Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// get a northwind account row, which is a union of customers and suppliers,
        /// from the given account document and set the transaction status on the documents
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accDoc">the crm Account document</param>
        /// <param name="config"></param>
        /// <returns>a filled northwind account row</returns>
        private AccountDataset.AccountsRow GetRow(AccountDocument accDoc, NorthwindConfig config, bool newAccount)
            #region Declarations
            AccountDataset accDataset;
            AccountDataset.AccountsRow result;
            Address address;
            Phone phone;
            ContactName personName;
            int subentities = 4;

            accDataset = new AccountDataset();
            result = accDataset.Accounts.NewAccountsRow();

            // get the account name from the document
            if (!
                result.CompanyName =  (string);

            if (newAccount)
                // set create user and id
                result.CreateID = config.SequenceNumber;
                result.CreateUser = config.CrmUser;

            // set modify user and id
            result.ModifyID = config.SequenceNumber;
            result.ModifyUser = config.CrmUser;

            #region Address

            // go throuh all addresses to find the business address,
            // the rest of the adresses will ignored
            foreach (AddressDocument adrDoc in accDoc.addresses)
                // check if the Address is from the supported type
                if ((adrDoc.primaryaddress.IsNull) ||
                    (!adrDoc.primaryaddress.Value.ToString().Equals("True", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                    // set the transactionsstatus to none to remove this status from the result

                // the first correct address found

                // get a new Address Object to convert beween the systems
                address = new Address();

                // fill the address object with the crm data
                address.SetCrmAdresses(adrDoc.address1, adrDoc.address2, adrDoc.address3, adrDoc.address4);

                // set the Northwind address
                result.Address = address.NorthwindAddress;

                // get the city from the Address document
                if (!adrDoc.City.IsNull)
                    result.City = (string)adrDoc.City.Value;

                // get the state from the Address document
                if (!adrDoc.state.IsNull)
                    result.Region = (string)adrDoc.state.Value;

                // get the state from the Address document
                if (!adrDoc.postcode.IsNull)
                    result.PostalCode = (string)adrDoc.postcode.Value;

                // get the country from the Address document
                if (!
                    result.Country = (string);

                // stop searching


            #region Contact
            // go throuh all people to find the billing person,
            // the rest of the people will ignored
            foreach (PersonDocument persDoc in accDoc.people)
                // check if the person is from the supported type
                if ((persDoc.primaryperson.IsNull) || (!persDoc.primaryperson.Value.ToString().Equals("True",StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                    // set the transactionsstatus to none to remove this status from the result
                // the first correct people found

                // get the Title from the Person document
                if (!persDoc.title.IsNull)
                    result.ContactTitle = (string)persDoc.title.Value;

                // get a new ContactName Object to convert beween the systems
                personName = new ContactName();

                // fill the ContactName object with the crm data

                // set the Northwind ContactName
                result.ContactName = personName.NorthwindContacName;

                // stop searching


            #region Phones
            // go throuh all phones to find phone and fax,
            // the rest of the phones  will ignored

            foreach (PhoneDocument phoneDoc in accDoc.phones)
                // check if the phone is from the supported type
                if (phoneDoc.type.Value != null)
                    if ((phoneDoc.type.IsNull) ||
                        !((phoneDoc.type.Value.ToString() == CRMSelections.Link_PersPhon_Business)))
                        // set the transactionsstatus to none to remove this status from the result
                        if (!((phoneDoc.type.Value.ToString() == CRMSelections.Link_PersPhon_Fax)))

                // get a new phone Object to convert beween the systems
                phone = new Phone();

                // fill the ContactName object with the crm data
                phone.SetCrmPhone(phoneDoc.countrycode, phoneDoc.areacode, phoneDoc.number);

                // set the northwind phone
                result.Phone = phone.NorthwindPhone;

                // on new pone entries store the phonetype postfix in the id
                // to fill it up with the Account id later
                if ((phoneDoc.Id == null) || (phoneDoc.Id == ""))
                    phoneDoc.Id = Constants.PhoneIdPostfix;

            foreach (PhoneDocument phoneDoc in accDoc.phones)
                // check if the phone is from the supported type
                if (phoneDoc.type.Value != null)
                    if ((phoneDoc.type.IsNull) ||
                        !((phoneDoc.type.Value.ToString() == CRMSelections.Link_PersPhon_Fax)))
                        // set the transactionsstatus to none to remove this status from the result
                        if (!((phoneDoc.type.Value.ToString() == CRMSelections.Link_PersPhon_Business)))

                // get a new phone Object to convert beween the systems
                phone = new Phone();

                // fill the ContactName object with the crm data
                phone.SetCrmPhone(phoneDoc.countrycode, phoneDoc.areacode, phoneDoc.number);

                // set the northwind fax
                result.Fax = phone.NorthwindPhone;

                // on new pone entries store the phonetype postfix in the id
                // to fill it up with the Account id later
                if ((phoneDoc.Id == null) || (phoneDoc.Id == ""))
                    phoneDoc.Id = Constants.FaxIdPostfix;


            if (newAccount && (subentities > 0))
                result.CreateUser = "******";
                result.ModifyUser = "******";

            //return the row
            return result;
Beispiel #2
        private AccountDocument GetDocument(AccountDataset.AccountsRow row, Token lastToken, NorthwindConfig config)
            #region Declarations
            CountryCodes countryCodes = new CountryCodes();
            AccountDocument accDoc;
            PersonDocument persDoc;
            PhoneDocument phoneDoc;
            AddressDocument addrDoc;
            Address address;
            Phone phone;
            string identity;
            ContactName contactName;

            identity = row.ID;

            // create Account Doc
            accDoc = new AccountDocument();

            // set the account id
            accDoc.Id = identity;

            // change the the log state regarding the timestamps stored in the northwind database.

            // for an init request the logstate is always created
            if (lastToken.InitRequest)
                accDoc.LogState = LogState.Created;

            // if something wrong, than it is created
            else if (row.IsCreateIDNull() || row.IsModifyIDNull()
                || row.IsCreateUserNull() || row.IsModifyUserNull())
                accDoc.LogState = LogState.Created;

            // the log state is created if the create id is greater
            // than the sequence number of the last token and it was not created by the crm user
            else if ((row.CreateID > lastToken.SequenceNumber)
                && (row.CreateUser != config.CrmUser))
                accDoc.LogState = LogState.Created;

            else if ((row.CreateID == lastToken.SequenceNumber)
                && (row.CreateUser != config.CrmUser)
                && (identity.CompareTo(lastToken.Id.Id) > 0))
                accDoc.LogState = LogState.Created;

            // the log state is modified if the modify id is greater
            // than the sequence number of the last token and it was not created by the crm user
            else if ((row.ModifyID >= lastToken.SequenceNumber) && (row.ModifyUser != config.CrmUser))
                accDoc.LogState = LogState.Updated;

            // set the account type
            //accDoc.type.Value = GetAccountType(identity);

            // set the account name
   = row.IsCompanyNameNull() ? null : row.CompanyName;

            // set the customerSupplierFlag
            accDoc.customerSupplierFlag.Value = row.IsCustomerSupplierFlagNull() ? null : row.CustomerSupplierFlag;

            // set default values if it is no update
            if (accDoc.LogState != LogState.Updated)
                accDoc.onhold.Value = !accDoc.Id.StartsWith(Constants.CustomerIdPrefix);
                accDoc.currencyid.Value = config.CurrencyCode;

            // create person Doc
            persDoc = new PersonDocument();

            // since there is only one person in Northwind, the Identity of the person is the same as
            // the account id
            persDoc.Id = identity;

            // set the log state if the account also has a logstate
            if (!accDoc.HasNoLogStatus)
                persDoc.LogState = accDoc.LogState;

            // set the transaction status for the person doc.

            // set the first and lst name to null if the contact in northwind is null
            if (row.IsContactNameNull() || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.ContactName))
                persDoc.firstname.Value = null;
                persDoc.lastname.Value = null;
                persDoc.fullname.Value = null;
                persDoc.fullname.Value = row.ContactName;

                // create an object to splitt the contact name
                contactName = new ContactName();

                // initiate the object with the northwind contact name
                contactName.NorthwindContacName = row.ContactName;

                // get the splitted values
                persDoc.salutation.Value = contactName.CrmSalutation;
                persDoc.firstname.Value = contactName.CrmFirstName;
                persDoc.middlename.Value = contactName.CrmMiddleName;
                persDoc.lastname.Value = contactName.CrmLastName;
                persDoc.suffix.Value = contactName.CrmSuffix;


            if (row.IsContactTitleNull())
                persDoc.title.Value = null;
                persDoc.title.Value = row.ContactTitle;

            // set the person type to billing
            persDoc.primaryperson.Value = "True";

            // add the person to the people collection of the account document

            // create Phone Doc
            phoneDoc = new PhoneDocument();

            // since there are exact 2 phone numbers stored in northwind
            // the id for the phone number ist the account id plus a postfix
            phoneDoc.Id = identity + Constants.PhoneIdPostfix;

            // set the log state if the account also has a logstate
            if (!accDoc.HasNoLogStatus)
                phoneDoc.LogState = accDoc.LogState;

            // set the person type to business
            phoneDoc.type.Value = CRMSelections.Link_PersPhon_Business;


            if (!row.IsPhoneNull())
                phoneDoc.fullnumber.Value = row.Phone;

                phone = new Phone();
                phone.NorthwindPhone = row.Phone;
                phoneDoc.countrycode.Value = phone.CrmCountryCode;
                phoneDoc.areacode.Value = phone.CrmAreaCode;
                phoneDoc.number.Value = phone.CrmPhone;

            // create Fax Doc
            phoneDoc = new PhoneDocument();
            phoneDoc.Id = identity + Constants.FaxIdPostfix;
            if (!accDoc.HasNoLogStatus)
                phoneDoc.LogState = accDoc.LogState;
            phoneDoc.type.Value = CRMSelections.Link_PersPhon_Fax;
            if (!row.IsFaxNull())
                phoneDoc.fullnumber.Value = row.Fax;
                phone = new Phone();
                phone.NorthwindPhone = row.Fax;
                phoneDoc.countrycode.Value = phone.CrmCountryCode;
                phoneDoc.areacode.Value = phone.CrmAreaCode;
                phoneDoc.number.Value = phone.CrmPhone;

            // create Address Doc
            addrDoc = new AddressDocument();
            addrDoc.Id = identity;
            if (!accDoc.HasNoLogStatus)
                addrDoc.LogState = accDoc.LogState;
            //addrDoc.AddressType.Value = CRMSelections.Link_CompAddr_Billing;
            addrDoc.primaryaddress.Value = "True";

            if (row.IsAddressNull())
                addrDoc.address1.Value = null;
                addrDoc.address2.Value = null;
                addrDoc.address3.Value = null;
                addrDoc.address4.Value = null;
                address = new Address();
                address.NorthwindAddress = row.Address;
                addrDoc.address1.Value = address.CrmAddressLine1;
                addrDoc.address2.Value = address.CrmAddressLine2;
                addrDoc.address3.Value = address.CrmAddressLine3;
                addrDoc.address4.Value = address.CrmAddressLine4;

            addrDoc.City.Value = row.IsCityNull() ? null : row.City;

            addrDoc.state.Value = row.IsRegionNull() ? null : row.Region;
            if (row.IsCountryNull())
       = null;
       = countryCodes.GetCountryCode(row.Country);

            addrDoc.postcode.Value = row.IsPostalCodeNull() ? null : row.PostalCode;

            if (accDoc.Id.StartsWith(Constants.CustomerIdPrefix))
                accDoc.emails = GetEmailsCollectionFromCustomer(accDoc.Id.Substring(Constants.CustomerIdPrefix.Length), lastToken, config);


            return accDoc;