethodID, boatsWithGoodFinishes + 2) * (doublePoints ? 2 : 1),
                                                Points       = CentralLibrary.ScorePoints(fleetSery.ScoreMethodID, boatsWithGoodFinishes + 2) * raceSeryCopy.ScorePointsFactor,
                                                FinishPlace  = boatsWithGoodFinishes + 2,
                                                IsAbsent     = true,
                                                IsNonPenalty = true
                                    } // there are scores
                                }     // if races scored
                                if (checkDetailedOutput.Checked)
                                    resultsMsg = resultsMsg.TrimEnd() + "<br />";
                            } // work through races in a series

                            // Calculate the throwouts and series tiebreaker
                            var numberThrowouts = CentralLibrary.NumberThrowouts(fleetSery.ThrowoutID, racesInSeriesCount);
                            foreach (var boat in boatsInSeries) // give each boat their throwouts
                                // Tiebreakers are handled by a big string (to allow nice sorting via queries)
                                // Appendix A8.1:
                                //    If there is a series-score tie between two or more boats, each boat's race
                                //    scores shall be listed in order of the best to worst, and at the first
                                //    point(s) where there is a difference the tie shall be broken in favour
                                //    of the boat(s) with the best score(s).  No excluded scores shall be used.
                                // Appendix A8.2:
                                //   If a tie remains between two or more boats, they shall be ranked in order
                                //   of their scores in the last race.  Any remaining ties shall be broken by
                                //   using the tied boats' scores in the next-to-last race and so on until all
                                //   ties are broken.  These scores shall be used even if some of them are
                                //   excluded scores.
                                // So, two strings are created.  One for A8.1 (which doesn't include excludable scores, and one for A8.2 (which includes all scores).
                                // Enough padding is used to convert the numeric valus of the scores to strings, which are concantenated in the proper order.
                                // For example, if the following race results occurs:
                                //                              A8.1 String       A8.2 String
                                //  Boat 1:    1 2 3 4          001002003004      004003002001
                                //  Boat 2:    2 1 4 3          001002003004      003004001002
                                //  Boat 3:    4 3 1 2          001002003004      002001003004
                                //  Boat 4:    3 4 2 1          001002003004      001002004003
                                // The two strings are concatenated together to make up the Tiebreaker string, and thus allow a secondary sort (after the totalpoints)
                                // to determine the correct place (for the series).  Using this example, the finish order would be: Boat 4, Boat 3, Boat 2, and Boat 1.
                                // Side note: Based on this menthod, the system is limited by 10^TIEBREAKER_PADDING-1 boats and SizeOf(SS_ResultSummary.TiebreakStr)/TIEBREAKER_PADDING
                                //   races (presuming no throwouts).

                                var boatCopy = boat;

                                // Find all of the results for that boat (in the given series), sorted to prioritize the throwouts, and handle A8.1 ties
                                var resultsThrow = from r in ctx.SS_Results
                                                   where r.BoatID == boatCopy.BoatID &&
                                                   r.SeasonID == seasonId &&
                                                   r.FleetSeriesID == fleetSeryCopy.FleetSeriesID
                                                   orderby r.Points descending, r.RaceNumber
                                select r;

                                var calcPoints      = 0.0;
                                var throwoutsRemain = numberThrowouts;
                                foreach (var result in resultsThrow)
                                    if (result.CanThrowout && throwoutsRemain > 0)
                                        result.IsThrowout = true;
                                        calcPoints += result.Points;

                                // Find all of the non-excluced scores (in the best finish order) for A81 (in the given series), to determine the tiebreaker's for A8.1
                                var resultsA81 = from r in ctx.SS_Results
                                                 where r.BoatID == boatCopy.BoatID &&
                                                 r.SeasonID == seasonId &&
                                                 r.FleetSeriesID == fleetSeryCopy.FleetSeriesID &&
                                                 orderby r.Points ascending, r.RaceNumber
                                select r;
                                var tieA81 = "";
                                // ReSharper disable once LoopCanBeConvertedToQuery
                                foreach (var resultA81 in resultsA81)
                                    tieA81 += resultA81.Points.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Trim().PadLeft(TiebreakerPadding, '0');

                                // Find all of the results, in reverse order and including Excluded Races, for that boat (in the given series), to determine the tiebreaker's for A8.2
                                var resultsA82 = from r in ctx.SS_Results
                                                 where r.BoatID == boatCopy.BoatID &&
                                                 r.SeasonID == seasonId &&
                                                 r.FleetSeriesID == fleetSeryCopy.FleetSeriesID
                                                 orderby r.RaceNumber descending
                                                 select r;
                                var tieA82 = string.Empty;
                                // ReSharper disable once LoopCanBeConvertedToQuery
                                foreach (var resultA82 in resultsA82)
                                    tieA82 += resultA82.Points.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Trim().PadLeft(TiebreakerPadding, '0');

                                var resultSummary = new SS_ResultSummary()
                                    SeasonID         = seasonId,
                                    FleetSeriesID    = fleetSery.FleetSeriesID,
                                    BoatID           = boat.BoatID,
                                    BoatName         = boat.BoatName,
                                    SailNumber       = boat.SailNumber,
                                    IsRegisteredBoat = boat.IsRegistered,
                                    SeriesName       = fleetSery.SeriesName,
                                    FleetName        = fleet.FleetName,
                                    Skipper          = boat.Skipper,
                                    Crew             = boat.Crew,
                                    TotalPoints      = calcPoints,
                                    TieBreakerStr    = tieA81 + tieA82,
                                    Created          = generated,
                                    CreatedBy        = CentralLibrary.User
                        } // one or more boats scored in a series
                    }     // work through Fleet Series
                }         // work through Fleets
            catch (Exception ex)
                labelError.Text = "An error was encountered while generating results: " + ex;

            // Finished
            if (labelError.Text.Length == 0)
                resultsMsg += "<br />Results calculation for the " + listSeason.SelectedItem.Text + " Season has been completed.";

            labelResults.Text          = resultsMsg;
            linkDisplayResults.Visible = true;