Beispiel #1
        public swgohHelpApiHelper login()
            // first, let's load our configuration file
            var json = "";

            using (var fs = File.OpenRead("config.json"))
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                    json = sr.ReadToEnd();
            var          cfgjson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigJson>(json);
            UserSettings test    = new UserSettings();

            test.username = cfgjson.username;
            test.password = cfgjson.password;
            swgohHelpApiHelper helper = new swgohHelpApiHelper(test);

            if (!helper.loggedIn)
        public async Task getOverview(CommandContext ctx, string allycode1, string allycode2)
            uint parsedAllyCode1 = 1, parsedAllyCode2 = 1;

            if (allycode2.Equals(""))
                parsedAllyCode2 = commandFunctions.parseAllycode(commandFunctions.checkRegistered(ctx.Member.Id.ToString()));
                parsedAllyCode1 = commandFunctions.checkAllycode(ctx, allycode1);
                parsedAllyCode1 = commandFunctions.checkAllycode(ctx, allycode1);
                parsedAllyCode2 = commandFunctions.checkAllycode(ctx, allycode2);
            if ((!(parsedAllyCode1 == 1) && !(parsedAllyCode2 == 1)))
                Stopwatch stop = new Stopwatch();

                //DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
                DataHelper dh = new DataHelper(ctx);
                await ctx.Message.CreateReactionAsync(DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":stopwatch:"));

                DiscordMessage m = await ctx.RespondAsync("processing request, standby...");

                var    interactivity = ctx.Client.GetInteractivityModule();
                String s = "", title = "", embeds = "";

                //login to the API
                helper = commandFunctions.login();
                //Retreive the 2 guilds to compare using an allycode for a member of each guild
                //If both allycodes are from the same guild, only one guild will return, make sure to check for that
                if (helper.loggedIn)
                    int tries = 0;
                    GuildParse.Guild guilds = null;
                    while (tries < 5)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Allycode 1: {allycode1}  &&  Allycode 2: {allycode2}");
                            await m.ModifyAsync(m.Content + $"\n\n....attempting to retrieve guilds. Try {tries + 1}/5");

                            guilds = dh.getGuild(new uint[] { parsedAllyCode1, parsedAllyCode2 }, helper);
                            await m.ModifyAsync($"\n\n....Data retrieved.\n\n");

                        catch { tries++; }
                    if (guilds != null)
                        if (guilds.guild.Length > 1)
                            long        presetSum = 0;
                            List <uint> codes     = new List <uint>()
                                746381165, 876947886, 155433894, 237231378, 739661914, 729778685, 248266291, 272529563, 826671465, 279676631, 145914831, 163932394, 633275132, 412342476, 295692547, 437671438, 836422174, 824746243, 925653874, 922689332, 526651765, 937215723
                            List <GuildParse.Roster> test      = new List <GuildParse.Roster>();
                            GuildParse.Roster[]      shortRost = new GuildParse.Roster[guilds.guild[0].Roster.Length - codes.Count];
                            for (int j = 0; j < guilds.guild[0].Roster.Length; j++)
                                if (!codes.Contains(guilds.guild[0].Roster[j].AllyCode))
                                    presetSum += guilds.guild[0].Roster[j].Gp;
                            for (int i = 0; i < test.Count; i++)
                                shortRost[i] = test[i];
                            Console.WriteLine("doing math");
                            Console.WriteLine(commandFunctions.backtrack(0, presetSum, 200000000, shortRost));
                            //Console.WriteLine(commandFunctions.backtrack(0, 0, 200000000, guilds.guild[0].Roster));