Beispiel #1
 internal static void UPDATE_Local_Config_With_Central_Config(string WebPath, string LocalPath, string FileName)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Central_Config_File_Web_Cache))
         File_Operation.DELETE_File(LocalPath);    //remove old config file
         Wclient.DownloadFile(WebPath, LocalPath); //if match read local files
         File_Operation.DELETE_File(LocalPath);//remove old config file
         File_Operation.APPEND_AllTXT(LocalPath, Central_Config_File_Web_Cache);
     Error_Operation.Log_Error("GET_Central_Config_File()", "Updated " + FileName + " from " + WebPath + ". It was downloaded to " + LocalPath, "", Error_Operation.LogSeverity.Verbose, Error_Operation.EventID.SWELF_Central_Config_Changed);//log change
     if (File_Operation.CHECK_File_Encrypted(LocalPath) == false)
Beispiel #2
        internal static void Log_Error(string MethodNameInCode, string Message, string StackDetails, LogSeverity LogSeverity, EventID eventID = 0)
            if (Settings.Logging_Level_To_Report.ToLower() == "verbose")
                Message = Message + " Stack_Info=" + StackDetails;

            string msg = "DateTime=" + DateTime.Now.ToString(Settings.SWELF_Date_Time_Format) + "   SourceComputer=" + Settings.ComputerName + "   Severity=" + Severity_Levels[(int)LogSeverity] + "   Error_MethodInCode=" + MethodNameInCode + "   Error_Message=" + Message + "\n";

            try//write ALL to local error log 1st
                File_Operation.APPEND_AllTXT(Settings.GET_ErrorLog_Location, msg);
            catch (Exception e)
                    File_Operation.APPEND_AllTXT(Settings.SWELF_Log_File_Location + "\\" + Path.GetRandomFileName() + "_" + Settings.ErrorFile_FileName, msg);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    msg += "\nAdditional_ERROR: " + ex.Message.ToString() + " " + Settings.SWELF_PROC_Name + " was unable to write this error to a local file on this system at " + Settings.GET_ErrorLog_Location;
            if (Logging_Level_To_Report <= (int)LogSeverity)
                try//write to eventlog
                    WRITE_Errors_To_EventLog(MethodNameInCode, Message, LogSeverity, eventID);
                catch (Exception exc)
                    msg += "\nAdditional_ERROR: " + exc.Message.ToString() + " " + Settings.SWELF_PROC_Name + " was unable to write this error to the event log on this system";
                        File_Operation.APPEND_AllTXT(Settings.SWELF_Log_File_Location + "\\" + Path.GetRandomFileName() + "_" + Settings.ErrorFile_FileName, msg);
                    catch (Exception execp)
                        msg += "\nAdditional_ERROR: " + execp.Message.ToString() + " " + Settings.SWELF_PROC_Name + " was unable to write this error to a local file on this system at " + Settings.GET_ErrorLog_Location;
                try// send eventlog to collector
                catch (Exception p)
                    msg += "\nAdditional_ERROR: " + p.Message.ToString() + " " + Settings.SWELF_PROC_Name + " was unable to write error to Event Log";
                    try//write to eventlog
                        WRITE_Errors_To_EventLog(MethodNameInCode, Message, LogSeverity, eventID);
                    catch (Exception exc)
                        msg += "\nAdditional_ERROR: " + exc.Message.ToString() + " " + Settings.SWELF_PROC_Name + " was unable to write this error to the event log on this system";
                            File_Operation.APPEND_AllTXT(Settings.SWELF_Log_File_Location + "\\" + Path.GetRandomFileName() + "_" + Settings.ErrorFile_FileName, msg);
                        catch (Exception execp)
                            msg += "\nAdditional_ERROR: " + execp.Message.ToString() + " " + Settings.SWELF_PROC_Name + " was unable to write this error to a local file on this system at " + Settings.GET_ErrorLog_Location;