Beispiel #1
 public override void SetChoiceResolver(ChoiceResolver choiceResolver)
     foreach (var choice in Objects.OfType <Choice>())
         choice.Resolver = choiceResolver;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        ///   Initializes a new instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serializedData">The serialized data describing the model.</param>
        /// <param name="stateHeaderBytes">
        ///   The number of bytes that should be reserved at the beginning of each state vector for the model checker tool.
        /// </param>
        internal RuntimeModel(SerializedRuntimeModel serializedData, int stateHeaderBytes = 0)
            Requires.That(serializedData.Model != null, "Expected a valid model instance.");

            var buffer         = serializedData.Buffer;
            var rootComponents = serializedData.Model.Roots;
            var objectTable    = serializedData.ObjectTable;
            var formulas       = serializedData.Formulas;

            Requires.NotNull(buffer, nameof(buffer));
            Requires.NotNull(rootComponents, nameof(rootComponents));
            Requires.NotNull(objectTable, nameof(objectTable));
            Requires.NotNull(formulas, nameof(formulas));
            Requires.That(stateHeaderBytes % 4 == 0, nameof(stateHeaderBytes), "Expected a multiple of 4.");

            Model                     = serializedData.Model;
            SerializedModel           = buffer;
            RootComponents            = rootComponents.Cast <Component>().ToArray();
            Faults                    = objectTable.OfType <Fault>().Where(fault => fault.Activation == Activation.Nondeterministic && fault.IsUsed).ToArray();
            ActivationSensitiveFaults = Faults.Where(fault => fault.RequiresActivationNotification).ToArray();
            StateFormulas             = objectTable.OfType <StateFormula>().ToArray();
            Formulas                  = formulas;

            // Create a local object table just for the objects referenced by the model; only these objects
            // have to be serialized and deserialized. The local object table does not contain, for instance,
            // the closure types of the state formulas
            var objects             = Model.ReferencedObjects;
            var deterministicFaults = objectTable.OfType <Fault>().Where(fault => fault.Activation != Activation.Nondeterministic);

            _serializedObjects = new ObjectTable(objects.Except(deterministicFaults, ReferenceEqualityComparer <object> .Default));
            Objects            = objectTable;

            StateVectorLayout = SerializationRegistry.Default.GetStateVectorLayout(Model, _serializedObjects, SerializationMode.Optimized);

            _deserialize      = StateVectorLayout.CreateDeserializer(_serializedObjects);
            _serialize        = StateVectorLayout.CreateSerializer(_serializedObjects);
            _restrictRanges   = StateVectorLayout.CreateRangeRestrictor(_serializedObjects);
            _stateHeaderBytes = stateHeaderBytes;

            _choiceResolver = new ChoiceResolver(objectTable);

            ConstructionState = new byte[StateVectorSize];
            fixed(byte *state = ConstructionState)

Beispiel #3
		/// <summary>
		///   Generates the replay information for the <paramref name="trace" />.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="choiceResolver">The choice resolver that should be used to resolve nondeterministic choices.</param>
		/// <param name="trace">The trace the replay information should be generated for.</param>
		/// <param name="endsWithException">Indicates whether the trace ends with an exception being thrown.</param>
		private int[][] GenerateReplayInformation(ChoiceResolver choiceResolver, byte[][] trace, bool endsWithException)
			var info = new int[trace.Length - 1][];
			var targetState = stackalloc byte[StateVectorSize];

			// We have to generate the replay info for all transitions
			for (var i = 0; i < trace.Length - 1; ++i)

				// Try all transitions until we find the one that leads to the desired state
				while (true)
						if (!choiceResolver.PrepareNextPath())

						fixed (byte* sourceState = trace[i])

						if (i == 0)

						if (endsWithException && i == trace.Length - 2)
					catch (Exception)
						Requires.That(endsWithException, "Unexpected exception.");
						Requires.That(i == trace.Length - 2, "Unexpected exception.");

						info[i] = choiceResolver.GetChoices().ToArray();


					// Compare the target states; if they match, we've found the correct transition
					var areEqual = true;
					for (var j = _stateHeaderBytes; j < StateVectorSize; ++j)
						areEqual &= targetState[j] == trace[i + 1][j];

					if (!areEqual)

					info[i] = choiceResolver.GetChoices().ToArray();

				Requires.That(info[i] != null, $"Unable to generate replay information for step {i + 1} of {trace.Length}.");

			return info;
Beispiel #4
		/// <summary>
		///   Creates a counter example from the <paramref name="path" />.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="createModel">The factory function that can be used to create new instances of this model.</param>
		/// <param name="path">
		///   The path the counter example should be generated from. A value of <c>null</c> indicates that no
		///   transitions could be generated for the model.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="endsWithException">Indicates whether the counter example ends with an exception.</param>
		public CounterExample CreateCounterExample(Func<RuntimeModel> createModel, byte[][] path,bool endsWithException)
			Requires.NotNull(createModel, nameof(createModel));

			// We have to create new model instances to generate and initialize the counter example, otherwise hidden
			// state variables might prevent us from doing so if they somehow influence the state
			var replayModel = createModel();
			var counterExampleModel = createModel();
			var choiceResolver = new ChoiceResolver(replayModel.Objects.OfType<Choice>());


			// Prepend the construction state to the path; if the path is null, at least one further state must be added
			// to enable counter example debugging.
			// Also, get the replay information, i.e., the nondeterministic choices that were made on the path; if the path is null,
			// we still have to get the choices that caused the problem.

			if (path == null)
				path = new[] { new byte[StateVectorSize] };

			path = new[] { ConstructionState }.Concat(path).ToArray();
			var replayInfo = replayModel.GenerateReplayInformation(choiceResolver, path, endsWithException);
			return new CounterExample(counterExampleModel, path, replayInfo, endsWithException);